A Face Off and Promises
The Shadow guard were standing... Guard and protecting the safe room by Wei's order's, when all of a sudden the compound's power was disrupted and the place went dark.
"What happened?" Asked one of the guards.
"I'll go and check on the power supply." Said one of them, when they heard something coming from outside.
"What was that?" A guard asked, when suddenly the windows broke and several individuals with black uniforms aimed their weapons at the guards and fired at them.
"Clear!" Said one of them on the left.
"Alright men secure the area, and find the targets." Their leader ordered.
"Roger, sir." They replied as the began to search the building for the twins and Ch'en.
"Nothing in the Wei's room, sir!" Called one of the men, as the leader was looking at a photo of the twins and Ch'en.
"Nothing on the younger twin's bedroom, sir." Said another operative as he came from Talulah's.
"Well they've gota be at the older twin's room." Said the 4th member of the team.
"Let's go and check then." Said the squad leader, as he and the men walked towards the room.
Location Unknown
"Hmmm, it seems that Ursus has launched an Assault on Lungmen." Commented an anthropomorphic Zalak as he put down the phone and began to think.
"Orders sir?" Asked a member of his Greytails.
"Well boys, let's go and kick these invaders from our home." Said the Zalak as he got up from his chair, and walk out to send the invaders packing and drive them off of Lungmen.
Svaha's room.
"Breaching!" Called a man from behind the door as he pulled out a shotgun and fired at the door's hinges and kicked it down, to show Svaha standing in front of her sister with a brave look on her face as she faced the men dressed in black uniforms.
"How cute." Thought the leader of the group as he and his men entered the room.
"Who are you?" Svaha asked them, to which they chuckled.
"Well she certainly is brave sir." Commented one them.
"Quite the chatter we are at a timetable, let's pick them up and move out." Said the 2IC as he walked forwards to grab one of the sister and put Svaha on her shoulder, who began to resist.
"Let me go!" Screamed Svaha as she began to kick and punch on the man.
"Quit it, kid if you don't want to get hurt." Yelled the man as he kneed Svaha, enough to knock her out, but was then grabbed by Talulah by the neck and bit him on the neck.
"Fuck!" Yelled the man as he grabbed Talulah's hair with enough force to throw her off of his shoulder.
"Dude, be careful, Kashchey wanted them unharmed." Said on of the operators said .
"Screw the old man, the bitch bit me!" The man yelled as he took off his hand from his shoulder and saw his glove with blood.
"Fuck." The man cursed as he glared at Talulah who was trying to get out of the man's grip.
As this went on, Ch'en stood there frozen in fear, as she saw the men capturing her sisters, they then turned their attention to her.
"And the other brat sir?" Asked the 3rd man to the right.
"Her to." Their boss said, as he still clutched his shoulder from Talulah's bite.
"Quit, chatting we are running low on time." Said one of the men as he stepped forward to grab Ch'en, and the latter began to fight to release him.
"Bloody hell." He said as he pulled a syringe and injected it's contents on a struggling Ch'en.
"What did you do?" The man asked as he looked at the man as he saw Ch'en loosing conscience.
"Just a tranquilizer." He said as he put Ch'en on his shoulder.
"Anyways let's get going, we are on a timer." Their Boss said as he walked out of the room while walking past the dead shadow guards.
"So much for elite guards." One of them said as he mocked the dead guards.
"We have our objective we came for, no need to mock the dead they probably were fresh recruits." Said their boss as they walked out side and saw the Helicopter.
"Looks like our ride's here men!" Said their boss as they walked towards the awaiting Helicopter.
"How did it go?!" Asked a Sarkaz man as he looked at the operatives.
"They girls were quite the fighters, but we've got them." The leader said as he and his men hopped onto the Helicopter.
"Now what, Ghost?" Asked the Flight operator.
"Now we go and rendezvous with Lord Kashchey." Said Ghost with a quick answer.
