Chapter 5: Mella is Kingdom
The two warring factions were at SmackDown as their war continues to intensify in the scheduled match ups.
Roman Reigns and The Miz vs. The Revival
Chase Destiny and Charlotte Flair vs. Andrade and Zelina Vega
Carmella vs. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville
Pierce Johnson vs. Drew McIntyre
The Kingdom guys were at catering while the Kingdom girls were getting their make up done. Miz and Roman were warming up for their tag team match.
Seth: Roman and Miz can get through the Revival like nothing
Finn: we should not underestimate the Corporation; Vince and Shane might try something
Pierce: I would like to see them try
Travis: easy there dude; we'll give them hell soon
Alex: I can't wait to take this fist and hurl it at McMahon's face
Ryan: I can't wait too
Then came walking to the catering was the first Ms. Money in the Bank Carmella. The Princess of Staten Island immediately caught the attention of Pierce.
Pierce: oh my god, she's pretty
Travis: who?
Pierce: the blond haired woman over there
Alex: Carmella?
Pierce: yeah her
Seth: do I sense a crush?
Finn: you know she's in a handicap match tonight; Lexi and the girls may recruit her
Ryan: oh, look at the big smile on Pierce's face
Carmella saw the brotherly banter at the next table and giggled; then she and Pierce made eye contact; she blushed and waved at him in which the DemonChild happily waved back.
Travis: oh, you caught her attention, Pierce
Pierce looked back and once again made eye contact with Carmella; the Princess of Staten Island blushed again.
Pierce: I wonder if she's single
Finn: oh don't worry, Bayley said she is still single
Pierce: whoever didn't have the balls to ask her out is no man
The guys shared a laugh. Then Lexi, Bayley, Billie and Becky came and sat with their boyfriends. Sasha sat beside Ryan.
Becky: what you boys laughing about?
Seth: oh, we're just teasing Pierce about Carmella
Billie: ooh, does my long time friend have a crush?
Pierce: maybe...
Sasha: you know Lexi is the leader, so maybe she'll recruit Mella to our cause
Lexi: yeah, I'll recruit Carmella when we'll save her from the Corporation
Bayley: Lex, you got a feeling that Stephanie has a plan?
Lexi: yes, and I know that Carmella's match will end ugly
Becky: we'll worry about that later, so for now let's watch Roman and Miz kick Shane's little minions
The group turned to the TV to watch the tag team match between the Corporation's Revival and Bliss Kingdom's Roman and Miz.
(In the ring)
From the opening bell, Dawson tried to launch a sneak attack, but Roman sensed it and retaliated with a right hand.
(Fast forward towards end of match)
Miz and Dash were crawling towards their respective corners to tag in their partners. The A-Lister managed to reach the Big Dog and Roman started to lay waste to the Revival.
On the outside, Miz laid out Dawson with a Skull Crushing Finale. In the ring, Roman hit a Superman Punch followed by a spear.
Greg: here are your winners, the team of The Miz and Roman Reigns!
The Big Dog and the A-Lister raised their arms in victory followed by performing Bliss Kingdom's gesture.
(At the catering area)
The Kingdom members were clapping for their allies.
Bayley: Dash and Dawson didn't stand a chance
Lexi: this shows Vince that Bliss Kingdom is not meant to be messed with
Then Roman and Miz came into the catering area.
Roman: we took care of Shane's stooges
Miz: Shane may be pissed off right now
Lexi: now it's the married couple's turn
They saw Chase and Charlotte come into the catering.
Chase: well time to give Andrade and Zelina an ass whooping
Charlotte: WOO!
FInn: good luck guys; and be on the look out for any Corporation members
Chase: we'll be fine
Charlotte: let's go baby
Chase: yes, my Queen
The married couple left to the gorilla to fight Andrade and Zelina.
(In the ring)
The participants for the mixed tag team match was set and the referee rang the bell. The two men started it off. The Universal Champion and El Idolo did a test of strength with the Limit Breaker getting the edge.
The referee separated them. Andrade and Chase glared at each other before backing up to their corners to tag in Zelina and Charlotte respectively.
The Queen and Andrade's business partner locked up with Charlotte having the advantage due to her height and strength; she leveled Zelina with a boot to the face.
