Chapter 25: The Pharaoh's Riddle
One week after Alex's heartless attack on his Bliss Kingdom brothers, the group were not 100% ready emotionally for the show tonight. Lexi couldn't sleep well after the incident and eye bags were visible.
Dario: Josh, Travis, Finn you guys okay?
Josh: physically yes
Travis: but emotionally no
Finn: the bruises will heal
Chase: never believe someone like our brother would do such a heartless act
Peyton: and Lexi couldn't handle it
Lexi: I know my baby won't do something like that, but whoever I saw last week wasn't the Alex I love
Randy: I know in that heartless shell is my protege
Triple H: and he's one promising Superstar
Lexi: I know deep down, my baby is still Bliss Kingdom
Then their attention was to the screen for one of the matches tonight. Alex returns to the ring after a month as he faces one of the Kingdom allies, New Day's Kofi.
Kofi: I'll try to get through him, but it won't be easy because he's our friend
Lexi: don't hurt him, okay?
Kofi nodded.
Kofi: you have my word
Xavier: you got this Kofi
Big E: we'll be with you
The New Day left the locker room for Kofi's emotional match against his good friend.
Meanwhile at the Corporate VIP room, the McMahons were all in good moods tonight.
Shane: Bliss Kingdom is cracking before our very eyes
Stephanie: I couldn't believe Alex fell for it
Then Murphy, Blake and Thorne came in.
Murphy: that was a brilliant plan you guys made; Auditore is off my back
Vince: well Thorne, since you've been a big help; we'll put you in a title shot at WrestleMania against Buddy Murphy for the title
Thorne: I like that
Murphy: I'm cool with it
(In the ring)
The New Day made their power of positivity entrance as Kofi is prepared for his match against Alex.
The arena went silent. Then a new theme played.
The crowd was confused, but their questions were answered as Alex came out.
His attire is still the same, but the colors are black with the Filipino sun all white with cracks design. His entrance jacket was the black leather coat he wore last week. He kept the long hair and beard.
As he walked down the ramp, the crowd were upset and telling him why he did what he did last week. The Pharaoh ignored the crowd and kept the emotionless blank stare.
His pose is instead of his signature arms cross in the too sweet; his new pose is his hands in the gun gesture and he pointed to his head.
He removed his leather jacket and he put his hair back, so it won't block his eyes. Kofi attempts to reason with Alex.
Kofi: I don't want to hurt you, man
Alex shook his head. As the bell rang, the two locked up. Then they broke the hold and Kofi looks to reason with Alex again, telling the Pharaoh to come back to the group and turn to the light. The way Alex replied is by a vicious superkick to the face.
He turned to the New Day telling him to stop.
Xavier: come on Alex
Big E: come on, man
The Pharaoh ignored them and went right back to work on Kofi.
(End of match)
As Alex looked to end the match with an AKO; Kofi played possum and hit the Pharaoh with the Trouble in Paradise, but Alex wisely rolled out of the ring.
Kofi rolled out the ring to get him back in the ring, but Alex got a chair and hit the former WWE Champion in the gut, and the referee called for the bell and a disqualification win for Kofi.
Alex gave Kofi a couple of chair shots before turning on Big E and Xavier who were attempting to help their New Day brother. Alex threw Xavier over the timekeeper's area and threw Big E to the ring post.
He went back to work on Kofi with more multiple chair shots. The chair was bent and he threw it aside. He then turn his attention to the protective floor mats while he looked back at Kofi. Alex removed a portion of the mats, exposing the concrete floor.
The Kingdom were watching the onslaught.
Randy: this is too much
Lexi: why is my Alex doing this?
Finn: I can't watch anymore of this
Ali: we'll stop him; Ricochet, Aleister let's go
The One and Only the Dutch Destroyer nodded and they rushed out to the ring.
(In the ring)
Alex picked up Kofi's body, and looks to AKO him on the concrete floor, but he was stopped as Ricochet, Aleister and Ali came running out to stop it.
Ali helped Kofi to his feet as Xavier and Big E recovered from the attack. Alex went in the ring and watched as the battered and bruised New Day were helped to the back by Aleister, Ali and Ricochet. The Pharaoh watched with a devious look on his face as the show went to break.
The New Day were helped to the locker room following the Pharaoh's heinous attack on them.
Seth: you guys alright?
Xavier: yeah, good thing Ali and the others or there would been serious damage
Triple H: well while you guys were coming in, we saw that after the break, Alex will address his actions of last week
Lexi: good hopefully we will get a clear answer on why my baby turned on us
Ryan: guys, the show is back
They turned their attention to the TV that the commercial break, and Alex was still in the ring with a mic in his hand.
(In the ring)
The crowd were chanting "why Alex why? As they were begging for answers from the Pharaoh of his attack on Travis, Josh and Finn last week. Still with the blank emotionless look, Alex got on the mic.
Alex: you people want to know why I did what I did last week. You all want to know why did I turn on my Bliss Kingdom brothers. You're all asking me on my Twitter and Instagram, "why Alex, why did you betray your friends, your mentor and your girlfriend?"
The crowd ranted and booed as Alex spoke with rage in his voice.
Alex: I'll tell you why, but let me invite these two important people out. My mentor and my so called "girlfriend."
The Pharaoh has called out two of the Kingdom's co-founders.
Alex: Randy Orton, Alexa Bliss; get your asses out here now!
The Viper and the Goddess stood up.
Lexi: he wants us out there
Randy: I'm not just his mentor; I'm his second father, so let's hope he'll listen
Lexi: I hope so too, I love Alex so much
Travis: try to talk to him
Colby: we want our friend back
Pierce: we aren't complete without him
Randy: we'll do what we can
Lexi: let's go Randy
The Pharaoh's mentor and girlfriend left the locker room.
