Tony's p.o.v
"Friday call Rhodes NOW" I double tapped my arc reactor and started following the location but I gotta say its..its pretty far away from here I cannot believe this of f*king course hydra would be up to something right now
'Hey Tony'
"Rodney I'm going to need you to come to this location now terrorists, hydra, and a new shit ass group called the eliminators' He stayed silent on the other line before
'Dont do anything stupid I'll be there in 6 minutes' i looked at the coordinates and let out a frustrated sigh if im going to get there then i gotta get there fast
'friday boost power to 75% we dont know when these guys are going to strike"
'on it boss'
peters p.o.v
hes not here thank god i landed on the edge of the tower one hand sticking on the window the other looking down i sucked in a breath and shut my eyes sticking both my hands on the building shit thats high
"mr.parker" i jumped at fridays voice and slipped a little before i caught myself
"jezzus fri you scared me"
"i apologize for any harm i might have caused, but mr.stark is not in his lab right now, hes out on a mission would you like me to inform him of your presence?'...mission? i shook my head probably just friday over reacting
"no fri dont...hey can you open the window for me please?" i looked towards my left and saw the window open with a clink i slipped inside and looked around okay i can do this i just have to find the...shit okay um... i walked towards his desk and started fumbling around looking for the tool anything i dont care if its not it theirs got to be something here anything he has to have been in the situation before i pulled out a blue paper but not before it dropping a tablet i winced at the loud noise but immediately picked it up and squinted my eyes at the small words before i widnened my eyes at them and dropped it backing away from the-the curse
'breath its probably nothing'
'its..its probably from before!'
'hes probably just reading the news!'
'why the f*ck would he read news from four years ago?!'
"huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh hu h *gasp*"
'peter you seem to be in severe distress'
tonys p.o.v
"friday could you go aliitle bit faster?!" i have got to fix the suit when i get back at the compound
'hey tones' it took me a second to realize who was talking then smiled i could get al the help i need
''yeah Rodney''
'if you dont f*cking get here right now i'll kill you" and with that he shut the phone i gulped it cant be that bad can it?
"friday thrust 100% now"
'boss i dont-"
"now Friday!" teh suit blasted at full speed bumping me into sevral building grazing the suit
peters p.o.v
"yeah i hUh i got that friday!!" i fell down on the floor kicking teh tablet far away distancing my self from it as much as possible clutching my chest
'kid you have to'
'Idf you dont let us help you'
'i cant breath!'
'shit he's going into cardiac arrest hit him again!'
'activating pepper is smart protocol'
''tony, hey tony, focus on my voice okay? its me im here okay? breath, breath your not there anymore okay? your here in the lab, can you take a breath for me please'' i gulped but i couldnt see just fire every where
'hit him again!'
i took in a deep shuddering breath
"thats good honey, now keep breathing i need you too there not here anymore your safe, your home with me honey'' i closed my eyes and kept breathing tears falling from my eyes and blinked in the lab?
'peter are you okay?'
''huh? yes fri im good just...thanks for uh calming me" i heaved as i took a step towards the lab desk and closed my eyes just when i thought...i just though t that i was *sigh* i slumped down on the chair holding my head in my hands my arms on the table
''peter your current condition see's to be concerning shuld i elert-'' at that i widened my eyes and then realized where i was the lab THE LAB the reactor i shot up and looked at the ceiling
tonys p.o.v
"tony where in a farm" i pursed my lips and looked away from his glare
"i know"
"i dont-no - i dont think you understand where in afarm," he clapped his hands and turned the suit towards me pointed towards the barn in 2 hours flying to a barn in india
"meahhhhh" i glared at the sheep that bumped into me f*ck i should have seen this coming
"tony last i checked terrorists dont usually hide out in a farm"
"i knOw"
"no no your right-sorry are alot of agents here we need to get rid of ready your repulsers tones" he bent down taking of his helmet and looked at the sheep
"looky here lets start with this terrorist here are you planning to murder the president?"
"would you look at that tony he says he is you want to take him to the raft or shoud i? no- hey mabye we should check the rest of the barn mabye the cows and chickens MUST BE CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS!" i huffed and glared at him i get it okay i messed up!
"i was distracted okay!"
"dude! i cut my date out for this" i opened up my helmet and snapped my head at him
"look there where alot of things in my mind! i didnt think it was a prank call okay!" seriously i didn't! im going to kill the ass who did this If i ever find him
"F*CK*!!'' i closed my eyes and clenched my fists controlling my breathing just not now rhodes doesnt deserve it i wiped the mud out of my face that the pig managed to splash on me and spit out some mud that hit my lips
"oh shit tony you got hit by a hydra agent"
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