Chapter 15
(Y/N) was back in his bedroom at last after all the time away from home, setting his Trunk on his bed and unpacking the things he would need while he was home, he did not plan to sit still and do nothing here, he planned to practise more Spells and Potions here in the privacy of the Family Castle.
After he had his reunion with his Mother and Sisters, Melinda had gone back to England after Obliviating the frightened Maid of course, he unpacked his books and could hear his sisters outside of his bedroom boor, making him chuckle as he then saw the gifts he bought before returning home, which he planned to give them on Christmas.
He had also gotten things for the other Lords and Mother Miranda too, he had a feeling he would do well to bring them gifts, Mother Miranda for convincing his Mother to allow him to go, and the other Lords to show respect to them.
"Big Brother, come read with me in the Library!" Daniela said as the doors flew opened and she materialised in his room, clutching a book to her chest with a hopeful smile on her face.
"No! Brother, come and bleed some Mortals with me in the Dungeons!" Cassandra said as she was holding her sickle in her hand, with a bloodthirsty grin on her own face.
"Forget about that! Big Brother, come and see the painting I made while you were away!" Bela exclaimed to him, as she clasped her hands over her chest, giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"Now, Daughters, don't overwhelm your older Brother so soon after he has returned home, allow him to catch his breath first" Alcina said to the three sternly, not wanting her Son to be overwhelmed so soon after returning home from School all the way in Scotland.
"Sorry Mother..." the three girls said together, as they all looked down to the floor.
"Girls, there's no need to be so concerned, I shall spend time with each of you, after all, I will be home for the next two weeks" (Y/N) said to his clamouring sisters, who all smiled happily when they heard how long they would get to spend with their older brother, he knew that because of the cold and snow outside they could not go outside of the Castle, even if they really wanted too, so they were cooped up and had extra energy to burn.
"You see, Daughters? Now, let's leave your Brother to unpack and rest, he's likely had a long journey, and has much to tell us of his time beyond the Village" Alcina said as she smiled down to her three Daughters, the three of them smiled back at their Mother as they realised that she was right, they would have plenty of time to spend with him before he had to leave again, with that the three left his room to patiently wait for their turn with their beloved Older Brother.
"I also look forward to hearing of your progress, I expect that you represented our House well?" Alcina said to her Son, a smile pulling on her lips as she gave him a pointed look.
"Of course, Mother, I will reveal all very soon" (Y/N) said to her with a smile on his face, Alcina's smile grew a little wider before she turned and left his room, closing the door behind her as the left.
"It's good to be home..." (Y/N) said to himself with a smile on his face, before he turned around to continue unpacking his things.
The Dimitrescu Family were all gathered together in the Castle's Dining Room, Alcina and her Daughters smiling ear-to-ear as they sat at the table together, the maids had all been sent out of the room, since they knew they couldn't discuss matters like Hogwarts and Magic around the Mortals, (Y/N) was sat in his rightful place next to his Mother, a big supper being prepared and given to him as a welcome home dinner.
(Y/N) ate the food that was prepared very eagerly, it had been some time since he had the chance to eat a meal cooked for him at home, eating in a refined manner as usual, the Maids in the Castle all seemed to be relieved for his return too, since it would hopefully mean they wouldn't have to fear death as much as they had been recently.
"So Brother, what have you learned at school?" Bela asked him eagerly, Cassandra and Daniela also very eager to know what their brother has learned and done while away from home.
"I've learned quite a bit, I seem to excel at Potions Class, and I also learned this..." (Y/N) said as he saw a bottle of Wine that had been left on a table on the opposite side of the room, he took out his Wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa" he said calmly, doing the swish and flick move with his wand, before the bottle rose up from the desk and slowly floated over to the table, Bela, Daniella and Cassandra's mouths dropped open in surprise as Alcina raised a brow, before the Wine Bottle was set down on the dinner table.
"Amazing!" Daniela exclaimed as she clapped her hands and giggled.
"I know it's not as impressive as other spells I tried, but I suppose that's what all children learn in their First Years at the School" (Y/N) said as he set his Wand down on the table and ate another mouthful of the dinner he had in front of him.
