Chapter 22
(Y/N) walked alongside Hagrid toward the edge of the dark Forest, the Groundskeeper of Hogwarts holding his lamp up high as he led them down a narrow, winding earth track that disappeared into the thick Black trees, a light breeze blew through their hair as they looked into the Forest.
"Look there" Hagrid said as he stopped and pointed to a spot of grass close by, the group stopped and looked at what Hagrid was pointing toward, (Y/N) saw it, a silvery-looking fluid that was on the grass.
"See that stuff, there, shinin' on the ground? Tha's Unicorn Blood tha' is, there's a Unicorn in there tha's bin 'urt bad by summat, this is the second time in a week, I found one dead last Wednesday" Hagrid explained to them, (Y/N) looked at the Silvery blood and licked his lips, the temptation was there... however, he had read about Unicorns and knew the consequences of drinking Unicorn Blood.
"I assume we're going into the forest to find the creature and help if if possible?" (Y/N) asked Hagrid, taking his eyes away from the undrinkable life's blood that seemed to be taunting him and his curiosity.
"Ye, or ter put it out of it's misery" Hagrid said as he looked to him, his voice showing that he was not happy with the idea of having to end a creature's suffering, hoping they could help it.
"What if whatever hurt the Unicorn finds us first?!" Malfoy exclaimed in worry, looking around the dark Forest with wide eyes.
"There's nothing in tha Forest that'll hurt yeh as long as yer with me, Fang or (Y/N) 'ere" Hagrid said to the blonde haired boy as he motioned toward his giant Boarhound and the taller Slytherin student.
"Hagrid, considering the amount of blood I see, this Unicorn must have been running around in quite a panic, and the injury might be deep" (Y/N) said to him seriously as he scanned the surrounding Forest, the four younger students looking up to him.
"I want Dimitrescu" Malfoy suddenly said as he pointed at (Y/N), his thoughts being that he would be far safer with the tall man with him rather than the bloody Groundskeeper.
"Fine by me, you alrigh' with that?" Hagrid asked (Y/N), who looked to him and nodded with a serious look on his face.
"So me, Fang, Harry and Hermione'll go one way an' Draco, Neville an' Dimitrescu'll go the other way, if any of us find the Unicorn, we'll send up Green Sparks, right?" Hagrid explained to the students, before he looked over to (Y/N).
"(Y/N), yer mind showin' 'em?" Hagrid asked him, (Y/N) sighed and took out his Wand.
"Like this..." the Slytherin Vampire said as he raised his Wand skyward and cast the Spell, sending Green Sparks up into the night sky like a firework, the four children also followed his movements but did not cast the Spell.
"That's it, an' if anyone gets in trouble, send up Red Sparks, an' we'll all come an' find yeh, so be careful" Hagrid said to the students, before he walked off the left path with Harry, Hermione and Fang.
"Come along, you two... the sooner we get this done the sooner we can return to the Castle and to our beds" (Y/N) said to Neville and Draco, motioning the two children to follow him along the path in the trees as he took out his Wand and used the Lumos Spell to illuminate the path.
(Y/N)'s Honey-Gold eyes scanned the ground for the silvery blood of the Unicorn and keeping his eyes peeled for any unwanted and unexpected threats, he could hear Neville's whimpering as he followed behind the Slytherin vampire, while Draco stuck close to his fellow Snake, unwillingly doing what he was told by Hagrid.
"C-Could it be a W-W-Werewolf that's killing th-the Unicorns?" Neville asked in a trembling voice as his teary eyes watched the surrounding bushes and foliage for anything that looked dangerous.
"I doubt it, from what I've read on them, Unicorns can easily outpace a Werewolf... my guess is Poachers" (Y/N) commented as he raised his Wand up, shedding more light into their surroundings.
"Poachers? Who'd be stupid enough to try and poach Beasts from a School?" Malfoy said dismissively, before he jumped as he heard one of the nearby bushes rustle.
"If I recall correctly, Hogwarts underwent a veritable rash of Poaching incidents over one-hundred years ago, during the Goblin Rebellions led by Ranrok, these people were led by a Dark Wizard called Victor Rookwood, whose gang operated primarily in Hogsmeade Village" (Y/N) said to Malfoy and Longbottom as he continued to lead them alone the path, his best offensive Spells at the front of his mind in case they were attacked by anything.
"Woah... you know quite a lot" Neville said in surprise, seeming to be distracted from his own fear at least for now.
"So it happened one-hundred years ago, that doesn't mean it's happening now, with all the security around the Castle, Dimitrescu" Malfoy said with a bored drawl as he looked at his fellow's back, before returning his attention to the dark trees around them when (Y/M) suddenly stopped and turned to glance at him over his shoulder.
