Chapter 24: Break Away
(A/N: this will be a short chapter)
(1 month later)
The rebel group met in the locker room for Raw tonight; everyone tried to contact Alex, but to no avail. Lexi was still depressed that her boyfriend has not shown up. Feeling incomplete, the unbreakable bond of Bliss Kingdom showed signs of cracks and deterioration as Alex was the glue of the group.
Lexi: I miss him so much
Randy: I tried calling him, messaging him; nothing
Finn: it's been a month
Carmella: Lex, are you sure you're not seeing this Shane Thorne guy?
Lexi: of course not Carmella; my heart belongs to Alex and to him only
Triple H: I see no signs of him coming tonight
Finn: we just have to go on without him
Lexi: my heart says he's here, and I'm sure of it
Triple H: we'll hope for that as well, but now let's get back to the mission; the main event is a 6 man tag team match; Travis, Finn and Josh, you're going up against Elias and the Revival
Finn: sweet
Travis: cool
Lexi: can I be at ringside for you guys?
Travis: still hoping Alex is in the building?
Lexi: yes
Finn: of course Lex; if he's here we'll try to reason with him
Travis: Alex is our brother, without him Bliss Kingdom will fall apart
Then the group saw that the entire Corporation has called out Bliss Kingdom to the ring.
Lexi: guys, we are all wanted in the ring
Sasha: after you Lexi
Peyton: we'll be with you
Lexi grinned and nodded.
Lexi: thanks guys
The entire rebel army left the locker room for another confrontation with McMahons.
(In the ring)
The Corporation were all in the ring with confident smirks on their faces. They all savored in the events that happened at Elimination Chamber a month ago. Stephanie was on the mic.
Stephanie: now we are calling out Bliss Kingdom to have a professional conversation, so Hunter if you and your group are back there, we're waiting
The rebel group's theme played and out came the entire Bliss Kingdom with Randy, Finn, Lexi and Triple H leading the group.
Stephanie: oh good you guys here, so let us get down to- wait
Stephanie had a confused look on her face.
Stephanie: Shane, I see something wrong here
The best in the world looked at the stage and saw it.
Shane: you're right Stephanie, oh where is your friend Alex Auditore?
Stephanie: probably at a bar washing away all his problems
Lexi: shut up!
The girls held her back, so she won't anything she'll regret. In the ring, the Corporation's new member Shane Thorne lightly waved at the Goddess while having a smirk on his face.
Triple H: what the hell you want, Stephanie?
Stephanie: we want to remind you that WrestleMania is in a few days, and we have a match
Triple H: what match?
Stephanie: a fatal four tag team match for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship; Alexa and Billie you'll defend against your friends Asuka and Kairi Sane along with our ladies the Bellas and Fire and Desire
Lexi: we have no problem beating you guys
Billie: we don't turn down any challenges
Asuka: no one is ready for us!
Shane McMahon: and British Strong Style, you will be in a six man tag team match against Daniel Bryan, Samoa Joe and Kane!
Pete, Tyler and Trent showed no fear for their WrestleMania adversaries
Vince: oh and by the way Drew talked to us about his match, and he added something to it
Blood Shepherd was interested to hear this.
Vince: if Drew retains at WrestleMania, then you Triple H will be fired and gone from the WWE along with the entire Bliss Kingdom, and if Shepherd wins, NXT and NXT UK will come back, the WWE Performance Center will reopen and we will not be around anymore
Shepherd knew that the entire fate of the WWE rests on his shoulders, this is a match he must win. He took the mic.
Shepherd: I accept
Shane: and Chase Destiny, you call yourself the Limit Breaker, so how about this? Your opponent for WrestleMania will break you; you will defend your Universal title against... the Animal Batista!
Vince: and one more thing, if Alex Auditore does show up before WrestleMania, he'll get one more shot at Buddy Murphy's United States title
The Best Kept Secret had a confident look on his face.
Vince: and if Auditore loses, he won't have any more future title shots
The crowd booed.
