Removal and Departure
Charizard, Decidueye and I arrived at some sort of gate, and I returned Charizard and we were about to walk in when some man stopped us. He had a black coat on, with khakis, a head of grey hair, and he was slouching.
"Hey, kid, you don't want to go in there." he says.
"Uh, yeah, I kind of have to. One of the kids at Aether House had his Yungoos swiped by Team Skull and he's being held captive here." I say
"Doesn't matter. You still aren't getting in."
"Mister, please. For the sake of the Pokémon! I've beaten Guzma before, I can do it again!" I say, holding my fist up.
The man shrugs and steps aside.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
Decidueye and I step through the gate, and we both wince at the condition of Po Town. It was raining, and the buildings and walls have spray paint everywhere. It was also really dark.
"Geez. I'm certain this place has seen better days." I say. I walk toward the gate up ahead but Decidueye stops me. He points to two grunts up ahead, and it looks like we can't pass them without being caught. Decidueye then points to an opening in the bushes to our right. I crawl through the opening and Decidueye decides for be a show off, vaulting himself over the huge bush. We tread lightly, avoiding any grunts, and we eventually reach the far building. I open the door and no one is inside. We walk up the staircase and I hear talking. It's Guzma. I try to open the door but it's locked. I look toward the window and Decidueye smashes it. We walk outside, onto the roof, and smash the window of the room that Guzma is in.
"Woah! You two again?" Guzma screams at the sight of us. He's sitting on a chair and has a huge pile of Buginum Z to his right.
"Give back the Yungoos!" I tell him.
"No chance! Golisopod, First Impression!" Guzma screams.
"Decidueye! Jump!"
Decidueye leaps into the air, just in time to avoid Golisopod bursting from the door to our right. I quickly leap out of the way.
"Use Pluck!"
Decidueye impales Golisopod and it faints. Decidueye beats through Guzma's Masquerain, and it seems he's added a Vikavolt to his team. After extinguishing all of them, Decidueye lands next to me, with an arrow ready to fire.
"Beat it, Guzma. Give us back the Yungoos." I threaten him. He looks at both of us, throws Yungoos at me, and I catch him, then Guzma runs off.
Decidueye suddenly winced and he dropped his arrow, collapsing onto the floor.
"Decidueye?!" I kneel down next to him and he's still awake. I notice a cut on his right wing.
I take out a pink spray canister and spray his wine, then I feed him some green poke beans.
He manages to stand up, but I use my better judgement and send him into his pokeball. I walk out of the building and carefully tread back to the entrance. I avoid the grunts and the Yungoos takes in the sunshine as I exit the gate. We fly on Charizard back to Aether House. When I arrived, Hau burst from the door.
"Jackson! We have a big problem!" he exclaims, out of breath.
"What is it?" I ask him.
"One, those kids in there are hard to get away from, and two, Team Skull kidnapped Lillie! I fought off the grunts but Plumeria took her!" Hau said. I was blindsided.
"What...?" I ask. Suddenly my body reacts before my brain and I fell to my knees, crying.
I could tell Hau was afraid I was going to blame him for not being strong enough to beat Plumeria.
"I left you guys.... I should've left someone with you....." I sob. Hau kneels down beside me.
"Hey, it's alright. We'll get her back, after we find out where she's been taken." he says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I nod and I hear footsteps. I stand up and suddenly Eevee burst from her ball. At the sight of seeing my crying, she comes up and rubs her scruff on my arm. I'm so lost in thought I don't see her there. Suddenly Eevee starts to glow blue. Hau and I both gasp in shock. Suddenly two ribbon like things wrap around Hau and I's wrist. Eevee's glow dissipates and it reveals Lillie's prediction. Eevee evolved into Sylveon.
"Veon!" she said, happily.
"Sylveon?" I ask. I kneel down and hold up my hand, and she smiles and rubs her head on it. Her feelers tighten around my wrist and suddenly she gets angry. She frowns and glares at someone behind us. We turn and see Gladion.
"Evolution is powerful. Sylveon will be a good addition to your team." he says. Sylveon growled again and comes up next to me, wrapping her feelers around my body in a hug sort of way. She sat down and glared at Gladion.
"Sylveon is telling you she's not just an attacker. She's part of my family." I say to Gladion, petting Sylveons head.