"You never know, Malfoy... sometimes things happen beyond our control, and unexpected troubles arise, personally, I hope it is simply Poachers, those can be handled far easier than the Dark Creatures that could slay a Unicorn" (Y/N) said to Draco with a dark and serious tone that made both boys shiver under his gaze, hammering home just how dangerous this situation could be.
The three continued to search for the fallen Unicorn, with (Y/N) occasionally looking upward at something in the branches above them, when he suddenly heard Neville let out a startled scream!
"Aaahhh!! V-Vermillius!" Neville called out as (Y/N) whirled around and pointed his Wand, only to see Malfoy jump back, his hands leaving Neville's shoulders as the Red Sparks shot up into the air above them.
"Malfoy! You childish little buffoon, what do you think you're doing?" (Y/N) said scoldingly as he grabbed Draco by the back of his shirt and effortlessly hoisted the boy up to his face, making the Malfoy boy let out a startled yelp from finding himself suddenly very high up on the air.
"P-Put me down! I'll tell me Father about this!" Draco exclaimed as he was flailing around and kicking slightly, very unhappy about being held up off the ground like this.
"This is exactly why Professor Snape insisted I be here... your foolishness will end up costing us more House points" (Y/N) replied to him in annoyance while Neville whimpered out an apology, feeling bad that he'd possibly caused trouble by getting scared by Malfoy's dumb prank.
However... they then heard the sound of rustling and heavy steps coming toward them, (Y/N) dropped Malfoy on the ground as Neville got behind him, whimpering fearfully as (Y/N) aimed his wand toward the sounds, thinking it may be some kind of large Beast charging at them, only for Hagrid to burst out of the foliage with his large Crossbow ready to fire, however, he realised there was no threat here, only the three he'd sent off.
"Wha's goin' on 'ere then?" Hagrid asked as he lowered his crossbow down, looking to (Y/N) for a proper explanation on why the Red Sparks had been shot.
"Apparently Malfoy thought it would be funny to sneak up on Longbottom and scare him, causing him to fire off the Red Sparks" (Y/N) explained to Hagrid as he also lowered his Wand, looking down at Malfoy in disapproval, the normally kind Groundskeeper looked at Draco angrily, causing such a ruckus while out on an important assignment.
However, a thought then struck the Slytherin Vampire.
"Hagrid... did you leave the other two alone?" (Y/N) asked Hagrid pointedly, thinking to himself that it may end badly if the famous Harry Potter and young Miss Granger were caught alone with only the cowardly Dog, Fang as protection.
"Oh, blimey!" Hagrid exclaimed in realisation before he turned and started to hurry back the way he came from, (Y/N) then made Neville and Draco move in front of him to keep a closer eye on the two boys as they made their way back.
(Honestly... leaving two young students alone in the woods with those things crawling around...) (Y/N) thought to himself as he looked up into the trees, seeing hairy, segmented legs and glittering dark eyes watching from the darkness above them.
"We'll be lucky ter catch anythin' now with the racket you fools were makin'!" Hagrid ranted in annoyance as he reached Harry, hermione and Fang, the Boarhound however looked nervous, like he'd seen or smelled something dangerous close by, making (Y/N) glance upward again.
"Right, we're changin' groups, Neville, you can stay with me an' 'ermione, 'arry, you go with (Y/N) an' this idiot" Hagrid said in annoyance as he motioned for Harry to go with (Y/N) and Malfoy.
Harry didn't seem too happy about this but he went over and joined (Y/N) and Draco, Hermione looked at the two with suspicion, she didn't like the idea of her friend being alone in the forest with two Slytherins, she knew the best Draco could do was insult Harry but she didn't know about (Y/N).
"Come along you two, stay in my sight at all times" (Y/N) said to the two younger boys as he ushered them along the path again, the three walked further into the Forest together, they walked for nearly half-an-hour, with (Y/N) lighting the way with his Wand, however... the path became more difficult to follow as the Tree's grew thicker.
"Did you hear that?" Draco exclaimed as a noise came from the tree's, his eyes darting around nervously.
"Probably just an Owl, don't be so jumpy, Malfoy" (Y/N) said dismissively as he looked back at how fellow Slytherin in annoyance, he really hoped he would at least earn some points back for this...
"I see more blood here" Harry said as he pointed to a rather thick spattering of Silvery blood that glistened in the moonlight that managed to get past the tree's canopy, the Unicorn must have been thrashing around in pain not long ago.
