Chapter 9
(Y/N) continued to walk towards the Owlery at Hogwarts eager to send his letter off back home, as he walked along his enhanced hearing picked up a second set of footsteps following after him, he glanced back and saw that his follower was Abigail, who was doing her best to match his stride.
"Lady Saltstone, do you need to speak with me?" (Y/N) asked her curiously as he continued to walk with the smaller, Dark haired Girl walking with him.
"Nothing too urgent, I just wished to get to know you more, if I'm going to give you my blood, I'd like to know more of you, besides... we are fellow Slytherin's as well" Abigail said as she was working to keep up with her long legged housemate.
"Very well then, as long as you don't start spouting that same nonsense Malfoy does" (Y/N) replied to her, not interested in getting into a childish argument over blood purity when he was more invested in his studies, and learning to use this new power he possessed.
"Don't worry, I won't, so... where are you from?" Abigail asked him curiously, giving him a small smile as they walked together.
"I'm from a small Village, high up in the Mountains in Romania, my Family own a Castle that overshadows the Village" (Y/N) explained to her as he kept his eyes forward.
"Your Family own a Castle? Wow, are your Family nobility of some kind?" Abigail asked him, her bright blue eyes now full of questions, (Y/N) smiled at her interest and the two continued to speak as they made their way to the School's Owlery, with the two sharing details about each other and their families.
After a while they reached the Owlery and (Y/N) used one of the Owls that were roosting there to send his message back home to his Village, before they made their way to their next class.
The next morning came and it was time for (Y/N)'s first feeding session, he was walking through the halls to the School's Medical Wing, it was so if the worst did happen they would have Madame Pomfrey there to help treat the injuries.
"Mr. Dimitrescu, I see you have arrived..." Professor McGonagall observed as she gave her her usual strict look, and stood next to her was Amy, who was doing her best to give (Y/N) a mean look.
"Of course professor, I try to be punctual, I imagine leaving Miss Pond in suspense of what is to come would be stressful" (Y/N) replied to the older Woman in a calm and polite way, giving her a smile in response too.
"What? You think I'm scared of giving you a little blood?" Amy asked him as she crossed her arms over her chest and gave (Y/N) a look, challenging him to mock her or look down on her.
"Well... most Mortals tend to be rather frightful when imagining a Vampire's fangs sinking into their neck, drinking their blood" (Y/N) said as the corner of his mouth curled upward in a smirk as he let out a quiet chuckle at the look on Amy's face.
"Well I'm not like "most Mortals" as you put it, Mr. Vampire, so let's just get this over with so I can get on with my day" Amy said to him, sounding annoyed with the Slytherin Vampire.
"Very well, ladies first?" (Y/N) said, sounding completely unbothered by Amy's hostility as he opened the door, then stepped aside, holding it open for the both of them, Amy rolled her Green eyes and walked into the Infirmary followed by McGonagall, with (Y/N) walking in after them and closing the door behind him.
The Infirmary was empty at this time, thankfully, there were several simple cots in the room for patients to lay in while being treated, behind the beds on the left side of the room were windows that allowed the morning sun to shine into the room, causing (Y/N) to check that his outfit covered up his skin.
"Minerva, I see your the one to oversee this madness today?" asked an older looking woman who was dressed in Red and White robes, and a White hat with a veil hanging down to her upper back, and wore a brooch on the left side of her uniform, her hair was slightly Grey-Brown colour and she had Blue eyes.
"Yes, Poppy, and your here to treat Miss Pond if she requires it" McGonagall said back to the Matron of the Infirmary, who sighed and stood back to wait and see if she would be needed.
"Let's just get this over with" Amy said as she rolled up the sleeve of her robs, and offered (Y/N) her wrist as she gave him a defiant look, (Y/N) chuckled at her and took her wrist gently in his gloved hand, one hand holding hers and the other holding her forearm lowering his face to her wrist.
(Y/N) smirked internally as he felt Amy's pulse quicken in her veins, he then opened his mouth and his fangs extended as his Honey-Gold eyes glowed slightly, before he bit down on her wrist hard enough to break skin, Amy winced and watched him as he sucked on the wound, drawing her blood out and into his mouth.
Amy winced and watched him, while both Madam Pomfrey and McGonagall were also watching, the sounds of him sucking on the wound and drinking her blood, taking some big gulps of the Red-headed Scotswoman's blood.
"O-Okay... I think that's enough... right?" Amy asked as (Y/N) continued to suck on the bite on her wrist, he then removed his lips from her wrist and ran his tongue over his teeth and fangs, making a sucking sound as he released Amy's wrist, Madam Pomfrey quickly went to treat the wound.
"Hm... quite an interesting flavour you possess" (Y/N) said to Amy as he used the tissue that Pomfrey handed to him to wipe away the blood on the corners of his mouth and lips.
