Chapter 18
The Halls of Hogwarts were once again filled with noise as many students were coming in from the snowy outdoors, the children all bundled up and shivering slightly from walking into the Castle from the freezing cold outside, many of them reuniting with their friends and talking about their holidays and what they got for Christmas.
Right now Rose was walking through the courtyard with her Maroon-Red and Yellow scarf wrapped around her neck and her lower face, to keep the cold air from her face, she was also wearing her winter Robes and a pair of wool mittens and hat to keep warm as she made her way through the students going into the castle, having left the train after (Y/N) and Abigail.
"Rose, it's good to see you again!" she heard someone call out, she looked over and saw Amy walking over to her, a big smile on the younger girl's face as she approached her fellow Gryffindor.
"'ello there Amy, it's good to see you too" Rose said as she pulled the scarf down so she could speak to the young Red-head clearly.
"It's good to see you again, did you have a good time at home for the Holidays?" Amy asked as the two of them walking toward the doors together, very glad there was no ice or slush on the path.
"Yeah, it was good thanks, where's Rory, he's usually with you?" Rose asked the Red-headed Scots-girl curiously.
"He's with some guy-friends in his House, boy talk" Amy said to her as she smiled and shook her head, both girls got inside and felt relieved to be in the warm again, that was when they saw a certain Brunette Ravenclaw hurry her way over to them.
"Hey you two, have a good Christmas?" Clara asked them both with a big smile on her face, carrying her bookbag in her arms as she walked over to the two Gryffindors.
"Absolutely" Amy said back to her with a happy smile as she stomped her feet to get the snow clinging to her shoes to fall off.
"Yeah of course!" Rose said as she smiled back at Clara too, happy to see the younger girl again.
"Hi girls" Abigail greeted cheerfully as she walked over to the other three from inside the Great Hall, seeming very eager to go and see her friends from other Houses, and fellow Vampire feeding volunteers.
"Hello Abby, how was your holidays?" Clara her curiously as they group moved their talk out of the way of the crowds of students coming back into the School.
"It was nice, I spent some with my family and got some nice things too" Abigail said with a big smile as she leaned back against the wall, keeping her gaze on the other three girls.
"My mum and I spent the holidays together, we went out and got a big dinner" Rose said as she rubbed her stomach with a smile, remembering how satisfied and full she felt that day, and her mum falling asleep so soundly.
"My mum, dad and I had a big snowball fight in our garden, and we built a snow fort too" Clara said with a chuckle as she remembered accidentally hitting her dad in the face with a snowball.
"I got to visit my Aunt and Uncle for Christmas, we had a Christmas Party " Amy said to them all as she remembered the music and watching Christmas Movies with her family, the four girls happily talked about what they did over the Holidays until Abigail noticed someone missing from their friend group.
"Hm, have any of you seen (Y/N)?" Abigail asked the other girls, Rose, Amy and Clara also seemed to realise their very tall, Blood drinking friend wasn't with them and none of them had seen him so far.
"We saw him get off the train, then he just walked off on his own somewhere" Amy said as she looked around the Entrance Hallway.
"How does someone so tall manage to not be seen?" Rose said in confusion as she also looked around, surprised they didn't see him towering over the sea of students walking into the Great Hall, they started to move and search around the connecting hallways.
"Oh, look, there he is!" Clara exclaimed as she pointed to the giant young man, who it seemed was stood in a hallway with his back to the girls, who all approached him, curious to ask him about his Holidays.
"(Y/N), there you are! Where did you disappear off too?" Rose asked him curiously, (Y/N) then turned around to speak with the girls, who gasped and went wide-eyed at what they saw.
"Hello girls, what? What's wrong? Is Professor Snape behind me?" (Y/N) greeted the girls, before noticing how surprised they looked and thought that one of the unpleasant ones were standing behind him.
"(Y-Y/N), you do know what your holding right now, right?" Abigail asked him with disbelief on her face, Amy looked impressed, Rose still looked surprised and Clara looked kind of worried.
"Yes, it's a Cat?" (Y/N) said as said Cat in his arms looked down at the girls with bulging Yellow, lamp-like eyes, purring slightly as (Y/N) petted and stroked her Dust-coloured fur.
"That's Mister Filch's Cat, Mrs. Norris!" Amy said to him as she motioned at the Cat, who hissed at the Red-head in annoyance for disturbing her being stroked.
"Really? I must say... she seems very well looked after" (Y/N) said as he glanced down to the contented Cat in his arms, not even worried about Filch potentially seeing this, since Filch was just a Mortal.
