Chapter 4: Jiu Jitsu Past
(A few days later)
It was Wednesday night, so AEW Dynamite was live tonight. Tony Khan and Triple H agreed for a mutual deal to have Bliss Kingdom and the Order of the Dark Circle to make appearances weekly to help benefit both companies without any breaching of the wrestlers' contracts.
Bliss Kingdom were now stepping in the house of the Order of the Dark Circle. One of Dynamite's segments for tonight's show is to address the event a few days ago on Raw between Tay Conti and Alex Auditore while at the same time, a heated feud is developing between the Pharaoh and the Salt of the Earth, Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
Matches for the show included:
Chase Destiny vs. Wardlow
Kevin Owens vs. Dark Order's 10
Blood Shepherd vs. Ortiz
Not all members of Bliss Kingdom were at the arena, only those who are needed for the matches and segments such as Chase, Kevin, Shepherd, Alex and Alexa.
The Bliss Kingdom members were at their locker room as they talked about tonight's segments.
Chase: hey Alex, what do you think Tay has in store?
Alex: I asked the same question to myself, I don't know
Alexa: whatever she has, I'll be ready
Chase: meanwhile, I have a match against MJF's lap dog, so Alex, I'll do you a favor, my brother
Alex: knock him down, Chase
The two friends fist bumped as the Warrior of Justice left for his debut match in AEW's ring.
(Chase vs. Wardlow)
MJF was at ringside for his bodyguard as the match started. Chase used his speed to catch Wardlow off guard. Wardlow had the strength advantage, and attempts for an early F-10, but Chase got out of it and fazes Wardlow with a step up enziguri followed by a DDT.
As he went for the pin, MJF placed his bodyguard's foot on the ropes, forcing the referee to stop the count.
Chase was arguing with Maxwell at ringside, and the young heel flipped him off. Chase attempted for a shot, but MJF dodged it while he smirked, but ambushing the Salt of the Earth from behind was Alex as he hit MJF with a right hand.
Chase turned around and Wardlow looked for another F-10 attempt, but the Warrior of Justice got out of it and used his strength to get Wardlow in the powerbomb position and then hits the Limit-Breaker for the pinfall win. As the Warrior of Justice celebrated his win on AEW, Alex kneeled down and flipped MJF the middle finger.
(Minutes later)
The one on one match between Kevin Owens and Dark Order's 10 went back and forth, but in the end, after 10 kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb, Owens finished Vance off with a stunner for the win.
Then Kevin looked at the camera and did the DX crotch chop, sending a message to his former best friend, Chris Jericho.
(Minutes later)
(Shepherd vs. Ortiz)
The last match for the night was a one on one between Blood Shepherd taking on the Inner Circle's Ortiz. The Duke of the Balkans looks to make an example on one of Jericho's Inner Circle stablemates. The entrances were made and the two men locked up. Chris joined Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone at commentary to scout his former student.
Shepherd went to work on Ortiz while the Duke has to be cautious of Ortiz's partner Santana at ringside.
(Fast forward towards the end)
The referee was knocked down, allowing Santana to slide in the ring to help his partner double team on the Duke. The former LAX members got Shepherd in position for their team finisher in which they called the Street Sweeper.
(A/N: their finisher is at timestamp 1:03)
Santana rolled out of the ring just as the referee got back on his feet and sees Ortiz going for the pin. The referee counted, but Shepherd barely kicked out as he got his shoulder up.
Ortiz looked to finish off Shepherd, but the Duke played possum and got the Inner Circle member with the Giga Savate Strike for the pinfall win, much to the chagrin of Le Champeon. Santana attempted to cheap shot Shepherd, but he too was nailed by the spin kick from the Duke. Then Shepherd pointed and stared down at Jericho as the feud between the Duke and Le Champeon has begun.
The main event was the in-ring segment between Tay and Alex.
It was now time for the in-ring segment to follow up the events between Tay Conti and Alex Auditore.
