Chapter 16
It was now the day after Christmas and (Y/N) was practicing some of his Spells in the Castle's Armoury, having set up training dummy's using old suits of armour and bags of sand, it was a good way to test out some of his spells without having to worry about the mess, though... his sisters were quite insistent on him using live targets.
"Flipendo" he said as he waved his Wand at the make-shift training dummy, there was a loud bang as the spell left his Wand in a burst of White light and it struck the chest plate of the armour, knocking it back with a loud metallic crash as the make-shift training dummy hit the wall and fell to pieces.
"Hm... yes, this spell will be most useful indeed" (Y/N) said with a smirk as he looked to his special Wand, already imagining how useful the Knockback Jinx would be for him at Hogwarts and here in the Castle.
"(Y/N)? What was that sound, my Son?" Alcina asked as she opened the door and quickly ducked through the doorway and into the Armoury, looking to her son for an explanation.
"Mother, apologies if I worried you, I was practicing a new Jinx which would be useful to me" (Y/N) explained to his Mother as he put his Wand away, standing tall and proud of his work.
"My son... could you please take a break from your practicing, your Sisters have been begging me to ask you to spend time with them, and I also want to hear about your time at this School" Lady D said to her eldest child, curious to see what he may have learned in his time at Hogwarts, but also concerned that he was doing alright away from home and surrounded by mortal children.
"Of course, Mother" (Y/N) said to her respectfully before he set down his copy of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection and then walked with his Mother to find his Sisters, he followed her to the Castle's Library where Bela, Cassandra and Daniela were all sat together under the Skylight, when they heard the door to the room open and saw Alcina and their Brother duck through into the room with them.
"Big Brother, your finally done with your practice?" Bela asked hopefully as she closed the book on her lap, Daniela and Cassandra also looked to the new arrivals hopefully.
"Yes, my studies took up quite a bit of my time... my apologies for neglecting you all" (Y/N) said apologetically, feeling bad that he had been secluding himself away from his beloved little sisters, but he was eager to spend time with them now that he'd mastered that Jinx.
"It's okay, Big Brother, your here now at least" Cassandra said to him with a smile, as Bela and Daniela both nodded in agreement as he sat down in one of the chairs in the Library, while Alcina went to fetch one for herself to sit in.
"Now, Mother said you all wanted to hear about my time at Hogwarts, right?" (Y/N) asked as Lady D came back with a decently sized chair and set it down with her children under the Library's Skylight.
"Yes, I want to know how your time there has been, have you been doing well there? Have you been eating properly? Have you been having any troubles with any of the other students or staff? Have you had to share a room with those Children? Have you been getting enough sleep?" Lady Dimitrescu asked her Son in a tone of Motherly concern, as she sat herself down in the chair and looked to (Y/N) expectantly.
"Yes, Mother, I have been doing well in my classes, I've made sure to consume a decent amount of blood and food at meal times, there have been no great issues, though it seems the House I was sorted into is rather disliked by the other three Houses, and there are people in my House who disagree with my presence but they are too afraid to do anything, and I've been sleeping well in my own private room" (Y/N) said to his Mother, trying to reassure her that he was taking good care of himself while he was away from home.
"People don't like the House your in? Why?" Daniela asked him curiously, wondering how anyone could dislike her older Brother.
"Apparently Slytherin House has a bad reputation for creating Dark Wizard and Witches, and also because of the reputation it has because of a certain Dark Wizard who was the worst of them all so far" (Y/N) explained to his youngest Sister, though he also thought it was silly that his House had such a bad reputation just because one man went bad, like no Wizards from the other Houses hadn't ever gone bad?
"Really? What's his name?" Bela asked (Y/N), now interested in this new bit of information.
"I'm not certain, apparently it's taboo to even speak the man's name, everyone who mentions him simply refers to him as "He-who-must-not-be-named" and such..." (Y/N) said to her, sounding a bit annoyed with the fact people could be so scared of a name.
"That's rather foolish..." Bela said with a confused look on her face.
"Well, there are some who believe he may in fact still be alive, and that simply saying his name will make him appear, despite somehow being killed by a baby" (Y/N) explained to his family further, the last part though just seemed to get them even more confused.
