Chapter 4: Ab Initio
Just great! It seems she can't hit anyone here . The movement she tried to move her hands with malicious intent , she felt restrained by an invisible force around her .
It made perfect sense she couldn't commit any malicious act here , especially in abode of God but then again this he was not as divine per say so why did rules of purity applied here !
No! There was no simply no reason to panic. She would just tell him off to go away and if he doesn't , then wouldn't that count as malicious since he would be annoying here deliberately ?
"No ! That wouldn't !" Ilahen's snicker startled her as she tried to maintain her overt composure.
"You promised not to invade my mind again !" She complained.
"I never promised . All I complied to was to discontinue it for that moment ."
"Spacing out in middle of conversation ! Ah must be analysing my strength and weakness . As expected, you are indeed smart ." He smirked standing up.
"Guess you saw through me ! What is your name ?" Ariel relented . The only way to get rid of this guy would be to break the fantasy he has conjured up about her .
But right now , that would mean explaining in great length that she was furthest away from intelligent and some shady conspiracy theorist like the guy thought about her for which she clearly didn't have patience.
So it would be best to simply relent and make him leave as soon as possible .
"Chikao Tsuneoki ! " He was a Japanese ! She felt a little pang of dissonance within her observing him up and down .
"It is understandable ! That look of apparent belief is so common that I don't even expect it anymore ! " She looked down guilty . " My mother was a German while father was Japanese ."
"Oh ! " Ariel was unsure what to reply . Should she just nod or apologize or ...
"There is no need for anything. I am sure you must be tired . But I have already seen what I came to see here . Your room unlike others remains empty concealing your intentions completely . I would expect nothing less from my mistress after all ."
What... mistress ! Wait ! Hold on! Did this guy even have idea what he was talking about anymore?
Before she could refute him though, Chikao was already gone leaving her alone as she wondered just how many he must have troubled before arriving in her room ? After all, there was no other way of knowing how other rooms looked for him .
But wasn't she the last one to leave so how could Chikao go to all room when all were transported here at same time ?
Nine of them were calm for sure ! Were all like her ? Did not even one out of them miss someone from their life then ? And if she had no attachment to life back then, then just what drove them to stay alive here ?
"Ahh! I don't care. I just want to go to sleep ." She laid down on bed sighing ."I sure hope dreams exist after death ! Because I certainly have no hopes to find the ultimate model in just three days ."
Her eyes fell into darkness transmigrating into a world of mental fantasy.
"I see . So that is your answer then !" Ilahen closed his eyes brooding with arms crossed cradled on edge of table.
"Well then! Alright . Let's see if it works ." All breathed a sigh of relief at news. Ariel felt overwhelmed by unexpected respite .
Looks like it was definitely worth betting on Crezina . She was bound here like many that it would be last day but Crezina proposed that idea of presenting a congregational answer .
The best part for Ariel was that all of it was already planned out by Crezina so hopes of success were already high considering her intellectual prowess . Indeed! looks like it paid off .
"Stop eating here . Wait ! How did you even get that .." She looked at her neighbour who was taunting Azane , intent on finishing her burger .
"I just summoned it !" Azane replied firmly proceeding back to eating completely ignoring her plea.
All of sudden, it dawned on Ariel . Oh ! So that is how he did it.... If Azane could summon anything, then it made sense that the powers in this realm can be manipulated by all as per convenience within limitations set by Ilahen.
Tsuneoki ! He must have sneakily moved back and forth quickly until he arrived at her empty room catching his eye.
"Damn God ! Showing my mind through subtle aspects to shrewd ones here ." She frowned inside.
"Hmm! So this didn't work . What is next?"
"Huh?" Ariel let out her surprise reflexively tightening her lips back as Jean rolled his eyes at her turning his gaze back to deity like others .
"I just checked what you suggested by running it in my mind through the advanced acceleration thus reaching end of its time . The theory has failed in future . So we need new theory again you see ." He explained standing up .
"I didn't know that a celestial could be so disparaging !" Karl chuckled ." After we spent so much time ..."
"It is futile ! He can just access your mind,Karl . There is no need to pretend ." Crezina informed .
"Don't you think he knows that ! He is just bonkers . Let's just ignore him , Crez !" Jean scoffed .
Ariel didn't need to see through the mask that the figure inside was definitely taken aback by sudden nickname.
"Your celerity and blant behaviour knows no bound , Morgan . Calling someone in such a familiar way when .."
"So you were saying something, Ilahen . What's the next deadline then ?" Jean ignored Karl 's remarks .
