Chapter 13
(Y/N) watched with interest as fifteen brooms rose up into the air, and the two teams started their game, he saw the Red and Gold of Gryffindor against the Green and Silver of his house, Slytherin, and could hear the students cheering for their respective sides, he also heard the crowds of students all cheering loudly.
"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor! What an excellent Chaser that girl is, rather attractive too-" said a young Gryffindor boy named Lee Jordan, he spoke into a Brass tube which was connected to a large cone shaped speaker to project his voice.
"JORDAN!" Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly exclaimed loudly over the speakers.
"Sorry Professor" Jordan apologised to the head of Gryffindor, making (Y/N) smirk at this funny interaction.
(What's a Quaffle?) (Y/N) wondered to himself in confusion as he looked at said girl, seeing her holding an oddly shaped ball under her arm, as she sped around dodging the Slytherin players.
"And she's really belting it along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of Oliver Wood's, last year and only a reserve, back to Johnson and, no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes, Flint, flying like an Eagle up there, he's going to sc-" Jordan said as (Y/N) followed the players with his Honey-Gold eyes, paying attention to the game while glancing down at Abigail and seeing her cheering for the Slytherin Team, he then saw the Captain of his House's team fly toward the three hoops that were set up and threw the Quaffle at the middle ring.
"No, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and the Gryffindors take the Quaffle, that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor right there, nice dive around Flint, up off the field and-" (Y/N) saw the Captain of the Gryffindor team smack the ball away from the hoop with the brush end of his broom.
"Hm, he's the Captain and the Keeper?" (Y/N) wondered to himself as he kept watching the game, it seemed odd to have someone filling two roles.
"OUCH, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger, Quaffle taken by the Slytherins, that's Adrian Pucey speeding off towards the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger, sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which" Jordan said into the speaker, (Y/N) saw the impact to the back of the girl's head, and heard the Gryffindor team "ooh" from the impact, he also saw Rose cheering for Fred and George.
"Nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes, she's really flying, dodges a speeding Bludger, the goalposts are ahead, come on now, Angelina, Keeper Bletchley dives, misses, GRYFFINDOR SCORE!" this was met with a big round of cheers from the Gryffindor students, and howls and moans from the Slytherins in the cold air.
"Gryffindor seem to be doing very well" Abigail said to herself as she was watching the game.
"This seems like quite the sport, it's certainly engaging" (Y/N) said to her as he was stood in the back, due to his height, he then noticed two of the players just hovering above the game like Hawks.
"I'm guessing those two must be the Seekers I read about?" (Y/N) asked as he kept his gaze on the older Slytherin boy, and the Gryffindor First Year, Harry Potter.
"Yes, their only job is to find and catch the Golden Snitch, they're also the ones that are usually targeted by the opposing team" Abigail explained to him, as she looked up to him.
"So they just... sit there and do nothing for most of the game? Seems like a waste of another set of hands to me, they could be helping to score more while they wait to find the Snitch, unless it's against the rules?" (Y/N) asked her, he had read enough of the rules to know that catching the Golden Snitch got the catcher one hundred and fifty points, and also ended the game, but didn't know why they just sat back and didn't assist their teams until the time came to get the Snitch.
"It's the Seekers sole role on the field, if they go and do something else, then the opposing team's Seeker might catch the Snitch before them" Abigail explained to him as she looked up to him, before shifting her bright Blue eyes back to the game.
"I see, very well then" (Y/N) said to her as he returned his attention back to the game, his eyes following the speeding players on their brooms.
"He's gotta be right thick, how does he not even know that?" one of the other Slytherin students said, looking back at (Y/N) in disbelief.
"What do you expect from a half-blood raised by a Muggle? He's a disgrace to Slytherin" Malfoy spat as he gave (Y/N) a dirty look, Abigail heard him and saw the look and she did not approve.
"And yet he's the one who get's top marks, and has impressed multiple teachers, unlike some people" Abigail said as she gave Malfoy and his two goons pointed looks, Malfoy looked ready to retort and Crabbe looked like he was going to hit her, when they both saw the deadly look in the Slytherin Vampire's gaze, despite his calm face, the boys thought better of it and moved further away from the two.
(Y/N) turned his gaze back to the game and saw Harry doing loop-the-loops every time the Gryffindor team scored, and saw his fellow Slytherins deflating further and further with each point scored by them.
"Slytherin in possession, Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys and Chaser Bell and speeds toward the- wait a moment- was that the Snitch?" Jordan said, and to (Y/N)'s annoyance it seemed to be enough to distract the Chaser and make him drop the damn Quaffle.
