Chapter 21: AEW Full Gear
Tonight was the Full Gear, and the crowd packed Daily's Place to watch the joint pay-per-view between WWE and AEW with the card:
Geiz Marufuji (c) vs. Jake Hager - Singles match for the WWE United States Championship
Billie Kay (c) vs. Anna Jay - Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship
Alexa Bliss vs. Tay Conti - Singles match
Josh Stevens (c) vs. Sammy Guevara - Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
MJF (c) (with the Pinnacle) vs. Alex Auditore (with the New Evolution) - Steel Cage match for the TNT Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Blood Shepherd - No Holds Barred match for the AEW World Championship
All of the matches were all exciting and creative and are guaranteed full of action. The show started with the WWE United States title grudge match as the Sniper of the East and reigning United States Champion Geiz Marufuji goes against the muscle of the Inner Circle and mixed martial artist fighter, the man formerly known as Jack Swagger in WWE, Jake Hager.
Geiz made his entrance, paying homage to his mentor Minoru Suzuki by having a black towel draped over his head. He got in the ring and removed his towel to do his in ring pose as he raised his United States title.
The undefeated MMA fighter Jake Hager made his entrance letting out a battle cry while he pounded his chest and then stared down Geiz who was not unfazed or intimidated by Hager. The Inner Circle muscle got in the ring and was now ready for action.
(Geiz vs. Jake)
As the opening bell rang, the two men locked up like two rams as they have a mighty test of strength. Applying of what Suzuki taught him, Geiz used his strength to push Jake off as he laughed and stick out his tongue, exactly like Suzuki. Hager was not intimidated as he attempted to go on the offense with a right hand, but Geiz ducked and hits a dropkick, knocking Jake down, forcing him to roll out, so he can recover.
(Minutes later)
As Geiz went for the Death Wish knee strike, Jake countered and locks in the Ankle Lock.
Geiz hanged on, and managed to get out of the hold by rolling through to make Jake collide with the turnbuckle. Then Geiz capitalized on the opportunity by nailing Hager with a piledriver, but it was only good for the two count.
(Fast forward towards the end)
Jake kicked Geiz in the gut, and attempted to finish it with the gutwrench powerbomb, but the Sniper escaped and locked in the Coffin sleeper hold on the MMA fighter. The Sniper of the East took down Jake and applied the grapevine on the hold. Hager struggled to reach for the ropes as he can't roll over.
Hager slowly began to fade as his eyes were shut closed. The referee raised Jake's arm three times and called for the bell, giving Geiz the win via technical submission.
The referee handed him his United States title and raised his arm while Geiz stood over Jake.
(Few minutes later)
It was time for another grudge match as Billie Kay defends her SmackDown Women's title against the Queen Slayer Anna Jay.
For the past few weeks, Billie has been targeting Anna on behalf of her best friend and life partner Peyton Royce, who was currently off on maternity leave as she was pregnant with Josh's second child.
Billie was in her locker room all ready to go and was currently doing some last minute stretching; she then heard a knock on her door.
Billie: it's open
Her love Travis came in and the American Nightmare walked in with a smile.
Travis: all ready to go, babe?
Billie: you damn right I am
Travis: not only you're fighting for Josh, you're fighting for Peyton too
Billie: Peyton is my best friend, she and I are literally sisters
Travis: yeah, that's the main reason why we're neighbors with Josh and Peyton; we may live in different houses, but we're still together
Billie: yeah, I'm fighting for Peyton, and I know she is watching at home very proud
Then Billie's phone rang, and the Femme Fatale's eyes lit up as she saw it was Peyton.
Billie: it's my bestie!
Travis: oh, answer it!
Billie answered and saw her best friend on camera.
Peyton: hey sister!
Billie: hey bestie, how are you?
Peyton: doing fine, I have a bump forming
Billie: oh wow; who's there with you?
Peyton: the girls; Charlotte and Becky are making food for me, Bayley, Kairi, Carmella and Sasha are feeding my dogs and Liv and Asuka are keeping me and Madison company
Travis: looks like you're taking care of
Billie: are you watching the show now?