"Right! You finally realised that I am still here ." Ilahen sighed ." Well ! It is not like I have actually done this before so I am not really sure how much time human brains need , especially artificial deadline based on time slot of earth's rotation ..none of which exists any longer . "
A strange silence etched the room as all gawked at each other .
"Just execute this one then !" Azane smiled brightly .
"Hmm! Didn't you hear that he already did, kid ?" Jean eyed her warily.
"No ! I mean yes..but relying too much on logic is the one thing that goes against human construct and ideals . So simply following an entire model to be perfectly set from beignning to end and expect it to play out in limited manner doesn't permit the idea to actually come to fruition." She advocated .
Karl raised his eyebrows " well! What do you know ? Looks like Crezina is not the only one smart here beside you , Jean ! Ooh! You in for some tough competition ." At which Morgan just gnashed his teeth annoyed .
"Well ! You do make a good point . I still have yet to figure out as to how I summoned you so far from future..but yes ! You do make a good point concurrent with humans . An ideal so timeless , so integral thay I overlooked in my anticipation." Ilahen agreed.
"Thanks ! "She fondled her hair merrily.
"Alright ! Then as I understand , you want to make necessary interventions at your time to stabilize the world right ?"
"Yes ! That is exactly what we intend to do ." Crezina hailed all eyes ." I would suggest you to put the world as it proceeds in front of each one of us mentally if you are capable of that , that is ?"
"Honestly! You really think you can rile me up ! " He pouted proceeding to do what she asked all the same .
"There ! There ! Ilahen." Azane patted him as Ariel barely held her laughter . Would she even have thought it in her wildest dreams that she would see a future teen girl trying to assuage the Creator .
"Well if that is all then ! I suppose I should head to my room . "
"Someone is shy !" Karl snickered at Jean who took a deep breath to calm himself down .
"I don't..I don't care for your opinions ! " He shoved his hands in pocket pacing briskly towards the newly thought corridor .
Soon everyone had left except Azane at which Ariel wondered whether to return or not . She was quite apprehensive of meeting that guy again in her room with his cooked up fantasy.
"Booyah.." Ariel felt a fervour run through her spine as she glanced sideways at unsolicited visitor.
*As expected, you had already anticipated my movements so you weren't even surprised. You are so great, Ariel." Tsuneoki smiled proudly .
Just how callous this guy could be ? She had hard time to believe that he was even from same planet. Were there really people as intensive as him ? No wonder humanity had been doomed to sudden eradication.
From the looks of it ,he appeared to be as same age as her but certainly didn't act like it .
"You know ! I am really impressed by that feat that you pulled off today. Now I know why you don't like to be cynosure here!" He crossed his arms .
Just what was he talking about ? Did he find that she had no plan today like her and managed to leech off Crezina's idea without making any substantial contribution ?
"You were the one behind idea , weren't you ? Since you didn't want to stand out , you used Crezina as a pawn ever since you came to project herself as intelligent and mysterious among all while giving her shadow instructions .
After all, in meeting today your ideas appeared to be so vague and ambiguous that it was clearly a ploy to make others think that you were novice when in fact you were just faking that persona.
You expected Ilahen to discount the human factor so you establish cordial relation with Azane , the most trustworthy for God because of her age and behaviour to get exactly what you want enacted through Crezina ! Honestly, I am so amazed by you." He congratulated her .
This guy .. this guy .. just what was up with him ? She screamed inside her head "how can anyone come up with something do absurd ! He must have been conspiracy theorist in his life .. but why did he have to pick me ? ..Shh..! Calm down , Ariel. All we have to do is just tell him straight up the facts ."
She tightened her fists determined opening her mouth .
"Oh ! No worries ! I am sure you will try to deny it . After all you have a tendency to prevaricate appreciation as much as possible. I have figured that much out . " He put his finger on her mouth as she raised her eyebrows . " But just know Mistress Arie ! You can count on me for help whenever you need. You are one perplexing and vexing person indeed ."
She eyed him tiredly as he disappeared into thin air probably to his room .
"Just great! He even thought of a nickname . ...Well ! If he wants to keep quibbling , I suppose I have no choice but to annoy him just as much as in return for all the trouble he is worth ." She briefly gazed sideways and found that both Ilahen and Azane were now gone too.
"Alright! Time to get an uninterrupted TV station inside my mind .' She thought of her room , as she fell on the smooth sheets engulfed in transient luxury .
All in all , she truly wonderful whether Crezina"s idea would truly work !
"Well ! I suppose right now is just beignning so nothing can be thought for sure." She closed her eyes immersed into a new world.