"Don't worry Brother, I'm sure you'll learn some really impressive new ones soon" Bela said to him, a smile on her face as she looked at him.
"Yeah, maybe a spell to make weapons, and hunt down more man-things" Cassandra said with a smirk on her face as she imagined her older Brother perhaps using magic to hunt and bleed Mortals for them all.
"Now, Daughters, do remember that your Brother can't go around using Magic as he pleases, after all, it would be bad if he got in trouble" Alcina said to the girls calmly, before she sipped on her favourite Wine from her Crimson Glass.
"Mother is right, Sisters, it's apparently highly illegal to perform Magic when in the presence of Mortals, it could end up with my Wand getting snapped and me being banned from practising Magic at all" (Y/N) told the girls seriously, the girls all seemed to realise that their Brother was telling them the truth, and they all looked down guiltily.
"But... I suppose if it were just us, and no staff watching or listening, I don't see why I can't show you what I learn as time goes on" (Y/N) said to them softly, giving his three Sisters a gentle smile.
The three girls perked up and returned his smile, Alcina was about to speak to him when the doors to the Main Hall opened up, and a very nervous Maid walked into the Dining Room.
"P-Pardon me, Lady Dimitrescu..." the frightened Maid said, her voice trembling, her legs shaking, and her heart racing as she looked to the floor, too afraid to meet the eyes of the family she served.
"I thought I specifically said there were to be no interruptions? My Son has returned home after so long away, and we wish to catch up with him" Alcina said in annoyance as she glared at the frightened Maid, while Bela, Cassandra and Daniela growled and glared at the Maid, looking to be planning her demise for interrupting their time with their Son and Brother.
"I-I apologise, my Lady... but... Mother Miranda is on the p-phone for you..." the Maid said to Lady Dimitrescu, her voice shaky as she trembled under her Lady's gaze, Alcina sighed to herself.
"I see... very well then, I apologise my Son, I shall return soon" Alcina said as she stood up from her seat and walked out of the Dining Room, the Maid glanced to (Y/N) and his Sisters, before she followed the Lady and closed the doors.
"I wonder what Mother Miranda wants?" Daniela wondered as she had a finger to her dark painted lips, smearing some of the congealed blood that was on her chin in the process.
"Probably business with the other Lords" Bela said to the younger Sister, while Cassandra took out her Sickle and started to use the tip of the curved blade to pick dried blood from her nails.
They sat in the Dining Room and talked more as their Brother finished his supper, before Alcina ducked back through the doors, now looking more serious and unhappy for some reason.
"(Y/N), my Son, you must get ready, Mother Miranda has called us both in for a meeting with the other Lords" Alcina said to him with a sigh, (Y/N) was kind of surprised that Mother Miranda had called for him to join in on one of the Lord's Meetings.
"Aw, but we wanted to spend time with Big brother" Bela said with a pout on her face, while Cassandra and Daniela also nodded, all three girls pouting that their Brother had to leave the Castle so soon after returning home.
"I know, daughters, but Mother Miranda's word is law, your Brother has caught her eye and may prove himself worthy of more power and status, perhaps enough to remove that fool Heisenberg's status as Lord" Alcina said, but muttered the last part to herself quietly, however her Son had heard her quiet muttering, but chose not to ask her about it.
(Y/N) soon got ready and hugged his sisters goodbye, before he and his Mother set out together in a carriage to the Lord's meeting place, (Y/N) looked around at the familiar landscapes, having usually only seen them when he and his friend would sneak out of the Castle together, until soon enough they arrived at the meeting place.
He and his Mother got out and walked through dank, earthy tunnels until they reached the place, it looked like an old, underground Church of some kind, perhaps a Temple to the Black God constructed by Mother Miranda?
Alcina and her Son walked past the scattered and partially broken pews, toward the other three Lords who ruled the Village, Lady Donna Beneviento who was sat in a chair quietly with her Doll, Angie sat on her lap, Lord Salvatore Moreau who was stood in a corner mumbling to himself as he glanced at the others, and Lord Heisenberg was also there, sitting on one of the pews and drinking from a canteen, his large Hammer leaned against the pew as well.
