Chapter 2
"I'm sorry, what? A school for Witchcraft and Wizardry?" (Y/N) asked Dumbledore, looking confused about how something like this could possibly be real, magic was just something for fairy tales, like the Village of Shadows story... right?
"Oh, how gauche, what nonsense is this? Did you simply come here to try and play some fantastic scam on my Son?" Lady Dimitrescu asked Dumbledore, sounding unimpressed with the older man's words, giving him a haughty expression as well.
"I assure you, Lady Dimitrescu, this is fully serious... your Son has been selected to attend one of the few magical Schools in all the world, and Hogwarts is by far the most well known of them all" Dumbledore said to her in a wizened voice, as his eyes locked with Alcina's from across the Table.
"Surprising, considering I have never heard of such schools before" (Y/N) said as he folded the letter neatly and set it down on the Dining Room table, before he turned his attention back toward the Headmaster of the School.
"Tha'd make sense, wha' with 'em being schools for Magic an' all, can't be lettin' the Muggles know about 'em" said the large hairy man as he was standing close to his companions, since there weren't too many chairs around that were in his size.
"Muggles? Is that some slang term I'm unaware of?" (Y/N) asked sounding confused, he had heard quite a few insults that his Mother would hurl, but never heard of that word before.
"Muggle is the word used for non-magical people, the ones who are... normal, as they like to call themselves" said the man in the dark robes, as he kept his eyes on both (Y/N) and Lady Dimitrescu, eyeing them both cautiously from his seat to Dumbledore's left side.
"My, such nonsense words you spout... going so far to try and sell your lies to one of my children" Lady Dimitrescu scoffed, as she lit herself a cigarette and placed it in her smoking pipe, looking annoyed with this seemingly pointless conversation.
Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound as a swarm of large Flies came through the doors of the Kitchen and into the Dining Room, passing by the four guests who swatted at some of the Insects, before the swarm of Flies all gathered at a spot to Lady Dimitrescu's right hand side and changed into (Y/N)'s youngest sister, Daniela, much to the surprise of the four people visiting the Castle.
"Mother, Brother... are you still busy with your guests?" asked Daniela, the youngest of (Y/N)'s three sisters as she looked to her older sibling and Mother, while fidgeting with her hands.
"Aye, tha's new..." said the big man said as his eyes were wide in surprise at what they just saw, Snape also looked surprised, and Dumbledore seemed intrigued with this seeming new form of Magic.
"What kind of Magic was that?" asked the older woman as she looked at Daniela in surprise and concern, Daniela then turned to face them and smiled, showing her teeth through her bloody lips, the older woman gasped slightly at the fresh blood around the girl's mouth, while the man in black seemed to be preparing himself to face her if she attacked them.
"Daniela, it's rude to interrupt a meeting, even if it is a foolish one..." Lady Dimitrescu admonished her youngest Daughter sternly, making Daniela turn her attention back to her Mother.
"Sorry, Mother... I wanted big Brother to come and spend time with me in the Library" Daniela said with a soft pout, like a small child who had just been called out for their poor behaviour, (Y/N) leaned forward and smiled to his youngest Sister.
"Once this meeting is concluded, I shall spend time with you, dear Sister, for now, leave us to speak with our guests, if you would please?" (Y/N) said calmly to his younger Sister, who smiled at him before she walked a few steps away and then dispersed herself into her swarm to return to the Library and wait for (Y/N).
"Apologies for that, she can be a little starved for attention" (Y/N) said as he looked back to Dumbledore, giving him an apologetic smile and nod.
"It's quite alright, young Dimitrescu, younger siblings are that way at times..." Dumbledore said as he gained a far away look in his eyes, as if recalling a memory that made him feel pain...
"Yes quite, now would your companions care to introduce themselves as well, Mr. Dumbledore, was it? Or do they wish to continue their ill manners and remain anonymous?" Lady Dimitrescu asked Dumbledore with attitude, as she took a drag from her pipe, inhaling before she held the smoke in her lungs and finally blew it out past her ruby red lips.
The four looked to each other, some looking nervous before an unspoken prompt from Dumbledore allowed them to introduce themselves to the Dimitrescu Matriarch, and her first born Son.