"Anyways, Lillie has been kidnapped?" Gladion asked, his tone of voice filling with rage.
Hau explains the situation and suddenly Gladion whips out his Charizard and flies off. Hau and I summon ours and I return Sylveon to her ball before I get on. We follow Gladion and end up at Aether Paradise. He jumps off at the docks and sprints toward the elevator.
"Gladion!" I yell at him.
Hau and I follow him and we're stopped by Wicke.
"Master Gladion, why are you in such a hurry?" she asks, blocking his way.
"Lillie's been kidnapped!" Gladion screamed. Hau and I catch up and I pull Gladion away.
"Dude, calm down! We need a plan!" I hiss at him. Wicke tells us that Lusamine has Lillie and Nebby, and they're being held in the Aether House.
Gladion leads us to the laboratory and we look around. I find information on Gladion's hybrid Pokémon. It's called Type: Null. It was created to take out some weird things called Ultra Beasts. We look through the lab a bit more when I hear Faba.
"Intruders! Leave this place at once, children!" he tells us, throwing out a Bruxish. I throw out Decidueye and with one Razor Leaf, a new move by Decidueye, the Bruxish faints. He then throws in a Hypno but Decidueye uses Spirit Shackle to take him out.
Faba runs away, I assume to gather reinforcements, and Gladion leads Hau and I up the main floor. He runs through the doors to outside, and I see about three Team Skull grunts blocking our path. Gladion shoves his way through each of them. Hau and I follow but we can't shove past them. I see Guzma up ahead out of the corner of my eye. Hau and I make quick work of the grunts and head up to where Gladion is, and Type: Null had just fainted.
"I'm still not strong enough..." Gladion groans, returning his Pokémon. I dash up behind him.
"Guzma, for the third time, beat it!" I yell at Guzma.
"No way, kid! I'm getting paid high fo' this! Golisopod, First Impression!" he yelled. Decidueye heard his cue and leaped from the ground, merely dodging Golisopods attack. Suddenly he dives to the ground and turns into a yellow bird, and he flies toward Golisopod at insane speed, and knocked it out.
"Was that Brave Bird?!" I yell, surprised. Decidueye lands next to me and suddenly drops to the ground. That move must've taken a toll on him. I return him and throw out Sylveon. She looks determined to win. Guzma throws in Masquerain, and Sylveon used Moonblast, and knocked it out in one shot. By the time all of Guzma's Pokémon were down, Sylveon looked like she was ready to take on the world. She turned around and trotted back to me, rubbing her head on my head and wrapping her feelers around my wrist. She jumps up and down happily, and then stops, turning back around.
"How come I can't crush you?!" Guzma screamed. Hau, Gladion and I ran past him, into the building behind him. We burst through the doors and I see Lillie and Lusamine arguing.
"You can't do this!" Lillie screams. I heard Nebby whimper, but it wasn't from the bag. Lusamine had it in a cage.
"I will use Nebby's power to open the ultra wormholes and make them my servants! I don't care if Nebby dies in the process. It's all collateral damage, my dear Lillie." Lusamine says.
"Lillie!" I yell. As she turned around, a sigh of relief came out of her. She runs up to me and gives me a massive Bewear hug.
"Sun! I'm so glad to see you!" she says, crying into my shoulder. I pat her back and try to comfort her. Lusamine speaks again.
"Look at you, Lillie! You've made friends with this boy? I hardly see anything good in him." she says, laughing. Lillie looks up from my shoulder, and gives Lusamine a glare. She's still holding onto me.
"Sun is my friend, and I will support him the entire way through his Island Challenge! Give Nebby back!" she screams. She lets go of me but holds my hand, showing Lusamine our locked fingers.
"Fat Chance, Lillie, dear." Lusamine suddenly picks up the cage Nebby is in, and walks into the teleporter.
Lillie drops to her knees and starts crying once more. I kneel down next to her and give her her hat. She takes it and thanks me, and the both of us stand up. Lillie glares at Gladion, and Gladion shrugs and looks away.
"Okay, is there something going on between you two?" Hau asked. They both said nothing and turned opposite directions.
"We've gotta get Nebby back! I'm heading down there!" I say, determined. I run toward the teleport and I'm transported to another level. It looks like some kind of lab. I see Lusamine up ahead, and she's typing something into a computer.
