The best way to suppress emotions was work, Rae determined. As much as she tried to blame Dominic for her near-death experience, something nagged at her. She had foreseen what happened. What if she was supposed to be there no matter what? Even if she didn't know Dominic?
She glanced down at her hand. Light had exploded from her hands, and now her hand was no longer broken. Her fingers healed in an instant and the cast was burned to ash. "What's happening to me?"
It had been a few days since she saw Dominic. His dark, curly hair haunted her. In any other situation, she would have positively melted at the attention of a wealthy, beautiful Italian man. But he was a vampire. And she was just a source—a fancy word for someone whose blood is especially tasty.
She shook her head and tried to focus on the project at hand. Another pile of folders slid toward her from the back of the filing cabinet. She groaned. "If I wasn't being paid..." Deciding that this demanded the company of a hot chocolate, Rae headed into the break room and got some hot water, mixing the powdered chocolate and reveling in the sweet warmth.
She glanced down at her watch. It was noon, and her growling stomach demanded satisfaction. She took her lunch from the fridge and headed back to her desk.
Her phone rang, but she ignored it. She had ignored every attempt of Dominic to reach her. Thankfully, he hadn't tried to contact her in person.
As she rounded the corner to her desk, she noticed her computer was on. She shook her mouse to wake it up. Weird. She saw a shadow moving and she froze. She was supposed to be alone in the office. Her cup of hot chocolate dropped.
Dr. Pina stormed out of his office and lashed out, smacking Rae across the face and grabbing a fistful of her hair. Panic flooded her veins, but she felt no pressure growing inside her.
"It's me! It's me!"
Raelyn yelped in pain as he started dragging her down the hallway. He led her into the supply closet and threw her to the ground. He turned on the lights and closed the doors.
Rae shuffled back in panic, glancing around the small room. "Dr. Pina. It's me. What is going on?"
"You know why I hired you? I wanted some easy fun at work. Someone who wouldn't mind romping in the supply closet every once and awhile. But no...I hired a prude." He stepped forward, looming over her. He reached down and grabbed her hair again, pulled her to her knees. "A prude and a hunter."
"What do you mean?" She reached up, trying to pry his hands away, but he had a firm grip. She leaned in to bite him, but he yanked her back and slapped her again.
"Stay still. You do anything, and I mean anything, and I'll snap your neck" He smirked. "You didn't think I would find out? I suspected that you were a source early on and the cut on your forehead confirmed it. But a source and a hunter?"
"What are you saying?" She frantically pried at his fingers.
"Let go of me or I will drain you dry."
Raelyn slowly lowered her hands and Dr. Pina released his grip on her hair. Her head throbbed in pain. She let out a sob, and he slapped her again.
"Shut up, slut." He unfastened his belt and Raelyn scooted back. He looped the belt. "Come here."
Raelyn hesitated.
He whipped the belt at her, snapping her shoulder and making her cry out in pain. "Don't make me ask again. Come here."
Raelyn grabbed her shoulder, wincing at the hot pain radiating down her arm. She complied, inching forward.
"Stay on your knees and put your hands behind your back."
Raelyn nodded, moving them behind her back. Her shoulder still ached. Once he stepped behind her, Raelyn moved her leg forward, lurching to her feet and charging the door. Dr. Pina must have anticipated this, because he lunged, grabbing the back of her shirt and yanking her back. Threads popped on her shirt, but she fell back.
Dr. Pina rolled her onto her stomach and pressed a knee into her back. "Fine, you want to fight? You want to wrestle, you little whore?" The pressure increased as he drove his knee into the small of her back. "Fine. Have it your way." He grabbed both her wrists and looped the belt through them. He tucked her hands under his knee and then yanked the makeshift handcuffs tight, looping the free end through a hole. He sighed and got off her.
"You know, I was going to make you my little blood whore. Then I got notice that you were a hunter. I have several bids out for your capture and others out for your death." He grabbed her bound wrists and flopped her onto her back. He straddled her waist and began pulling up her dress. She squealed. "Which one will I choose? Maybe if I have a good time, I'll let you live."
"You're a vampire?" Raelyn fought, but he tightened his thighs around her. "You're going to regret this." Her voice was desperate.
"And why is that?" he taunted.
"Two reasons."
He rolled his eyes and began unfastening his pants.
"One," she blathered, "I have a friend who does not like other people touching me."
As if in mockery, he reached out and pinched her hips. She yelped in pain, turning to the side. He froze. A finger lingered on the mark under her ear. "You're bonded?" He chuckled. "Well, someone is going to be pissed with me, but I think it'll be worth it." He leaned down and licked the mark on her neck. The mark sizzled and burned. "He's not going to rescue you now."