"Hmm... there's quite a lot of it too, the Beast must be close by... Nox" (Y/N) said seriously as he took the lead and walked ahead of Draco and Harry, as he extinguished his Wand and walked into a clearing among the trees, where they found the Unicorn.
It's body laid on the ground with it's legs splayed out wildly, as if the creature struggled until it's dying breath, it's mane spread out over the leafy ground, (Y/N) looked upon the corpse of the once majestic creature with a look of indifference, he was used to death at this point.
However... he then heard something from the tree's, a slithering sound from a nearby bush, before he saw a cloaked figure emerge like a beast that was stalking prey, the figure looked vaguely Humanoid in shape as it crawled along the leafy ground and stopped at the corpse of the Unicorn, they then lowered their head to the slash wound in the Unicorn's side and started to drink the blood that continued to ooze from the wound.
Suddenly Draco let out a loud, shrill scream and ran for it back the way they came from, causing the hooded figure to raise it's head up from it's "meal", silvery blood running down the figure's chin and lips as it's lips pulled back in a feral snarl.
"Să te blesteme, Malfoy!" (Y/N) quietly cursed as he pointed his Wand toward the figure as they rose up to their feet and began to stalk toward the two, suddenly Harry let out a pained yell and staggered backward, clutching his head as he fell.
"Incendio!" (Y/N) called out as he flicked his Wand at the oncoming creature, a jet of fire erupted from the tip of his Wand and hit the leafy ground and making the creature jump back and hiss at the tall young man, before the sound of galloping hooves came from behind them.
(Y/N) quickly stepped aside as he saw the body of a large Horse jump clean over Harry's fallen figure, and quickly charge at the creature he was just repelling, he then noticed the Humanoid body where the Horse's neck should be.
"A Centaur?" (Y/N) wondered to himself as he watched the young Horse-man raise up and kick his hooves at the robed figure, (Y/N) then watched as the figure turned and bolted off into the Dark Forest.
Now that the threat was gone, (Y/N) turned his attention to their timely saviour and took a closer look, he saw that this Centaur was a male by the look of his Humanoid body, he had long, White-Blonde hair, Pale-Blue eyes and a Palomino Horse body.
"Are you alright?" the Centaur asked as he looked between (Y/N) and Harry, who was breathing heavily and managed to stagger back up to his feet.
"Y-Yes, thank you, what was that thing?" Harry asked as he looked up at the Centaur, however the Horse-man didn't answer him, he looked at (Y/N) first and his eyes widened slightly in alarm, before he turned and looked at Harry.
"You are the Potter boy, you had best get back to Hagrid, the Forest is not safe at this time, especially for you" the Centaur said as he looked to Harry, however (Y/N) noticed how he pawed nervously at the ground with his hooves under his gaze.
"Can you ride? It will be much faster, my name is Firenze" the Centaur asked the young Gryffindor boy as he lowered himself down to allow him to climb onto his back, he then rose back up and looked to (Y/N) nervously.
"I apologise, your too large for me to carry" Firenze said as he pawed the ground more, looking ready to bolt when the sound of more hooves came, and two more Centaurs came charging into the clearing, one of them had Red hair and a matching beard with a Chestnut body and a long, Red haired tail.
The second Centaur was more wilder-looking, with black hair on his head and a black furred Horse body, the second he saw Harry on his fellow's back his face twisted in disapproval.
"Firenze! What are you doing? You have a Human on your back! Have you no shame? Acting as a common Mule?" the dark haired Centaur asked Firenze, sounding angry at the sight of Harry being on Firenze's back.
"Do you realise who this is? This is the Potter boy, the quicker he leaves this Forest, the better" Firenze replied to the other two as he motioned to Harry, who looked rather nervous now.
"What have you been telling these two? Remember, Firenze, we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens, have we not read what is to come in the movements of the planets?" the wild-looking Centaur said to Firenze in a reprimanding tone.
"I'm sure Firenze thought he was acting for the best" said the second centaur, his voice sounding gloomy as he pawed the ground nervously with his hoof.
"For the best! What is that to do with us? Centaurs are concerned with what has been foretold! It's not our business to run around like common Donkey's for foolish stray Humans lost in the forest!" the Dark haired Horse-man exclaimed as he pointed at both Harry and (Y/N), who snorted quietly at this creature's attitude.
"Do you not see that Unicorn?" Firenze bellowed at his fellows as he pointed to the dead Unicorn on the ground, making his fellows glance to it briefly.
"Do you not understand why it was killed? Or have the Planets not let you in on that secret? I set myself against what is lurking in this forest, Bane, with Humans if I must!" Firenze said to the other two before he whirled around and took off into the dark forest with Harry Potter on his back, leaving the Dimitrescu boy behind with the other two Centaurs.
