Chapter 20
Clara let out a startled grunt as she hit the stone floor, she then looked back and gasped as the door to the room was slammed shut and she was plunged into darkness!
Clara was taking shaky breaths as she tried to stay calm, this was very, VERY bad, Malfoy just trapped her in a dark room with Devil's Snare, she tried to calm herself down and remember what she had read about this deadly plant.
"O-Okay... Devil's Snare, they-they don't like bright light so-!" Clara said to herself before she gasped as she felt the plant's vines begin to wrap around her legs!
The little girl felt the vines wrapping around her and already starting to constrict around her body, in seconds her arms were trapped and she felt the vines wrap around her neck and start to strangle her, before the door was kicked open with force.
"Planta blestemata! Lumos Solem!" (Y/N) cursed in his native language, before he aimed his Wand at the mass of constricting vines and tendrils and a bright flash of Sunlight illuminated the room, many of the tendrils started to writhe and thrash around from the sudden assault of light.
Some of the vines even seemed to catch fire and burn from the light as they hurriedly released Clara, who gasped and coughed as she clutched her aching neck, (Y/N) quickly went in and pulled her out of the room as the light faded from the end of his Wand.
(Y/N) lowered his wand as Clara was clinging to his robes, choking and gasping to fill her lungs with air as she gently rubbed her sore neck with her other hand, Professor Sprout then hurried over to her and started to check her over.
"There there, it's alright, let me take a look... Mr. Dimitrescu, would you take Miss Oswald to the Hospital Wing? I will join you there shortly" Professor Sprout asked the tall young man, who nodded to her as Abigail also came over to help Clara to the Medical Wing, the two then escorted the girl there, as Sprout rounded on Draco with a face like thunder.
They soon reached the Hospital Wing, and Clara was being checked over by Madam Pomfrey, while (Y/N) and Abigail stood close by, (Y/N) wanting to ensure that the girl would be okay, he couldn't lose one of the girls who gave him blood after all.
"Yes, that is some bad bruising, never worry... I have some Bruisewort Balm on hand, honestly, playing around with Devil's Snare is a quick way to an early death young lady" Madam Pomfrey said as she went and picked up a bottle from her Potion's tray.
"Lady Pomfrey, it's not as though she did this on purpose, if Malfoy hadn't knocked the Professor out of the doorway she would have been fine" (Y/N) said to her as he stood back and watched the Matron carefully pour some of the Blue liquid onto her hand.
"Yes, well... Professor Sprout should have thought more before bringing students to such a deadly Plant, alright Miss Oswald, hold still, I'll begin with the bruising around your neck..." Madam Pomfrey said to the younger girl, who nodded and raised her head up, wincing slightly from the dull ache that the bruise on her neck caused as she moved her head to allow the Nurse to access.
The School Nurse then started to apply the Balm to the girl's neck, after a while (Y/N) and Abigail wished Clara well and left so the rest of her bruising could be dealt with in privacy, Professor Sprout was very unhappy with how wrong the class went and took twenty-five points from Slytherin, though she gave those points back as a reward to (Y/N) for saving Clara's life.
Clara was thankfully out of the Hospital Wing the next day, and she was very thankful to the Dimitrescu boy for saving her life.
A few days passed by since that day and now it was the day of the Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, quite a few Slytherin's had come to watch the match in hopes that Gryffindor would lose, believing it was a given with their Head of House refereeing the match.
(Y/N) however didn't really care about it, he just came to watch the game and afterward he would return to reading his books or practising some Spells, or perhaps he'd try to brew a new Potion?
"Ooh, Professor Snape doesn't look happy..." Abigail said as she saw the look of anger on Professor Snape's face, (Y/N) followed her gaze and he saw the Professor's look too, he must be REALLY unhappy about something.
"Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone want a bet? How about you, Weasley?" Draco said obnoxiously close by, causing (Y/N) to glance over and see the Blonde haired man-thing child antagonising the Weasley boy, and his two Trolls in Human skin laughing with him, this caused (Y/N) to shake his head.