"Flavour? What are you talking about?" Amy asked him, sounding annoyed and a little worried now, while she was being healed from the bite and given a Blood Restoring Potion.
"Bold... with just a hint of fear, quite delectable" (Y/N) said to her with a grin on his face as he licked his lips, Amy's eyes widened at his words while Madam Pomfrey treated her wound and healed it quickly.
"There we go... all fixed up, if this bloody business is to be continued I shall have to insist I be present to make sure the injuries ate treated" Madam Pomfrey said with obvious dislike for this arrangement in her voice and body language.
"Understood, Poppy, now... Mr. Dimitrescu, Miss Pond, you should make your way to the Great Hall for breakfast" McGonagall said to both Amy and (Y/N), Amy quickly started to walk away while (Y/N) thanked her and then walked to the doors of the Infirmary and made his exit.
As he walked however he noticed that Amy was right in front of him and walking quickly, as if she were trying to get away from him, (Y/N) wasn't bothered in the least and continued to make his way to his way to the Great Hall, before Amy suddenly whirled around with an unamused expression on her face.
"Why are you following me? You already got your blood, your not getting any more" Amy said to him with annoyance in her voice, but there was also fear there, since she likely didn't have any means to defend herself if he attacked her.
"You have nothing to fear, Miss Pond, I have drank my fill, for now, I'm simply going to the Great Hall for Breakfast, the same as you" (Y/N) said to her as he stopped a few feet away from her, looking down at her with a raised brow.
"Alright, you go ahead then, so I can keep an eye on you" Amy said as she motioned for (Y/N) to go ahead of her.
"My, such a frightened Maiden under that bravado~" (Y/N) teased as he walked past her, continuing his way to the Great Hall, with Amy looking at him in disbelief, before she huffed and followed him to Breakfast.
They soon arrived and went to their tables, (Y/N) walking to the end of the table and sitting down before helping himself to some of the food on the table, while Amy walked her way to the Gryffindor table and sat down with a sigh next to Rose.
"Oh, hello Amy, so... how did it go?" Rose asked Amy curiously as she looked to her fellow housemate, before she glanced over to the Slytherin table, and saw (Y/N) enjoying his breakfast.
"Well, it hurt, but it's over with now at least, plus he said this strange thing when he was finished" Amy whispered back as she got herself some breakfast, piling some scrambled eggs and toast onto her plate.
"What did he say?" Rose asked curiously, as she turned her attention back to her friend, interested to hear more about this.
"He said that my blood had a "flavour", like he was sampling a drink or something" Amy told her, a bit creeped out about the fact her blood had a flavour to it, Rose was also quite surprised and went to ask more, when a certain someone walked over to Amy.
"Hey Amy" said a young man with Brown-Blonde hair, Green eyes, wearing Hufflepuff Robes, this was Rory Williams, Amy's boyfriend.
"Rory!" Amy said happily, smiling at him as she stood up and threw her arms around his body, hugging him before she placed a kiss on his lips, which he happily reciprocated.
The couple then started talking to each other, pretty much going into their own little world with each other, while some of their housemates watched them with smiles, Rose then looked over to (Y/N) and saw him eating his breakfast in a refined way, like a gentleman, she sighed and watched him with a dreamy look on her face.
"Rose? Earth to Rose? You alright?" someone said, snapping Rose out of her dazed staring, she turned her head back and smiled as she saw her two friends, Fred and George Weasley.
"Oh, hi boys, sorry I was distracted" Rose said to them, still sounding a bit distracted.
"We could tell" Fred said as he gave her a look.
"Question is, what's gotten you so distracted?" George asked her, Rose's cheeks went pink as she glanced back over to the Slytherin table, and saw (Y/N) was now speaking with Abigail Saltstone.
Fred and George saw where she was looking, before they looked to each other with raised brows and interested looks, while the twins spoke with their friend, Clara was also taking glances at the Slytherin Vampire, and then looking back down at the book she had checked out of the School Library, a book about Vampires.
She had been reading up on their kind ever since she found out what she and the others had signed themselves up for, and had been researching Vampires, though... it seemed that to her at least, (Y/N) was a somewhat unusual Vampire.
Penelope also took a glance over at young Dimitrescu, she was quite nervous about when her turn would come up, worried about where he might bite her, and also what Percy might think about her basically offering herself up as a food source to a blood drinking Vampire.
Meanwhile, Abigail was sat next to him at the Slytherin table, talking to him more and trying her best to learn more about her fellow Slytherin, she found him rather nice to talk to, much better than the Slytherin's who spent so much time going on about their family legacies or Blood Purity.
"Oh, looks like the mail's here" Abigail said with a smile as she looked upward, (Y/N) followed her eyes and saw many different kinds of Owls fly into the Great hall, dropping off letters and parcels to the students on all four tables, (Y/N) was still confused as to why they use Owls, and don't make some kind of Magical means to deliver mail, like a Floo Mailman or messenger service?
