the hangout
Errors pov
I was so amazed at the sight of Inks room. A soft bed, carpet floor, a nightstand, and a desk and chair. "ItS NoT MeSsY..." I say looking around. "Still lemme pick up my dirty clothes" inks says picking them up. Once he finishes he then prepares a little theater. A blanket fort with pillows to cushion the floor. He puts on a scary movie on his phone and turns up his volume.
*End of movie*
Ink got jumped scared and knocked down the fort, causing it to collapse in on us. Then we started playing truth or dare. "Truth or dare?" He looks me with interest. "UMmM. DArE" I say. His face lights up with evil making me regret saying dare. "I dare you to sing don't you wish your girlfriend!" He exclaims. "FiNe FiNe...." I say pausing. "DoNt YoU wIsH YoUr GirLfRiEnd wAs HoT LiKE Me, DoNt YoU wIsH YoUr GirLfRiEnd wAs A FreAk LiKe mE? DoNt YaAAaaAa? DOnt YaAAaaAa??" I sing making ink roll on his back laughing. "Pfft hahahahahahahaha!!!" Ink laughed. "HaHAhAHahA!!!" I laugh along with him. It was now my turn. "TrUtH Or DaRe?" I say looking at Ink. "Hmmm. To make it fair I choose dare." Ink says. "I DaRe YoU To sInG a CrIngY SonG.." I say looking evily. "Hmmm. Ok.
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
I love your body
Not so much I like your mind
In fact, you're boring
Pretend not being of my kind
You keep on talking of some girl I don't know
When will you shut up and when will we go
You're young, you're free,
Why don't you sleep with me?
You're young, you're free,
Why don't you sleep with me?
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Don't you listen to those old conventions
No try to suppress your real intentions
You're open minded, at least that's what you keep on sayin'
Don't be afraid of doing what you're best at
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up
Shut up... up... up
You're young, you're free,
Why don't you sleep with me?
You're young, you're free,
Why don't you sleep with me?
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up
And sleep with me
Come on uh huh and sleep with me" he sings. "WooOOoW..... sO CrIngY!!" I glitch. "Pfft hahahahahahahaha!!!" Ink laughs.
*10 minutes later*
We were laying on the floor just talking about life, favorite things, and stuff like that. "WElL iTs GeTtInG lAtE. I ShOulD LeAvE." I say heading out. "Hey!! Why not a sleepover!!" Ink suggest. That would be a lot better than that cardboard box. "SUrE" I say.
Much better than that cardboard box....
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