Chapter 7: Get Together Reunion
The lovely family of Josh, Peyton and baby Madison were enjoying their time of their lives. They were caught up on what's going on in the war between Bliss Kingdom and the Corporation. They were in bed while baby Madison was sleeping in her crib.
Peyton: I can't believe Pierce is on Raw!
Josh: how do you know the guy?
Peyton: he is a long time friend of Billie and I when we were in NXT at the time
Josh: oh, now with him on our side, the McMahons and the Corporation will have to watch out; the man is huge
Peyton: well guess who the Corporation has on their side
Josh: who?
Peyton: Batista
Josh: damn, we should've been there, babe
Peyton: I know, I feel the same way
Peyton went on her phone and saw a ominous post from WWE promoting the debut of a new Superstar at TLC.
Peyton: babe, take a look at this
Josh: what's up?
Peyton showed him the post which was a video. They played the video and saw the colors of red and gold lightning bolts. The video ended with the phrase, "The Thrill Seeker is coming... to WWE TLC." Then a figure rush passed the letters while a gold lightning trail follows.
Josh: I wonder who it will be
Peyton: question is, is this Superstar friend or foe?
Josh: we have to wait til TLC then
Then the engaged couple heard Madison crying as she woke up.
Peyton: aww, our baby is awake
She went to the crib and carried the baby to make her stop crying. Josh admired the sight in front of him.
Josh: you fit the role of the mother perfectly
Peyton: aww, you fit the role of the father perfectly as well
Josh: yeah, I do
Peyton joined Josh in the bed while she cradled baby Madison in her arms. Josh gently stroked the little baby's hand with his finger. Madison's eyes opened to see the faces of her parents and the little baby gave an adorable smile.
Peyton: so cute!
She gently kissed the baby's head.
Josh: hey babe, let's invite the group over
Peyton: I was thinking about that and I say let them see our new house and baby Madison
Josh: oh sweet
Peyton got her phone and messaged the group; she didn't even wait for replies from them as all of them said yes. Then Peyton sent everyone the address to their house. Josh and Peyton took turns with the shower and dressed up; they also gave baby Madison a gentle wash as well and dressed her up in a cute onesie. Their house has a backyard along with a swimming pool. Half an hour later, a car pulled up and it was Billie, Travis, Pierce and Carmella.
Billie: hey bestie!
Peyton: I missed you!
The IIconics hugged.
Peyton: Travis, has Billie been a good girl?
Travis: yes, but occasionally she gets a bit naughty, especially in bed
Billie heavily blushed. Then Peyton turned to see her long time friend, Pierce.
Peyton: how are you, Pierce?
Pierce: I'm doing good, Peyton
The two friends hugged.
Pierce: and he must be your boyfriend?
Josh: fiance; my name's Josh Stevens
Pierce: Pierce Johnson, nice to meet you; I got to say, you're one lucky man to have someone like Peyton
Josh: I love her so much
Peyton: aww Joshy
Josh: and Carmella, you're part of our group now
Carmella: tired of Shane and his screen time
Billie: don't worry Mella, the McMahons will be gone soon
Josh: well guys, how you like our house?
Travis: pretty impressive, man
Pierce: almost like a mansion
Carmella: I would like to have a house like this
Peyton: well come and see the main attraction
Peyton and Josh led the three to the dining room to see baby Madison in her other crib.
Carmella: aww, what a cute little baby
Pierce: she's so adorable, what'e her name?
Josh: her name is Madison, and she's my little girl
Carmella: she's your daughter?
Peyton: yup
Pierce: so are you two?
Josh: almost there man, we're engaged at the moment
Peyton held up her ring which made Billie shocked.
Billie: oh my goodness, I'm so happy for you, bestie
Carmella: I swear, you two are cute together
Peyton: well, let's give you guys a tour while we wait for the others
Travis: alright, sounds good
(20 minutes later)
As the group walked around the house, they heard a knock on the door.
Josh: I got it, babe
Peyton: thanks!
Josh opened the door to see the group of Seth, Becky, Finn, Bayley, Ryan and Sasha.
Josh: hey guys!
Seth: what's up, man?
Finn: how is life of a father been to you?
Josh: a bit stressful at first, but I'm already used to it
Sasha: where's the cute little baby at?
Josh: in the kitchen, so you guys can come in
The six Kingdom members went inside the house.
Josh: make yourselves at home and feel free to look around
Becky: damn, this place is huge
Ryan: it's as nice as my place
Becky: Josh bought a nice one
Seth: hey Becks, I'll try to find one for our own to live in
Becky: aww, that's why you're the Man's Man
Seth: can you not say that out loud?
Then they saw Josh, Peyton, Travis, Billie, Pierce and Carmella.
Travis: what is this I hear? The Man's Man?
Seth put his hand over his face in embarrassment while Becky laid her head on his arm and blushed.
Billie: can anyone explain please?