"You left the front door unlocked!" I yell at her. Lillie, Hau and Gladion run up behind me. She looks up from the computer.
"You! You cannot stop me!" she says, furiously typing something into the computer. After she's done, the cage Nebby is in starts to glow. We can hear Nebby screaming.
"Sun, if that is your name, I would like to see you try and stop me. You will not get far enough to stop me!" Lusamine demands, grabbing a pokeball and glaring at me. I return it and she throws out a Clefable. I throw out Decidueye, and he makes quick work of all of Lusamines Pokémon. She had Clefable, Lilligant, Bewear, Milotic and Lopunny, all types that Decidueye had an advantage over.
"Impossible!" Lusamine growls. Decidueye readies an arrow, but I stop him.
"Very well. Change of plans." she says. Suddenly the same portal the octopus thing came from appears behind her, and she drops Nebby's cage.
"Guzma? You coming?" she asks. Suddenly Guzma shoves through all of us. "Lillie, Gladion, my children, I hope you can join me in pursuing your mother's dream." Both of them jump into the wormhole, and I try to run to it, but it closes as I reach it. I fall to my knees, exhausted. Lillie comes running up to me.
"Sun! Don't do that! You could get lost in Ultra Space!" she scolded me.
"I'm sorry.... I thought I could follow them ...." I said, looking at the floor.
"Sun, you saved Nebby and I." she said. "We can't repay you for that." she takes my hand and I look at her. Her emerald green eyes are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Suddenly a gold ring with a purple filling and a face floated in front of us. We both looked at it. I whipped my head to look at the cage, and it was broken open. The Pokémon seemed to be asleep.
"Is that Nebby?" I ask. Lillie observes it and confirms. Hau and Gladion walk up to us.
"Wait, Gladion and Lillie are brother and sister?" Hau asked me. I shrug and stand up.
"We need to find a way to follow them!" I say. I was about to march over to the computers when Lillie stopped me, grabbing my wrist.
"No you're not! You need to rest! I can tell by the way you walk that you are extremely tired!" she yells at me. I look at her in shock, then stop my stride and turn to face her.
"I guess so. But where do we sleep?" I ask.
"Leave that to Ms. Wicke. She'll get you all rooms." Lillie says.
We head back up the teleporter and Wicke has the employees set up rooms for us. Lillie and Gladion in their respective bedrooms and Hau and I in separate guest rooms. I couldn't sleep. I walk out onto the balcony, and look at the stars, then the moon. I turn around, and slump down against the rail, my legs crossed, and start crying. I couldn't prevent Lillie from being captured, and I let Lusamine get away. I guess Sylveon heard me, as I let them all of my Pokémon out of their pokeballs earlier, and she walked up to me. I was startled when I looked up and saw her.
"Oh, hey, girl. I didn't see you." I say. Sylveon has a worried expression on her face and she wraps her feelers around my wrist. Her expression saddens, and she can feel how sad I am. Sylveon makes her way into my lap and lies down, rubbing my wrists with her feelers.
"Sylveon, I'm fine." I say. She knows that's not true. I pull out a bean for her, and she eats it. She feels much better after that, and soon she falls asleep. I stand up and lift her up, being careful not to wake her. I set her on the bed and crawl onto the bed. I drift into sleep.
The next day, I'm out on the platform in front of either paradise, overlooking the next island. I hear footsteps to my left, and I see Lillie. She's changed her look. She now hand a white sweatshirt with a white skirt, and her big duffel bag is replaced with a pink backpack, and her hair is tied up into a ponytail. She looks at me and smiles. She walks up to me, a little hesitant.
"Good morning, Sun! Sleep well?" she asked, playfully.
"I slept quite well. I see you've changed your look."
"Indeed I have. I decided I'm not going to let everything that's happened get to me! This is my z-powered form!" she says, striking a pose. "What do you think? Do these clothes suit me?"
"You look stunning." I say with a smile.
"Thank you!" she says. "The next island is Poni Island. It has the last trial and it's fabled to hold home to the Altar of the Sunne. We can get there and help Nebby get home. We need the Sun and Moon Flutes though." she says. "I've already got the Moon flute, but the whereabouts of the Sun Flute are unknown. Perhaps the locals of Poni Island will know."