Peyton: yeah I am; Geiz had a great match against Hager
Billie: now you will watch me beat up the homewrecker in you and Josh's lives
Peyton: yes! Do it!
Billie: I'm dedicating this match to you, my life partner and the little bundle of joy inside you
Peyton: love you Billie; go and kick some ass
Billie: yes ma'am
The two best friends ended their call.
Travis: good luck babe
The American Nightmare gave the SmackDown Women's Champion a kiss for good luck, which Billie smiled as she kissed back. Travis then smacked Billie's bottom for good luck, making her blush.
Billie: so cheeky
Travis smirked. Then Billie left to the gorilla to waited for her cue.
(Kay vs. Jay)
The two women stared daggers at each other after the introductions were made. As the bell rang, Anna stepped up to taunt Billie.
Anna: where's your best friend, huh? Wait, where's Josh?
The insults fired at Peyton and Josh lit a fuse inside Billie as the champion fired a right hand slap followed by a forearm, stunning the challenger.
Billie brought Anna to the turnbuckle and landed punches while the referee warned her for a possible disqualification. As Billie went for the offense, Anna fired back with slap and a poke to the eye; then she takes down the champion with a running bulldog for an early cover, but Billie was able to kick out.
(Minutes later)
Anna attempted to lock in her Queen Slayer submission, but Billie fought back and connected with a suplex, but still had the hold on; Billie got up and connected with another suplex and then hits a third one in the style of Peyton's Venus Flytrap pin, but Anna was able to get her shoulder up.
(End of match)
Anna had the Queen Slayer locked in, but Billie managed to reach for the ropes using her feet to force a break on the hold. Anna tried to go for an offense, but Billie fazed her with an enziguri before ending with the Shades of Kay kick for the pinfall win to retain her SmackDown Women's title while also fighting for her life partner, Peyton. But Billie knew in her mind that it's not over between her and Anna.
(A few minutes later)
Following Billie's successful title defense, Alexa is attempting to use that momentum in her match against the homewrecker in her and Alex's lives, Tay Conti. The Goddess was all warmed up and ready as she was approached by the love of her life.
Alex: hey babe, you want me to be in your corner?
Alexa: no, it's alright babe; you need to focus on your match, especially it's against a jerk
Alex: well he can't escape because he's trapped inside with me in a cage
Alexa: bring that title to us, babe
Alex: I will, go kick her ass
Alexa: that's my job
The two shared a kiss as the Goddess left with the mission on hand.
(Alexa vs. Tay)
Tay waited for the Goddess to come out while she had an overconfident look on her face. Then her look changed as Alexa's theme played and the Goddess dashed down the ramp, slid in the ring and then takes down Tay by raining right hands while the bell rang. Tay tried to escape, but Alexa got her while connecting punches.
The Brazilian jiu-jitsu artist managed to roll out of the way to catch her breath while Alexa taunted her in the ring.
Alexa: come on! Fight me!
Tay rolled back in and the two women started to trade punches. Alexa got the advantage by connecting multiple forearms while Tay went down on her knees; then Alexa followed it up by connecting with a dropkick for an early cover, only for Tay to kick out at one.
(Minutes later)
Tay and Alexa were countering each other's attempts to hit their signature DDTs. However, a collision occurred as the two took each other with simultaneous clotheslines.
Both women got to their feet; then Tay attempted for an offense hit, but Alexa blocked it and grounds Tay with her signature right forearm shot. Alexa then nailed Tay with her signature Insult to Injury double knee drop.
Alexa then climbed the top turnbuckle and looks to hit the Twisted Bliss, but the Goddess shook her head and was thinking of other things as she got down.
The Goddess picked the Brazilian jiu-jitsu up, but Tay fired back with a right hand followed by an enziguri to faze Alexa. She then set up Alexa for the DDTay, but the Goddess managed to escape the hold and strikes from out of nowhere with an RKO, much to the shock of the packed AEW crowd in Daily's Place. Alexa smirked as she went to the cover and gets the win via pinfall, and at the same time, revenge.
