Chapter 2: Join Us
A week after Chris Jericho and the Inner Circle had an intense confrontation with Bliss Kingdom, Le Champeon reignites an old rivalry the Viper Randy Orton when they meet in the main event for this week's Raw, also a tag team match is also taking place as Santana and Ortiz called out to challenge Alex and Josh in tag team action in which the Kingdom members accepted.
Also, all of Bliss Kingdom are on the look out for any invaders as they remembered that Chris and the Inner Circle have allies from AEW.
The Viper was alone in his locker room warming up for his one on one match. Meanwhile, Alexa and Alex were walking to the locker room until they were approached by MJF.
MJF: well hello, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Maxwell Jacob Friedman, the fastest and youngest rising wrestler in AEW, and who you might be, you beautiful girl?
Alexa: why would you want to know?
MJF: well look at me, I'm rich, I'm handsome and I-
Alex: will kick your ass if you don't leave right now!
MJF: and who the fucking hell are you?
Alex: the husband of the girl you try to hit on
MJF: you, you're this beautiful young lady's husband?
MJF chuckled while Alex stared daggers at the obnoxious heel.
MJF: well let me tell you this; your wife will be better off with someone young, handsome and rich like me!
That lit a fuse in Alex as he struck MJF in the face with a right hand, knocking him down. Randy came running out of the locker room and helped Alexa hold the Pharaoh back.
Alex: next time I'll see you, you won't have any teeth!
MJF scoffed and ran off.
Randy: easy Alex
Alex: you heard what he said to Alexa, mentor? It's so disrespectful
Alexa: he tried to hit on me, but failed
Randy: use what I taught you and kick his ass, but you and Josh have a tag team match so focus on that first
Alex: yes mentor
Alexa: I'll help you warm up, babe
Randy: alright, Alexa keep him in check
Alexa: will do
The Pharaoh and Goddess went to the locker room.
Josh was in the locker room warming up while Peyton admired him.
Peyton: ooh babe, you haven't last a step
Josh: I never lost a step, especially when we were in bed
Peyton blushed heavily and playfully slaps Josh's arm.
Peyton: you always know how to make me laugh, Joshy
Josh: of course my love
Peyton: anyway, how do you feel about teaming with Alex?
Josh: it's been a long time since I teamed with Alex, and together, we'll show the Inner Circle what Bliss Kingdom is all about
Peyton: do it, babe
Josh: I will
The two shared a kiss before Josh went back to warming up.
(An hour later)
It was time for the tag team match as the Inner Circle's Santana and Ortiz goes against Bliss Kingdom's Alex and Josh. The former LAX members made their entrance to the ring with MJF and Wardlow accompanying them. As Santana and Ortiz waited for their opponents, MJF held his cheek which was the spot Alex punched him on.
Then Bliss Kingdom's theme played and out came the OG members as the Fallen Warrior and the Pharaoh stared down at their new enemies. As Josh and Alex walked down, the Pharaoh did not take his eyes off MJF, who earlier tried to make a move on his wife Alexa, but got punched in the face for it.
Alex and Josh nodded and ran to the ring and traded punches with Santana and Ortiz while MJF quickly got out of the ring. Josh and Santana started the match after Alex threw Ortiz out of the ring to neutralize the Inner Circle's Funky Monkey.
Meanwhile in the ring, Josh was all over Santana with various offense until the Fallen Warrior got distracted by MJF at ringside, allowing Santana to faze Josh with a step up enziguri.
Alex: I had enough of your shit
The Pharaoh quickly ran and leveled MJF with a clothesline before tossing him over the timekeeper's area. Ortiz looked to cheap shot Alex, but the Viper's student kicked him to the gut, and took out the Funky Monkey with a belly to back suplex on the announcer's table.
Then Alex got back to the apron and Josh tagged him in, allowing the Pharaoh to unleash some merciless punishment on Santana, making the match two on one for the time being due to Ortiz laid out on the announce table.
(Minutes later)
As Josh created separation after hitting Ortiz with a big lariat, the Fallen Warrior crawled to his corner to tag in Alex, who was all fired up.
Alex: come on Josh!
Josh tagged in Alex, and the Pharaoh went all hell on the Inner Circle as he grounded Santana with a couple clotheslines followed by a scoop slam. Then Alex grounded both Santana and Ortiz with a double hanging DDT. Then Alex saw that Josh wants some, and the Pharaoh happily obliged as he tagged in the Fallen Warrior.
The legal man for the Inner Circle was Ortiz; Alex laid out Santana with an AKO and kicked him out of the ring. Then Josh got Ortiz and looked to end it as he set up the 25th Hour, but then he and Alex were distracted by an unfamiliar theme.
