Chapter 3
A few days had passed by since the visit from Dumbledore and his fellow Teachers, (Y/N)'s mind had been blown when he found out that things such as Magic, Dragons, Witches and Wizards were in fact real!
Alcina didn't like that her Son would be going to a School so far across the world, but... her conversation with the Professors, and also the words of Mother Miranda, who she respected greatly, helped her to understand that his power could be quite dangerous if untrained.
(Y/N) knew that he needed this training, and he was also worried about accidentally hurting his Mother or his Sisters with these untrained abilities, or destroying the Castle in a fit of frustration, but now it was time to explain what would be happening to his Sisters...
Now, the Dimitrescu family were gathered in the Main Hall, with Lady Dimitrescu sitting down with an unhappy frown on her face, she had her favourite blood-red wine glass in her hand, half-full of her favourite Wine, while Bela, Daniela and Cassandra were sat down in chairs quietly, waiting to see what they were called down for.
"Mother? Big Brother? Why have you called for us?" Bela asked her Mother and older Brother curiously, Daniela was also wondering what they needed, while Cassandra seemed impatient to return to whatever she was planning to do before being called.
"Girl's I have something to tell you... your Brother is going away, and he won't be back for some time" Alcina said as she got ready for the girls to react to this new information, which came very quickly.
"B-But... big brother, why do you have to leave us?" Daniela asked her older brother, looking upset, Cassandra and Bela also looked confused and distraught at what they had just been told.
"Because, Daughters, (Y/N) has recently come into certain abilities that require special training in order to control" Alcina said to the three girls, still frowning as she saw how upset the girls were getting.
"But Mother! Surely he can be taught here? Can't Mother Miranda help him?" Bela asked, as she looked between her Mother and her older Brother.
"Unfortunately not, dear Sisters, this power is dangerous, and I need special training in order to control it, Mother Miranda and our Mother both approved of me going" (Y/N) replied to Bela, giving her a sad smile.
"And as you know, Daughters, Mother Miranda's word is law... despite my own reservations on the matter..." Lady Dimitrescu said as she took a drink of her Wine, with the frown still on her lips.
"What makes it so dangerous, Big Brother?" Bela asked as she looked to her Brother for answers, since it was his abilities, he would have to know the reason why.
"This power, it's linked to my emotions, if something were to happen like I get angry, or scared, it could lash out and harm one of you, or potentially destroy some of our Home" (Y/N) replied to the girls, giving them a serious look to show he wasn't playing with them.
"But you've never been angry, Big Brother, at least... we've never seen you get angry" Cassandra said as she stood from her seat, upset at the idea of her favourite hunting partner being gone almost all year long.
"No, I've been angry sometimes" (Y/N) said, as he thought about all the time he was kept in the Castle, because his Mother didn't want him to leave her sight, she'd never fully liked the idea of him being outside, after the incident years ago when he was much younger and... Mortal.
It also didn't help when (Y/N) would sneak out sometimes to see what was around the Castle, or at a certain... someone's insistence, for some outdoor activities, (Y/N) had also bene training to fight if needed, and this training could help him to show his Mother that he isn't helpless, and can look after himself.
"I have to go, Sisters, this new power is interesting, but... I don't want to risk harming any of you by accident, it would... break my heart, if I caused you harm, even if it were accidental" (Y/N) said, as he looked between his Mother and Sisters with a soft frown on his face, thinking about what could happen if his powers remained untrained, thinking of himself accidentally blowing out a window and exposing his Sisters to the cold, or accidentally blowing their mother up.
"B-But big Brother..." Daniela whined sadly, looking at her older Brother with big, yellow-gold eyes, silently begging that it was just a very mean joke, Cassandra looked mad and upset, and Bela looked like she wanted to protest as well.
"Daughters, it has already been decided, your Brother will be attending the School, but... he will be returning during the Holidays" Lady Dimitrescu said in a Motherly tone of voice, gentle but firm, the girls looked down in defeat.
"When will these Holidays be?" Daniela asked softly, wanting to know how long it would be until their Brother could return home again.
"I'll have to ask when they come back, later today" (Y/N) said to them, feeling bad about leaving them at home along, he would usually keep them company in the Castle, especially on days where it was too cold for them to go out and Hunt, or explore the Village and surrounding wilderness.
"They are coming back here?!" Cassandra, Bela and Daniela asked, their heads all snapping back up to look at their Brother and Mother, looks of surprise on their faces.
"Yes, they have to do something so I can reach the school easier than having to travel across Europe to Britain alone" (Y/N) said as he looked toward one of the windows, looking to the snowy land outside, not noticing the look shared between his Sisters, a look of agreement and determination.