On the streets
"These are Ursus soldiers, but what are they doing here? Everyone knows that Ursus would have to think twice before making a bold move like this, and Invade the city, Unless, this is some nobles doing..." These were the thoughts that passed through Wei's mind as he along with a detachment of the Lungmen city militia, trying to push the invading Ursus soldiers off of the city.
"Chief watch out!" Came a call as a militiaman pushed Wei into the ground as a Soldier with the Ouroboros emblem nearly shot him but was killed by a ranged Sand Art attack which impaled him in the chest.
"My oh my look at the mess, they've made." Wei turned around to see the Rat King of the Lungmen slums.
"Hello, Lin." Wei greeted, the Zalak who walked towards him.
"Greetings Wei." Said the Godfather of the Lungmen slums, as he gave a light nod.
"Do you have any idea of who is doing this?" Wei asked as he pointed at the dead corpses.
"I may have an idea of who is doing this." Lin answered.
"And that is..." Wei wondered.
"Follow me let's not keep our guest waiting." Said Lin with humorous tone as he was followed by the grey tails and began to fight their way through the city to get to the instigator of all this.
With Kashchey.
From the helipad of a rooftop Kashchey was overlooking the battle of Lungmen with a dull look from the top of the building.
"Sir, I've received news that the Phantom squad has the targets." Kaschey's bodyguard informed him.
"Good, and the invasion?" Kashchey asked.
"We are having a few troubles, mostly in the city's slums and in the city's executive center, the gangs, that are being led by the self proclaimed "Rat Kid", there are putting much more resistance than it was expected of them, and we are having trouble with the Lungmen Guard Department units and the city Militia, since the Chief Executive Wei Yenwu has joined in on the fray." The man informed Kashchey.
"Hm..." Kashchey for the most part stood there silent observing the battle for the city from the top of the building.
If anyone were to ask him he couldn't really care if Lungmen city was taken or not, as the invasion was merely a distraction for the main prize.
Since he had informed the Emperor of Yen of his sister's affair with Edward Artorias all those years ago he had done a job of keeping an eye on the twins, for any sort of potential.
From what he had been informed, from one of spies working as a housekeeper for Wei, the twins were capable of performing powerful Arts, though of different elements, the Older Twin, Svaha, had the potential to perform powerful Lightning Arts, which was rather rare for a Draco as many of them were capable of using fire Arts, whilst the younger twin, Talulah, could perform fire arts.
He had taken some interest in their powers development, and wondered which one would make the better host Svaha or Talulah.
Decisions, decisions.
"Kashchey!" The Pythian noble heard from behind him as he saw Wei Yengwu.
"Mr. Yenwu, what a pleasure to finally meet face to face." Remarked Kashchey as he turned around to see the Wei who was being accompanied by a couple of the Shadow Guards.
"What are planning, Kashchey?" Wei asked the Ursus noble, who merely chuckled.
"What makes you think that I would ever tell you Chief Executive?" Kashchey asked Wei in a sarcastic manner, whilst the latter shot the Ursus noble a glare.
"Hello Kashchey..." Came a male voice as causing the Pythian noble to look up and see a anthromorphic Zalak, with white fur, he was dressed with a blue jacket and pants, as he was being fallowed by his Grey Tail
"So... the Rat king has finally shown his face, quite the group we've made of ourselves. And you've caught me in quite the pickle." Kashchey said with a tinge of Humor in his tone.
As Kaschey spoke Wei charged at the Ursus noble with the intent to kill the noble but suddenly a man appeared from above with a spear in hand, and made a thrust followed by an upwards slash, which Wei managed to evade, and make some distance between the man.
The Wei took a look at the man, he deducted that by the wolf tail the man was a Lupo standing at what seemed at 7' 3" in height he was wearing a BDU with light body armor, black boots and a full face balaclava, and lighting arcs seemed to flow the spear's shaft and onto the tip.
"We have the targets sir, that you have ordered us to extract sir." The Man said in a quick and brisk tone.