Finn: we all know Becky is the Man
Ryan: and Seth is her boyfriend
Sasha: so it make sense that Seth is the Man's Man
Seth: cut it out, guys
Bayley: come on Seth, you know you like that nickname
Seth: no I don't!
Becky: yeah you do, babe
On the inside, Seth loved Becky's nickname for him. Then a few minutes later, there was another knock on the door.
Peyton: I'll get it!
Peyton opened it and it was Charlotte, Chase, Roman and Miz.
Charlotte: hey sis!
Peyton: Charlotte!
Josh: oh there he is, the married man himself
Chase: what's up brother?
Peyton: Roman, Miz welcome to our home
Roman: nice place you guys got
Miz: it's as nice as mine and Maryse's own
Josh: Miz, we've seen Miz and Mrs. your place is a freaking chateau
Miz: well you know Maryse wants to stick to her French roots
Peyton: well come in guys, make yourselves at home
The two new members of the Kingdom went in and admired the place. Meanwhile, everyone else gathered at the backyard.
Finn: I wonder where's the cute couple at?
Carmella: cute couple?
Bayley: yes, the cute couple of Alex Auditore and Alexa Bliss
Sasha: maybe they're taking their time
Travis: or maybe, they're having a session
Billie: I know what you mean, babe; how about when we get back we have another one
Travis gulped.
Chase: Lexi just couldn't keep her hands off of our brother
Charlotte: that's how she is
Becky: it's so cute
Peyton: if Alex had betrayed Bliss Kingdom, that would really hurt all of us, especially Lexi
Finn: but Alex showed his true loyalty when we won at Survivor Series
Then Josh heard a knock on the door.
Josh: that must be them
Pierce: now all of us are here
Finn: except Randy, he wants to be with his family
Josh went to the front door and opened it to see a blushing smiling Lexi and Alex holding his neck.
Josh: the cute couple are here; what's up guys?
Lexi: hey Josh
Alex: hey...
Josh: you alright, man?
Alex: yeah, I'm fine
Josh: well everyone is at the back, so follow me
Lexi: let's go, babe
Alex: I'm coming
Lexi held his hand while Alex had his other hand covering up an area on his neck. The Goddess and the Pharaoh went to backyard to see everyone.
Pierce: there they are
Travis: what kept you two?
Alex: nothing
Miz: you alright, Alex?
Roman: are you having a stiff neck?
Lexi: nope...
She giggled which made Alex have an embarrassing look on his face.
Seth: if it's not a stiff neck then what?
Sasha: Lexi, what did you do?
Lexi felt her cheeks getting warm.
Travis: dude, just show us what happened
Alex: fine
He took out his hand to reveal a small hickey.
Ryan: oh my god
Travis: what a mark you got there, man
Billie: Lexi...
Chase: this is getting wild
Charlotte: well remember they said that they went all the way
Sasha: you just can't keep your hands off him
Lexi: well that's how our relationship is
Alex: you need to be controlled, babe
Lexi: I'll let you do that when we get home
Bayley: okay you two, we get it
Finn: so Peyton, Josh; how is the parent life?
Peyton: stressful
Josh: but, we're getting use to it
Billie: Madison is so adorable
Roman: did you guys see what WWE posted?
Travis: what?
Roman: something about a Superstar debuting at TLC
Josh: me and Peyton just saw that video
Travis: let me see this video
They all pulled out their phones and went to Instagram to see the video.
Lexi: the Thrill Seeker?
Alex: the lightning effects remind me of The Flash
Becky: it does
Miz: whoever this Thrill Seeker is, we'll find out at TLC
Roman: and it's one week, which means we still have Raw and SmackDown next week
Carmella: wonder what will the McMahons have in store
Miz's phone ring and the A-Lister saw that the WWE posted another thing. He went to see what the post is and he was alarmed.
Miz: oh, this is not gonna be good
Seth: what is it, Miz?
Miz: the McMahons will reveal another member to the Corporation, and it's will be one of the women
Peyton: I have a feeling it's someone either from the Wolf-Pack or the First Army
Billie: your hunch may be correct
Josh: why don't we call Toni and William?
Alex: nah, they're really occupied down in NXT UK
Finn: no need to worry because Seth and I contacted someone
Seth: an old friend
Josh: whoever he is, I hope he'll help
Peyton: we'll worry about the Corporation next week, so for now let's have a barbecue
Josh: who can cook barbecue?
Ryan: I can, my parents said that I cooked the best ribs
Sasha: I love ribs!
Bayley: Sash, you love everything
Sasha: hey, I love food
Bayley: but do you love Ryan?
Sasha: Bay!
Ryan's eyes widened, but he shook it off.
Ryan: Josh, where's your grill?
Josh: oh, over here; I'll go get the ribs
Peyton: girls, it's been a long time since we have a girl talk
Charlotte: yes
Lexi: I miss those
Peyton: hold on, let me place baby Madison in her crib
The Venus Fly Trap laid the baby in her crib, and then went back with the girls. The guys also have their own guy talk as well. Ryan and Josh were barbecuing the ribs. Pierce was looking at Carmella with a grin while the Princess of Staten Island blushed as she made eye contact with the Demon Child.