"Let's get over there, then. You wanna ride Charizard?" I ask her.
"Sure! Might as well try!"
I summon Charizard and I help her up first then get on myself, and I grab Charizard reins. I then realize that Lillie has nothing to hold onto.
"Lillie, if you done feel secure, feel free to wrap your arms around me. I don't mind." I tell her. Her face tints pink and she wraps her around around my torso, her hands locking together at my stomach.
"Please no flips." she whimpers. I nod and we take off. It was only a minute ride to Poni, but to me it felt like forever. The way Lillie was laughing kind of set my heart free. We arrived at the dock and climbed off Charizard. Lillie talked with the locals and found out that the flute resides on Exeggutor Island. A kind man offered to take us there with his boat, and we soon arrived. Lillie and I stepped off and we saw something shining on the top of the island. We were about to make our way up there when I felt something drop onto my arm. I looked up and saw storm clouds.
"Lillie, it's staring to rain. We need to find shelter." I say to her.
"There's a cave up ahead, we can take cover in there!" she suggests. We run over to the cave and make it in with minimal water stains. I take off my hat and shake my head around, whipping water everywhere, and when I put my cap back on, Lillie was staring out the entrance of the cave.
"Oh dear. My skirt is a bit wet." she says.
"You need a towel? I brought some extra. Wicke gave them to me." I offer. She kindly rejects and we look out the cave entrance.
"Sun, I want to become a trainer." she says out of the blue. "I want to learn everything you know, and travel the world with you."
I got a sinking feeling in my stomach after that last sentence. I speak from my heart.
"Lillie, I'll gladly travel with you anywhere, anytime, anyplace. If that's your dream, I won't stop you from following it." I say, taking her hand.
"Thank you." she says. I can see her eyes starting to water. I reach up and wipe the tears from her face, and after that she looks at me. All of a sudden she leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek.
"Thank you for being such a kind friend, Sun. I'm so lucky to have you around." she says, her voice breaking. I pull her in for a big Bewear hug, and she cries into my shoulder.
"And I'm very lucky to have you around, Lillie. I don't think I would've made it this far if it wasn't for you." I say, rubbing her back as she cried into my shoulder. When she calmed down, the rain did as well, and the sun comes back through the clouds again. We get up and walk to the top of the island. We see the Flute and I grab it. Lillie takes out hers. It's purple, and mine is orange.
We walk back down the path, but suddenly one of the trees move, rumbling the ground and causing us to fall backward. I hit the ground on my back and I see Lillie did the same.
"What the heck was that?" I ask. I hear some noise and look up and see a massive Exeggutor. It wasn't short like the ones in Kanto. It had a humongous neck and was looking down at us.
"Exeggutor?" all three heads asked at once.
I stood up and went over to help Lillie. I held out my hand and she took it without hesitation, me pulling her up.
"Sorry about that, Exeggutor. You startled us a bit." I laugh, turning to the Exeggutor.
We walk back toward the boat, and suddenly Lillie grabs the back of my shirt. I turn around and she's staring at the ground.
"Yes, Lillie?" I ask, turning around.
"I wanted to give you something for helping Nebby and I all this way. I hope you like it." she says. She looks up and takes something from her backpack. It's a black baseball cap with an Ultra Ball above the brim.
"I know it's not much, I just wanted to show my appreciation." she said, quietly. I step a little closer and take her free hand in mine.
"Lillie, I love it. My old hat has been getting worn out, and I was thinking of getting a new one after we returned from my Island Challenge. Thank you." I say. I take the cap from her hands, take off my current cap and put the new one on.
"What do you think?" I ask her.
"It looks marvelous." she says, smiling. We board the boat and the man takes us back to Poni. We walk through the Poni Wilds from Seafolk Village, and suddenly, when we get to where we need to go, Vast Poni Canyon, about five team skull grunts stop us.
"Yo! You're the kids who threw Guzma into the portal! You'll pay for your sick actions!" one yelled. They all threw out their Pokémon. A Salazzle, two Zubat and two Ekans. I easily beat my way through them with Decidueye, and after their Pokémon return to their pokeballs, they run off. Lillie and I were going to head into Vast Poni Canyon but I heard a familiar voice.