(Y/N) could also smell that the Lycans were close too, his Mother sat in a large chair and lit a cigarette in her long holder, she placed the end of the pipe to her lips, inhaled and then blew a stream of smoke from her lips as she waited, her Son decided to stay standing and look around the room, then Mother Miranda flew down through the large open hole in the roof of the cave with her many Black-feathered wings.
"Ah, you have returned... it is good to have your back home again, (Y/N)" Miranda said as she landed on the raised platform close to where Donna and Angie were sat, then her wings wrapped in around her body, creating a sort of feathered cloak and hood over her body and head, her face covered by her golden, Bird-like mask.
"Thank you, Mother Miranda, I am also pleased to be home again" (Y/N) said as he bowed respectfully to the Village's Leader.
"So, the boy get's to go out beyond the borders of the Village while we all gotta stay stuck here?" Heisenberg said as he put away his flask and pulled out a Cigar, put the end between his teeth and lit it up, Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes at the man whom she despised.
"Young Dimitrescu here presents a unique opportunity which requires him to travel abroad, he has apparently come into powers that will make him, most useful" Mother Miranda said as she turned her gaze to (Y/N), who felt both nervous and prideful that Mother Miranda was paying attention to him, and what she had just said.
"Ooh! I wonder what kind of things he's seen and done out there, can you tell us? Tell us what's happening out there! What kind of things have you seen?!" Angie exclaimed from Donna's lap, while Moreau stumbled closer as well, seeming excited to be meeting the Son of one of his fellow Lords.
"Would you shut the fuck up?!" Heisenberg suddenly and aggressively shouted at the living Doll, making Angie squeak and then start sniffling as she quieted down, and caused Moreau to back up too.
"I have called you all here for a purpose, as you all know, young Dimitrescu was kept away from much of the running's of the Village, however, as he is proving himself to be useful, I believe it will be time for him to see more of his own home..." Mother Miranda said to her four Lords, gazing to each of them and then to Lady D's Son.
"As such, Young Dimitrescu, starting from your next return home from abroad during the Summer months, you will be dividing your time, working with the other Lords of this Village" Mother Miranda said to the others as she smiled at (Y/N), who looked kind of surprised.
"Mother Miranda I must protest! My Son has spent all of those thirty-three years under my care, it would be better for him if he remained under my guidance, so I can show him the proper way" Alcina said as she stood up from her seat suddenly, looking to Mother Miranda in surprise and disbelief.
(Y/N) looked to his Mother and felt conflicted, he knew she cared for him but... ever since what Mother Miranda had said to him that day when he faced off against Urias, and claimed the White Crystal for his Wand Core, he'd been plagued with insecurities of his Mother being disappointed in him, or worse... ashamed of him.
He didn't want to go back to just being shut in all day long and only allowed outside to go to Hogwarts, he wanted to prove himself and show his Mother that he was capable of living up to the Family name, to not disgrace the Dimitrescu family in the Mortal World and the Wizard World.
"Ha! You mean you'll have him sit around drinking wine and messing around with one of your Maids until he get's bored and eats 'em" Heisenberg said loudly with a chuckle as he let out a big breath full of thick, White smoke with the strong smell of Tobacco.
"Ugh, you vulgar little boy!" Alcina said in disgust from what he had just said, (Y/N) felt a bit embarrassed too, he hadn't partaken of that with a maid for some time, mostly because of his friend, though her last visit had been some time ago...
"SILENCE! Both of you!" Mother Miranda shouted loudly, as she spread her many pairs of Black feathered wings, making both Lady Dimitrescu and Lord Heisenberg stop their arguing, and also made Lady Beneviento and Lord Moreau look to her with fear and respect.
"I will not have petty arguments here, we are here to welcome young Lord Dimitrescu into the fold, and prepare him to assume responsibilities around the Village, not to have him witness the rulers of this Village bicker as small children do!" Mother Miranda said to the Four Lords with authority, showing that she wouldn't tolerate the behaviour of the two.
Lady Dimitrescu and Lord Heisenberg both quickly stopped their argument, both looking to Mother Miranda quietly, like a pair of children who had been admonished by their Mother, a feeling (Y/N)knew very well form his childhood...