"How is he even holding her? I thought she hated everyone except for Filch?" Clara whispered to Rose in surprise, remembering a time she tried to pet Mrs Norris, only to have the Cat swipe at her hand instead.
"I got no idea..." Rose said in disbelief, Amy looked annoyed with this and Abigail looked like she also wanted to pet the Cat.
"What're you lot doing 'ere?" someone said suddenly making the girls jump in fear at first, before they turned around and saw Hagrid was walking over to them.
"Oh, Hagrid it's just you... I thought you were Filch for a second there" Rose said as shelaughed at how scared she was, Clara had a hand where her heart was while Amy was playing it off like she hadn't jumped and Abigail returned her attention to her fellow Slytherin and the Cat in his arms.
"Why're you worried about... is tha' Mrs Norris?" Hagrid asked the group, before he then noticed the notorious Cat looked to be happily sat in (Y/N)'s arms.
"Yes, is she a famous Cat or something?" (Y/N) asked with no clue as he looked down to the Cat with a raised brow, wondering why the girls and even Hagrid were so worked up about this.
"'ow did you get her to let you 'old 'er? She never let me 'old her like tha!" Hagrid said in disbelief as he looked between (Y/N) and Mrs Norris, before he looked down to the girls for an explanation.
"We're just as confused..." Abigail said as she glanced up at the Half-Giant man, Rose, Amy and Clara all nodding in agreement with what Abigail just said, (Y/N) noticed the look Abigail was giving the Dusty Cat.
"Here, just pet her gently along her back" he said as he carefully knelt down while holding the Cat, Abigail looked a little unsure but she took his advice and gently placed her hand on Mrs Norris's back and gently ran her hand along her back, stroking down the Cat's back to not rub her fur the wrong way, Abigail smiled at how soft her fur felt.
"Come along now, students! Assemble in the Great Hall" McGonagall called out to the students, Mrs Norris then jumped out of (Y/N)'s arms and made her way into the Great Hall, likely to look for Filch, then the girls, Hagrid and (Y/N) also walked into the Great Hall.
The girls split up and sat down at their respective House tables, Abigail staying with (Y/N) as they took a seat at the end of the table, Malfoy looking at them both with distain, he had made sure to tell his father about (Y/N) being in Slytherin.
Some time had passed since the students returned to Hogwarts, the snow and ice had melted, the weather getting warmer and more pleasant as the season gave way to Spring time, classes were back in session again and right now the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years were sat in the Potion's Classroom, talking to each other as they waited for their Professor to arrive.
Abigail was sat next to (Y/N), while Amy was sat with another Gryffindor boy, the class quickly went silent as Professor Snape slammed the door open and strode into the classroom with his robes flapping behind him, he then took his spot in front of the class, the usual look of disdain plastered on his face.
"Today, you will learn how to brew the Wiggenweld Potion, it is a strong healing solution that can heal all injuries and reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught, including the Draught of Living Death... for this lesson, we shall begin with a demonstration on how to brew this Potion, come up to my table" Snape said to the class who all stood up and gathered around Snape's desk with notebooks and quills in hand.
Abigail tried to get to a spot so she could see what their Professor would do but she couldn't get a good spot to see, she tried to go ahead only to get pushed back again, making the dark haired girl sigh in annoyance, (Y/N) noticed that she couldn't see and he then leaned down and picked the younger girl up, making her squeak in surprise and get some of the students to look back at the two and they saw him stand back up and sit Abigail on his right shoulder, the small girl holding onto him in surprise from suddenly going up so high.
"Mr. Dimitrescu, what do you think your doing with Miss Saltstone?" Snape asked him with a raised brow as others in the class looked at the two, Abigail feeling a little self-conscious as she held onto (Y/N)'s shoulder and head.
"She couldn't see past the other students, so I figured I would do this so she could observe your demonstration and not get pushed out of the way" (Y/N) said to him as he placed a hand on her knees to help keep the girl in place sat on his shoulder, Snape looked at them both with slightly narrowed eyes.
"Very well then, if there are no more distractions..." Snape said with some slight amusement in his voice as he turned back around, the other students all turned their attention back to the Professor and Abigail blushed slightly as she took out her notebook and Quill to take notes for both herself and (Y/N).
Snape took out his Wand and pulled back both of his sleeves before he then used his Wand to non-verbally levitate the ingredients he needed as the students watched in awe, they all watched and took noted as Snape worked with his back to them all, using his magic to add the ingredients in and not too long later, had brewed a perfect Wiggenweld Potion.