"Pardon me, my Son, but I must have heard you wrong, you said... this evil, nameless Wizard was killed by... a baby?" Lady Dimitrescu asked her son, sounding utterly baffled along with his sisters.
"Yes, according to what was recorded in the book about Magical History, You-know-who went to his home to kill Harry Potter, a boy whose supposed to be special, he managed to kill both of the boy's parents but somehow when he tried to kill the boy he ended up being killed instead, and the boy survived with only a scar on his head" (Y/N) explained further as he traced a lightning shaped scare on his forehead, where Harry's scar was.
"Well... he must not be that good if he was killed by a mere baby, honestly the events in this Wizard World are utterly baffling to me, my Son" Alcina said to him in disbelief, (Y/N) then shrugged his shoulders since he was also just as confused about the story.
"Brother, you said that there are four Houses at Hogwarts, what are they called?" Bela asked him curiously.
"Yes, there are Four Houses at Hogwarts and they all are supposed to be groups of people with certain Traits, there's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and the House I'm in, Slytherin, the House Colours are Green and Silver and it has a Snake as it's symbol" (Y/N) began to explain to his family with a smile, explaining more about his own House than the others when he was interrupted by one of his sisters.
"Ooh, you must be happy, you love Snakes don't you big Brother?" Cassandra said with a smile, remembering something from a few years ago, when (Y/N) had found an Adder in the Castle that was feeding on the Rats that infested the Dungeons.
"What are these Traits that put you in Slytherin?" Daniela asked him, wondering what these Traits might be.
"Some of them are Resourcefulness, Cunning, Ambition and Leadership" (Y/N) said with a smile, Alcina looked to her son with a smile but also felt worried as she wondered where that would lead him?
If he was Ambitious would he eventually try to leave the Village for good? Would he walk away from the Village and his Family and forget all about them all?
Alcina then pushed all those doubts down, she knew that her Son wouldn't ever abandon them, he loved her and his sisters so much and once this business at Hogwarts was over, he'd never have to leave the Village again, perhaps he could find a way to improve the Village with his Magic and what he learned at this place?
"Mother? Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked as he and her three Daughters looked to her with some concern from her seeming to space out like she was.
"Hm? Oh, yes I'm alright my Son, I'm just very pleased that your time at Hogwarts is going well, and I'm very pleased with your progress so far, you are doing quite well in your classes" Alcina said as she then took out a piece of Parchment and looked it over with a smile on her Ruby painted lips.
"What's that, Mother?" (Y/N) asked curiously as he looked to the parchment.
"I believe it's your report card, it seems Hogwarts sends them to the parents, or gives them to students to bring home" Alcina said with a proud smile as she read over his grades, a smile on her face as she saw how her child was doing in his classes, suddenly Bela, Cassandra and Daniela also flew over to see what he was doing at this school.
"There doesn't seem like much to do, I thought school was supposed to be hard?" Daniela said, sounding a bit confused about how easy it all seemed.
"Well of course, Dani, it's first year when all the Man-thing spawn start off, the Mortals like to start easy" Cassandra said as if it were obvious.
"Big Brother, what's it like there? Are there many Man-thing Children wandering around?" Bela asked him as she looked up from his Report card, eager to know more.
"Have you seen a Dragon, Brother?" Cassandra asked him as she licked her teeth, imagining how thrilling it would be to hunt something to big.
"Have you learned any new Spells?" Daniela asked him excitedly, wondering if they would get another demonstration of his magic, like before he left.
"Calm yourselves now, Daughters, your Brother cannot answer if your questions constantly badger him now, can he?" Alcina said to her rather excited Daughters, who all quieted down and waited to hear what Leo would tell them.
"Thank you, Mother, well Sisters Hogwarts is... it's rather hard to explain, it's similar to home but... much larger and draftier, and very crowded because of all the students and Professors that occupy it, there are a lot of children and it can get very noisy at times" (Y/N) said as he talked slowly, trying his best to explain what the Castle was like while he was there.
"It is a school, my Son, noise and rambunctiousness are a given with so many children in one place" Alcina said to him with a chuckle, remembering the times she'd had to deal with him when he had too much energy.
"Yes, and... funnily enough it's rather lively there, perhaps because of all the students or the Magic but, it feels lighter there, though... I much prefer it here at home, a lot less noisy, and I don't have to be so careful" (Y/N) said with a sigh as he sat back in his chair and looked up to the Skylight above them.