"Alcina, you had more than thirty years to have your Son remain under your guidance, and I will not deny that I allowed it, but now your Son is showing a new power, one that may benefit this Village and the cause of the Black God, I shall not allow his gifts and potential to be squandered by having him hidden away in your Castle any longer" Mother Miranda said to Alcina as she narrowed her eyes at the much taller woman, who flinched back looking very upset and hurt at what Mother Miranda had just said to her.
"And Heisenberg, you know nothing of her Son, of the things that he was taught in his home, and I am especially disappointed that you choose to pick a fight with your sister when we are introducing a new member to this Council, you must set a proper example for him" Mother Miranda said as she turned her displeasure upon the Male, who clenched his fists before letting out a breath.
"Yes, Mother Miranda, I apologise..." he said, sounding like he was forcing every word of his apology out from between his teeth, (Y/N) looked to his Mother, feeling bad that she had just been told off in such a harsh way, before he noticed Mother Miranda approach him.
"Now then, young Dimitrescu... it's time we discuss your allotted times with the other Lords over the coming Summer" Mother Miranda said to him with a smile, but... it had no warmth to it, it was but a mask to her true intentions...
Some time had passed by since (Y/N) had returned and settled himself back into his home, he spent more time with his little Sisters, reading in the Library, spending time in the dungeons with Cassandra, and sitting to talk with Bela, sometimes he also went to the Castle Rooftops to watch the Samca as they perched on the battlements.
However... ever since the meeting Alcina had been drinking a bit more, and spending more time in her bedroom, seeming like she was upset at what Mother Miranda had said to her in front of her fellow Lords, and her Son.
(Y/N) had felt a bit hurt by what Mother Miranda had been pointing out, but... he loved his Mother, he was upset that she was so affected by what Mother Miranda said, and he felt a small ember of hate for the Prophet of the Black God, for being so malicious toward his Mother for how she raised him, and he had to reassure her that he did not hate her a few times.
Now though, he was getting ready to give his Christmas gifts to his Family, he had already woken up early to drop off gifts for the other Lords at their respective homes, he knew it was different than bringing his Little Sisters fresh Prey, but he hoped they would like what he bought them from London and Diagon Alley.
He soon came down from his own room to the Castle's Main Hall, which was decorated for the Christmas season, with a large Pine Tree set up and decorated with ornaments and he saw his Mother sitting in her sat sipping upon some blood in her teacup, while Bela, Cassandra and Daniela stood up as they saw their Brother coming down with gifts in his arms.
"Big Brother!" Daniela squealed happily, causing Bela and Cassandra to also look up to him, all three girls sitting down and hiding something behind their backs.
"Happy Christmas, my Son" Lady D said with a gentle smile on her face as she looked up to her Son, and saw the wrapped up packages he had in his arms.
"Happy Christmas Mother, Sisters" (Y/N) said back with a smile on his face as he finished his walk down the steps, and then moved to sit himself down next to his Mother and placed the gifts onto the table.
"Are those for us?" Cassandra asked excitedly as she and her Sisters looked to the wrapped up Christmas gifts.
"Of course, I bought something for all of you, I got them from London and Diagon Alley" (Y/N) said with a smile on his face, which grew bigger as he saw his Sister's and Mother's faces all light up with intrigue.
First he gave his gift to his youngest Sister, Daniela, she also handed him a gift too that she had bought from the Duke, and to (Y/N)'s surprise... it was a SpellBook, titled Curses and Counter-Curses by Vindictus Viridian.
"Where did you get this from, Dani?" (Y/N) asked in surprise, wondering where she had managed to get a Wizard World Book here in the Village.
"The Duke recommended it, he said that the things in that Book might be very useful for you at that School you attend" Daniela said happily as she then opened up her gift, she gasped in delight as she found that her Brother had gotten her some new books too, romance novels from the Muggle and Wizarding World!
"Ooh, new romance novels! Thank you big brother!" Daniela squealed happily as she hugged her new books to her chest, a big smile on her face as she was eager to read her new stories, making (Y/N) smile at how excited she was.
Cassandra then gave her older Brother her own gift, she handed to him the polished skull of a Bear, it was large and pristine, Cassandra must have hunted it when it was warmer and worked on it all this time to make it perfect for him.