Stephanie: if Auditore does show up, but is he still with you guys? I don't know that photo of you and Thorne drove him to the edge, Alexa
Tears began to fell from Lexi's face as she shook her head.
Shane: now let's get this drama out of the way and let's have our main event. Elias, Dash, Scott you're up!
The Revival and Elias were ready for Finn, Josh and Travis. The two groups went backstage and to their respective rooms to watch the match. In the ring, Travis and Dawson started off the match while Lexi was at ringside for the Kingdom members.
The Intercontinental Champion dominated one half of the Raw Tag Champions with unique offense. He tagged in Josh and the Fallen Warrior went right to work on Dawson.
(Minutes later)
Elias got Finn in a headlock in the middle of the ring; Lexi, Josh and Travis cheered Finn on to get back in the fight. The Demon King got out of Elias' grip and did a double leg takedown followed by a double foot stomp on the Drifter. Finn crawled to his corner to make a tag and so was Elias. The two then tagged in Josh and Dash and the two went to war.
(End of match)
Josh was measuring Elias for the 25th Hour, but the Drifter got out of it and fazed the Fallen Warrior with a knee before going for Drift Away, but Finn got in and hit Elias with a slingblade. Then the Revival came in to attack Finn which the referee had no choice but to end the match in a disqualification.
Travis came in to join the fray and it was an even battle, but the odds were stacked as Murphy, Blake and Thorne came out to help the Revival and Elias. It was a 6 on 3 beat down, and Lexi can only do is watch.
The six Corporate members beat down on the three Kingdom members, but their mugging came to a stop as a familiar theme played.
(Awake and Alive plays)
The crowd popped as Alex, who wasn't seen since Elimination Chamber for over a month has made his surprise return now sporting long hair and a beard in the style of Captain America from Avengers: Infinity War while a black leather hooded jacket. The Pinoy Pharaoh got a kendo stick in hand.
The Pharaoh ran down to the ring and started swinging on the Corporate members with painful shots. Alex sent Thorne out with a hard shot to the back and he sent Murphy out with another shot to the gut. Then Travis, Josh and Finn joined in the fray to dump the Corporate members out.
As the dust settled, the crowd were pumped and Lexi, Josh, Finn and Travis were happy to see Alex back. Lexi hugged her boyfriend tight.
Travis, Josh and Finn came in for the Kingdom gesture while Lexi put her hands together hopefully for Alex to join in. The Pharaoh put his hand in the gesture while the crowd chanted.
Crowd: yes! yes! yes!
Alex grinned and joined the group. Then the four men raised their arms along with Lexi, but what happened next caused silence.
As they put their arms down, Alex struck Finn with a clothesline while having a blank look on his face. Josh, Travis and Lexi were shocked and horrified at this and so was the crowd. Then Alex got out of the ring and walked around the ring.
Meanwhile, Josh, Travis and Lexi checked on Finn, but they didn't know what Alex was doing at ringside.
Then Alex came back in and struck his "brothers" with shots to the back from a steel chair. Lexi was horrified of her lover's actions. She could only watch as Alex repeatedly hit Josh and Travis with steel chair shots as Finn laid flat on his back.
Alex was holding the bent chair with his hands as the three Kingdom members laid on the ring, he dropped the chair and picked up Finn's prone body. Lexi attempted to calm Alex down, but he can only give her the blank stare. He then turned around and picked up Finn to hit an AKO on the chair.
As he stood up he looked at Lexi. The two looked at each other for a minute; then Alex shook his head before leaving the ring. The crowd was still silent of what transpired.
As Alex was about to leave, he saw the rest of Bliss Kingdom coming out. He then took another way out by jumping over the barricade and exiting the arena through the crowd.
Meanwhile, the group helped Josh, Finn and Travis to their feet while the girls consoled Lexi as the Goddess started to cry. The Kingdom walked up the ramp as the show ended.
(A/N: sorry for the drama guys)
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