"What are you still doing here, Human? Leave! This is no business of yours" Bane then said to (Y/N), giving him a look that clearly said he was angry, likely from the reprimand from his fellow, Firenze.
"Hmph, I fear nothing in this wood, and certainly not you... you snorting pit pony" (Y/N) replied to him with narrowed eyes as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, he truly wasn't afraid of the creatures here, with the Black God's gifts he has no need to fear anything.
Bane then started stomping and kicked his back legs as he drew a longbow and arrow, aiming it at the taller young man, the Centaur behind him looked startled at his companion as he aimed an arrow at (Y/N), who was not intimidated in the slightest, and simply drew his Wand at the Centaur.
"Bane, no! Don't! Pluto's influence is over this one..." the Chestnut Centaur exclaimed at him, this made (Y/N) confused, he remembered something from Astrology class about the Planets and Stars but couldn't quite remember Pluto's meaning.
However, he was broken out of his thoughts when something thudded into his chest, he glanced to the spot and saw the shaft of an arrow embedded in his flesh, and likely puncturing his lung.
"I see... so that's how you wish to handle this, then, Locomotor Wibbly" (Y/N) said as he looked back toward Bane and whipped his Wand at him, suddenly Bane let out a startled shout as his four Horse legs gave out under him, his heavy body landing on the leafy ground with a thud.
"Diffindo" (Y/N) said coldly as he moved his Wand, the Spell severing Bane's Longbow in half, the weapon no longer useable, he then aimed his Wand toward the Chestnut Centaur, who backed away with his arms raised.
"'old on now! Stop!" Hagrid shouted loudly as he rushed into the clearing, panting and sweating after seemingly running to this spot, followed by Firenze, who quickly got between the two sides to prevent further fighting.
"Bane! Are you trying to provoke the Headmaster? Dumbledore will be displeased with this action!" Firenze exclaimed as he looked down to his fellow Centaur, who was continuously trying to stand back up but couldn't due to his legs wobbling so much.
"'E's righ'! Dumbledore won't be 'appy if you- oh blimey, ye shot 'im?!" Hagrid said as he came over huffing and puffing, only to see the arrow lodged in (Y/N)'s chest and his eyes went wide like saucers.
"Calm yourself, Hagrid, this is nothing to me, now, I assume the task for this Detention is concluded now? Yes?" (Y/N) said to him casually, as if an arrow wasn't currently lodged in-between his ribs and piercing his lung.
"Oh, uh, yeah... I suppose so" Hagrid said in surprise, looking at the nearly ten foot tall young man and wondering how he wasn't in pain from the arrow.
"Good, then I assume I can return to the Slytherin Dorms and sleep?" (Y/N) said as he turned and started to walk back toward the Castle, leaving Hagrid to have a conversation with the three Centaurs.
"'old on now, ye can't go back ter bed, ye got an arrow in yer chest!" Hagrid called out as he hurried after the tall young man, who stopped and looked down at the arrow.
"Ah, right..." he said as if it were a something small and inconvenient, like having a splinter stuck in his finger, he then grabbed onto the shaft of the arrow and pulled out out of his chest with a slight grunt, holding the arrow up and seeing his blessed blood on it, he simply snapped the arrow and tossed the unbloodied part back toward the Centaurs.
"Now... if there is nothing else, my good man, I believe you should inform Dumbledore about this incident, as well as explain to me why you chose to keep a potential threat a secret" (Y/N) said to him as he tucked the arrowhead away into his Robes, speaking in a formal tne of voice as he brushed himself down.
"Threat? Wha're ye talkin' about?" Hagrid asked him, thinking he was speaking about the creature that had slain the poor Unicorn.
"I'm talking about the large, eight legged stalkers watching us from the trees, Hagrid" (Y/N) said to him in a serious tone of voice, his Honey-Gold eyes moving to the dark canopy above them before locking with the Keeper of Keys and Ground's eyes, which suddenly filled with worry.
A few days had passed by since that Detention he had to assist Hagrid, he had of course gotten a thorough explanation with Dumbledore's assistance about the Acromantula's that made their home in the Forbidden Forest, which made (Y/N) assume that must be why the Forest was off limits to everyone.
Personally he thought it was very irresponsible to have such deadly, opportunistic predators lair so close to the School, what was to stop them from snatching a student or two after all, or swarming the castle?
But he's decided to put that complaint to the back of his mind for now, the End of Year Exams were finally upon them, and he would have to devote all of his time and attention to those so he would be permitted to attend Second Year at Hogwarts.
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