A hand clapped his shoulder. He tensed but refused to budge and give his father that satisfaction. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Rossi following Dominic's gaze into the crowd.
"See something you like?"
Dominic shrugged off his father's hand. The pain in his chest had faded, but a growing sense of dread replaced it. Dane growled. "Any idea who has been killing our sources?"
Rossi turned away from where Raelyn had disappeared among the crowd and glanced at his son. After a few second, he nodded. "When the Bacardis vanished, the other four families split their territory. I don't think the Mucis would be so ignorant as to steal a source from our side of the city."
Dominic narrowed his eyes. "You think someone's trying to frame the Mucis?"
His father studied him. "I think someone has a goal in mind and the Mucis are easy to frame."
Dominic nodded. "I'm chasing a lead at—"
"Go to Nightfare tomorrow night."
Dominic frowned. "That a waste of—"
Rossi silenced his son's protests with a hand. Then he turned and headed toward a silver Bentley. "And ensure your brother returns home."
Dominic gritted his teeth. "Yes, Father."
Dane leaned his head against Dominic's clenched fist as Rossi drove away. Then someone plowed into Dane, bouncing off the hulking dog and toppling back onto the pavement, cackling.
Dominic leaned down to help Gabrielle up. "Dane is twice your size."
The eight-year-old shrugged. "I will catch up with him eventually." He backed up a few steps before sprinting and ramming his shoulder into Dominic's side.
Dominic grabbed his brother, twisted him forward and lifting him off the ground. Gabrielle shouted for Dominic to put him down, which he reluctantly did after messing with his finely-combed hair.
Gabrielle grinned, lowering his shoulder for another attempt.
"Not now, Gabe. I've got to take you home and then get some work done. We can hang out tomorrow."
Gabe rolled his eyes. "Does this have something to do with that girl you were talking to?"
Dominic began walking toward his car, yanking on his brother's suit sleeve. "A stranger wanted to pet Dane. Is that so strange?"
Gabe allowed his brother to drag him over to the street. "Dane hates people."
"Dane hates vampires."
"Except for us."
Dominic nodded and opened the car door, gesturing for Gabe to slide in.
Gabe narrowed his eyes. "Would you tell me if you liked someone?"
"If you tell me when you do."
Gabe bit his lip, considering the proposition. Suddenly, a realization stuck his face and his cheeks reddened. "Fair enough. We keep our secrets." He slid in.
Dominic grinned and followed his embarrassed brother. "Ah. So who is the lucky lady?"
"She—she's not—"
Dominic laughed.
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