2; science class
" you feel like home
and an adventure all
at the same time. "
Rosalie Hale watched as Cerise Daniels tipped her head back in the Forks' High parking lot, dark curls damp with the slight rain that seemed to constantly fall from the clouds above, and Rosalie held back a snarl as Mike Newton's hand came to cup at Cerise's bottom. Cerise Daniels seemed to turn and laugh, though Rosalie could tell that it was incredibly forced.
Emmett Cullen brushed his hand against Rosalie's lower back to pull her attention away from the human, and the male vampire gestured to the metal water bottle Rosalie held. Finger indentations were perfectly pressed around the whole bottle, and Emmett let his lip curl up in a half grin.
"Little angry there, huh kitty?" The tease fell off of Emmett's tongue, and Rosalie let out a low growl- before she pulled open the backdoor of Edward's Volvo so she could throw the bottle into the backseat. "Need a dip in the pond? Or a cold shower?"
"I will literally murder you," Rosalie hissed from behind clenched teeth- and Emmett chuckled, before he playfully kicked toward Rosalie, which sent dirt and small stones across her velvet boots. "Emmett Cullen."
"Rosalie Hale," Emmett mimicked, and the male vampire ducked human speed out of the way as Rosalie swiped towards him. "Have a great day, little sister."
Rosalie couldn't help but grind her teeth together, as Emmett Cullen turned on his heel and started to stride toward the front door- Edward on his left side. Alice and Jasper Hale joined Rosalie, each vampire coming up to flank the blonde vampire- and Alice offered a wide smile as well as a bag of caramel chews to the blonde. Rosalie took the bag without a question, and slipped the candies into her backpack- before the trio started to walk towards their English class. Which, luckily, passed right by Cerise Daniels and her group of friends.
"Can't believe you got paired up with Rosalie Hale." Mike Newton complained in Cerise Daniels's ear, and the French teen let her shoulders roll in a meager shrug. "You left me with Tyler, baby."
"Hey now!" Tyler interjected, though Lauren Mallory calmed Tyler with a small pat on his arm.
"I'm sorry Mike, you just- you know how Madam is." Cerise's voice was in a small whisper, and Mike let out a hard scoff. "If I hadn't paired up with Rosalie when she was available, she would've gotten upset and then I would've gotten grounded if she sent an email off to my parents."
"You know how her parents are, Mike." Jessica added in, and Cerise offered Jessica a shy smile before Jessica squatted down with her back to Cerise. "Cut her some slack."
Cerise began to separate Jessica Stanley's hair, before she started to quickly braid it- the rain making Jessica's hair slightly damp. Cerise knew her own hair was too frizzy to do anything with, the misty rain having made her hip length curls barely manageable to begin with. Once the braid was low enough, Jessica took over, and the Stanley girl offered Cerise a toothy smile.
"Ready for the game tomorrow?" Jessica asked, and Cerise let her lips spread into a huge grin as she bobbed her head.
"Always am, Stanley!"
At that moment, Rosalie Hale and her siblings walked near the group- which caused the group of teens to fall hush, except for Cerise who wiggled her fingers at Rosalie in an experimental wave. A wave that Rosalie Hale quickly reciprocated, which made Mike Newton tug Cerise possessively near him- and draw the brunette into a kiss.
Cerise returned the kiss as much as she could, though her lips were pressed painfully hard to her teeth- and it was quite uncomfortable for the brunette anyway. Cerise Daniels pulled away quickly, and couldn't help but dab at her mouth with the sleeve of her sweater, while Mike Newton pricked up like an angry animal.
"What was that for?" Cerise questioned quietly, and Mike shrugged her questioning off as he eyed the Cullen family as they walked away. "Mike?"
"I didn't like how she was looking at you." Mike rolled his eyes, and he watched as his girlfriend continued to dab at her mouth with her sleeve. "Did I hurt you?"
"You embarrassed me," Cerise tucked some of her curls behind her ears, and frowned when her boyfriend rolled his eyes again. "You asked me the question Mike, I'm just being honest with you."
Mike Newton fell silent, and Cerise Daniels couldn't help but give a shake of her head before she zipped up her parka to try and conserve some of her warmth. Jessica Stanley shouldered her book bag, just as the first bell rang- and Cerise grabbed her own bag from where it was propped up against Tyler Crowley's minivan.
"Walk with me to art, Jess?" Cerise questioned, and the other brunette cheerleader smiled as she bobbed her head in a nod- before the two girls linked arms and started to walk in the direction of their Art building.
"I'm sorry," Jessica Stanley apologized, and Cerise Daniels waved her free hand in the air- a frown already formed on her mouth. "You don't deserve that."
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Cerise rolled her shoulders in a shrug, and Cerise glanced down towards the ground so she could maneuver around a puddle. "It doesn't matter, really."
"I love you." Jessica Stanley instead said, and Cerise let her lip curl up as the two cheerleaders came to stand in front of their shared art classroom.
"You're the best friend a girl could ask for, Jess."