Josh and Alex turned their attention as the music played, the Kingdom members were confused until they saw two women walked out to the stage. Josh couldn't believe his eyes as he recognized one of the women as Anna Jay, a member of AEW's other group, the Dark Order.
Alex was also surprised as he also recognized the other woman as jiu jitsu black belt and Anna's best friend, Tay Conti.
Anna and Tay smirked and waved at Josh and Alex, which was a distraction for MJF to attack Josh from behind, causing a disqualification finish. Alex managed to fight off the Inner Circle as he threw them out of the ring. Santana, Ortiz and MJF regrouped and joined Anna and Tay on stage.
Alex checked on Josh while the Pharaoh stared down at MJF and Tay while Josh stared down at Anna. As Alex and Josh got back to their feet, Tay and Anna waved at them before heading backstage with the Inner Circle.
(In the locker room)
Alex and Josh felt a bit uneasy after seeing Tay and Anna coming out to distract them. Alexa and Peyton came in to see them.
Alexa: you guys alright?
Alex: we're fine, babe
Peyton: you seemed shocked when you saw those two women
Alexa: is there anything you guys want to tell us?
Alex: I don't know babe, it's all a blur
Josh: yeah, me too; we don't know who they are
Peyton: alright, in case those two wants to get in you guys' business again, they'll have to answer to us
Josh and Alex smirked as Peyton and Alexa were defending them.
(Main event)
It was now the main event as the 14 time world champion Randy Orton goes one on one against the AEW Champion and Inner Circle leader Chris Jericho, as the two reignites an old rivalry. The fans recalled moments between them such as Jericho's return in 2007 interrupting Orton, and when the Viper punted Le Champeon in the head in 2010.
Accompanying Jericho was Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara while Orton was accompanied by Alex. The match started and the Viper and Le Champeon locked up.
(Minutes later)
Orton grounded and punished Jericho with his signature stomps to the AEW Champion's arms and legs. The Spanish God looked to interfere, but Sammy was pulled down and laid out by Alex with a right hand. As Orton turned his attention back to Jericho, Le Champeon grounded the Viper with a step up enziguri, and then looks to lock in the Walls of Jericho, but the Viper got out of it and flattened Jericho with his signature backbreaker.
(Fast forward towards the end)
Orton was setting up Jericho for the RKO, but the match was stopped as Jake Hager took down the Viper with punches, causing the match to end in DQ. Alex came in to even the odds as he pulled off Hager before the mentor and protégé found themselves in a 3 on 2 disadvantage against Jericho, Hager and Guevara.
Then help came as Bliss Kingdom's Josh, Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns came down to aid Alex and Randy. Then the rest of the Inner Circle came as Santana, Ortiz, MJF and Wardlow came through the crowd.
Bliss Kingdom and the Inner Circle started to trade punches as a brawl erupted in the ring. As the two factions fought, the rest of the Bliss Kingdom men came as Finn and Seth led Chase Destiny, Travis Sharp, Geiz Marufuji, Blood Shepherd, Pierce Johnson, Colby Newfer and Keith Lee to turn the tables on the Inner Circle, but then a theme played.
Jericho smirked as the theme played and seven men came out on stage. The seven men on stage were known as the group, the Dark Order. The group consisted of Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alan "5" Angels, Preston "10" Vance, Colt Cabana, Alex Reynolds and John Silver.
The Dark Order ran down and fought with Bliss Kingdom and used their numbers to ground and neutralize them. In the ring, the only members left standing were Alex Auditore, Shepherd, Randy, Josh, Kevin and Roman as the five members of Bliss Kingdom have the Inner Circle on one side and the Dark Order surrounding the ring.
The Kingdom fought the Inner Circle and stood their ground, but they were immediately overwhelmed by the numbers as the Dark Order joined the fight. Roman, Kevin, Randy and Josh were taken down, leaving the Pharaoh and Shepherd to fend for themselves.
Alex managed to take down the Dark Order's John Silver with an AKO, but he was flattened by Jericho's Codebreaker. Then the Inner Circle leader ordered Sammy and Jake to hold up Shepherd.
Chris held his old student by the chin and shook his head.
Chris: you may be my student Blood Shepherd, but you can never be like Chris Jericho
Then Le Champeon took Shepherd out with the Judas Effect.
With the Bliss Kingdom men laid out in the ring and at ringside, the Dark Order joined the Inner Circle in the ring and Jericho confirmed for everyone that the two groups have forged an alliance as Le Champeon shook hands with Evil Uno.
The show came to a close as the Inner Circle and the Dark Order stood tall in the ring with Jericho raising his AEW Championship.
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