A world specifically designed with alacrity to observe alterations in civilisation , cradled on just one notion.
"What if humans were always free from need of procreation ?"
"What an incongrous suggestion! I am listening."
Crezina smirked in satisfaction at curious Ilahen .
"Well then! I won't ask you to change humans fundamentally since that would defeat the purpose itself here.
'Terra Model -A1 ; A world without any need for procreation .Humans are always driven by sex and aggression just as much as by their aims and aspirations. " She continued.
"So In order to create a perfect society, the first step must be simply to eliminate the causes of any such unsolicited motives and something like that can't be eradicated as long as even a single reason persists for its justification .
So if humans from the very first dawn of time never had any obligation or need to depend upon that process itself, then the very thought won't ever come into existence and even if it comes by some rare chance, it would hold no relevance in first place in that form of society ." She explained to all.
"And just how would the human race progress then ?" Jean entwined his fingers together .
"Don't you know ? After all , you were the one to suggest it ."
"Right! I wasn't sure if you would take it seriously to heart ." He reclined back in his seat .
"You are a wise guy ! I won't disparage you by not paying enough heed unlike the celestial here ." Crezina assured him .
"You really don't like me , do you ? Honestly! Just what did I do to you ." Ilahen frowned.
"Anyway ! Whenever humans would die , then their energy would automatically collect in a reservoir where babies will be born with that energy taken care by selected few individuals from the society in one particular section ,who can only retain memories of newborn for a fixed period of time.
That is why , this world will be divided into two sections regarding my planning : eastern half for the normal civilization and western half in which select areas scattered throughout the region would take care of newborns until age of seven after which the newborn would be dropped into different sections of functioning Eastern society while their caretakers and children both will forget each other's existence completely .
People would simply believe that they are blessed by gods seeing new humans crop out of nowhere. Humans have always been fanciful after all ! Well ! They would be right this time though I suppose." She chuckled.
"And thus a society without any discrimination would be born since each newborn would be set off with same background care in those specialised sectors, leading to a harmonious co existence . Thus your fanciful Utopia, Ilahen!" She sat down conjuring a water bottle to quench her dry throat.
""I see . So that is your answer then !" Ilahen closed his eyes brooding with arms crossed cradled on edge of table."
........ ! Two hundred... three..a millennia. It almost seemed like time was flying at incomprehensible speed as she experienced one flash after another , overwhelmed by millions of events and progress taking place.
Then all amid this unending chain that she had hoped unwillingly to go on , halted . She found herself in a dark desolate barren ground. Unaware whether she was in western or eastern section, she decided to make her move as her cloth scraped through the thorny tress shredding her jacket.
"Well! At least it is just a dreamworld for me so whatever ." She tried to comfort herself proceeding without heed.
Just why did she stop now ? What was so important that after 1090 years that time finally became realistically slow here !
Clenching her beating heart ,she walked slowly scouting out her surroundings for any lurking threat.
"Whoo .hoo!
one shall appear .
Faded out like palm springs
Sprouting delicacy
The blood shall devour them ."
She felt shivers up her spine at sudden sound . A voice so cold , so detached and yet soothing.
"Oh! Erudite these walking corpses
Irasicle for your sake
Requisitioning dawn and dusk
Fall and Spring
An unrequited ultimatum
Ariel widened her eyes at sight of dishevelled man lying under shade of the tree. She didn't think it would be a guy after hearing the sound .
Just what happened to him ! She wondered. But there was simply no way to talk to him in dreamworld ; her role being limited to a mere spectator allowed to intervene only as Crezina deems to be .
She looked up and found that sky was still blue. Did it mean that entire solar system had been replicated exactly like prior mass eradication by Ilahen?
"Hey ! Who are you ?" Did someone call her ? It didn't sound like Ilahen or Crezina so who else was invading her mind now ! She stomped her feet on ground violently at which there was a shriek.
"You ..." She backed away at sudden realisation.
"Wait ! How can you see me or talk to me in first place ?"
"That is your defence against crushing my poor toes ! Why you .." He frowned .
Just what the hell was going on?
"Oh poor Ariel ! You see, since you slept foremost , you were already ahead of everyone else in this dreamscape. So as of now ,you have been appointed by me to intervene in this world. Don't worry! I am quite sure you can influence the events just how we need to be ." Crezina conveyed in a sweet angelic voice .
"What..." Ariel s ears perked up at distant snicker.
"Oh! So that was it . This was her way of getting back for leeching off her idea .. just great. " She facepalmed herself .
Vehemence of love can never extricate someone from pain .Keep posted for the next chapter !
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