The shirt
i swung to neds apartment seeing the window open and threw my self in there without missing a beat but im not going to lie..that was so cool...
i turned around not seeing ned anywhere and smiled okay this might come to an advantage i suits abit dirty anyways its getting sticky i walked towards his closet to the left and pressed the elbem on my suit making it fall i grabbed some sweat pants and was about to put on a t-shirt when i saw the bandages leaking...blood? oh come on! not now! this shit already hurts! i sighed as i took of the bandages closing the door just in case and hid behind one of the closet doors taking them of but when i did i widened my eyes
"SHIT!!!!" there was a stumble running towards the room and i freaked out pushing the door back
"uh uh dont come in!!"
"whats going on peter?" i looked at it basically spilling blood freaking out what the f*ck happened! it was fine just an hour ago!!
"uhm...uh nothing!! just give me a second im just...admiring your room" i dragged my and across my face and the stumbling from behind the door stopped making it have less force..hes not pushing anymore thank god but i still leaned behind the door just encase i pointed my web shooters toward sthe bandages okay i can deal with this later i just..i need to get the-
'BOOM' the door stumbled open tripping me across the floor and rolling next to the bed
"dude what the hell!" i rubbed my hand that actually hurt!i glared at him but then widened my eyes when i saw him frozen pointing towards my chest i gulped shit shit hsit! this is exactly not whta i wanted to do i gulped when i saw his eyes wide and slowly stood up using one hand to push my self up the bed
"okay just just before you say anything..." but he didnt say anything he just pointed towards my chest letting out a squel i cannot believe i was dumb enough to let this happen i walked towards him using my hands as a 'dont do anything stupid just stay calm' gesture
"this is a sticker its not real'' i mentally slapped myself what am i saying he finally letting out a breath then....
"dude holy shit holy shit peter!! PETER WHAT THE-"
"ned be quite!" i widened my eyes he was just silent a second a go!! what happened!
"dude you have an arc reactor! an- holy cow! what the hell man! what?! just-just like tony stark! wait you work with him does he know!! you guys can be like the semi-cyborg army but like your good guys right? you don't take over the world and" i clamped a hand over his mouth and glared i can not believe this is happening this is just what i wanted to do!
"ned no-one knows you weren't even supposed to know! i cannot believe this *sigh* no tony doesn't know its shockingly easy to hide this thing" i looked down at my chest and sighed slowly taking my hands away from his mouth
"please ned please not a word" he shook his head in disbelief
"peter what happened!!!! thats so cool! he was going to touch it but i panicked and immediately shived his hand away taking deep breaths
"shit man sorry i didnt mean to-"
"no no its my bad i didnt want to" i sighed as i put my hands in my head i cannot believe this is happening i rember the first time when i was akid when i saw tonys arc reactor i was so fascinate din it i loved it i wanted to know everything about it EVERYTHING it was so cool i mean a man wsas so stubborn to stay alive that he did this is a cave i gulped
"....ned its not as cool as its seems" i swollowed the lump in my throat
Tonys p.o.v
i sighed as i put down the suit and rubbed my eyes the bags under them a symbol i sucked in a breath as i walked to ward sth eother side of the lab to get a hammer when the door opened
"hey tony we have a problem" i groaned as i grabbed the hammer and threw my head back come on its like 6 in the morning
"what now"
"ross, he sent a message to rogers and natasha to grab the kid'' at that i dropped the hammer and shut my eyes
"why?" i turned on my heal and walked towards him what could he possibly want from a 15 year od child
"tones they dont know hes...they want him for interrogation he thinks that spider-man is the cause of the fire on that bridge 4 years ago" i threw my hands up of course he does
"the kid wasnt even spiderman 4 years ago!" he shook his head and looked down at the tablet showing a news letter from 4 years ago
'strange man 10 year old child from a falling bridge with ropes?' i winded my eyes there is no f*cking way that..that is no way because i ki- i closed my eyes tightly as i turned my head
"happy that kid is d-dead" i sucked in a a suddery breath
"tony the article-"
"i dont care what the article happy!! who what f*cking there that night?!"
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