Breakfast passed them by, with Malfoy going over to snatch a Rememberall from Neville, but gave it back when Professor McGonagall walked over to them, (Y/N) just shook his head in annoyance at how childish Malfoy was, even though most of the students were eleven, soon Breakfast was finished and everyone got up to go to their classes.
(Y/N) and Abigail were walking together for the distance between their classes, while behind them a certain Blonde haired boy and his Troll-looking bodyguards looked at them with unhidden disgust.
"Why is she talking to that disgrace?" Malfoy asked himself as he glared at the taller man, knowing full well he couldn't do anything, since he was certain the (Y/N) could easily beat Crabbe and Goyle, thought both boys were too scared of him to try anything anyway.
At three thirty in the afternoon (Y/N) and his fellow First Year Slytherin's were making their way down to their first ever flying lesson, it was a clear, breezy day and the grass rippled under their feet as they made their way down toward a smooth lawn on the opposite side of the grounds to the Forbidden Forest.
(Y/N) made sure to pull the hood of his robes up over his head, to shield himself from the sunlight while he Slytherin's waited for the lesson to begin, he also noticed that there were two rows of brooms laying on the grass at their feet, after some time the First Year Gryffindor's had finally arrived, then their Teacher showed up, Madam Hooch had short grey hair and Yellow eyes, like a Hawk's.
"Good afternoon students, welcome to your first Flying Lesson" Madam Hooch said to the assembled students, though her eyes stopped when she saw (Y/N) stood at the end of one of the rows.
"Oh, well... I'm afraid you may have to sit this lesson out young man, your much too large for the brooms we have on hand" Madam Hooch said to him, Draco snorted in amusement that (Y/N) was too big to do something so cool.
"Very well Madam, I'll stand back and watch" (Y/N) said to her, also feeling glad that he didn't have to try flying on such a small, flimsy piece of wood to fly.
(Y/N) stepped back and watched the lesson go on, as the students were told how to have the Brooms come up to their hands, followed by a chorus of children saying "up", Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's Brooms quickly jumped into their hands, while the others took a few tries to have the Broom fly up into their hands, Hermione's just rolled around on the floor, and Neville's hadn't moved at all, (Y/N) did laugh quietly when Ron's suddenly flew up and smacked him right on the face.
Madam Hooch then showed them all how to properly mount their brooms, (Y/N) smirked when the Teacher told Malfoy he'd been holding his broom wrong for years.
"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard, keep your brooms steady, rise up a few feet and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly, on my whistle, three, two-" Madam Hooch said to the class as she brought out her whistle, however, as she counted down, Neville was nervous and worried about being left on the ground, and pushed off hard before the whistle had even touched Madam Hooch's lips!
"Mr. Longbottom. M-Mr. Longbottom! Come back down this instant!" Hooch said as Neville started rising up higher and suddenly flew away from the class, who quickly started to clamour with worry and surprise as Neville flew out of control!
(Y/N) joined the group of children and the Teacher, watching as Neville was screaming as his broom swayed and bucked like an angry, unbroken Horse, seeming like it was trying to throw the boy off, and making the assembled kids clamour with worry as Neville crashed into one of the walls several times.
Suddenly Neville came flying at them and everyone scrambled out of the way, with Madam Hooch diving out of the way as Neville flew through them and through an archway, then flying up, only for his robes to catch on the spear and leave him dangling high up in the air!
"Help!" Neville called out, sounding scared, when his robes tore and he fell, the other children gasped in fear, before his robes caught again on a brazier, and then Neville slipped out of his robes and fell, landing on the ground with a thud and a rather loud crack, Madam Hooch hurried over to him and checked on Neville, her face going as white as Neville's as she checked him over.
"Broken wrist, come on, boy, up you get, it's alright" Madam Hooch said as she helped the boy up off the ground, he was cradling his wrist and arm against his body, whimpering in pain.
"None of you is to move while I take this boy to the Hospital Wing! Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground, if I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say "Quidditch"" Madam Hooch said to the children, and (Y/N), as she led Neville away, whimpering in pain as he cradled his broken wrist.
"That boy's got the worst luck, how was he accepted here?" (Y/N) said to himself quietly as he watched the two walk away and into the Castle.
"Did you see his face, the great lump" Malfoy said as (Y/N) walked a few feet away, planning to watch and wait while ignoring Malfoy, after all, he didn't have a broom to fly with and just wanted to wait, Malfoy then noticed something shiny on the ground, he quickly snatched it up out of the grass.
"Oh look, it's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him" Malfoy said as he held up the Neville's Remembrall, making it glitter in the sun.
"Gove that here, Malfoy" Harry said quietly, this caused the others to stop talking and watched, while Malfoy smiled at Harry nastily.