Travis: looks like someone likes a certain Princess of Staten Island
Seth: is it true?
Pierce: fine guys, I do have a crush on Carmella
Miz: whoa
Alex: since when?
Pierce: since she became a part of the group, and when she was concerned during my match against Drew a couple of weeks ago
Finn: Mella showing concern for you, that's adorable
Roman: you should ask her on a date
Chase: I agree with Roman
Pierce: that's a good idea
(with the girls)
Carmella was smiling as she was looking at Pierce.
Bayley: Mella hey
Sasha: Mella!
Carmella: huh?
Billie: you've been staring at Pierce for a long time
Becky: what's going on?
Carmella: I don't know, but Pierce is so cute and handsome
Peyton: does someone have a crush on our long time friend?
Carmella: no!
Mella's cheeks turned a dark shade of red.
Charlotte: your cheeks are red, Mella
Lexi: you do like Pierce!
Carmella: shh!
The girls giggled.
Carmella: alright fine, I have a crush on Pierce, but I don't know how should I express my feelings to him
Billie: you two should have a date
Carmella: you know, that's not a bad idea
Peyton: knowing Pierce, he should make the first move
Carmella: I'll let him
Peyton: changing subject now; Lexi, what did you do to Alex?
Lexi: I was a bit wild last night
Charlotte: judging by that mark, I think you were really wild
Lexi: I was
Sasha: you really love Alex, don't you?
Lexi: yeah, and Charlotte I still kept that bouquet you tossed at you and Chase's wedding
Charlotte: Lexi, are you hoping of that?
Lexi: I hope to marry Alex soon
Sasha: aww!
Becky: he's been the glue for Bliss Kingdom since we formed
Lexi: he's my baby
Sasha: you two are so adorable together
Billie: adorable as me and Travis when we're together
Bayley: me and Finn as well
Peyton: me and Josh too
Becky: and Seth and me
Charlotte: and Chase and me
Carmella: you don't think he'll turn on us right?
Lexi: he almost did
Charlotte: I remembered
Carmella: when?
Sasha: Super Show-Down at Washington D.C. when he and Randy lost to O'Reilly and Fish
Lexi: I was almost heartbroken when he just walked away, but Alex kept his loyalty to us and he and Travis ended the First Army
Bayley: as you said Lex, it's the strength of our bond
Lexi smiled and nodded. Then Ryan and Josh called everyone over as the barbecue ribs were finished cooking. Everyone ate, played music and hung out by the pool as they relieved their stress from their ongoing war with the Corporation.
The guys were together and told Pierce something.
Travis: go for it, man
Alex: ask Carmella out
Pierce: okay I'll do it
The Demon Child walked to the girls.
Bayley: oh Mella, you got company
Carmella turned around to see Pierce coming towards her; she remained calm, but was blushing at the same time.
Carmella: hi Pierce
Pierce: hey Carmella; I wanted to ask you something
Carmella: yes?
Pierce: you wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?
Carmella: is this a date?
Pierce: yes it is
Carmella blushed and the girls told her to go for it.
Carmella: sure Pierce, I'll go get lunch with you tomorrow
Pierce: sweet
Carmella: it's a date; I'll see you tomorrow
Pierce: yup
He winked at her before going back to the guys who gave Pierce pats to the back. Carmella was blushing hard as her cheeks turn red and she felt them getting warm.
The group finished eating and they were all about to leave.
Peyton: thank you guys for coming; we missed you
Josh: give the McMahons hell
Travis: will do brother
Billie: you two be good
Peyton: yes mom
Peyton looked at Josh and winked, telling the Fallen Warrior that they got some "business" to take care of. Then everyone left. Peyton grabbed Josh by the arm and dragged him to the couch for a make out session, and luckily for them baby Madison is taking her nap.
(At Alex and Lexi's apartment)
Alex gave Lexi a piggyback ride to their apartment room. The couple went in and the Pharaoh set the Goddess on the bed.
Lexi: what you gonna do to me?
Alex: this...
He gave the Goddess a passionate kiss to the lips while his hand was on her leg. It turned to a make out session that lasted for 30 minutes. After that, Alex pulled back.
Alex: I call that dessert
Lexi: it's so sweet
Alex: let's take a nap together
Lexi: okay
Alex instantly fell flat on the bed and slept.
Lexi: you're such a sleepyhead
The Goddess looked at the bouquet she caught from Charlotte and Chase's wedding which was in a vase on a table and then she looked at her ring finger before looking back at a sleeping Alex.
Lexi: someday hopefully
She smiled and kissed his head before falling asleep next to him. She rested her head on his chest, and took his hand and placed it on her thigh. Then the Goddess closed her eyes and dreamed of her future wedding with Alex.
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