(End of match)
Charlotte speared Zelina and looks to lock in the Figure 8 leg lock, meanwhile Andrade and Chase were beating the hell out of each other and they brought their fight to the ring. The referee tried to separate the two men, but couldn't. Zelina came back to her feet to ambush the Queen, but her attack nearly fazed Charlotte. She went on the attack on Zelina, and the referee have no choice but to call for the bell.
Andrade got Chase with a back elbow, but the Limit Breaker retaliated with a superkick, sending El Idolo out of the ring. Charlotte speared Zelina out of the ring, leaving the husband and wife team to stand tall. Andrade and Zelina retreated.
As the Corporation members retreated, Chase and Charlotte shared a kiss in the middle of the ring.
(At catering)
Lexi: the power of love conquers all; don't you think, babe?
Alex: yup, I can agree with you on that, babe
She smiled and kissed his cheek.
Billie: those two are so cute together
Travis: they are babe
Then Chase and Charlotte joined the rest of the group.
Ryan: dude, that was chaos out there
Chase: hell yeah
Charlotte: but we stood tall
Chase: Vince doesn't know our bond
Then the TV showed Carmella's handicap match was next.
Seth: hey Pierce, looks like your girlfriend is up
Pierce: Carmella is not my girlfriend... yet
Bayley: ooh, already admit that you like her
Pierce: whatever guys
They watched as the handicap match was about to begin.
(In the ring)
With the entrances made, the women were ready to go, but they were interrupted by Stephanie's music.
Stephanie: whoa, before we get started; I want to let everybody know that this match has a special guest referee
(Here Comes the Money)
Out came Stephanie's brother and the so called best in the world, Shane; donning the referee stripes.
Finn: oh come on, this is not fair!
Lexi: typical McMahons
(In the ring)
The match started and Carmella immediately went on the offensive by backing Deville into the corner with rapid punches. Shane abusing his referee powers, backed up Carmella. As the Princess of Staten Island went for an attack, Shane held her back. This distraction gave Sonya the opportunity to turn the tables on Mella.
(End of match)
Mandy was the legal woman for her team, but Carmella retaliated with a superkick; she went for the pinfall; Shane counted 2 really slowly, but stopped before the third count. Carmella argued with the Prodigal Son, but that costed her as she was ambushed by Sonya. Then a two on one beat down occurred.
Shane let them do their beat down as he watched the Corporation members stomped boots on Mella. Deville picked up Carmella for the Jersey Devil Kick followed by Mandy's finisher, Bed of Roses (similar to Tommaso Ciampa's Fairy Tale Ending finisher). Shane then called the other Corporation women to the ring to join the beat down. The Bellas, Zelina and Mickie came and joined the fray.
Pierce was getting angry by this beat down.
Pierce: come on, this is not fair for Mella!
The DemonChild breathed heavy breaths while the guys tried to calm him down.
Lexi: girls, let's go!
Lexi, Billie and the Four Horsewomen rushed out to help Carmella.
(In the ring)
The 6 on 1 beat down continued as the women continued their attack while Shane was directing traffic. Stephanie came out to watch the carnage up close. The Corporation's beat down was interrupted by the Kingdom's theme.
(Rise plays)
Out came the Kingdom women led by Lexi as they ran full speed to the ring to brawl with the Corporation women. Shane and Stephanie ran away to the stage to avoid any conflict.
Carmella slowly got up from her attack and watched the ongoing carnage. Sasha and Bayley threw the Bellas out of the ring; Lexi nailed Mickie with her snap DDT; Billie kicked Zelina out of the ring and Becky and Charlotte dealt with Sonya and Mandy. The Corporation women retreated and regrouped with Stephanie and Shane.
Then Stephanie went on the mic.
Stephanie: Bliss Kingdom, we promise you that next Monday on Raw; there will be hell to pay! And trust me, my father has something in store for your guys!
The Corporation retreated backstage. Then the Kingdom women saw Carmella sitting in the corner. Lexi put her hand on Bayley's shoulder and nodded. The Hugger went up to Carmella and held her hand out to help her stand. Mella grabbed Bayley's hand and the Hugger helped her up. Lexi told Carmella.
Lexi: follow us
Carmella was a bit hesitant, but followed the Kingdom women backstage.
(At the catering)
The guys managed to calm Pierce down, so he won't do any damage. Finn however sensed something inside of Pierce when the Demon Child was angry.