"Kids, slow down."
We turn around and Decidueye stands in front of both of us.
"Relax, birdie. I'm just here for a favor." Plumeria says. Decidueye turns to me and I nod, and he steps aside.
"I hear Guzma has been kidnapped. Through an Ultra Wormhole."
"Guzma willingly jumped into the wormhole along with my mother!" Lillie glared at her.
"Whatever. I want to ask a favor of you two."
Lillie and I look at each other in confusions, then back at Plumeria.
"Bring Guzma back. I'm sorry for all the times we bothered you." Plumeria says, closing her eyes.
"We'll find Guzma, but you have to promise that you won't bother us again!" I say to her.
"You have my word. Take this. Token of my appreciation." she says, handing me a violet crystal.
"The Poison Z crystal?" I ask, but she's already gone. I put it in my bag.
"Shall we start toward the Altar?" Lillie suggests. I nod and Sylveon suddenly bursts from her ball, and upon laying eyes on Lillie, she runs up to her and wraps her feelers around her legs.
"Oh, my. Has Eevee evolved?" Lillie asked, looking at me.
"She evolved when I broke down after Hau told me you were kidnapped." I say, a little embarrassed.
"Well, she's very beautiful. Fairy Types have always been my favorite." she said, kneeling down to pet Sylveon. The Intertwining Pokemkn closed her eyes in content. We start walking into the Canyon and I was about to return Sylveon to her ball, but she grabbed the pokeball with her feelers and put it back in my bag, then plopped down on the ground, looking up at me with a blank expression.
"No ball then?" I ask, grinning. Sylveon nods and she walks beside me.
"Lillie, you sure you'll be okay down here?" I ask Lillie, as we enter the Canyon.
"I will be fine. I have lots of Max Repels, and I have you too." she smiles, taking my hand.
"Well, hello you two!" I heard Hapu say from behind us. We turn and see her and Mudsdale. "On your way through the canyon?"
We nod and she chuckles.
"Jackson, you should try the Grand Trial after you beat Mina and the dragon trial." she says.
"I will! But the one thing I don't know is who the Kahuna is." I say, rubbing the back of my head.
"That would be me." Hapu said, placing her hands on her hips.
"Wait, really? Awesome!" I exclaim.
"After your adventure, come try to beat me. I will be on Exeggutor Island." she says.
"Lillie, go on ahead. I'll catch up." I say to her. She looks at me with a concerned expression then walks further down the path.
"It's your smile, Jackson." Hapu says. I turn to face her.
"What?" I ask.
"It's your smile that keeps that brilliant smile on Lillie's face. I don't think I've seen such happy people." she says. I thank her and run up to Lillie.
"I wonder if there's a trial here." I say, looking around and rotating around.
"I'm sure there will be." Lillie says.
We walk some more and come up to a dead tree, with the path going behind it. Suddenly we see a trial gate, broken and abandoned.
"What happened here?" I ask myself.
"This place looks like its see better days. I wonder if this is an active trial sight." Lillie ponders.
"If this is a trial, where is the captain?"
We walk past the gate into the trial site, and nightfall came. It was dark. Sylveon wasn't scared. She walked in front of us, with a serious look on her face. Suddenly a Jango-mo popped out at us. Sylveon looked up and absorbed the power of the moon, then blasted Jango-mo with it, knocking it out.
"Sylveon? Did you just learn Moonblast?" I ask, stunned. Sylveon runs toward me and I kneel down to pet her. She wraps her feelers around me and gives me a big hug.
"Congratulations, Sylveon." Lillie said, kneeling down next to us. Sylveon then takes one of each of our hands and guides them towards each other. Our hands touch, and Sylveon smiles at the both of us, winking.
"I guess Sylveon approves." I chuckle. Both Lillie and I turn a bit red, and we get up and continue down the path. This time a Hakamo-O pops out at us, the evolved form of Jango-mo. It was Dragon type, which made it vulnerable to Sylveon's fairy type move set, but Hakamo-O was Dragon and Fighting, which made it twice as weak to Sylveon as it already was. We come to a pedestal, and upon the top of it I see the Dragon Z Crystal. I grab it and Lillie and I admire the colors, but suddenly we hear a massive roar. I look up and see something in the sky, coming closer. It was a Pokémon.