Harry Potter seemed to see this Snitch and dove toward it like a Hawk going for prey, the Slytherin Seeker also noticed the streak of Gold and sped after it too, the two Seekers neck and neck, as the other players all stopped playing and watched the race got the Golden ball.
Harry was getting closer and closer to catching the Snitch, when suddenly the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint, suddenly blocked the younger boy, sending his Broom spinning off course with the boy holding on for dear life, the Gryffindor's in the audience immediately roared in disapproval, many of them screaming "foul" angrily.
Madam Hooch angrily reprimanded Flint for what he did and ordered a free shot at the goal posts for the Gryffindor team, and in all the confusion the two Seekers had lost the Snitch.
"So, after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-" Jordan said, only to be cut off again by Professor McGonagall.
"JORDAN!" McGonagall suddenly barked at him sternly.
"I mean, after that open and revolting foul-" Jordan began to say, before being cut off yet again.
"Jordan, I'm warning you" McGonagall growled at him warningly, having enough of Jordan's comments.
"All right, all right, Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindoe, taken by Spinnet, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue to play, Gryffindor still in possession" Jordan said as the crowd watched the game go on, (Y/N) was pretty engrossed with the game, it was a very exciting sport so far.
"Slytherin in possession, Flint with the Quaffle, passes Spinnet, passes Bell, hit in the face by a Bludger, hope it broke his nose-only joking, Professor-Slytherin score, oh no..." Jordan said over the speakers, the Slytherin's all cheered as the Chaser scored a goal for their House, when (Y/N) looked up and saw Harry's broom acting like a wild Horse trying to buck it's rider.
"Is that some kind of trick players do to show off?" (Y/N) asked Abigail as he pointed upward, Abigail followed his gaze and gasped at what she saw, suddenly people from all over the stands were looking up at Harry as his Broom rolled over and over as the scared eleven year old boy clung on for dear life, then the crowd gasped as his Broom gave a wild jerk and he was almost flung off, holding on with only one hand!
The Broom then started to rise up higher and higher into the sky, with the two Gryffindor Beaters flying up to try and save the boy, but every time they got close the Broom suddenly sped up it's ascent, the rest of the crowd were on their feet terrified as they watched the deadly spectacle, even the Slytherins seemed concerned about what was happening, and while everyone was distracted, the Slytherin Captain, Flint took the opportunity to score five more times.
While the students and Teachers were watching Harry hang on for dear life, (Y/N) glanced back and noticed a head of bushy brown hair go running past, he turned his gaze back to Harry, Abigail held onto him as she worried about seeing someone fall to their death, when suddenly, his Broom stopped trying to shake him off, and the dark haired boy managed to climb back onto the Broom, and then suddenly speed down toward the ground, with his hand clapped over his mouth.
"I think he's going to be sick" (Y/N) said as he watched the boy rapidly descend to the grass below, surprised he hadn't fallen off his broom yet.
"Well considering what he just went through, I wouldn't be too surprised" Abigail said as she had her hand on her chest, trying to calm her racing heart from witnessing such peril, still holding onto her best friend.
Harry landed on the pitch on his hands and knees, coughing once, before he coughed up a small, shiny Gold object into his hands.
"I've got the Snitch!" Harry called out as he held the Snitch up over his head, making sure everyone could see that he had it in his hand.
"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! He's received one-hundred and fifty points for Gryffindor, making the score one-hundred and seventy points to sixty!" Jordan said loudly into the speaker system, as Madam Hooch flew down and blew her whistle loudly.
"GRYFFINDOR WINS!!" Madam Hooch declared loudly, instantly the Gryffindors erupted into loud cheers, while the Slytherins all looked on in disbelief, not happy about the fact they lost to their rival House.
"He didn't catch it, he nearly swallowed it!" Flint argued angrily, but he was drowned out by the many students cheering and clapping, along with chants of "Go, go, Gryffindor" while Harry was standing in the middle of the Pitch, soaking up the cheers and the attention he was getting.
"I must say, lady Saltstone... this sport is quite entertaining" (Y/N) said as he looked down to Abigail, who sighed and smiled up at him, even though their House just lost, at least he seemed to have enjoyed watching this game for the first time.
A few weeks had passed by since the Quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, right now (Y/N) was making his way out of the Slytherin Dorms to the Hospital Wing of the Castle, his big Green and Silver scarf tied around his neck, when he noticed something out of one of the many windows in the school.