"Careful, Brother?" Bela asked him as she, Cassandra and Daniela looked to him in concern, thinking there might be something dangerous at the School he had to be worried about.
"Yes, you see it's bad if I feed on the other students whenever I wish, so I have to try to maintain my discipline and only feed on blood at certain times of the day, at Breakfast, Lunch and Supper time" (Y/N) explained as he continued to look up at the sky above, seeing snow slowly drift down and settle above them, as well as snow on the wind.
"That sounds hard, how do you handle it?" Alcina asked, now sounding concerned for her Son's wellbeing, and not wanting his Cadou given powers to harm him from him not consuming blood as he should.
"The Headmaster made a rota for certain students to volunteer to feed me their blood regularly, one person per day, and after I finish with them I give them a Blood Restoring Draught and one of those Healing Salves that are made here in the Village" (Y/N) explained to his Mother, to reassure her that he had access to fresh Human blood to manage his condition.
"The Headmaster is feeding his students to you?" Cassandra asked him in surprise, but also was quite pleased.
"Hmph, he must truly be desperate to have you in his school if he's willing to sacrifice his students to you, you should be cautious my Son, that fossilized man-thing may hope to involve you in some grand manipulation" Alcina said to (Y/N), now concerned that this Dumbledore fellow may be trying to ingratiate himself to their Family, or have her Son be grateful to him in exchange for favours.
"Could these students also be involved?" Daniela asked, now also sounding worried for her older brother.
"Hm, I will have to be cautious... though, I feel the girls wouldn't be involved with any manipulations" (Y/N) said as he frowned and his gaze went away from the snow above and placed his hand on his chin in thought.
"Excuse me, girls? The students that Dumbledore Man-thing had volunteer are ALL girls? How old are they?" Alcina asked her Son, now worried for entirely different reasons.
"Hm... well, Lady Tyler is a Third Year student, so I would have to guess she is thirteen or fourteen, Lady Clearwater is fifteen and Ladies Oswald, Saltstone and Pond are all eleven or twelve" (Y/N) explained to his Mother, who now looked mortified and annoyed, why did that stupid Man-thing have to choose ones so young, instead of students in their final year?!
"Wait so, they volunteered to have you bite them regularly, Brother... are they... deviants?" Bela asked him, now concerned that her Brother may be manipulated by harlots with questionable tastes.
"They are children, Sister, I would certainly hope they are not" (Y/N) said to her, also mentally hoping that these children won't turn out to be deviants.
"Well, I certainly hope you stay cautious (Y/N), and treat them with care?" Alcina said to him, even if she didn't fully agree with this she hoped he would treat these children with care and not be too rough with them when he fed from them.
"Of course, Mother, I always remember the lessons you gave me on how to be kind and gentle with women, except for when they try to steal from us of course..." (Y/N) said to her, his face changing slightly to a more malicious visage as he recalled the times he or his sisters devoured a would-be thief or assassin.
"Brother, you didn't say if you saw a Dragon yet!" Cassandra suddenly said with a pout, wanting to know the answer.
"No, I have not had the chance yet, I believe Dragons may be too dangerous to show to students on their first year, but I did run into a rather foul smelling Troll" (Y/N) said to her, he was interested in seeing a Dragon though, when he got the chance.
"A Troll?" Daniela asked him, sounding curious about what this Monster was like.
"Yes, a big, stupid Monster that smelled quite terribly, it's blood also tasted foul, but it wasn't as hard to kill as a Mortal, quickly chopped off it's head" (Y/N) said as his face wrinkled in disgust as he remembered the taste of the Troll's blood on his claws.
"Did you keep the head?" Cassandra asked with interest, thinking it would look good next to the Bear skull she got him for Christmas.
"Unfortunately no, dear Sister, I did not want it to putrify in my bedroom and make it unliveable, but perhaps next time?" (Y/N) said to Cassandra with a smile and a chuckle at her question.
"You had best ensure that it will not stink up any part of my Castle if you do! I won't allow our home to be befouled by the smell of a trophy taken from a foul smelling beast like that" Alcina said with her nose wrinkled in distaste, not wanting to subject herself to having her home reek like a Man-thing cave, or like her Brother's filthy Factory.