"I am Professor McGonagall, Head of Transfiguration and the Head of Gryffindor House" said the older woman, as she nodded at the two respectfully as she was sat to the right of Dumbledore.
"I am, Professor Snape, the Potions Master of Hogwarts, and the current Head of Slytherin House" said the man in black, as he kept his cold gaze on both (Y/N) and his Mother, who could both tell he wasn't the friendly sort.
"Rubeus Hagrid, but you can jus' call me Hagrid, I'm tha Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts" said the large hairy man, as he gave them a nod though... he still looked nervous.
"A pleasure, but, this must be some kind of mistake, I thought magic wasn't real?" (Y/N) said skeptically, as he turned his attention back to Dumbledore, wanting to see what his answer would be, or perhaps to see some proof that his claims about Magic being real were true.
Suddenly, a new chair that wasn't in the room before appeared and it was large enough for Hagrid to sit down in with a thank you, (Y/N) looked surprised before he looked back to Dumbledore, and saw him pointing at the chair, making it big enough for Hagrid to sit in, before he then conjured small blue flames which danced around his fingers, (Y/N) couldn't help the wonderous smile that came to his face as he leaned forward to see better.
Then, McGonagall saw the look and decided to try her own spell, she took out her Wand and pointed it towards one of Alcina's teacups which suddenly turned into a Tortoise, she then had a small smile as she saw (Y/N) lean down to look at the Tortoise in wonder.
"Young Dimitrescu, have you not found yourself around anything... unexplainable, lately?" Dumbledore asked him with a knowing glance, this question snapped (Y/N) out of his wonder and had to clear his throat and look to Dumbledore again, (Y/N) then started to think back to his childhood, and the past events that occurred as he grew up, some of the memories were... fuzzy.
"My Son, please don't indulge these people with their foolishness... they are obviously trying to pull some sort of trickery and make a fool of you" Lady Dimitrescu said as she patted her Son on his back, he looked at her and saw her calm face, though... he could swear he saw some worry in her eyes.
"But... how do you explain him making that chair bigger, or Lady McGonagall turning your teacup into a Tortoise?" (Y/N) asked in confusion as he glanced at the Tortoise, which was now walking along the Table slowly.
"Sleight of hand, and misdirection, my Son, they are simply trying to scam us" Lady Dimitrescu said as she waved her hand dismissively, though the argument seemed pretty weak, since surely sleight of hand couldn't make a teacup become a Tortoise before your very eyes?
"I assure you, we are doing no such thing, Lady Dimitrescu, we are in fact being quite serious about your Son's capabilities, and about his place in Hogwarts" Dumbledore said to lady Dimitrescu gently, his eyes softening as he looked at her.
"Even if you are telling the truth, do you honestly expect me to just go along with this foolishness, having four complete strangers show up at my home, unannounced, and then try to talk my only Son into some scheme that I have no knowledge of?" Lady Dimitrescu said, her patience slowly fading and her displeasure beginning to show through the steadily growing cracks in her calm attitude.
"But Alcina, you do have knowledge of this, do you not?" said a sudden voice, everyone looked to the doors to the Main Hall, where the group saw a figure walking gracefully into the Dining Room, covered in black feathers and wearing a cage-like golden mask that was shaped like a Bird's head.
"M-Mother Miranda?! Wh-Why are you here?" Lady Dimitrescu asked with a look of surprise on her face, standing up quickly to show respect to the Prophet of the Black God, (Y/N) also stood up on surprise to the unexpected arrival of the woman.
"Alcina, my child, I believe that you should listen to what these people have to say, it may be... beneficial to us" Mother Miranda said as she walked towards the group, her walk showing power and status, which made Lady Dimitrescu and (Y/N) wary.
"Might I ask who you are, miss?" Dumbledore asked her curiously, though his smile seemed to be gone now, though it was hard to tell under his long, white beard.
"I am Mother Miranda, I am the Prophet of the Black God, and the ruler of this Village" Mother Miranda said as she then unfurled her eight black feathered wings, revealing her holy vestments underneath, much to the surprise of the four visitors.
"My word... Severus, what is she?" McGonagall asked the Potion's Master quietly, watching the new arrival with a cautious eye, she got an uneasy feeling from this Woman...