(Remember (Y/N), they are only children...) he reminded himself as he turned his attention back to the game, watching the two teams zoom around the pitch on their brooms, (Y/N) then saw a Bludger almost hit the Professor, who the gave Hufflepuff a penalty for that while Harry circled up above the game to watch for the Golden Snitch.
"You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team? It's people they feel sorry for" Malfoy said loudly, while Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty for seemingly no reason at all.
"See, there's Potter, whose got no parents, then there's the Weasley's, who've got no money, you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains" Malfoy said to the other Gryffindor boy, who turned bright Red from the insult.
"Malfoy, do you really have nothing better to do that act like a fool? What would your family think seeing you act like such a disgrace?" (Y/N) muttered to himself as he shook his head, when suddenly the Weasley boy launched himself at Malfoy and a fight broke out between the boys.
Abigail quickly moved behind (Y/N) with a look of disapproval at the flying fists, she really didn't want to get accidentally punched by one of these idiots, then suddenly the crowd erupted into cheers as Harry caught the Snitch!
The Gryffindor students flooded onto the pitch, lifting Harry onto their shoulders in celebration while (Y/N) noticed Professor Snape spit on the ground and angrily storm off, something told the Slytherin Vampire and Abigail that he would be in a very bad mood for a while... wonderful.
Some time had passed since the game, Malfoy had gotten a Black eye from his fist fight with the Weasley boy and Longbottom had been knocked out by Crabbe and Goyle, Abigail just stayed away from the idiots and stuck close to her tall friend.
Right now she was sat with her dark haired friend in the Library, she was bored while (Y/N) seemed to be absorbed in the book he was reading, at least until suddenly Amy and Clara came over to them both, Amy looking serious while Clara had a look of curiosity.
"Hello you two, (Y/N), what are you doing?" Amy asked as she came over with Clara, who looked a little fidgety.
"I'm preparing myself for the End of Year Exams, they are only a few weeks away and I wish to be ready to go through into the Second Year" (Y/N) said as he kept his gaze upon the printed words in the pages of the text book he was reading, memorising the knowledge held within and also taking notes.
"Your really studying that far ahead? You really take this work seriously, if only others would do the same" Abigail said as she looked at him with surprise and admiration.
"Of course... if I get held back because I allowed my grades to slip, then I would disappoint my family and bring shame to my House" (Y/N) said seriously as he then held a page and took a note with his Quill, the girls looked at him in slight surprise, thinking he was making too big of a deal out of studying, especially with weeks left to the actual Exam, Amy then looked at Clara and nudged her.
"Oh, right, (Y/N), Abigail, can you both come with us?" Clara asked as she looked a little nervous, her Brown eyes going between (Y/N) Dimitrescu, Abigail and Amy.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" Abigail asked the two curiously, (Y/N) also looked over to the two girls, wondering what they would need from the two of them?
"Not sure, it's Potter, Weasley and Granger... we think they're up to something" Amy said to the two Slytherins with a serious look on her face,
"Up to something, Lady Pond?" (Y/N) asked her as he turned in his seat to give the two his full attention, the three younger girls all suddenly felt like they were being confronted by one of the Professors.
"Yeah, they've been acting weird since the Quidditch game last week, Ron practically jumped down my throat when I was talking about Quirrell's stutter in class" Amy said with a look of annoyance as she though back to that embarrassing scene.
"Surely that's not the only reason?" Abigail asked them both, really hoping they weren't thinking something was happening just because of that, thinking that Amy was just mad that Ron had made a scene in the hallway.
"Well... we just saw the three of them sneak into the Third Floor Corridor a bit ago" Clara added in hesitantly, that surprised Abigail and (Y/N), who remembered the Headmaster's warning about that Corridor at the beginning of the Year.
"The Third Floor Corridor? The one that the Headmaster said was off limits unless you wanted to suffer a most painful death?" (Y/N) asked her curiously, he had assumed that the "painful death" would have been some kind of enchantment or curse that would affect anyone who stepped into said Corridor, yet... those three were visiting it and leaving with no risk?