"Jump!" I yell to Lillie and Sylveon. Sylveon jumps out of the way but Lillie was frozen in fear. I tackled her to the ground seconds before the Pokémon landed where we just were. We hit the ground with a thud.
"Sun! I'm sor sorry!" Lillie says, as I get off of her and she sits up.
"Hey, Lillie, it's alright. No need to apologize." I say. I stand up and see the Pokémon staring us dead in the face.
"That's a Kommo-O! Sylveon is effective against it!" Lillie exclaims, standing up.
"You're right! Sylveon, Moonblast!" I yell to my Pokémon. She charges up energy and hits Totem Kommo-O straight in the back of the head. Kommo-O turns around to look at her. It's towering figure doesn't scare Sylveon. She charges one more Moonblast but suddenly the Totem Pokémon counters with Flash Cannon. That's bad. Flash Cannon is a Steel type move, and that's one of the only type Sylveon is weak to. Sylveon is blown back from the impact but is still standing.
"Sylveon, Draining Kiss!" I yell at her. Sylveon leaps up Kommo-O's arm and runs up to its face, then placed a kiss on its cheek, absorbing its energy. The Kommo-O collapses, and Sylveon lands in front of Lillie and I, bowing.
"Sylveon, that was incredible!" I tell her. Sylveon leaps into my arms and knocks me down. She rubs her face on mine, and then she gets up. She hands me a weird shaped object. It was one of the totem Pokémon's scales.
"Sylveon? How did you get this?" I ask her. She simply walks further down the path.
"My hero." Lillie says, clinging to my arm and resting her head on my shoulder. I let it slide and we walk further down the path.
We come to a big set of stairs, and it is humongous. We trudge up the stairs, and it takes us about two minutes. We reach the top and see the Altar. It has a sun symbol on top and two platforms, one with a sun and one with a moon.
"Legend says if we play the flutes together, the legendary Pokémon will come." Lillie says. We take our our flutes and go to the corresponding platforms. We play the flutes with such a tune that I could've fallen asleep. Suddenly a bright light shoots down from the Altar and forms a sphere of energy. Lillie's bag gets dragged off oh her back and Nebby comes out, positioning itself in the center of the sphere. A bright light blinds both of us and we cover our eyes, but when we open them again, I see a white lion. He has a small galaxy design on it forehead and a beautiful white mane.
"Is that...?" I start.
"Solgaleo." Lillie says, her voice breaking. We walk up to Nebby and when he sees us, he rejoices. He rubs his mane against both of us, even though he's humongous now. We pet him more until the Ultra Wormhole appears in front of us. Suddenly Guzma drops out of it, and onto the ground in front of us.
"Mr. Guzma?" Lillie asks. Lusamine drops out next, onto Guzma.
"Mother?!" Lillie yells.
"Children... you must run..." Lusamine groans. Suddenly one more thing appears from the Wormhole. It looks like some sort of Prism. It's completely black and has a pretty intimidating shape.
"I'll protect you!!" I yell, getting in front of Lillie and grabbing Decidueye's pokeball. Nebby steps in front of me, then roars at the creature. The creature looks at Nebby then makes weird sounds. Nebby and the Creature bursts into the sky, clashing with the sounds of swords clanging together. After about thirty seconds they come back to the ground, but they creature is on top of Nebby. Suddenly the two Pokémon merge together, and they are one. Nebby is now black, and his man is a bright orange, and he has two black arms coming out from his backside.
"Nebby?" Lillie sobs. The creature looks at Lillie and then me, and then roars, and opens about six wormholes. Several beams of light burst out from them, and suddenly the creature lands on the floor once more, this time with a dead gaze toward me.
"If Nebby was a Psychic type, this thing has to be as well!" I yell. "Decidueye, let's go!" I yell, throwing the pokeball. Decidueye observes the creature and thinks ahead of me, using Spirit Shackle. He traps the creature and it roars in pain.
"Decidueye, nows our chance!" I yell, making an X with my arms, my Decidium Z on my ring. The power transfers to Decidueye and he launched much higher in the air then before, and as the arrows materialize around him, he dashed toward the creature and all twenty four arrows impaled the creature. Decidueye landed next to me and I give him a high five.