"I am... unsure..." Snape replied as he watched Mother Miranda, his senses were screaming that she was more than a mere Muggle, there was something dangerous about this woman that set alarm bells off for all four visitors, who were already cautious due to Lady Dimitrescu's rising temper.
"Very well, Mother Miranda, we shall listen to their offer, as ridiculous as it sounds..." Lady Dimitrescu said, with an undertone of annoyance and slight worry in her voice as she and her Son sat back down, Mother Miranda stood close and watched the meeting with interest.
"This is actually very serious, Lady Dimitrescu, you see, your Son would under normal circumstances have been accepted into a Magical School at the age of Eleven, such as Durmstrang Institute in the North of Europe, but somehow... it would seem he was, for some reason, overlooked" Dumbledore said as he looked at (Y/N), who looked confused by this, how could he have managed to not be found for so long?
"Yes, I am quite curious to know how your Son's magical talents were not discovered before now" Snape said, as he looked at (Y/N) as though he had done something wrong, though he stopped when Lady Dimitrescu gave him her own piercing glare.
"Yes, I am also curious about these... abilities that young Lord Dimitrescu possesses" Mother Miranda said calmly, this made Alcina worried and she placed her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
"Mother Miranda, I'm certain there's a more reasonable explanation to this development, Magic is but a fantasy for children, like that fool Heisenberg" Lady Dimitrescu said to her, though she had a look of worry on her face that didn't go unnoticed by Dumbledore.
"Then how do you explain what these people did earlier? As much as you may not wish to believe it, sleight of hand cannot change a teacup into a Tortoise" Mother Miranda said as she glanced at (Y/N), who looked to be rather deep in thought about the situation, before he looked to his Mother.
"Besides my Daughter, your child did handle those Lycans quite easily before, when he went to collect those Human men as his Sister's birthday gifts" Mother Miranda said to Alcina, who seemed to pale slightly and (Y/N) got a bit worried, Mother Miranda had seen that happen?!
"I'm sorry, bit er... he did wha' now?" Hagrid asked, sounding a bit nervous at what he and the four had just heard, before a loud blood-curdling scream ripped through the stillness of the Castle, startling McGonagall, Snape and Hagrid.
"I've told Cassandra many times not to play with her food..." Alcina said with a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, exasperated to have another interruption for this meeting from one of her Daughters.
"At least she's enjoying herself with her plaything, I just hope she won't finish them too quickly" (Y/N) said as he looked to his Mother with a smile on his face, a smile that made Snape raise a brow, while Minerva looked appalled and horrified, Hagrid looked uncomfortable and Dumbledore just watched the interaction closely.
"(Y/N), did you not managed to make one of the Lycans explode, when you got angry at them?" Mother Miranda asked the boy, as her gaze rested on him, making him uncomfortable.
"Y-Yes, Mother Miranda, I did manage to do that..." (Y/N) said carefully, turning to face her while worried about incurring Mother Miranda's wrath by killing one of her creations, or attempting to lie to her.
"My word, it seems his abilities are quite potent indeed..." McGonagall said with concern, it was amazing how nothing bad had happened before now!
"Yes, and it's all the more important that he receive training to control his Magical Powers, otherwise they could have rather drastic outbursts, with... dire consequences" Snape said as he locked eyes with (Y/N), who returned the gaze with his own, showing no fear to the dark haired man.
"You mean... what I did to that Lycan yesterday, could happen more often?" (Y/N) asked, as he turned his gaze back to Dumbledore, looking for answers and now worrying about possibly accidentally hurting or killing one of his Sisters, or his own Mother with these uncontrolled powers.
"Yes... the power responds to your emotions, any anger displayed will cause your power to burst out uncontrolled and possibly lead to... terrible things" Dumbledore said, as sadness flickered through his eyes, remembering a similarly... regrettable thing that happened to him long ago.
"And why, pray tell should we believe a single word you speak? Where even is this "Hogwarts"?" Lady Dimitrescu asked as she took a sip of her Wine, before she set the glass down and leaned forward.
