Chapter 7: Past Revealed and Secret Revealed
Two days later after Alex and Josh defeated MJF and Sammy in a match of grudge and revenge, Bliss Kingdom has gotten the upper hand against the Order of the Dark Circle.
Tonight was AEW Dynamite, and one of the segments for the show concerns the Dark Order's Anna Jay. 99 has called out Josh on Twitter saying she has something to tell the WWE Intercontinental Champion tonight.
Josh: I wonder what she wants
Alex: your only option is to find out
Josh sighed.
Josh: I guess so
The two met with the other members of the Kingdom in the locker room.
Finn: Shepherd, are you going after Jericho's AEW title?
Shepherd: I just want to prove that the student has surpassed the teacher, title or no title
Travis: and I rejected the Dark Order's invitation
Josh: I've been called out by Anna Jay
Peyton: ugh, what does she want?
Josh: that is the thing, I don't know
Alexa: worry about her later; it looks like there will be a couple of title matches tonight
Dynamite has promoted two title matches for the show:
Darby Allin (c) vs. MJF - Singles match for the AEW TNT Championship
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) (c) vs. Proud n' Powerful (Santana and Ortiz) - Street fight for the AEW Tag Team Championship
Finn: hey Josh, want to reunite our team, and we go after those tag titles?
Josh: hmm, Two Belts Josh doesn't sound too bad
Peyton: I was thinking Joshy 2 Belts
Josh: babe...
Peyton giggled and kissed his cheek.
The show started with the tag team title street fight match between the Young Bucks and Proud n' Powerful. The match immediately got started after Santana and Ortiz ambushed Matt and Nick during their entrance.
Ortiz grabbed some kendo sticks while the Bucks tried to fight back while using steel chairs as both a weapon and a shield.
The Bucks and LAX brawled at ringside until all four got in the ring and the match started as the bell rang.
(Fast forward to the finish)
Jake Hager played as the equalizer for Santana and Ortiz after the MMA fighter leveled both Bucks with powerbombs through two tables. At the end, the Inner Circle members finished off with the Street Sweeper, winning the AEW Tag Team titles.
The rest of the Inner Circle came out to celebrate with the new tag team champions with a Little Bit of the Bubbly.
In the back, the Bliss Kingdom members were not too happy with result, especially Hager's involvement.
Alex: now the Order got some gold, what else will happen?
Geiz: the possibility of MJF becoming TNT Champion?
Josh: don't jinx it, man
Peyton: it's a big what if, babe
Alex: if he does win it, then I will go after him immediately
Travis: well here is your chance because the title match starts now
The TNT title match between champion Darby Allin and challenger MJF has now started. MJF had the advantage in numbers as his muscular insurance policy Wardlow is lurking at ringside.
As the bell rang, immediately MJF taunted both his opponent and the live crowd until Allin ambushed him with a dropkick, sending the Salt of the Earth rolling out of the ring to catch his breath.
While the referee was pulling MJF back, Wardlow ambushed Darby with a cheap shot at ringside, much to the chagrin of the audience. Then MJF once again taunted the audience by flipping off the middle fingers while he looked at the camera and verbally sent Alex a message, saying what is happening to Darby will happen to the Pharaoh in the future.
(Fast forward towards the end of the match)
Darby managed to lay out both MJF and Wardlow with a Coffin Drop at ringside, but as Allin slid the challenger in, MJF managed to get his shoulder up, much to the shock of the champion. Allin climbed to the top turnbuckle to hit one more Coffin Drop.
Darby launched, but MJF rolled out of the way making the champion land on nothing, but the hard ring canvas. Then MJF took advantage and locked in his submission finisher in the middle of the ring, a Fujiwara armbar he calls the Salt of the Earth. Allin had no choice but to tap out.
The crowd booed heavily as MJF was given the TNT Championship while Wardlow joined his boss in the ring. The new champion raised the belt, and then came Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz with glasses and a bottle of the Bubbly. The Inner Circle celebrated, but the celebration was cut short as Alex's theme played.
Alex swore to himself that if MJF wins, he takes the opportunity to strike. The Pharaoh ran down the ring and laid out the members with right hands. He sent the new AEW Tag Team Champions over the top rope. Then Alex ducked a punch from Sammy and hits the AKO on the Spanish God.
The Pharaoh managed to connect some punches on MJF, but the TNT Champion managed to roll out of the ring and escaped while Wardlow held Alex back. The Pharaoh's rage increased as he fought off MJF's muscle while the champion and the other Inner Circle members watched in horror.
Alex got Wardlow and stared daggers at MJF and sent him a message by hitting a huge AKO on Wardlow.
Alex stood up and pointed at MJF before doing the belt taunt, verbally telling him that he will go after MJF for the TNT Championship. The two men trash talked each other as the show went to commercial.
(Minutes later)
It was time for Anna Jay's message for Josh. Dark Order Number 99 went in the ring and got on the mic.
Anna: now I had a lot of time thinking, but it's time for me to address, but first I want Josh to come out, so Josh come out here please
The Fallen Warrior came out in vigilant mode as he doesn't know what Anna has in store for him. He got in the ring and confronted 99.
Josh: what is it, Anna?
Anna: you clearly don't remember me, do you?
Josh: if I do, then my memories could've reminded me, but nope, it's all blurry
Anna: Josh, it's me, your old girlfriend
That's when it hit Josh, as memories came flooding back into his mind, Anna was his old girlfriend, long before he started dating Peyton. The crowd was shocked and silent after what they just hear.
Josh: it's really you?
Anna: yes, we started dating when we were in the indies together
Josh: so what is your plot, why did you ask me to come out here?
Anna: I... I want you back
Josh: what? Did I hear that right?
Anna: you heard me loud and clear, I want you to be my boyfriend again
Josh was speechless for a couple seconds, but he cleared his throat.
Josh: you're years too late Anna
Anna: what?
Josh: because I have found the love of my life, and her name is Peyton Royce!
The crowd cheered loud.
Josh: not to mention that we have a lovely daughter together
Anna: no, no Josh, it was supposed to be us, you and me, the two of us
Before Josh could speak, Peyton marched down and got in the ring, Josh held her back to avoid any unnecessary conflict. Peyton grabbed the mic.
Peyton: what makes you think you can get my Joshy from me?
Anna: because I was his girlfriend, long before you came to his life
Peyton: well you're too late missy, because Josh and I have a family together
Anna: so what the hell are you doing out here?
Peyton: I came out here to share my secret. Josh you remember right?
Josh nodded.
Peyton: well my secret is, and I'm about to reveal to you all; I'm pregnant!
Josh, Anna and the crowd were shocked. Then the live audience stood up and gave an ovation to congratulate her.
Josh: little Madison is gonna have a sibling?!
Peyton: yes Joshy
Josh smiled big and hugged his lover.
Peyton: so for now, I will be sidelined, but when I come back, I'll come for you, Jay
Anna: aww, how cute, since you're pregnant, you have to be careful
Peyton: oh don't worry because I have someone who will fight for me
Anna: oh who?
Peyton smirked as the IIconics' theme played and out came the SmackDown Women's Champion and Peyton's best friend and life partner, Billie Kay. The Femme Fatale rushed down and took down Anna to connect with some punches while Peyton and Josh watched on.
Anna rolled out of the ring and retreated to the ramp while Billie raised her title, and warns Anna to not get in between her best friend and her love.
Then Billie and Peyton shared a hug as the Femme Fatale congratulated the Venus Fly-Trap for her pregnancy. AEW Dynamite ended with a shot of Josh, Billie and Peyton raising their arms while Peyton and Josh shared a kiss.
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