You need help
Ink pov
Error is just about THE most stubborn skeleton I have ever gotten to know. "I DoNt NeEd aLl ThIs $π!+!!!!" Error glitches. "YES YOU DO!!" I yell back at him trying to help him. "I CaN TaKe CaRe Of MysElF!!" He yelled with his glitchy vioce. Of jeez.... That.... what...hello multi-verse to ink!!! Ok I'm back.... "Com'on error!!! You need this soup to warm you up!!" I complain. "I dOnT NeEd AnYtHinG!!!" He yelled. "What in the world is going on up here?!?" My aunt said angrily. "I can't get him to eat this soup...." I whined. "Well error we have to warm you up one way or another. Ink you strip yourself and error down and hop in the bed" she said making me flustered. "IlL TaKe The SoUp...." Error grumbles.
(Me: XD good choice)
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