"Hogwarts is located in Sco'land, an'-" Hagrid started, when a look of outrage flashed across Lady Dimitrescu's face, her hand hitting the table loudly as she surged to her feet, her eyes practically glowing from her sudden anger.
"Scotland?! You expect me to send my only Son, all the way to Scotland?!" Lady Dimitrescu asked angrily, gritting her teeth and almost growling angrily at the four guests, Snape and McGonagall seeming to have their hands on something in their robes, before someone cleared their throat and snapped Alcina out of her sudden anger.
"Alcina... calm yourself and allow them to continue, this does concern the well being of your Son after all" Mother Miranda said in a calm, motherly voice, but the undertone of annoyance was still there, and it made Lady Dimitrescu feel like a child who was being reprimanded by their Mother in public.
"Yes, Mother Miranda, I apologise..." Lady Dimitrescu said before she sat back down on the chair, pouting to herself while the four Wizards seemed bewildered on how Mother Miranda got Lady Dimitrescu to listen to her.
"Now, you mentioned that you wished for (Y/N) to attend this school in Scotland, Hogwarts, correct?" Mother Miranda said as she walked around the table and stood close to (Y/N), placing her talon-like hand on his shoulder, (Y/N) felt uncomfortable from this but kept his emotions in check.
"Yes, if he attends School there, he will be taught how to control and use the Magic within him, as well as many other useful skills" McGonagall said as she glanced at (Y/N), feeling unsure about the boy for various reasons, but could also see his discomfort from Mother Miranda's touch.
"Hm... I believe that this could be useful, I think it would be a good idea to allow your Son to attend this School, Alcina" Mother Miranda said as she turned her calculating gaze to Lady Dimitrescu, who looked at Mother Miranda in surprise.
"But, Mother Miranda! This could very well be a trap and even then, this School is all the way in Scotland, how would he even reach this school?" Lady Dimitrescu said as she stood up quickly, looking worried and conflicted about the suggestion, worried about the safety of her son in a far-away country that he had never been to before, away from her supervision and protection.
"I believe I may have a suggestion, Lady Dimitrescu... I could speak to some friends I have in the Ministry of Magic, to have this Castle connected to the Floo Network, and it will allow your Son to travel easily" Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye, seeming like he was interested in having the Male Dimitrescu join them even more now.
"Floo Network?" (Y/N) asked curiously, wondering what this new thing could possibly be, this also piqued the interest of Lady Dimitrescu.
"It's a special mode of transport for Wizards and Witches, where using a substance known as Floo Powder, you can transport yourself to other fire places connected to the Floo Network" McGonagall explained, sighing internally to herself at what Dumbledore had decided to do.
"Um... will this fireplaces be big enough for me to walk out of?" (Y/N) asked, worrying about having to duck down low to exit a fireplace if he travelled in such a way, he didn't want to get stuck in a damn chimney!
"Ye', you may have to duck through, like when you go through doorways, but I'm certain you won't get stuck" Hagrid said to the tall Dimitrescu, who nodded back to the larger man, before a frown came to his face.
"Do I have to go right now?" (Y/N) asked, wondering if he had to leave immediately, and not get the chance to say goodbye to his Sisters before he had to leave and train at this School.
"No, the School Term won't begin until September 1st, so you have some time between now and then to study and take notes, perhaps acquaint yourself with the Wizarding world, once you've gotten your school supplies" Snape said coldly, though he was quite interested in having the young man in his House.
"And where would my Son get these supplies from, a Dragon?" Lady Dimitrescu scoffed mockingly, as she picked up her Wine Glass and took another sip of her Wine, while Mother Miranda simply ignored her jab.
"I'm afraid Dragons are rather unfriendly creatures, Lady Dimitrascu, no, he shall purchase them from Diagon Alley, a Wizard Shopping District that is located in London, we can go there once the Floo Network is connected to this Castle, it shall take a few days to make the arrangements with the Floo Network Authority and the Department of Magical Transportation" Dumbledore said to Lady Dimitrescu, with a smile that was partially hidden under his long beard.
"This sounds like an agreeable arrangement, right, Alcina?" Mother Miranda asked as she looked at her adoptive Daughter with a smirk, already seeming to be planning something.