The creature is still standing. Suddenly the creature bolts into one of the wormholes, disappearing. I look on in awe. We just helped Nebby and now he's been captured. I hear Lillie start crying, and Decidueye and I run over to her. She's about to fall to her knees, but I catch her in time, and instead she cries into my shoulder.
"Sun... I can't believe it..." she sobs. I wrap my arms around her and she does the same, but with a much tighter grip than me.
"It's okay, let it all out." I tell her.
"Lillie? Jackson?" I hear Lusamine ask. We both turn toward her and separate.
"Children, I mean no harm." she says.
"Tell that to Nebby!" Lillie yells at her. I get the hint that Lusamine was defeated, and I put a hand on Lillie's shoulder, and she turned to me in confusion. I could see the rage in her eyes. I give her a reassuring look, and she calms down.
"Guzma and I could not defeat Necrozma. Making Nebby open that portal was a mistake." Lusamine says.
"Necrozma? Is that what that thing is?" I ask.
"Necrozma is known as the Blinding One. It needed light to restore its power." I turn and see the two people from the cave at Melemele meadow. Phyco and Solieria. "It possessed Solgaleo and flew off. There is only one way to trace it.
"What's that way?" I ask.
"You could trace it through Ultra Space, but you would need Solgaleo or Lunala." Phyco says, twisting his mustache.
"Wait, isn't Lunala the opposite of Solgaleo?" I ask. They nod and suddenly I hear a loud screech. I turn around and see a pteranodon looking creature. It's wings are rimmed gold and purple on the area, and it's head is in the shape of a crescent, with a third eye above the normal two.
"That's Lunala." Solieria smiles. Lunala floats down next to me and looks at me, straight in the eyes. It stares at me until Lillie breaks our staring contest.
"Where exactly did Necrozma go?"
"To our home. Ultra Megaopolis." Soliera says. She looks at me. "Aim for the white wormholes in Ultra Space. The others, do not worry. You will fly to them soon. Lunala will be your ride."
I turn to Lunala, and it nods.
"Will you help me rescue Solgaleo?" I ask it, walking closer. It nods and Phyco and Solieria hand me some riding gear, and I was about to mount Lunala when Lillie stopped me.
"Please, rescue Nebby." she says, giving me another hug.
"I promise, Lillie." I say to her. We let go, and Lunala and I fly into another wormhole, into Ultra Space. Suddenly a headache comes over me, and I look around and see multiple wormholes. Some yellow, red, blue, green, and white. I get a strong urge to go into some of them, but I focus on the current mission. Lunala flies around a bit more and I see a white wormhole. I guide Lunala into the wormhole and we arrive in a very futuristic looking place. I hop off Lunala and look up at the tower ahead of me, and some bright light is coming from the top. I mount Lunala again and we fly up there, and when we arrive, I see Necrozma up top. Suddenly more bright light bursts from it, and when it clears, I see a whole new Pokémon. It has a golden shine and four arms like wings, and two demonic looking 2d horns coming from its head. One eye is red, and the other is blue. It looks at us and shoots an attack at us, and it hits Lunala and I fly off it it, while Lunala falls to the ground below. I land on the platform and Necrozma stares at me.
"Still a Psychic, but I'm not taking any chances! Let's go everybody!" I yell. I throw out all four of my Pokémon. Sylveon, Hawlucha, Zoroark, and Decidueye.
"Sylveon, Moonblast, Hawlucha, High Jump Kick, Zoroark, Foul Play, and Decidueye, use Spirit Shackle!" I command. Sylveon launched Moonblast at Necrozma but it endured the hit, and shot some massive energy ball at her, engulfing her it energy and blowing her back. I catch her in my arms, and she's shivering from the impact of the move. Hawlucha is hit by the same attack, and he's blown back into my arms as well. I return my weakened pokemon to their pokeballs and look onto the battle. Necrozma blast the attack at Zoroark, but it had no effect. It must've been a Psychic attack, because Zoroark is Dark type. Zoroark engulfs himself in red energy and blows the attack back at Necrozma. It flies back from the attack but uses Smart Strike, and blows Zoroark back. I return him to his pokeball before he hits the ground, and only Decidueye is left. He hits Necrozma with the arrow and it stuck, and he was readying another one when Necrozma used the attack again, and it struck Decidueye in the air, blowing him off the structure.