She ignored him and continued with her monologue. "Two. I'm an admin. I know the supply room in and out." With that, she yanked her knee up. While he was distracted, she had looped her foot around the base of one of the plastic shelving racks. When she pulled her foot, the entire rack began to fall.
Dr. Pina barely had a chance to look up before an old printer slid off the high shelf and landed on his head. Raelyn winced as pens and staples rained down on her, but Dr. Pina bore most of the damage.
She didn't have any time to lose. She scrambled out from under Dr. Pina and the shelving rack and managed to stand to her feet. The room spun, but she climbed over everything toward the door. She turned around and managed to pull the door open. Dr. Pina moaned inside.
Rae sprinted down the hall toward the office door. She turned around and tried the main door, but it was locked. Panic flooded her. She tried again, but to no avail. Her bound hands did little to help. She heard Dr. Pina roar with anger, and she darted toward the back of the office. She ducked into one of the cubicles of the office space and ducked under the desk, biting the fabric seat of the office chair to shield her from view.
"I know you're still here, Raelyn. And honestly, since you've been such a pain in my..." he stopped. "I can hear you."
Rae's froze, heart pounding.
Then, a knock came at the door.
"Who is—"
The sound of shattered glass echoed through the room and Raelyn heard Dr. Pina shout in pain. Then a loud thud.
Raelyn was shaking, teeth chattering in panic, pain, and anxiety. Footsteps drew closer. Then, from her hiding spot, she saw feet emerge. Someone glanced down and Raelyn flinched, trying to make herself small.
She opened her eyes and began to sob when she saw Dominic staring back at her. Dominic pulled the chair out and crouched to pull her from under the desk. She hurried out, desperate to be close to him. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her head against his chest.
He pulled back, brushing a soft hand against her cheek. She winced. He noted her makeshift handcuffs and pulled them off. Rae threw her arm around Dominic, desperate for his warmth and safety. Her entire body quivered. "Raelyn?" He kissed the top of her head. "What did he do?"
"He..." she swallowed, trying to get her breathing under control. Her chest ached and she clutched it. "He...tried to..."
Dominic shushed her. "I understand." He lifted her wrist to show her the heartbeat. 165. "I'm going to put you to sleep, okay? Two reasons. First, we need to lower your heartrate."
She shook her head. "No, I'm fine." She forced a deep breath and then again. Her heartbeat started to drop. Then, a swarm of emotions crashed over her. Her eyes widened. "Crap. I'm not going to have a job. This was not part of the plan." Her breaths began to quicken. "Crap. How am I supposed to pay for—"
Dominic slid a small syringe from his jacket and uncapped it. He pulled her closer into her embrace before quickly injecting her with the sedative.
Soon, her shaking and rambling ceased. Dominic held her for a few moments, taking calm, even breaths. Anger was useless if it didn't help him systematically disassemble the man who had done this to his blood-bonded.
Once her heartbeat leveled out, he picked her up and walked over to the door. Crockett stood just outside the shattered door. Dominic would have normally sent his man in to deal with the mess, but this was personal.
Dominic glanced down at Raelyn. Her hair was draped over her face, obscuring her features. Time for a change of plans. He handed his blood-bonded to Crockett. "Tell Iggy to keep the car running. Have him call Doc and meet us at my place."
He glanced over at Dane, who stood over Raelyn's boss growling lowly over the unconscious man. "Dane, go with them."
Dane snarled before turning and following Crockett and Raelyn down the hallway.
Soon, it was just Dominic and Raelyn's boss—she had mentioned his name, but he never considered the pathetical man worthy of his remembering. Ichabod. He'd call him Ichabod.
"Two reasons. Second, I don't want you seeing what I'm about to do."
Ichabod began to stir, moaning in pain. He lay in a pile of glass shards.
Dominic pulled out his dagger. He stalked up to the villain and yanked him to his feet. Ichabod's eyes went wide. "What did you do to her, Ichabod?"
"My name's—my name's Pina. Dr—" he stammered.
Dominic lifted the blade. "I honestly don't care what your name is." He sniffed. "I know a low-level vampire when I see one. If you want to survive, you're going to tell me every single detail of what you know about Raelyn. If you don't or you tell me something I know is false, I'll start carving you into pieces so I can stuff them and exhibit them in my home, understood?"
Dr. Pina nodded, his pants darkening.
Dominic threw him to the ground and sat on one of the office chairs. "Good. Start from the beginning then."
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