Then the Kingdom women came in.
Finn: you girls alright?
Bayley: we're fine, babe
Miz: you took a beating, Carmella
Carmella: yeah Shane as the referee; me being in a handicap match; this is unfair
Then Carmella looked around the room to see the entire group.
Carmella: wait, aren't all of you that rebel group? Bayley, you're with them?
Bayley nodded.
Charlotte: Mella, you're the latest victim of the McMahons' abuse of power
Bayley: and all of us here are tired of them running things around here
Carmella: let me put together the pieces here first; didn't you guys removed Baron Corbin as the Raw GM?
Finn: yes that's us
Alex: and we're also the ones who defeated Lacey Evans and her First Army
Lexi: we are Bliss Kingdom
Carmella: I see, what's you guys' mission?
Travis: we want to remove the McMahons from power
Pierce: and purge the WWE from crappy storylines and scripts
Seth: Miz and Roman joined us because they have unfinished business with Shane
Roman: it's tough because he always gets away
Miz: and he has his Scottish bodyguard with him at all times
Bayley: Mella, if you want the WWE to be great again; I invite you to join our fight
Sasha: we all have common enemies now
Carmella thought about it and then gave her answer.
Carmella: I'm in; time to stand up to the authority and time for me to stand up for myself
The Kingdom members nodded and did the group taunt.
Carmella: I already know most of you, but there's one guy I really want to get to know more
Bayley: who will that be, Mella?
The Princess of Staten Island smiled and turned to Pierce's direction. The DemonChild was surprised.
Carmella: this big handsome man right here; oh, what's your name?
Pierce: oh, my name is Pierce Johnson
Carmella: Pierce, I believe we will get along well
She smiled as she leaned on Pierce's arm causing goosebumps to form. The group saw this and they have teasing looks on their faces.
Miz: Alexa, did the Corporation said anything after you girls helped Carmella?
Lexi: yes, she said there will be hell to pay on Raw next Monday, and Vince has something in store for us
Roman: well, we better be prepared of what that old man has
The last match was the main event between Pierce and Drew.
Pierce: well time for me to face a psychopath
Miz: watch out for Shane
Pierce: let's see if he can help his lapdog
Carmella: be careful, Pierce
Pierce: I'll be fine, Mella
He winked at her which made her blush. Then Pierce left the catering for his match.
(In the ring)
The two men sized up each other as they stared daggers. Then the referee rang the bell and the two locked up.
(End of match)
McIntyre fazed Pierce with the Glasgow Kiss headbutt; then he ran to the ropes to hit a Claymore, but to his shock and horror, Pierce was still on his feet. The Scottish Psychopath went for another Claymore, but Pierce side stepped and hits a Whiplash, dropping McIntyre down. As he went for the pin, out came running to the ring were Murphy, Andrade, Corbin, Lashley, Elias and Nakamura. The referee called for the bell and the Corporation men attacked Pierce, but the DemonChild used his strength to power out momentarily, but fell to the numbers game when Corbin went for the leg.
Lexi: guys go!
Alex, Seth, Finn, Travis, Ryan, Chase, Roman and Miz quickly ran out of the catering to help their brother.
(In the ring)
Alex led the Kingdom members as they ran full speed to even the odds for Pierce. The Kingdom and Corporation brawled to the outside of the ring. With the numbers game against them, the Corporation went into retreat mode. Then the Kingdom helped Pierce to his feet.
Carmella: thank god, Pierce is okay
Bayley: ooh, why so concerned for him?
Carmella blushed.
Carmella: nothing Bay, I'm just glad he's fine
Then the Kingdom guys came.
Carmella: Pierce!
Mella ran and hugged the DemonChild, much to Pierce's surprise.
Pierce: I'm okay, Mella; nothing serious
Lexi: we're glad that you're okay, Pierce
Alex: now we have to deal with them next week
Lexi: we'll be ready for them, babe
Carmella: and I still have unfinished business with Mandy and Sonya
Sasha: you'll get your shot next week, Mella
Lexi: come on guys, let's go
The Kingdom packed up and left the arena.
With Carmella now part of Bliss Kingdom, the rebel group's unbreakable bond grows stronger as they ready themselves for what the Corporation has in store for them at Raw next Monday.
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