"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere instead, somewhere Longbottom will have a hard time getting it back, maybe up a tree? Or, maybe on Dimitrescu there, he's tall enough to be a tree" Malfoy said as he smirked at (Y/N), however... he got annoyed when he got no reaction from the much taller young man, who seemed to just be ignoring him and his childish ways.
"Give it here!" Harry shouted at the Blonde, Malfoy just ignored him and leapt onto his broomstick and took off, flying up high away from the others, he seemed pretty good on the broom though.
"Come and get it, Potter!" Malfoy called down to Harry in a mocking way, Harry grabbed his broom and mounted it, fully intending to go after the other boy.
"Harry, no! Madam Hooch told us not to move, you'll get us all in trouble" Hermione said as she went over to Harry and tried to stop him from going, however, Harry ignored her and zoomed up into the air after Malfoy.
"What. An. Idiot" Hermione said in annoyance at being ignored, (Y/N) watched the two curiously, wanting to see what they could do on those brooms.
The Dimitrescu Boy watched the two up in the air and saw Malfoy seemed surprised that Harry was flying so well, (Y/N) watched as Harry chased Malfoy around on his broom, (Y/N) smirked as he saw how worried Malfoy was knowing he was basically on his own up there, without Crabbe and Goyle around he was really cowardly.
Then he saw Malfoy throw the Remembrall towards the Castle, and Harry sped past Malfoy to catch the falling glass ball, then Harry managed to catch it, but... he caught it right in front of a window, so he was most likely just seen, Harry then floated down to the ground, holding up the Remembrall like a prize while the others cheered and ran to him like he'd just won something.
"HARRY POTTER!" a very familiar and very scary voice shouted loudly, (Y/N) could hear Harry's heart racing from fear as his face paled slightly, at the sight of Professor McGonagall fast-walking towards the group with a face like thunder.
"Never, in all my time at Hogwarts, how dare you, you might have broken your neck!" McGonagall said, her voice full of shock and looking almost speechless at Harry's recklesness
"It wasn't his fault Professor-" said a young Indian girl, wanting to explain what had happened.
"Be quiet, Miss Patil" McGonagall said to the young girl, cutting her off.
"But Malfoy-" Ron started, also wanting to defend his best mate.
"That's enough, Mr. Weasley, Potter, follow me now" McGonagall said sternly, Harry had a look of regret and defeat on his face as he numbly followed McGonagall back into the Castle, the rest of the class watched as Harry was marched away, Malfoy looked proud of himself for getting Harry in trouble, while Ron looked downtrodden at the thought of his best friend possibly getting expelled, and Hermione just looked annoyed with the whole situation.
Some time had passed and now, Neville had his wrist fixed and he was allowed to leave and rejoined his fellow Gryffindors for dinner, after he had left (Y/N) and Amy went there and had his second feeding for the day, after that, they both joined the other students in the Great hall, eating dinner with their houses.
(Y/N) was eating slowly and using utensils, with Abigail sat next to him, it seemed she'd gotten quite comfortable with him after finding out his Vampirism, she glanced at him and then looked around the hall, she saw the others girls involved with this deal as well.
Amy was giving (Y/N) a suspicious scowl while her boyfriend Rory was talking about something, Rose was looking over at the two and had a look of anger on her face as she saw that Abigail was sat with him again, Clara was talking with some of the First Year Ravenclaws and also looking over at (Y/N) too, looking nervous but also intrigued, Penelope was talking with her boyfriend Percy Weasley, but, Abigail felt another set of eyes looking toward them, she looked around and soon saw a certain bushy haired know-it-all giving (Y/N) a look of annoyance.
(Y/N) glanced over to the Gryffindor Table and saw that Harry was in the Hall, and didn't look as worried as he did when McGonagall took him away for his joyride, meaning most likely that he wasn't in trouble for what happened in flying class, however...
"Looks like Malfoy and his friends are up to no good again" (Y/N) observed as he was looking over to the Gryffindor Table, Abigail looked over a (Y/N) took a bite of his dinner and she saw Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle seemed to be harassing Harry Potter, again.
"Why does he hate Potter so much anyway?" Abigail asked as she shook her head and went back to eating her own dinner, while the Dimitrescu boy swallowed his mouthful.
"I don't know, but from the sound of it he's challenging Potter to a duel at midnight" (Y/N) said as he set down his cutlery and cleaned his mouth with a napkin.
"What? Is he an idiot? If he get's caught out of bed he'll cost Slytherin points!" Abigail said in annoyance, not liking the idea of them losing points because of Malfoy and his rivalry with Harry Potter.
"Just ignore him, if he wants to make himself look bad in front of our house let him" (Y/N) said to her as he patted her back, before draining the last of the drink in his Goblet and setting it back down.
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