"Hm... it's snowing" he said with a smile as he stopped and looked out of the window with a smile on his face, his Honey-Gold eyes watching the virgin White flakes slowly drift to the earth, building up more on the already three foot layer that built up overnight.
He stood there at the window with a smile on his face, seeming lost in his thoughts and memories as he watched the snow fall.
"T-T-Th-Th-Th-There you a-a-are! I-I've been looking a-all over..." said a quivering, stuttering voice, which broke (Y/N) out of his happy place, he turned his head and fixed his gaze onto the trembling form of Professor Quirrell, he then stood up and turned to the man, looking down at the Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher.
"O-Oh my w-w-word..." Quirrell said as he paled considerably, looking up to the much taller man as he stood up to his full height, seeming like he was much more afraid now.
"Professor?" (Y/N) said to the man, slightly amused at just how frightened the man seemed with his size, it felt good to him.
"I-I-I am t-th-the one overs-s-seeing your f-f-feeding today, Mr. D-D-Dimitrescu, please c-come" Quirrell said to him, as he adjusted his turban slightly, (Y/N) nodded as he kept his gaze on the smaller man, before he started to continue his journey to the Medical Wing with Quirrell following after him.
The corridors of the Castle were icy cold as a Winter draught flew through the halls, Quirrell shivering with both nervousness and the cold, while (Y/N) was simply unaffected by the freezing air, soon (Y/N) walked into the medical Wing and saw Madam Pomfrey in her office area, and also saw Penelope Clearwater was sitting on one of the beds, fidgeting nervously as she looked at him approach.
"Finally, what happened, you get lost?" Penelope asked him nervously, causing (Y/N) to internally scoff at her fear, it would add extra flavour to her blood but it was rather irritating, why would she volunteer, or keep doing this if she was so scared?
"My apologies, Lady Clearwater, I was lost in thoughts of my home as I watched the snow" (Y/N) said to her as he approached the young girl, whose eyes followed him as her lips remained in a frown.
"Right... so I'm guessing you must be going home for the Christmas Holidays?" Penelope asked him as she sat on the bed and offered him her wrist, wanting to get this over with quickly so she could leave and go find Percy.
"Yes, I imagine my Sisters will be very happy to see me again when I return" (Y/N) said as he took her hand and then bit down on her wrist, making the Blonde hiss in pain as she felt his fangs puncture her skin and the veins in her wrist, followed by him sucking on the wound to draw out her blood.
The Vampire drank a good amount from the girl before they y heard a faint sigh, followed by a thump, Penelope looked over to Quirrell with her eyes going wide, (Y/N) stopped drinking her blood and looked back, only to see Quirrel had...fainted.
"And he's supposed to be teaching Defence against the Dark Arts?" (Y/N) said dryly, very unimpressed at having to learn anything from such a stuttering, nervous fool.
"Yeah, anyways, I believe we're done here-" Penelope said as she jumped off the bed and went to leave, only to be pulled to a stop suddenly, making her body turn around to face (Y/N) again.
"Not yet, Miss Clearwater" (Y/N) said to her, still holding her wrist in a firm grip, the Ravenclaw's eyes widened in worry now, she was here with him unsupervised!
"No, I already gave you my blood, you're not getting anymore!" Penelope exclaimed as she started to try pulling her hand out of his grip, but unable to do so because of his greater strength.
"You misunderstand, young miss... I mean to use this on the wound, before you lose too much of your delectable blood" (Y/N) said as he maintained a form hold on the girl's wrist, uncorking the First Aid Med in his hand with his teeth, and then dumping the liquid over the bite wound.
Penelope stayed quiet and watched as the fluid quickly did it's work and healed the bite on her wrist, even though she'd seen this happen several times over the months she started this deal, it still amazed her that Muggles had made such a thing.
"There, now you may go" he said as he put the now empty bottle away, Penelope turned and started to leave the room as she examined her wrist, before she stopped at the door and glanced back at him, she looked at him for a while before she she looked at him for a while before she shook her head and sighed.
"It's Clara's birthday on the twenty-third, maybe you should think about getting her something?" Penelope said shortly, causing (Y/N) to look over at her with a slightly raised brow, he was pretty surprised at this unexpected news.
"Really? Hmm... any suggestions on what she might like?" (Y/N) asked her, hoping for a suggestion on a good gift for the eleven year-old Ravenclaw girl.
"I don't know her that well, I'm usually very busy with my duties as Prefect..." Penelope said to him, before she rolled her sleeve back down, apologised and then left the room, leaving him with the fainted Professor Quirrell.