(Minutes later, next match)
Another championship was taking place as the bad blood between Josh Stevens and Sammy Guevara continues at Daily's Place with the WWE's white strap workhorse title on the line. Josh was also defending Peyton's honor after remembering the disrespectful comments made by Sammy aiming towards the Relentless Royce.
The arrogant aerialist of the Inner Circle made his way to the ring while he was holding his camera out to record for his vlog channel on YouTube, and feels all confident despite the loss endured by his teammate Jake Hager earlier in his match against Geiz.
Then a few seconds later, Josh's theme played and Sammy was all fired up as he was begging for the champion to show his face. However, after a few seconds of an empty stage, Sammy was confused, but then things changed as Josh ambushed him from behind. Sammy stumbled but managed to connect shots as the referee rang the bell and the match was underway.
The two wrestlers traded punches as their bad blood intensified. The Spanish God used his agility to avoid the Fallen Warrior's shot before fazing him with running dropkick. As Sammy ran, Josh launched him over the ropes for a crash landing to the floor.
Josh immediately pursued Sammy as he went out of the ring and grabbed the Inner Circle member before slamming his head on the announcer's table.
Josh: talk about my wife like that, huh?!
The Fallen Warrior slammed Sammy's face on the table again before throwing him back in the ring for an early cover.
(Minutes later)
As Josh was connecting shots to Sammy in the corner, the referee backed the champion up to avoid any disqualifications. The Spanish God used this chance to recover and connected with a kick followed by an enziguri. Sammy then got Josh and connects with a tornado DDT for a pinfall count, but the champion kicked out at two.
(Fast forward towards the end of the match)
Sammy managed to connect with his finisher, the GTH, but as he went for the cover, Josh got his shoulder up, much to the shock of the challenger.
Sammy was measuring for another GTH, but Josh got out of it and then catches Sammy before nailing him with the 25th Hour. Josh pinned the Spanish God and retained his title, but the celebration was cut short as Santana and Ortiz hit the ring and assaulted the champion.
It was a 3 on 1 beatdown while Josh tried to fight back, but the numbers game caught up to him. However, help came in form of his tag team partner, Samoa Joe.
Joe ran down the ring and fired right hands on the Inner Circle members. Joe neutralized Sammy by throwing him out of the ring before turning his attention the AEW Tag Team Champions. Joe took them down using his signature moves as he cleared the ring.
The Samoan Submission Machine helped Josh up and handed him his Intercontinental title. Joe nodded and patted his shoulder and saw the three Inner Circle members backing up. With Double or Nothing coming next month, Josh and Joe are now ready for Proud n' Powerful.
(Minutes later)
It was time for the steel cage match for the TNT Championship as the leader of the Pinnacle and current TNT Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman defends his title against his archenemy, the leader of the New Evolution Alex Auditore.
MJF made his entrance with the other members of the Pinnacle right behind him. The Salt of the Earth kissed his Dynamite Diamond Ring as he walked down the ramp and got in the ring as he surveyed the cage surrounding it.
The New Evolution came out with Alex leading the way; the Pharaoh showed no fear as he stared down at the steel cage. He and his brothers walked down the ramp and stared daggers at MJF and the rest of the Pinnacle.
Alex went under the ring and grabbed some steel chairs and kendo sticks to use. Scott and Vade helped out by bringing out two tables and bring them into the ring.
Chase: yo Alex, you might need this too, man
The Limit Breaker took out a sledgehammer as Alex smirked. The Pharaoh took the sledgehammer and put in the ring as well. He then went inside the caged ring and closed the door behind him.
Alex smirked as he has MJF in a closed environment. The bell rang and the champion tried to escape by climbing the cage, but the challenger pursued him and pull him down to rain down punches on the Salt of the Earth. MJF pushed Alex off to try and escape by climbing, but the Pharaoh still had him in grasp and then took him down with a lariat. He then grabbed a chair and rained down chair shots as MJF screamed in pain and agony.