(In the ring)
Alex: come on, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere; where are you two at?
Alex didn't had to wait for long as Bliss Kingdom's theme played and out came the Viper and Goddess. Lexi had a sad and teary look in her eyes as she saw what was a former shell of her lover.
Meanwhile, Randy had a look of concern on his face as he saw what has become of his protege and surrogate son.
The two got in the ring with mics.
Alex: oh good, you're both here, but I don't want to waste my damn time rambling on; I'm a fair man, so I'll let you talk
The Viper spoke first.
Randy: Alex, you invited Alexa and I out here, so everyone in the Kingdom wanted to know as well including myself and Alexa, why did you do it?
Alex: well since you asked nicely; the reason why I attacked Josh, Travis and Finn is because I have done nothing since you, Alexa and Finn started this group
Lexi: babe, you have done a lot of things to help make Bliss Kingdom of what it is now
Alex: like what?
Lexi: you prevented any of Corbin's Wolf-Pack to win the Royal Rumble and you and Travis ended the First Army
Randy: Alexa is right, Alex
Lexi: and as for Thorne; I'm not dating him; the only man in my heart is you Alex; the man I want to marry is you
Alex: the only man in your heart is me? Well that picture tells a different story, you look really happy kissing Thorne and you were enjoying it
Tears started to fall from Lexi's eyes as Randy attempts to interfere.
Randy: Alex, that picture is-
Alex: you shut up, old man; I don't need to hear your reasons!
The Viper was shocked of Alex's remark. Then Lexi put her hand on his arm.
Lexi: baby please...
Then they were interrupted by the McMahon family. Vince, Shane and Stephanie walked down the ramp and got in the ring to confront the three.
Stephanie: allow us to give a warm welcome back to Alex Auditore!
The crowd booed at the corrupt family.
Vince: now we are out here not to waste everybody's time because we have a show to run while I'm making money, but we have an important proposition to make
Shane: now Alex, what you did to the New Day earlier was the most ruthless thing you've ever done; you nearly ended Kofi's career
Vince: I call that ruthless aggression
Stephanie: Alex, we have a business proposal for you, and it's important that your mentor and your girlfriend are here to witness this
Vince: join us
Shane held his hand out for Alex to shake.
Alex stood silently for a few seconds before going on the mic.
Alex: let me think, but first...
The Pharaoh struck Randy with a right hand, knocking him down. Lexi was shocked of Alex's action as she went to the Viper's side to see if he's okay. The McMahons were chuckling and clapping of it.
Alex: now about that proposal?
Lexi: no!
Alex: shut it, Bliss!
The Pharaoh walked up to the McMahons and shook Shane's hand much to the disappointment of the crowd, but what happened next caught everyone off guard.
As Alex shook Shane's hand, it looked like the two parties had an agreement as they exchanged smiles, but Alex's smile faded to an angry look as Shane's face had an expression of fear. Then the Pharaoh pulled the Prodigal Son's arm and nailed him with a vicious clothesline.
Alex chuckled at Shane's downed body. Vince got in Alex's face, but the Chairman paid for it as the Pharaoh headbutt Vince. Then Stephanie got in the Pharaoh's face, and attempted to slap him, but he caught her arm, much to the Billion Dollar Princess' shock.
Randy recovered from his hit as he saw the entire McMahon family down with Alex standing over them. Lexi helped the Viper to his feet as they watch what Alex was gonna do next. Alex picked up Shane's body and gave him an AKO much to the pop of the crowd.
After taking out the McMahons, Alex walked towards Randy and Alexa and looked at them with the blank stare. He smirked and then winked at them before exiting the ring and walking through the crowd leaving Alexa and Randy with confused looks on their faces.
The rest of the Kingdom were confused as the Viper and the Goddess.
Pierce: I don't even know what I just saw
Ricochet: is he back?
Travis: that's a good question
Josh: looks like the old Alex is coming back
Chase: I hope so
Ryan: hope so too, we miss him
Becky: me too
Seth: not the same without him
(In a lone locker room)
Alex sat down on the bench with a thousand yard stare in his eyes.
(Flashback: 3 hours ago)
Alex walked into the arena for Raw with a blank look on his face. As he walked to his new locker room he heard the McMahons talking in the office with the door slightly open. He eavesdropped on their conversation.
Shane: Bliss Kingdom is cracking before our very eyes
Stephanie: I couldn't believe Alex fell for our clever plan
Then Murphy, Blake and Thorne came in.
Murphy: that was a brilliant plan you guys made; Auditore is off my back
Vince: well Thorne, since you've been a big help; we'll put you in a title shot at WrestleMania against Buddy Murphy for the title
Thorne: I like that
Murphy: I'm cool with it
Vince: Shane, throw the laptop away; get rid of the evidence
Shane went outside to dispose of the laptop; luckily Alex was hiding behind a production crate. he saw the laptop computer in the trash. He picked it up and went to his own locker room. He activated the laptop to find the owner of the computer. Then he saw a name on a file folder that rad, "S. McMahon." He clicked the folder and saw that it contained a photo manipulation program before scrolling to see the picture of Lexi and Thorne "kissing."
Alex: the McMahons had this planned all along; to throw me off guard and to ruin my relationship with the girl I love. What have I done? I walked out on my family
The Pharaoh then thought of a brilliant plan.
Alex: I'll just make sure everyone in Bliss Kingdom believe that I'm done with them, so the McMahons and the Corporation are open and letting their guard down. Thank you Randy for teaching me on mind games
(End of Flashback)
Alex: McMahons, your time is up and your days of ruining careers are numbered. You will be taught on what will happen if you mess with my relationship with Alexa
Then he said one final statement.
Alex: Bliss Kingdom 4 Life
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