Even though it was noon, Raelyn still yawned as they sat at the dining room table. Since the gala, her body felt like a rubber band that has been stretched too far. First, the knife incident. Time had slowed. It was a strange sensation for her, but—like the light in her fingers—it felt strangely familiar.
"Okay, explain this to me again. I'm a vampire?"
Dominic nodded. "There's a chance your father was a vampire."
"And a source? And a hunter?"
Dominic shook his head. "Our working theory is that your mother may have been a hunter or a source. Or both."
"Is that why I've been having visions?"
"The Capos specialize in visions. All three of the boys and their father have them." Dominic rubbed his head. "How is this possible?"
Raelyn shrugged. "I feel like I should be asking that. I've always wondered who my dad was. I always assumed it was some deadbeat jerk my mom was too polite to talk bad about. Turns out he's a deadbeat vampire jerk my mom was too polite to talk about."
"Well, your mom and I are going to need an introduction."
Dominic frowned. "My father has slowly been amassing power. With the Mucis gone and the Lombards in my father's pocket, the Capos will be next."
"How can you be sure? What if he's fine with the power he has now?"
Dominic shook his head. "My father is a cruel man. He has tried to kill me more than once—if his heir isn't safe, the Capos certainly are not. We need to stop him. And we need to keep you far away from him."
"Why does that matter? If the Lombards are already in his pocket, there's no need to kill me so you can marry Barbie."
Gabe walked into the dining room, carrying a blanket. He tossed it over Rae's shoulders and she smiled at his kindness. Gabe stared at Dominic with startling clarity.
"Are we going to kill father?"
Dominic nearly choked on the water he was drinking. Raelyn gaped. "Gabe!"
Gabe took a seat at the third bar chair. "Father was behind the killing of the Bacardis, and because he was so thorough, there were none left. Their power went to Father. Now, he killed Muci—and we now know Muci had no heirs."
Goosebumps raced over Raelyn's arms despite the blanket. "That means..."
"Father has the power of three families." Dominic shook his head. "But father couldn't take the lineage from the Lombards. They're matrilineal. He would have to bond with...Jennifer." He shook his head. "Unless he kills everyone in the Lombards and Capos, there's no way."
"Victor and the boys are safe."
Raelyn knew that voice. She whirled and her jaw dropped. "Mom?"
Her mom stood there, wearing a black jacket and standing casually as though she hadn't just interrupted a conversation about warring vampire factions.
Dominic stood up and shook her mom's hand. "A pleasure to meet you." Raelyn's mom scanned Dominic skeptically.
Raelyn jumped up and threw her arms around her mother's neck. "Mom, what the heck is going on? Who is Victor?"
Her mom sighed. "Victor Capo, your father."
A shiver went down Raelyn's back. "What?"
Her mom nodded. "There's a lot I need to tell you."
"You're a vampire?"
Her mom smiled. "No, honey. I'm a hunter. A hunter who fell in love with a half-breed vampire source. A hunter who...knew that her baby girl was different from her triplets." Her mom swallowed.
"Your brothers."
Raelyn whirled to Dominic. "How is she here?"
Raelyn shook her head. "You can do the sunlight hand?" Her mom nodded. "I have brothers?" Her hands began to shake. "So not part of the plan."
Dominic slid his hand into hers. "Relax. You guys will have plenty of time to reconnect. She's here to take you someplace safe. With your family. Gabe will go, too." Gabe wailed a complaint.
Raelyn whirled on him. "And what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to kill my father."
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