Hours later, Cerise let her palm cup the bottom of her chin, as her science teacher droned on about the microscopic slides that were displayed on the screen. It wasn't that Cerise minded science, or anything close to that really- Cerise Daniels actually quite liked science. However, Cerise's mind was currently focused on two blondes.
Mike Newton and Rosalie Hale.
Cerise Daniels couldn't help but wish that she hadn't started dating Mike when she had, and yearned for a more accepting family. It was fine though, Cerise Daniels had no other choice in the matter. Cerise would be as happy as she could be, and maybe having Rosalie Hale as a friend would be as much as she needed.
However, Cerise couldn't help but imagine a life with Rosalie Hale- and maybe that was all Cerise truly needed. Somewhere in Cerise's imagination, where she could hope for things that would probably never amount. Silly really, and if she asked her grandparents about it they would call her a child- with childish hopes and fantasies.
"Do you have the answer for number six?"
A low voice questioned next to Cerise, which managed to pull the French girl from her thoughts. Emmett Cullen had tugged his chair from across the room to be shoulder to shoulder with Cerise, and the dark hair girl couldn't help but flinch sideways. The movement caused Cerise's chair to skid, and Emmett's foot kicked forward to stabilize Cerise's seat.
"Shit, sorry about that Cerise, didn't think you'd go flying from my good looks." Emmett Cullen teased, and the vampire couldn't help but grin at the scrunch of Cerise Daniels's nose. "But answer for number six?"
"It's a red bone marrow smear," Cerise answered, and the teen rubbed at her cheek with her sleeve in hopes to soothe away the warmth that clung under her skin. "Do you have number seven?"
"Human cheek cells," Emmett winked after he answered, and watched as Cerise quickly scribbled on her paper with her left hand. Rosalie had been right when the blonde vampire had spoken of Cerise's handwriting, it was loopy cursive- especially good for the stereotypes that clung to lefties. "Surprised you didn't get that one."
"I'm bad at write-in answers," Cerise admitted, and the teen used her free hand to push back the frizz of her curls from the side of her face. "Multiple choice and matching? Sign me the fuck up."
Emmett Cullen tipped his head back in laughter, as Cerise stifled her own- cheeks red as their teacher eyed them from his desk. Cerise wrote the date on the corner of her paper under where her name was stamped, and Emmett tucked his paper under hers as the class change bell rang. Cerise zipped her parka up as she stood, and watched as Emmett Cullen offered the teen a smile as he dropped their papers on the teacher's desk- and ducked from the classroom.
Once Cerise's bag was on her shoulder, the teen sped up to leave the class, and a warm hand cupped her hip as she rounded the corner. Mike Newton tucked the dark haired teen into his side, and Cerise nuzzled in slightly- before the two began to make their way to their French classroom.
"Did you have a good class?" Mike questioned, and the Daniels teen bobbed her head in a jerky nod as she fished through Mike's side pocket on his bag for his stash of candy.
"Yeah, Cullen helped me with some of my answers." Cerise Daniels rolled her shoulders in a shrug as she popped a caramel chew into her mouth, and the teen crinkled the wrapper between her middle finger and thumb.
Mike Newton's eyebrow cocked, as he side eyed his girlfriend- a slight roll of jealousy already formed in his stomach. The other members of his friend group had long since tried to connect with the Cullen family, and all of a sudden- his girlfriend of almost three years caught their eyes.
Mike didn't like it one bit if he was being honest.
"That's good, babe." Mike pressed a soft kiss to Cerise's head, which caused Cerise to bob on her toes slightly- the slight pep in her step from the gentle affection cute to Mike. "Want to go on a date tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow's the game, Mikey." Cerise gently reminded her boyfriend- and the blonde teen let out a deep sigh.
"I hate that you're busy every Friday." Mike complained, and Cerise ducked through the doorway of the French room first. "Babe?"
"You knew I was a cheerleader Mikey, it comes with the territory." Cerise rolled her shoulders as Mike came to stand in front of the teen, and the blonde teen furrowed his brow.
"You're not going to apologize?"
"For what, Mikey?"
"For not being available on Fridays."
"That's not real life Mikey, and you know that." Mike Newton deflated slightly, and Cerise Daniels couldn't help but bite her lower lip and sigh.
The couple's bickering was paused by the ring of the bell, and Cerise bobbed her head in a slight nod before she turned on her heel to quickly walk to her seat. Madam Perry floated into the room a moment later, Tyler Crowley hot on her heels, a detention slip clenched in his fist.
"Trouble in paradise?" Rosalie's soft voice pulled Cerise's attention, and the blue eyed teen let out a soft scoff as she nodded.
"Something like that." Cerise Daniels sighed as she pushed her hair over her shoulders, and Rosalie Hale offered a half-smile to the Daniels teen.
"I'm sorry." Cerise Daniels waved off Rosalie's condolences, and the French teen instead pulled a brightly colored binder from her bag- and offered the blonde vampire a cheeky smile.
"I had an idea for our project- and hear me out..."
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