"That is your demonstration, and no, I shall not repeat it... get started" Snape said to the class in his usual tone of voice, before his final words set the class off to their stations to brew their Potion.
(Y/N) and Abigail paired up and he set Abigail back down on the ground, Abigail hurried to set up their work station while (Y/N) quickly opened his Potion's text book and turned to the Wiggenweld Potion's page, once he found the page (Y/N) and Abigail both read the instructions to brew this Potion carefully, not wanting to risk the Potion going wrong and potentially exploding in their faces.
(Y/N) also wanted to earn this grade and subsequent praise for doing well, not just because Snape favoured his house more than the other three Houses of Hogwarts, he planned to earn proper praise, unlike Malfoy or certain other members of his house.
"Alright, I got the Cauldron all set up, do you have all the instructions (Y/N)?" Abigail asked him as she finished setting up the Cauldron on the table, (Y/N) nodded back to her and picked up the first vial of Salamander Blood and carefully added it into the Cauldron until the fluid turned Red in colour, however he glanced at the vial with interest.
(Hm... I suppose one drop won't be missed too much?) he thought to himself as he carefully tipped the vial and then got a single drop of the Salamander Blood on his pointer finger.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Abigail asked him as she looked over at him, (Y/N) then popped the bloody finger into his mouth, and ran his tongue over it, licking the blood off his finger tip.
"Nothing" (Y/N) said after removing his finger from his mouth, he then felt a rush of warmth in his body, as if it suddenly became a very warm day in the normally cold classroom, he hummed at the taste as he stirred the Potion until it turned Orange.
"So, your hobby is sampling different kinds of blood, because Rose mentioned you trying that Troll's Blood" Abigail asked in a whisper as she glanced at him curiously, thought she quickly turned her gaze back to the Potion to keep an eye on the colour.
"No, I was just curious" (Y/N) said to her as he then added in more of the Salamander Blood until the liquid turned Yellow, he then started stirring again until the Potion turned Green, Abigail then took the vial from him and added in more of the Blood until the Potion turned Turquoise, before she turned the heat up.
"Well keep your "curiosity" under control, I don't want to fail this class because you want more blood, would you mind powdering the Lionfish Spines?" Abigail said to him as she motioned to the jar with the Lionfish Spines in it.
"I'm offended, Lady Saltstone, I have plenty of self-control, besides... it was just one drop" (Y/N) said to her with mock offence as he put on his dragonhide Gloves and took out five of the Spines, he then placed them into a Mortar and Pestle.
"Right..." Abigail said to him as she shook her head with a slight smirk, not sounding convinced at all until the Potion turned Indigo in colour, she then added in more of the Salamander Blood while (Y/N) got to work powdering the Lionfish Spines.
Many of the other pairs of students were also working carefully to brew this simple Healing Potion, Hermione was paired up with Harry for this lesson and would sometimes glance over at (Y/N) and Abigail, intending to outdo him and his partner this time.
Soon the two Slytherin's brewing Potion turned Pink before Abigail turned up the heat, she looked over and saw that (Y/N) had crushed the five Spines up well.
"Okay, we have these ready to add when needed, in the meantime could you to do five more, please" Abigail asked him as before she turned her gaze back to the bubbling brew, (Y/N) put the freshly powdered Spines aside and got to work crushing up five more, as he did that Abigail saw the Potion turn Red, she then added in the Lionfish Spines before heating the Potion again.
Several other students seemed to have messed up in one way or another, as Professor Snape walked around the room, giving harsh reprimands to the Gryffindors, and remaining silent with the Slytherins, but... if you looked closely you could see the frustration in his eyes with failing Slytherins.
"Why yes, Crabbe, I had a wonderful holiday at home with my family, it's too bad that some people can't enjoy the Holidays properly and have to stay here like the unwanted wastes they are" Malfoy said loudly, making his partner laugh obnoxiously at Malfoy's obvious taunting and everyone knew who he was aiming that insult at, since he was looking over at Harry and Hermione as he said this, but the Boy Who Lived simply ignored them and focused on measuring out his powdered Lionfish Spines.
"Honestly... why can't he just focus on brewing his Potion instead of taunting Potter?" Abigail said as she looked at the Blonde haired boy in annoyance, not happy that he was more focused on hurling insults than earning House Points.