"Good." Said Kashchey as a Helicopter appeared behind them, and landed on the Helipad, and a squad of five walked out of the Helicopter along with who appeared to be the awakened Talulah, Svaha and Ch'en.
This got a reaction from Wei, while the Rat King stood next to Wei calmly.
"What are you planning Kashchey?" Asked the Rat king of the Lungmen slums.
"Well they are my leverage in case the invasion didn't go as planned, and seeing that it has failed, since you two are here I think I might use the plan." Said Kashchey as the Phantoms put the sisters off of their shoulders.
"You are using children for your own ends, now Kashchey?" Said Wei as he pointed his sword at the Nobleman.
"You should know by now Wei, that I am a pragmatist. But I also a merciful man, and I will let you choose. Do you choose your niece from your sister and her 2nd husband, or the twin daughters of Edward Artorias?" Kashchey asked as he pointed at the sisters.
This got a reaction from the sisters, Svaha looked at the Pythian noble with an enraged look and tried to break off from the soldier's grip, Talulah was much as her sister.
And Ch'en was scared and had no idea what was going on, and she only knew that these men captured her and her sisters for some reason.
As for Wei himself, he stood there like a statue, he had hoped for half a decade that he hadn't had to make any more, hard choices that he already had, he desperately hoped that he hadn't had to make a choice between Edward's and His sister's children or Ch'en.
But it'd appear that fate had a different plan.
"What will you choice be Wei, Edward's daughters or your niece?" Kashchey asked as he pointed at the sister trio.
Wei didn't know what to think as he stood there unable to think an response, as he felt as if Edward was looking and judging him from beyond the grave.
"Come on Chief Executive, the clock is ticking." Said Kashchey, as he made a tick tock noise.
Having remained silent so far Lin took his chance and used his ranged Sand Arts to attack and hopefully kill Kashchey.
And as he launched his projectiles at Kashchey the 6 foot spearman suddenly appeared and managed to parry the projectiles sent at the Pythian Nobleman, with a lighting Arc, and charged the Rat King, but the spear was blocked by Wei who stood between the Lupo and the Zalak.
As for the Gray Tails and the Shadow Guard they were standing guard in case Kashchey's men decided to intervene, with the fight.
The lupo used his lighting arts to make a lightning Bolt with flowed through the spear and caused Wei to be thrown, while Lin jumped and used his Sand arts to launch some projectiles at the Lupo, who managed to dodge them.
And the Lupo counter attacked with an lightning power swing, which had enough force to send Kojui rolling.
"So Chief Executive what will it be? The Clock is ticking." Kashchey said as he looked at the men that were getting up on their feet.
"Please just take me and leave my sisters!" Svaha called out causing the adults to look at her with a bit of surprise, that a child her age would be willing to be separated from her sisters that she'd grown really close to.
"Well, well, well. Would you look at that, a child making the decisions of an adult." Said Kashchey as he let met out a chuckle.
"It'd appears, that the girl has made the decision for you Chief Executive." Said Kashchey as he gave the signal to let go of Talulah and Ch'en.
"You can go to your uncle, girls." Kashchey said as told Talulah and Ch'en to go to Wei.
"Come we are now leaving." Said Kashchey, as he along with the Lupo bodyguard and the Phantoms walked towards the Helicopter.
"Wait, I need to say one last thing." Svaha said, as she stopped momentarily.
"Very well." Kashchey said in calm tone.
"Uncle Wei, I want you to promise me that you will take care of Talulah and Ch'en!" Svaha told Wei, with a tone that left no room for argument.
"I... I promise." Responded Wei with a bit of hesitation, as he had made a few to many empty promisses.
"Just see to it that keep that end of the promise." Said Svaha, as she walked into the Helicopter, and the Lupo bodyguard closed the door, while Svaha walked towards the window to give her sisters one last look, before the Helicopter turned and broke contact with those gathered at the rooftop.
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