"Hopefully they won't have sent any man-things... I will not abide men wandering my halls, and poking their noses into my private affairs" Lady Dimitrescu said, with a scowl on her face as she thought of men walking around her home as if they owned the place, (Y/N) looked to his Mother, he knew she disliked Man-Things a lot, though she obviously made an exception for him due to (Y/N) being her Son.
They sat and talked for a bit over some tea and blood, before there was a knock on the door of the Main Hall that connected to a hallway to the Entrance Hall, after a quick call, the doors were pushed open by one of the Maids that worked for the Family.
"My Lady, you have people waiting in the entrance hall... they say they are here for work on one of the Fire Places?" said the Maid as she stood by the doors nervously bowing, not looking directly at the Family out of fear of angering her Master's.
"I see, sent them in then, don't dawdle" Lady Dimitrescu said snappily, the Maid quickly bowed and hurried off to bring in the guests, a minute later the Maid returned with several women wearing formal robes, obviously employees of the Ministry of Magic, there was also a woman with long, light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and wearing a black dress with a heart-shaped locket around her neck.
Professor McGonagall was also there and she was watching as the Ministry Officials started their work on the Fire Place, with a cautious look in her eyes as her lips were pressed in a stern, thin line.
"Lady Dimitrescu, it's-it's wonderful to meet you, my first real Vampires! Wow you are both very, um... tall" said the woman, who gave a excited, yet nervous smile to the much taller Woman and (Y/N).
"And who are you?" Alcina asked the woman as she looked down at her, a smirk on her lips at the Woman's excitable nature, while (Y/N) found the woman to be quite attractive by Mortal Standards.
"Oh right, I'm Melinda Gordon, Department of Beings for Magical Creatures, I will be assisting your Son here with adjusting to the Wizarding World, and with his new circumstances" Melinda said as she opened a bag that she had and searched through it until she pulled out and handed (Y/N) a book, which he took reading the title curiously.
"The History of Magic, hmm..." (Y/N) said with interest, he was interested in a new subject to read in the Library on the coming Months, along with the books that were on the list of his School Supplies.
"Yeah, you see, normally with Students such as you they have some knowledge of the Magical World and can adjust but sometimes, a half-Blood will lose the Magical Parent before they can gain any knowledge of their heritage, and as such, sometimes a representative of the Ministry will come and tell them, though... your obviously a special case, with you not only having no magical parent present but also being, well... a Vampire" Melinda said as she looked up at (Y/N) with a warm smile, (Y/N) nodded to her with his own smile.
"Would you care to sit? We could talk more while these people do their work" Lady Dimitrescu said as she motioned to the nearby table, Melinda nodded and sat with (Y/N) and his Mother, they then started to talk over details of their trip to Diagon Alley, and answering Alcina's questions, Melinda also explained to them the Money System for the Wizarding World, and reassured Alcina that they could exchange Muggle Money for what (Y/N) would need to buy his school supplies, and other things, when they mentioned this, Alcina excused herself to go down to the Dimitrescu Family Vault, to collect some of the fortune to be exchanged, leaving (Y/N) to talk with Melinda.
While she was gone, Melinda and (Y/N) talked more, with her answering his questions while he drank Human Blood from a cup like he was drinking tea, the Witches from the Ministry worked their Magic on the Fire Place that was in the Main Hall of the Castle, with McGonagall overseeing the work, however... she then felt eyes on her and the other Witches, she glanced up and saw Bela, Cassandra and Daniela watching them with predatory looks in their eyes, as they were whispering to each other, throwing hateful glares at the Ministry Witches and the Professor.
It didn't take too long, but soon enough the Witches seemed to have finished with the Spell and finished connecting the Fire Place to the Floo Network, once they were done McGonagall approached them and handed over a bowl that was filled with glittering Green Powder.
"Now then, let us show you how to use the Floo Service, all you have to do it take a handful of this Floo Powder, say where you wish to go loudly and clearly and then, you throw down the powder, and you wait until you arrive at your destination" McGonagall said as she looked to both (Y/N) and his Mother who had just returned from the Vault, while Melinda walked over and stood beside McGonagall ready to explain anything they wanted to ask.
"Really? That seems rather simple, is there more to it?" (Y/N) asked the two woman curiously, thinking that it might require an incantation of some kind.
"Well, you have to not panic, usually people who travel for the first time get a bit spooked from the heat and the flames" Melinda explained to them, Alcina's head quickly snapping to her with wide eyes.
"Flames? Did you just say, flames?" Lady Dimitrescu asked, sounding worried and angry about this sudden information that was given to them, (Y/N) also seemed to be on guard now.
"Perhaps it would be best to just show you? Miss Gordon, would you care to demonstrate?" Minerva asked the brunette Woman, offering her some of the glittering, Green Powder, Melinda nodded her head and took a handful of the Powder, and stepped into the now larger Fire Place before she turned and faced the assembled group, who watched curiously.