(Y/N) shook his head at the unconscious man, before he left the Medical Wing, quickly starting to think on what he could do, Clara and the girls had done much for him with giving him their blood, giving them birthday gifts would only be right... so he then put some thought into what he could get for the young Ravenclaw girl, and also have to find out when the others birthdays were too.
"Hmm... Ravenclaws do like books, and knowledge, maybe I could get her a new Book of Spells? Perhaps a Grimoire?" (Y/N) said to himself as he was walking down the cold hallway of the School, making his way to the Great hall where almost everyone was having their breakfast.
"Wait... that's it, she spoke often about an interest in travelling... perhaps the Duke will have something?" he said to himself with a smile on his face, before taking a detour to his Room, and took some of his Money to purchase something from the Duke.
Some time later, after Breakfast and their first class of the day, (Y/N) made his way to the Empty Classroom that the Duke had set up shop in, when he wasn't in his Cart of course, he approached the door as a group of Ravenclaw First Years left with new ink pots and quills, seeming happy with their purchases, he then opened the door and went inside to do business with the Duke.
Two days had passed by and now everyone was in the Great hall for Breakfast, Clara was sat down eating some bacon, eggs and toast while re-reading the book her Mother had gifted to her a hundred and one places to see, smiling to herself as her Brown eyes scanned over the familiar words and images that were on the pages.
"Lady Oswald" a familiar voice said to her, she turned her gaze away from her book and smiled up to the very tall, Slytherin Vampire, who was also smiling down to her, with his hands behind his back.
"Good morning, (Y/N), how did you sleep?" Clara asked him with a bright smile on her face, the both of them ignoring the other members of Ravenclaw who were watching them, and giving (Y/N) looks.
"I slept well thank you" he replied to her, as he kept his Honey-Gold eyes locked with hers, a small smile on his face.
"That's nice, so... what do you need? Do you want a snack or something?" Clara asked him, whispering the last part, wondering if he wanted more blood from her, she knew it was Amy's turn today and she was... difficult to say the least.
"Well, I came here to wish you happy birthday, and give you... these" (Y/N) said as he took his hands out from behind his back, offering Clara three small things wrapped up in wrapping paper, which seemed to surprise her.
"Happy birthday" he said with a smile on his face as he knelt down to her height to hand her the birthday presents, Clara could feel people's eyes on her as she took the offered gifts, wondering what he had gotten her.
"Oh, wow, thanks! How did you?" Clara asked him, a bit confused but also smiling at the fact he gave her something for her birthday.
"Miss Clearwater mentioned it to me" (Y/N) replied to her, Clara nodded in understanding before she started to tear the paper, and her smile went a little wider as she saw what he had gotten her, it was a set of Travel books for different places around Europe, as well as books to learn languages, and a bookmark too!
"Oh my... thank you so much, (Y/N)" Clara said with a big smile on her face, as she set her new books on the table, before getting up and hugging him, the much taller man chuckled and patted her back gently, before she released him and sat back down at the Ravenclaw table.
"Hey there, looks like someone got something nice for her birthday" Abigail said as she, Rose and Amy also approached the two, each of the girls also holding a wrapped up birthday gift for their friend.
Clara got some new Ink Pots and Quills from Abigail, some sweets from Rose, and a copy of Quidditch Through the Ages from Amy, soon the group were all sat together and talking, wishing Clara a happy birthday, as she young brunette girl glanced over and saw Penelope sitting with Percy Weasley, Clara mouthed a "thank you" to the older Ravenclaw girl, before she noticed (Y/N) glancing at the book she got from her mother.
"That's a gift I got from my Mum before I came here, she always reads it to me before I went to bed, or if I was sad or sick" Clara said softly, as she gently brushed her fingers over the cover of her book and bringing it to her lap.
"It looks pretty old..." Amy said, before Rose elbowed her in the side.
"And well cared for too, it must mean a lot to you" Abigail said as she admired the well cared for book.
"Yeah... it means a lot to me, want to have a look through it with me?" Clara asked the group, who all agreed and moved to be around the Ravenclaw girl, and see her book, Clara soon opened the book.
"Hm, Lady Oswald, why is there a leaf in your book?" (Y/N) asked her curiously, as he looked at the old, dried up Maple Leaf that had been pressed between the page and cover of her book.
"That's not a leaf, that's page one" Clara said with a smile on her face as she gazed at the Leaf fondly, the others looked at each other, before Clara turned the pages, and began to show her friend group her most treasures possession.
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