"Oh wow, thank you Cassandra, this will look wonderful in my room" (Y/N) said with a big smile on his face, impressed that she had managed to hunt and kill a Bear for him.
Cassandra smiled back to him, before she unwrapped her own gift and she gasped as she saw that he had given her a selection of knives and also whetstones to keep them sharp and deadly, she grinned widely and was very eager to try out her new weapons on her next unfortunate victim.
Next was Bela, who came over to her Brother and handed him a small portrait of him, their Mother and all three Sisters which she had painted herself.
"Bela, this is beautiful, did you paint this yourself?" (Y/N) asked her in surprise, as Alcina, Cassandra and Daniela also looked at it and were impressed with how detailed Bela had made it.
"Yes, I thought that perhaps you could take it with you when you go away next, so you won't miss us as much?" Bela said to him with a smile, before (Y/N) handed her her own gift, Bela sat down and unwrapped the present and smiled widely as she saw she had gotten a very well maintained taxidermied Red Fox!
"Big brother, it's beautiful! What is this Animal?" Bela asked as she ran her fingers over the stuffed Animal's fun, marvelling at how soft the fur was.
"It's called a Fox, it's an kind of Animal that lives in England and around Europe, I thought you might like it" (Y/N) said to her, feeling happy that she seemed so enraptured with petting her stuffed Fox.
"And I have these, for you Mother" (Y/N) said as he then took out two wrapped up bottles and offered them both to his Mother, she took them both and carefully unwrapped them, she found two bottles of Wine, one of them a rather expensive vintage bought in London, and the other a bottle of Nettle Wine, purchased from Diagon Alley.
"Thank you very much, (Y/N), I cannot wait to sample these vintages, and here is your one from me, my Son" Lady Dimitrescu said, smiling to herself as she carefully placed the bottles down on the table and then handed over a new outfit to her son, he smiled and left to go and try them on, after a few minutes, he came back downstairs wearing his new clothes he got from his Mother.
(I do not own this image)
"Oh, you look so handsome!" Alcina and her three Daughters said as they all smiled and clapped to him, all of them really happy with his new look.
Meanwhile, over at the Beneviento Mansion that was next to a large roaring waterfall, Donna sat alone in her living room, quietly looking at her old family portrait, a soft frown on her face as she was remembering her time with her parents, another Christmas alone...
"Hey! Look at this! Someone left a Christmas Present at the door!" Angie suddenly shouted as she flew into the room, startling Donna slightly, but the woman also seemed surprised as she saw the wrapped up box in her favourite Doll's hands.
Donna gently took the box from Angie's hands and set it down on the table, before she saw the tag on the box, she turned the tag to read the message on the back.
-To Lady Beneviento, I hope you have a Happy Christmas and that you enjoy this gift I got for you, from (Y/N) Dimitrescu-
Donna was surprised, she hadn't gotten a gift for so long... she then carefully unwrapped the paper, and lifted the lid of the box, before she gasped in surprise at what she saw inside.
"What? What is it?! Show me!" Angiel said loudly, as she was bouncing around in place on the table, her little feet tapping on the wooden table, Donna then carefully reached into the box and pulled out... a large Dragon Doll!
It's body was carved from wood, and painted to look as realistic as possible, and it's wings were framed with wood, and had paper to make up the wing membranes.
"Ooooh! A Dragon! That's so cool!" Angie exclaimed excitedly as she clapped her little hands together, Donna carefully set the Dragon Doll down onto the table, amazed with the details of it, and also touched that someone had thought about her during this time of year.
Donna sat down in her chair, and gently brushed her fingers along the segmented wooden neck and head of the Dragon Doll, and under her black veil, she smiled for the first time in years...
Over at the Village's Reservoir, Lord Salvatore Moreau hobbled his way into his cave close to the flooded Fishing Village, however, he suddenly stopped and vomited messily against one of the walls of the cave, creating a patch of his Green enzymes against the wall.
"Ah... Mother Miranda... why won't you love me? W-Why do the others a-all have to laugh at me?" Moreau whimpered to himself as he continued his slow walk back to his make-shift room, planning to just watch his TV and go to sleep.