"Diagon Alley" Melinda said loudly and clearly before she threw the powder down, and suddenly large, Emerald Green Flames burst from the floor of the Fire Place, making (Y/N), Lady Dimitrescu, Bela, Cassandra and Daniela flinch back and some covered their faces from the heat as Melinda's body was consumed by the flames.
"That's Floo Travel?!" Alcina exclaimed with wide eyes as she looked between Minerva and the now empty Fire Place, holding (Y/N) who now looked a little nervous about traveling this way, while his Sisters also looked surprised.
"Why yes, have no fear, Miss Gordon shall return shortly" McGonagall said calmly, though she could see the thee Sisters and Alcina getting angry, and her hand went to her Wand cautiously.
"You never mentioned about my Son having to stand in a Fire! Do you expect me to believe that he won't be harmed from this!?" Alcina growled as her eyes glowed, her pupils narrowed to Cat-like slits as she extended her long sword-like claws, Bela, Daniela and Cassandra drawing their Sickles and looking threateningly at the others.
"Mother, Sisters, let's not jump to conclusions now, please, be patient, and we'll see if this is truly as safe as they say" (Y/N) said calmly as he grabbed Alcina's arm to stop her from attacking the women, he knew that if they killed them Mother Miranda would punish them harshly.
"Big Brother! Y-You cannot possibly believe that-" Bela started when suddenly there was a loud whoosh of Emerald Green flames from the same Fire Place, and then out stepped Melinda, with some soot and ash on her skin in places, but otherwise looking completely unharmed.
"And that's how Floo travel works, it can be quite unnerving at times but you'll be just fine" Melinda said with a cheery smile on her face, which fell when she saw the looks on Lady Dimitrescu and (Y/N)'s Sister's faces.
"Fascinating... and it does not harm you?" (Y/N) said as he approached Melinda, looking amazed and interested in this new type of Magic he had seen, also glancing at the Fire Place.
"No, well... you just have to be careful to keep your elbows tucked in against your body, so you don't bang them on passing Fireplaces, and close your eyes so you don't get soot in your eyes, also, try not to fidget or panic so you don't come out in the wrong place, here, want to give it a go?" Melinda explained, before she motioned to the Fireplace, (Y/N) smiled and picked up his cloak, putting it on over his clothes before he walked to the Fireplace, and took a handful of Floo Powder.
"That's it, now just do as I said, and speak very clearly" Melinda said as she stepped in next to him, he nodded down to her as he pulled the hood over his head and (H/C) hair then he looked to his Mother and Sisters.
"I'll see you on the other side, Mother, Diagon Alley" (Y/N) said after clearing his throat before he threw down the handful of powder, causing Emerald Green Flames to burst forth from the ground, consuming both him and Melinda Gordon!
There was a burst of Emerald Fire in one of the places that the Floo Network connected to in Diagon Alley, Melinda walked out and into the Leaky Cauldron, smiling to herself as she saw the owner, Tom at the Bar.
"Hello Miss Gordon, I take it your demonstration went well?" Tom asked the beautiful woman in a friendly way, as some of the other patrons looked up from their drinks and lunch to see the new arrival.
"Yes, it reassured them, in fact, the Son is here with me" Melinda said as a gloved hand grabbed the edge of the Fireplace, then a large shape ducked through the opening, with the other hand holding the hood of his cloak down to his head, several patrons gaped at the size of the person who stepped through into the Pub as he stood up straight.
"Well, I must say that was quite an interesting experience" (Y/N) said to the smaller woman as he was patting the soot and ash off of his clothing, before he noticed the looks of surprise he was getting from the people in the Pub, also mixed with some intimidation.
"My word..." Tom said from behind the bar, looking intimidated by the much taller man who walked and stood closer to Melinda, before there was another burst of Green Fire from the exit to the Fireplace and out stepped Lady Dimitrescu and McGonagall, Lady D looking around at the many people with narrowed eyes as they were looking at her with a mix of fear, desire and jealousy, while McGonagall stood a few steps away and watched them both cautiously.
"Okay, follow me right this way, we'll get to Diagon Alley through the back" Melinda said before she walked ahead, with (Y/N), Lady Dimitrescu and McGonagall following her out the back of the Pub to a small alcove with several barrels inside, Alcina and (Y/N) didn't seem to impressed until Melinda tapped her Wand on several bricks in the wall, causing the bricks to shift and move, revealing a hidden opening!
"Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Melinda said with a flourish, as (Y/N) and Alcina looked through and saw the busy alley ahead, before they both ducked through the entrance and saw the street, with multiple different kinds of shops and services, (Y/N) almost had an Owl hit him in the head as it flew past them.
"My my, this is quite an interesting place" (Y/N) said as he smiled under his hood, his gold eyes scanning the crowds of people in the street, seeing many people, men, women, children, and many interesting wonders and Animals he had never seen before.