The Brazilian martial artist made her way to the ring and asked for a mic.
Tay: now, I am out here to answer some questions regarding what happened on WWE Raw a few days ago, but in case you missed it, let us recap
Tay pointed at the screen to show the aftermath of Alex's match against John Silver. Then the video showed the moment when Tay ran her finger on the Pharaoh's chest and then brushed against his shoulder.
Tay: now, I will explain everything, but it will make sense when Alex comes out, so Alex come out here
Alex's theme played and the Pharaoh made his way out of the stage while he takes in the reception of the crowd. The Pharaoh got in the ring and grabbed a mic.
Tay: Alex, I'm happy to see you
Alex: what is this Tay, why did you asked me to come out here?
Tay: you don't remember me now, don't you?
Alex: if I did, then my mind could've clicked instantly
Tay: well maybe this will jog your memory
Tay pointed at the screen to show an old picture of her and Alex from years ago at jiu jitsu training camp. Alex took the time to process the picture and now it clicked.
Alex: that was jiu jitsu camp
Tay: and you and I were close, really close
Now it rang a bell for Alex, Tay was once his crush at the camp.
Tay: didn't you tell me you liked me?
Alex: I did, and we got even more closer when we left camp, but we weren't together
Tay paused.
Alex: I could've asked you to be my girlfriend, but I left for Japan and you were in WWE
Tay: you didn't say goodbye to me
Alex: I did, but you were busy with Jorge while I was busting my ass off in Japan as part of Bullet Club
Alex attempted to leave until Tay stopped him.
Tay: Alex wait!
Alex: Tay, I don't feel comfortable talking to another man's wife
Tay then dropped a bombshell.
Tay: Jorge and I are no longer together
That stopped Alex in the middle of his tracks as he was about to leave. He took the time to process of what Tay said.
Alex: what do you mean... no longer together?
Tay was silent for a moment as Alex stepped up to her.
Alex: what do you mean that you and Jorge are no longer together? And why in the hell should I care?
Tay took a deep breath.
Tay: we filed for a divorce a month ago
Alex: that doesn't answer the second question, why the hell should I fucking care?
Tay: because Alex...
She stepped close to him.
Tay: I still have feelings for you
She attempted to hold his hand, but Alex backed off.
Alex: Tay, you are years too late now
He said as he held up his left hand to show his wedding ring.
Alex: I'm a happily married man now, and I am married to Alexa Bliss
Tay: Alex, I thought we had something special
Alex: correction Tay, we never had something special
Tay: we could've had, remember how close we were?
Alex: that was years ago in jiu jitsu camp, I have moved on
Tay then hang on and hugged his left arm to try to talk some sense, but interruption came in the form of Alexa's theme and the Goddess making a beeline to the ring. Alexa got in and tackled Tay to the ground and lands mounted punches on the jiu jitsu martial artist.
Tay fought back, but Alexa was all over her. Alex attempted to separate the two women, but then he heard the entrance music of MJF and sees the Salt of the Earth running down the ring.
MJF and Alex traded punches while Tay and Alexa fought as well. Alex clotheslined Maxwell over the top rope while Alexa threw Tay out of the ring. Security guards came running down the ring to separate the four wrestlers.
Alex and MJF were separated by security, but then the Pharaoh saw Alexa getting pulled back while she attempted to fight back.
Alex: hey assholes, don't you touch my wife!
Alex fought his way through the security guards, throwing them out the ring in the process to get to Alexa. MJF and Tay also fought their way through the crowd of security guards. The only people in the ring were Alex and Alexa on one side of the ring and MJF and Tay on the other side.
The four wrestlers stared daggers at each other while Alex gritted his teeth. Then the four ran at each other and the brawl resumes.
Alex threw MJF over the top rope while Tay rolled out of the ring with Alexa pursuing her. The four brawled up the ramp and on the stage while they still fight as the show ended and went off the air.
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