After Alex hit MJF one more time with the chair, he smirked and taunted Pinnacle member Shawn Spears as he pointed the dented steel at him.
(Minutes later)
Both men had kendo sticks in their hands and a kendo stick style sword fight began before they rained down blistering shots on each other while the sticks became a pieces of bamboo. Alex swung with his strength to knock the stick out of MJF's hands and then pushes him down to choke him with it.
(Fast forward towards the end)
Both men were on the top rope as they tried to climb out of the cage first; Alex hit MJF's head against chain link steel three times and then looked down to see a steel chair flat on the canvas. The New Evolution members saw what their leader was planning and told him to go through with it. Alex nodded and wrapped MJF's head in his arms; he then jumped and hits a top rope AKO on the steel chair.
The Pinnacle members scaled the cage to help out their leader, but they were pulled down and neutralized by the New Evolution. Meanwhile, Alex crawled to the cover and the referee counted the pinfall, and it was over as the bell rang.
Alex slowly went to his feet and the referee raised his arm and handed him the TNT Championship. The Pharaoh got out of the cage and was met by hugs from his friends as he raised his championship. The Pinnacle, however went in the ring to check on their boss to see if he's okay.
(Minutes later)
It was now time for the main event as the protégé takes on the mentor; the student takes on the teacher as the Duke of the Balkans Blood Shepherd takes on the AEW World Champion Chris Jericho in a no holds barred match, which means anything goes.
After Jericho made his ever popular entrance with the crowd, he waited for his former apprentice to come out.
Shepherd made his entrance with kendo stick and steel chair in his hands. As Shepherd got in the ring, he ran and went after Le Champeon with the kendo stick, but Jericho got out of the ring to escape from the swing. The Duke taunted and begged his mentor to come in and fight.
(Match starts)
Jericho ducked a swing from Shepherd and connects punches to the Duke's head while Shepherd also connected as he fought back with right hands as well.
Jericho connected with a knee to the gut before launching him to the ropes and hits a back elbow on his apprentice.
Jericho got out of the ring to get some more weapons such as more steel chairs and kendo sticks, a chain and a toolbox. Shepherd got out of the ring to pursue the champion, but he was hit in the gut by a traffic cone.
Jericho then put on the cone like a hat and did his best witch's laugh.
Chris then threw Shepherd to the barricade before throwing him back in the ring for an early cover.
(Minutes later)
The tables turned in favor of Shepherd as he hit Jericho in the gut with the chain; he then wrapped the chain around his face and pulled as Chris screamed in agony.
With the chain wrapped around the champion's head, Shepherd hits a Giga Savate Strike; he then went for the pin, but was shocked as Jericho got his shoulder up.
(Fast forward)
Jericho got the Walls of Jericho locked in the middle of the ring; Shepherd screamed in agony, but then saw a fire extinguisher. Shepherd crawled and got the extinguisher and fired the vapor to force Chris to break the hold.
Shepherd got back up and hits Chris in the head with the extinguisher. He then grabbed a chair and begged for Jericho to get up.
Shepherd: get up!
Jericho got up and turned around; then Shepherd tossed the chair and hits the Giga Savate Strike on the chair, making the impact hit Chris' head, knocking him down. Shepherd went on his knees and then go for the pin and it was over.
The Duke got up and raised his arms in victory as he defeated his mentor and won the AEW Championship.
The crowd cheered as the Duke raised the title over his head with his foot on Jericho's chest as the show came to an end.
AEW Full Gear results
Geiz Marufuji (c) defeated Jake Hager by technical submission - Singles match for the WWE United States Championship
Billie Kay (c) defeated Anna Jay - Singles match for the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship
Alexa Bliss defeated Tay Conti - Singles match
Josh Stevens (c) defeated Sammy Guevara - Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Alex Auditore (with the New Evolution) defeated MJF (c) (with the Pinnacle) - Steel Cage match for the TNT Championship
Blood Shepherd defeated Chris Jericho (c) - No Holds Barred match for the AEW World Championship
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