"So this is Diagon Alley? There seem to be quite a few people around" Lady Dimitrescu said as she looked at the Witches and Wizards that were walking around, some stopping and gaping at the two giants that were stood in the alley.
"Yeah, this is the main shopping district for Witches and Wizards in England, and where all students that attend Hogwarts go to pick up their school supplies, though it's quiet right now due to the School Year not starting for several Months, before we go to the shops, we'll need to make a stop at Gringotts so you can exchange your Money" Melinda said to them both, before she started walking ahead with (Y/N) following her, doing his best to stay composed and not lose control of himself from the sense of amazement he felt, his years growing up and living as a Noble making him stay composed.
Alcina walked alongside her Son, staying close to him while also looking around at the Shops in the Alley, growling to herself as she felt the eyes of a lot of Men, and even some Women watching her was she walked, she was very tempted to extend her Claws and slice the gawkers to bloody ribbons right here on the street.
McGonagall walked behind them, keeping a hand on her Wand just in case of emergencies with the tall Vampires, she was very uneasy about Alcina walking through Diagon Alley, and the annoyed, murderous looks she had under the brim of her large black Hat as people stared at her.
Soon enough Melinda led (Y/N) and his Mother to a large white building that seemed slightly slanted in places, the building having "Gringotts Bank" printed just above the door, they walked inside, with (Y/N) and his Mother not having to duck through the doorway for once and walking through the room, passing by multiple desks where short creatures with long fingers, pointed ears and noses and dark, slanted eyes.
"Those are Goblins, they run Gingotts Bank, we'll exchange your Money here and open an Account" Melinda said, seeming to sense the question forming in (Y/N)'s head as they walked, Alcina kept her eyes forward as they walked until they stopped at one of the desks, where one of the Goblins was writing something down, before he gave his attention to (Y/N) and Melinda.
"Hello, we're here to exchange Money, and also open an Account and Vault" (Y/N) said with confidence, surprising Melinda slightly who was prepared to do the talking.
"Very well, sign these documents to create your Account, after you have been given your Key we shall exchange your currency" the Goblin said as he looked at (Y/N), though... (Y/N) noticed a look of caution in the Goblin's dark eyes, (Y/N) internally smirked at this as he took the paper.
"Does anyone happen to have a pen?" he asked with a raised brow, melinda then opened her handbag and searched around in it.
"Here, you can use this" Melinda said as she offered (Y/N) a Quill and Ink, (Y/N) thanked her and took them from her hands, making Melinda blush slightly while Alcina raised a brow at her reaction, (Y/N) then dipped the Quill in the Ink Pot and carefully signed the paperwork where it was needed.
"Yes, everything seems to be in order, while your Key is being brought over we shall begin the exchange, please present the amount of currency you wish to exchange" the Goblin said as he handed the now-signed document to another Goblin, who walked away to file the document.
Alcina then handed him the bag, containing one thousand Lei from the Village, and he placed it on the desk, the Goblin glanced at the bag and took out a coin, looking at it with a raised brow, before he called for a set of scales to weigh the coin compared to another silver coin and hummed to himself as he did some calculations and math.
"Hmm... I haven't seen such currency before, but... these coins are all silver, at the current exchange rates and the weight of the Silver... the total exchange will be eight thousand seven hundred Galleons" the Goblin said, Melinda and McGonagall's jaws dropped at the total he was getting!
"Excellent, that should last me for quite some time" (Y/N) said with a pleased smile on his face, Alcina snorted slightly and covered her mouth with her gloved hand, her face hidden by her hat as she trembled from supressing her laughter at the shocked looks of Melinda and McGonagall.
"Blordak shall show you to your new Vault, Mr. Dimitrescu, you may oversee it and collect an amount of your finds you wish to carry" the Goblin said to the young man, who seemed quite pleased and eager to withdraw an amount and purchase what he needed for School.
The ride down was rather... bumpy, with Alcina uttering a string of curses in Romanian as she was holding her hat down on her head, while Melinda was clinging onto (Y/N)'s arm, and McGonagall sat still, they got off at Vault 513, where the Goblin, Blordak used the Key to open the Vault Doors, inside (Y/N) saw the pile of Gold Coins.
"Much like the hoard of a Dragon" Lady Dimitrescu said with a proud smile on her face, she planned to put aside more for him each year, to help him with his future in this world, (Y/N) went in and withdrew four-hundred Galleons, before they took the cart back up to the surface, and then exited the bank and back onto the Alley.
"How can anyone handle that infernal cart ride? I feel nauseated" Alcina groaned as she had her hand placed on her chest, willing her breakfast to stay in her stomach as she leaned on (Y/N) with her hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Mother, now hopefully we'll get to the easy part, collecting up what I need for my time at Hogwarts" (Y/N) said as he turned his gaze to the shops that were in view, wondering where to begin.
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