He rounded the corner and walked up into his little area of the Reservoir, where he could distract himself with television, or just watch the static... however as he came into the room, he noticed something on the table close to the window, it looked like... a Present?
"W-Wh-What?" Moreau stuttered in confusion as he ambled over to the raised table, his eyes wide in surprise as he reached the table, he looked at it cautiously before he picked it up in his webbed hands and carefully looked it over, before finding a tag attached.
-To Lord Moreau, I hope you have a Happy Christmas and that you enjoy this gift I got for you, from (Y/N) Dimitrescu-
Moreau's eyes widened, this was the first time in a long time someone had gotten him a gift, especially after his bad reaction to Mother Miranda's Cadou, He then unwrapped the gift with shaky hands, and gasped when he saw what it was.
It was a large glass bottle, and inside was a tiny wooden ship, but... inside the bottle the Ship actually looked like it was at sea! The water inside was moving like the ocean, making waves, with some illusion clouds at the top too!
"W-Wow..." Moreau said as he watched the ship sail across the small, magically made sea in the bottle, the enchantment was small and only for novelty, but it amazed Moreau, he felt happy and excited from this, did this mean that the young Dimitrescu would be nice to him?!
Over at Heisenberg's factory, the man in question looked at the wrapped up package he'd found at the door to his factory suspiciously, the tag that was attached face up so he could read the message, a suspicious frown on his face.
"What's that oversized shit doing? I bet Lady Super-sized Bitch put him up to this... probably a bomb or something in it" Heisenberg said to himself, smirking at the thought, as he then used his magnetic powers to levitate some large pieces of scrap metal in front of himself as a shield.
"Alright, bring it on bitch..." Heisenberg said as he then shot a piece of rebar at the lid of the box, knocking it off and... nothing, no explosion, Heisenberg then dropped the pieces of metal and slowly approached the box and looked inside, Heisenberg then raised a brow and reached into the box, pulling out a bottle with a rather interesting looking label on the bottle.
"Blishen's Firewhisky... aged thirty-nine years?" Heisenberg said to himself as he lowered his shades and looked over the label, scratching his chin and beard as his Pale-Yellow eyes scanned over the words with caution, and also intrigue.
He'd never heard of that brand of booze before and was actually pretty curious about it now, but he was still a bit concerned that it may be poisoned, he then raised his arm to smash the bottle on the ground, but... his curiosity was slowly overpowering his caution.
"Ah, the hell with it..." Heisenberg groaned as he walked back to his planning room, he fetched himself a glass and opened the bottle and then poured the Auburn coloured alcohol into the glass, he set the bottle down and picked up the glass, lightly swirling the liquid inside.
Heisenberg took a deep breath and drank the Whisky down, as soon as he gulped the booze down, he hissed as he felt the Firewhiskey sear his throat like he was swallowing liquid fire, before suddenly he felt a warmth spread through his body, filling him with courage and motivation.
"Whew, not bad stuff! Guess I owe the little bastard a thanks... time to get back to working on my Metal Army!" Heisenberg said with a lot more energy in his voice, as he felt motivation and inspiration to continue to manufacture his special Soldiers.
Meanwhile, in Miranda's secret laboratory, close to the Megamycete Super-Colony which she had called the Black God, her lab full of diagrams and reports of her various experiments and also jars where her Cadou parasites floated in clear fluids.
Miranda looked down on her table at the Christmas gift she found on the Altar at the Church in the Village, she looked at it passively, she then picked it back up and read the tag on the box.
-To Mother Miranda, I hope you have a Happy Christmas and that you enjoy this gift I got for you, from (Y/N) Dimitrescu-
Miranda's eyes narrowed as she opened the box and saw what was inside, she then put the lid back on and tossed the box aside casually, showing no interest at all in seeing what he had gotten for her, if it wasn't her daughter, she didn't care.
"I don't need gifts from such... imperfect children, all I need is to have you back in my arms, my little Eva, and Alcina's Son may be my way to find you a vessel... or another way to bring you back to me" Miranda said coldly, as she went back to her work with the Cadou and the Megamycete.
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