"He's just doing it for attention, just ignore the man-thing child and focus on our work, the Potion's turned Yellow" (Y/N) said to Abigail, dismissing the childish antics of the younger boy and instead refocusing their efforts on brewing a good Wiggenweld Potion.
"I'll add the other five Powdered Lionfish Spines, you go get the Flobberworm Mucus" (Y/N) said as he took Abigail's place over the Cauldron, Abigail's nose wrinkled in disgust before she went and picked up the Bottle which was filled with a Green fluid.
(Y/N) added in the powdered Spines just as Abigail got back to their station with the bottle, she then opened it and tipped it over the bubbling fluids, she looked cringed as she saw the thick, slimy mucus slowly ooze out of the neck of the bottle, the snot-like consistency disgusting her, the Potion soon turned Purple and then (Y/N) stirred the mixture until it turned Red again.
Abigail added in more Flobberworm Mucus until the Potion turned Orange, (Y/N) stirred until the Potion turned Yellow, then he picked up a small bottle of Honeywater and carefully added it in until it turned Turquiose again, then Abigail added in a few drops of Boom Berry Juice, (Y/N) then stirred the mixture a little more before he removed the ladle and they left the Potion to simmer for thirty minutes.
"We're doing pretty good so far" Abigail said as she smiled up to her much larger friend, feeling hopeful that they had brewed this well, though she was worried that Snape may sniff out a flaw.
"Indeed, we make a good team, Lady Saltstone" (Y/N) said to her with a smile on his face, (Y/N) soon started to look through his copy of Magical Drafts and Potions, looking to see if he could find any other Potions to try brewing while he was at home for the next Holidays.
Thirty minutes soon passed by, and both Abigail and (Y/N) carefully removed the bubbling Cauldron from the heat, and set it down to cool off, watching as shimmering fumes wafted from the bubbling brew, this seemed to have caught the attention of their teacher, Professor Snape, who glided over toward the two like a spectre and then examined their completed Potion silently, while Abigail gulped nervously, and (Y/N) sat up straight, eager to hear Snape's opinion.
"Yes, well done Mr. Dimitrescu, Miss Saltstone, a flawlessly brewed Wiggenweld Potion, it seems we have a rather competent pair, certainly an improvement over others in this class... be sure to continue observing them" Snape said with a cold smile as he looked toward Hermione and Harry specifically before he walked away from the two, who looked very pleased with themselves for the praise from the Professor that most others couldn't impress at all.
Malfoy scowled at them both with jealousy, mostly directed toward (Y/N) for receiving praise from their Head of House despite not being of Pure-blooded descent, and for his affiliations with those outside of his own House.
Hermione was also very annoyed that her own efforts were once again being ignored by the Potion's Professor, in favour of someone from his own House, she knew that most likely because of him being a Slytherin he would be just as arrogant and insufferable as Malfoy, and planned in her mind a way to surpass him, and show that she could be just as good as he was, even if she was Muggle-born!
The Class soon ended, with (Y/N) and Abigail receiving top marks for a well brewed Wiggenweld Potion, others getting passing marks too, though Snape seemed to make a show of how the Gryffindor's barely passed, the two soon left the classroom with the both of them now carrying bottles of the Potion they brewed too, they put away the bottles in their robes as they walked.
"Did you hear what Professor Snape said? I never knew he could say such nice things!" Abigail said quietly as they walked to their next class together, a big smile on her face as she did her best to keep pace with his stride.
"He'll likely say more as long as we both keep up the good work" (Y/N) said as he kept walking ignoring the looks he was getting from several others from their class, Malfoy wasn't happy about being shown up in class by Snape acknowledging his Potion with such praise instead of his work, it really rubbed him the wrong way.
Hermione was also looking at him in annoyance, Professor Snape had only bothered to praise (Y/N) and his partner's Potion, ignoring hers and Harry's, even though she followed the instructions perfectly and managed to brew it correctly.
Soon (Y/N), Abigail and the rest of the First Year Slytherins sat down in Defence Against the Dark Arts Class, (Y/N) smiled to himself when Professor Quirrell told them all that they would be taught the Knockback Jinx, (Y/N) and Abigail took out their Defence Against the Dark Arts Textbooks so they could review the Jinx and practice the proper Wand movements, though (Y/N) already had that Spell down pat.
"So, (Y/N)... how was that Salamander Blood?" Abigail asked him quietly as they were sat together, trying their best to also ignore the strong stench of Garlic that permeated the classroom.
"A little spicy" the taller young man commented to her, causing her to snort and giggle at how silly he was sometimes, before she focused on their class.
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