"Yeah, it's strange... they went in there and then went out again after a minute or so, saying stuff like "it's still there" and looked really relieved" Clara explained further to them both.
""It's still there"? What's still there?" Abigail wondered to herself, her curiosity was also growing, if those three could go there and see this "forbidden" corridor, then why can't they also go and see what was there?
"We don't know, but we were thinking about going to see what it is" Amy said to them both as her lips curled into a smile.
"That's not a good idea girls, not only because whatever is there may kill you, but also what would you do if you were caught by one of the Professors?" (Y/N) asked them seriously, he was still not sure what kind of dangers there were in the Magical World but he was very curious about what this thing might be.
"That's why your coming of course" Amy said to the taller man as if it were obvious.
"What she means is... we could really use your help, (Y/N), your very good with Magic and your... very big so, if something happens you can protect us" Clara added in to the conversation, her Ravenclaw thirst for knowledge showing through her curiosity.
"You all realise if we're caught we'll likely get in very big trouble and I don't mean just losing House Points, we might get expelled?" Abigail reminded them, being the voice of reason in this situation, and she was also very nervous about what may be in that Corridor.
"Then we just have to make sure we're not caught" Amy said as if it were that simple.
"So, um... are you going to help us, (Y/N)?" Clara asked him nervously, but also giving him her best attempt at a pout to try and convince him to assist them.
(Y/N) kept his Honey-Gold eyes on the three girls as he went into thought, on the one hand if they were caught they would be in serious trouble, and the last thing he'd want is to put shame on the Dimitrescu name, especially if this incident ended up getting him expelled, however... if it were truly so dangerous, then how could those three students, those three children, manage to casually walk into this out-of-bounds Corridor and face no repercussions for their repeated trespasses?
Then again... the Headmaster and some of the Professors seemed to have a soft spot for that Potter boy, allowing him to be on the Gryffindor Team despite the rule of First Years not being allowed to try out, or own a Broom, and Leo also knew all about the fact almost everyone in the school knew of that boy, because of the fact he somehow managed to kill a powerful Dark Wizard as a baby, which still made no sense to him, he was also rather interested in what those three were sneaking off to gawk at.
"Very well, I admit I am also curious to see what this thing may be, however, you will follow my lead" (Y/N) said as he closed his book brushing down his robes as he stood up from his seat, looking to the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor First Years seriously, making them both gulp and nod to him quickly before they looked to Abigail, who looked surprised that her friend had agreed to do this.
"Fine... but if we lose House Points or get expelled for this I'm turning all of you into Frogs" Abigail said with an annoyed huff, causing Clara and Amy to fist pump in victory, while (Y/N) smiled and rolled his eyes as he returned the books to their shelves and his notes to his pack.
The four of them then left the Library and made their way to the Grand Staircase and started going up, when suddenly the steps they were on detached from the wall and started to slowly swing over, making the girls and the tall young man hold onto the stone rails of the stairs as they changed.
"How has nobody fallen off one of these?" Clara wondered aloud as they held on, with Clara refusing to look over the edge.
"Not something I want to think about, Clara!" Abigail exclaimed as she clung onto (Y/N)'s robes, while he also held onto the railing while crouching down slightly, soon the stairs connected and they then hurried the rest of the way up and reached the doorway to the Third Floor Corridor.
"Alright... here's the Corridor" Amy said to the group, as they looked into the darkened entryway with some excitement for the mystery.
"Hold on, before we go in... is Mrs. Norris or any Professors around?" Abigail asked nervously, the others glanced around themselves, and didn't see anyone.
"I don't see anyone, how about you, (Y/N)?" Clara asked as she looked up at the Slytherin Vampire, who was carefully looking around before he looked back down to the three girls.
"No, Lady Oswald, I see no one" (Y/N) said to the girls, using his enhanced senses to listen out for the voices of the Professors.
"Alright, let's do this quickly then, before anyone shows up" Amy said with determination, before she turned and marched into the entryway for the Third Floor Corridor, (Y/N) then ducked through the doorway and stood up, Clara and Abigail then followed them inside.