"Is it safe?" Lady Dimitrescu asked with a sigh, knowing that she couldn't argue with Mother Miranda's will, though it didn't mean she wasn't worried for her child's safety.
"Yes, quite safe, there have been no fatalities from Floo Travel in the centuries long history of it's usage, the most likely would be accidentally ending up somewhere unexpected" Dumbledore said with a small chuckle, he would also make sure to leave some Floo Powder for (Y/N)'s use.
"If my Son is going to attend this School, regardless of my personal feelings, then why now? Surely nineteen years of age is far too late to allow him to attend? Especially with his classmates being small children" Lady Dimitrescu said, pointing out how awkward it will be for him to be surrounded by children, and no one his own age, Mortal children at that.
"Yes, you see... your Son is a rather special case, he shall be a first among his kind... the very first Vampire with Magical capabilities that shall attend Hogwarts, as a means to foster understanding and tolerance for Vampires, his attendance shall be sponsored by the S.T.V" Dumbledore explained, though... McGonagall didn't seem too impressed with the idea of having a Vampire in school with the children, especially one with a Mother like Lady Dimitrescu.
"S.T.V?" (Y/N) asked curiously, though for some reason it made (Y/N) think that it was some kind of STD, even his Mother seemed a little put off by the name.
"Society for the Tolerance of Vampires, they work within the Ministry of Magic's Being Division and they are advocating for the welfare of Vampires in the Wizarding World" McGonagall explained to him, as she glanced between (Y/N), Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda.
"Am I really the first of my kind to attend this School?" (Y/N) asked him hesitantly, now feeling worried about the idea of being not only being the oldest person there, but... also the only one of his kind there.
"Why yes... there are several lines of Vampire families, such as the ancient lineage of Dracula himself, and of course that Family from Norway, but you are the first of your Species to possess the Ability to use Magic" Dumbledore explained in a serious voice, (Y/N) was quite surprised, but also felt some pride in himself at this though.
(Vampires can't use Magic? Maybe it's because of my special kind of Vampirism that I'm still capable of Magic?) (Y/N) thought to himself, his Vampirism technically came because of the Cadou Parasite that Mother Miranda had implanted into him and his Mother, which reacted to the Porphyria that they both had to make it that they required to drink Human Blood regularly.
"You seem rather surprised with the news of other Vampire Bloodlines existing, I'm surprised you have not encountered other Vampires, or held a meeting with such a grand Castle" Dumbledore said as he looked to Lady Dimitrescu with a questioning gaze, to which Alcina scoffed.
"Why would I do such a thing? After all, I wouldn't want others sullying the halls of my Castle, and poking around in my private affairs, especially Man-things" Lady Dimitrescu said, though... there was one she didn't mind showing up to visit her Son, since she at least kept his attention off the Maids.
"Either way, it may do your Son good to be with other people, Alcina, besides... it would seem that he wishes to go as well" Mother Miranda said to Lady Dimitrescu, who looked conflicted and then looked to her Son, who looked back to her and took her hands in his, as he looked into her eyes.
"Mother... I think I should go, if what they say is true, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I hurt or killed you or my Sisters by accident, I must learn to control these powers, and this School, Hogwarts, will likely be the best place to learn how to use them properly, and how to control them" (Y/N) said as he looked into his Mother's eyes, she looked into his eyes as well, they had a silent conversation between them as Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Hagrid and Mother Miranda watched, Alcina then let out a sigh.
"Fine... you can go, but I shall go with you to collect your School Supplies" Lady Dimitrescu said, sounding hesitant, but willing to accept her Son getting his independence, to a degree at least.
"That shall be fine, my Lady, parents will often accompany their children to Diagon Alley, though you should be careful, it get's rather busy when the School Year begins" Dumbledore said as he and his companions stood back up.
"We shall go and contact the Ministry, and have one of your fireplaces connected, we look forward to your attendance, young Dimitrescu" Snape said, before they all left the Castle.
"I shall take my leave now, Alcina, see to it that your Son is ready for his education, I will have no arguments or excuses" Mother Miranda said to lady Dimitrescu, who nodded in response, before Mother Miranda turned into a flock of Crows and flew out of the Castle.
It seems that now... the Son of Lady Dimitrescu shall attend School.
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