"No worried mother, I'll try to find a way to do so, if I even get one" (Y/N) reassured her, knowing he'd be in a lot of trouble if he befouled the Castle with a stench like that.
"So, Brother, did you learn any new Spells while you were there?" Bela asked him, changing the subject to something she knew everyone liked, after that time they sat together to see (Y/N)'s demonstration.
"Hm, I learned a few things but not much, I believe the First Year is mostly based on theory and reading than being taught anything flashy, I have learned how to turn a matchstick into a needle, how to make a Potion to cure boils, they also did a lesson on Levitation..." (Y/N) said to her, he continued to explain more of his classes and what he had learned in his time at Hogwarts.
A few days passed by and it was the day before (Y/N) would return to Hogwarts, right now he and his Mother were just arriving at another meeting of the Lords, walking through the tunnel and reaching the meeting place, they were the first ones to arrive at the meeting.
"Ah, looks like we arrived first, my Son, as it should be" Lady D said with a smirk on her face, she liked it when she arrived first, thinking it proved that she was the best for Mother Miranda and her goals.
The two then found seats and sat down together to wait for the arrival of the other three Lords, not too long later Donna and Angie arrived and made their way to the chair that seemed to be reserved just for her and Angie, when the little Doll suddenly flew out of Donna's arms and over to the two Vampiric Nobles.
"Ah, there you are, tall, dark and handsome! Good to see your mommy's letting you take part in these meetings now, thought for a while there that she'd forbid you to come anymore or something" Angie said to (Y/N) with a hyperactive giggle, while Donna silently walked past them to her chair and sat down to wait for the others to arrive too.
"Greetings, Miss Angie, it's nice to see you as well, did you two have good a good holiday?" (Y/N) asked the floating doll, feeling a bit awkward talking to a sentient Doll, but knowing it was Lady Beneviento's preferred method of communicating, while Alcina looked ready to swat her away like an annoying little insect.
"Yes! It was relaxing, though... Donna was a LOT happier after she got your gift, haven't seen her so happy for a while now!" Angie said to him, while Donna flinched and quietly groaned to herself, very glad she had her veil covering her face right now.
"Really? Well, I'm glad to hear that, Miss Angie" (Y/N) said with a smile, feeling glad that she enjoyed the Dragon Doll he'd managed to find for her in Diagon Alley.
"Donna wanted to talk to you later, after the meeting, so come visit her at the House!" Angie said to him, this time sounding a bit demanding, though it wasn't so effective due to her tiny stature.
"Very well, I'll be sure to visit her after the meeting" (Y/N) said to her with a smile when he then heard wheezing and heavy breaths, he then saw a rather happy looking Moreau stumble his way in front of him.
"Hey, ugly! I was talking to him first!" Angie said angrily to Lord Moreau as he stood in front of Alcina's Son, Alcina herself rolled her eyes and lit herself a cigarette, fully expecting another fight to happen between the loud Doll and the trembling Fish-man mutant.
"L-L-Lord D-Dimitrescu, th-thank you so much for the g-gift you got me... it l-looks very nice in my r-room" Lord Moreau said with a stutter as he stood in front of the young heir to House Dimitrescu, shaking slightly with worry that he might mess things up and get laughed at by all of them again.
"Your very welcome, Lord Moreau, I'm glad you like it so much, I thought since you lived by the Village's Reservoir that you would enjoy boats or perhaps Fish" (Y/N) said to him with a genuine smile on his face, which caused Lord Moreau to become happy that he was doing so well with this conversation.
"T-Th-Though... h-how did you g-get the w-water in the bottle to move like that? I-I-It actually l-looks like it's on the s-sea" Moreau asked him curiously, eager to see what kind of trick it may be.
"Magic, my Lord" (Y/N) said with a wave of his hand, causing Moreau to smile more, now with awe on his eyes.
"Well, looks like the freak show's here before me, and Mother Miranda's yet to turn up" came a voice that made Alcina groan in displeasure, Lord Heisenberg walked into the meeting room with his signature Metal hammer resting on his shoulder, as he took a deep inhale of the cigar clenched between his teeth before blowing smoke from his mouth.