The Hallway was dark and very dusty, cobwebs hung from pillars and statues, however the area was suddenly lit up by a Brazier, which seemed to light up by itself, probably with Magic.
"Is this it? A dusty Corridor?" Abigail asked in confusion as she looked around the hallway, only seeing what she could from the lit Brazier on the stone column.
"There's got to be more to it, why else would it be forbidden to even come here?" Clara wondered to herself as she blew a dusty cobweb away, which then started to slowly drift through the air toward the ground.
"Perhaps the reason it's closed off to everyone may be further in?" (Y/N) suggested to the children as he pointed down the darkened Corridor, the girls followed his gaze and suddenly grew very nervous.
Now that they were actually here and looking into the darkened passageway, they started to imagine why this Corridor was made out of bounds, imagining what kind of Magical Monster may be lurking in that darkness, or what kind of curse or dark object may be there, the girls imagined a shadowy figure watching them from the darkness, before a second Brazier lit up, making all three of them jump in fright, barely holding in screams when they noticed the taller member of their group walking on ahead.
"(Y-Y/N), what are you doing?!" Abigail asked him nervously, he stopped and turned back to them, looking confused.
"Going to see what's down there? Isn't that the whole reason we came here?" (Y/N) asked the girls with a raised brow.
"Aren't you scared?" Clara asked him as she was holding onto Amy and Abigail's robes.
"No, I don't see anything to be scared of" he said as he then kept walking, lighting more of the Braziers as he advanced, the Girls all realised they would be left behind and ran after him, sticking close to the tall young man for safety, (Y/N) walked slowly and cautiously along the Corridor, examining the dusty walls and statues while the girls huddled close to him until they soon reached a locked door.
The four looked at the door and the Dimitrescu boy approached the door and stayed quiet, using his enhanced senses to listen at the door, he heard something on the other side of the door, breathing... Clara went to ask him what he could hear, when he held up his hand and then checked the door, only to find it was locked.
"The door's locked" he said to the girls, when they heard a loud sound from inside the room that startled the girls, who all hid behind (Y/N) and clung to his robes, he then drew his Wand and watched the door with focus, ready to strike if something tried to break through the door and attack them.
"I think we know what those three came here for now..." Abigail said as she held onto her taller, and older friend, her bright Blue eyes watching the door with fear.
"What do you think's on the other side of that door?" Amy wondered as she stayed behind Leo, but didn't want to admit she was scared of whatever was making that noise.
"Whatever it is, it sounds very... unfriendly" Clara said as her eyes had gone wide as she backed away from the door, peeking around Leo's leg.
"It sounds like a Dog..." (Y/N) said as he kept his Wand aimed toward the door, already thinking of Spells to cast at whatever might come through that door, however, he eased up when he only heard gentle sounds from inside the room.
"I think it's asleep, so, what do you want to do, girls?" (Y/N) asked the three, glancing back to them as he lowered his Wand, but kept himself ready just in case something did try to break through and attack them.
"I-I think I've seen enough, I'm ready to go now" Clara said nervously as she looked up at Leo, Abigail nodded her head in agreement as she swallowed her saliva.
"I want to see what's inside" Amy said with determination in her voice, her Green eyes locked on the door.
"Amy! Are you crazy?! We don't know what's in there!" Abigail whisper-yelled at the Scots-girl.
"(Y/N) just said it was a Dog, how bad could it be?" Amy asked as she went to the door and used Alohamora to unlock the door and open it, the group then saw what was inside... a very large Dog, with Black fur and also... THREE HEADS!
The Dog's heads looked toward the door and then started growling and baring their teeth at the strangers it saw there, before it could even bark (Y/N) slammed the door shut in it's faces.
"Colloportus!" the taller man said before he scooped all three girls up in his arms and hurried away from the door, which started to rattle and bang loudly behind them, he didn't stop until they got back to the Moving Staircases and he put the girls down.
At least now they knew what was on the Third floor...
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