"She's probably out looking for you, no doubt thinking you got lost along the way like the child that you are" Lady Dimitrescu said to him with a derisive snort, and giving him a look of annoyance due to his unkempt and messy appearance.
"Well, fuck you too, sis' and a happy new year!" Heisenberg said as he gave her the one finger salute, with a cocky smirk on his face as she scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, now pouting as she smoked her cigarette, he then turned his attention to the Male Dimitrescu.
"Well, hello there, super-size junior! Your Mother drag you along to this snooze-fest again?" Heisenberg said as he noticed (Y/N) sat down next to his Mother on one of the pews, Angie had gone back to Donna and was now was now sat in her lap, while Moreau had slowly ambled off to his own spot.
"Lord Heisenberg, a pleasure to see you again, yes Mother Miranda seems to require my presence now" (Y/N) said to him respectfully, deciding to at least try to tolerate the man, if only to not have to deal with such friction from someone at the same level of power as his own Mother.
"Wow, you sure your her kid? I would have expected you to hurl insults at me too or just act like I don't exist, not like I care, anyways, come over here, I gotta talk to ya for a sec" Heisenberg said as he set his Hammer down against another of the pews and motioned for (Y/N) to follow him.
"Anything you want to say to my Son, you can also say it in front of me, Heisenberg" Alcina snapped at him as she narrowed her Honey-Gold eyes at her brother with suspicion.
"What, you worried that him being with me unsupervised might corrupt him? That he'll start acting different than how you want him to?" Heisenberg said to Ldy D with annoyance very clear in his own voice.
"My son is a gentleman, with far more class than a lowly vagrant such as yourself" Alcina said to Heisenberg dismissively, before she took a long drag of her cigarette in her pipe, and then blewout a stream of smoke.
"You mean, he's a potential you in the making, why else would you keep him locked up in that Castle of yours and never let him experience life out from under your skirts?" Heisenberg fired back at her, knowing that it was a bit of a sore spot after Mother Miranda basically called her out on it before her Son had left to attend school beyond the Village.
"If he were like me, then he would be far above associating with a classless degenerate such as yourself!" Alcina suddenly snapped as she stood up to her full height, glaring down at Heisnberg angrily from his comment.
"Come, Lord Heisenberg, we'll have out discussion before the meeting..." (Y/N) said as he stood up suddenly and walked away before his could object, curious to know what Lord Heisenberg wanted to say but also... just wanting to stop the argument the two were having.
Heisenberg gave Alcina a triumphant smirk as he followed (Y/N) to a spot a bit away from the others, while Alcina pouted and sat back down in her seat glancing over to her Son before going back to smoking her cigarette.
"I just wanted to ask, well... that booze you got me? Where'd you get it from?" Heisenberg asked (Y/N) as the two of them stopped at the entrance to one of the few tunnels to this place.
"I bought it from a shop in London before I returned home for Christmas, did you like it?" (Y/N) said, before asking his own question to Lord Heisenberg, wondering if he enjoyed the alcohol he'd gotten for him.
"It was alright, though I gotta say, you certainly surprised me, I thought you'd only know about Wine or other fancy shit" Heisenberg said to him with a chuckle, as he lowered his sunglasses and looked up at (Y/N) with his own Pale-yellow eyes.
"I've learned that the finer things are not for everyone, besides, the Shop attendant recommended it, saying it was a popular brand of Scotch Whiskey, and always a good gift, they did also mention that they sell one that's Cinnamon Flavoured" (Y/N) said to him, feeling glad that he was able to please the other Lords with his Christmas gifts, and now only hoped that Mother Miranda liked hers too.
"Huh, well anyways, it was a good drink, if you ever get tired of your momma's Blood-laced Wine, you should get yourself something like that for yourself, it'll be good for ya" Heisenberg said to him, kind of impressed with how different he seemed to his Mother.
The two men spoke for a little longer before returning to their places, (Y/N) sat back down with his Mother while Heisenberg sat opposite to them, looking happy with himself before Mother Miranda slowly lowered herself down to the main stage of their meeting place on her many wings, landing and having her Black feathered wings wrap themselves around her body.
"Good, you are all here, now... we have a few topics to discuss" Mother Miranda said to the assembled people in the room, her face as serious as ever as she began the meeting.
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