"Decidueye! NO!!!" I yell, going to the edge of the building. I don't see Decidueye. I turn around, no Pokémon left, and face Necrozma. It growls at me, and picks me up using Psychic, and brings me face to face with it. Suddenly my z ring starts glowing purple, and an arrow flies past my head, smacking Necrozma right between the eyes. It drops me and I fall toward the ground, but suddenly Decidueye scoops me up in the air, and delivers me to the platform. He looks at me with his caring eyes, and wraps me in his wings, and I return the getsure.
"I'm so glad you're ok. I knew from the day I chose you that you would be strong." I tell him. We separate and I initiate the ritual dance, and Decidueye flies up in the air once more. Necrozma is still recovering. Decidueye sprouts ten times more arrows then before, and impales Necrozma, each one hitting its mark. Necrozma explodes from the impact, the force of the blow knocking both Decidueye and me back, flying nearly off the building. We stabilize ourselves and I see Necrozma, now back to its normal form, fly off into another wormhole. I see Solgaleo recovering and I run up to him, Decidueye following me. I hug Solgaleo and he roars softly. He and Decidueye chat, and suddenly the wormhole home appears, and Lunala flies up to us, greeting us and going to Solagleo, the both of them letting out their battle cries. We walk through the wormhole, and it takes us straight home, back to the altar. All five people there turn to us, and Lillie runs up to me and leaps into me, hugging me.
"You saved Nebby!!" she cried.
"It wasn't all me. Thank my Pokémon too, after they're healed." I laugh. She pulls away from me, and pets Nebby. He closes his eyes as Lillie rubs his mane.
They all congratulate me, and we all head back to Seafolk Village. I challenge the last trial, a fairy type Pokémon, and I beat Kahuna Hapu. After I return, Kukui comes up to me.
"Congratulations, cousin! Now you are ready to take on the Elite Four and become champion! You remember the tall mountain on Ula'ula?" he asks me. I nod.
"Mount Lanakila, right?"
"Yes, sir! The Elite Four are some of the toughest trainers in Alola! I'd head there now! See you there!"
He walks off, and I remember Lillie telling me to meet her at Mahalo Trail. I fly there and I see her where we first met, near the bridge. She's standing next to Solgaleo.
"Sun, I feel that Nebby would be better off with you. I'm not a trainer, I was just caring for him." she said.
"Are you sure you want to leave Nebby with me?" I ask her, concerned.
"I am positive. I only ask that you take care of him with as much kindness as I showed him." she said, approaching me further.
"Lillie, I promise I will take care of Nebby. I'll give him the choice." I say. I walk up to Nebby and take out an Ultra Ball. I hold it up to Nebby's face and he grunts at me.
"Nebby, do you want to join me?" I ask him. Nebby grunts and headbutts the ball. He's sucked inside.
"Congratulations, Sun. I believe you will become champion. Try your best and don't give up." Lillie says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blush quite intensely at that.
"The champion quest is a hard path, but I'll do it." I say to her.
I summon Charizard and fly up to Mount Lanakila, and I climb to the league. On my way there I see a large crater, and inside is Necrozma, weakened, kneeling on the ground. In front of it is a sparkling yellow crystal. I carefully slide down the side of the crater and approach Necrozma. I hear it growl at the sight of me, and when I pick up the crystal, it lets out a sharp snarl.
"Hey, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you anymore." I say to it. It backs up on a way of confusion. "I assume this is yours?" I ask it, holding the crystal up to it. It looks at me with its prism eye, then uses its Psychic powers to grip the crystal.
"Necrozma, I'm not going to hurt you. Do you trust me?" I ask it. It nods in a hesitant sort of way, and suddenly it gives me the crystal back.
"Necrozma, why are you giving this to me?"
It nods and takes a Ultra Ball from my backpack, holding it in its prism fingers, and taps the center button. The ball rattles.
Three times.
And clicks.
I stand there in shock and pick up the ball.
I release Necrozma and it looks at me. Actually, I'm not sure what it's looking at. It makes its sounds again and holds out a prismatic hand to me. Rotom zips from my bag and starts snapping pictures of Necrozma.
"Two legendary Pokémon in one day!? You're on a roll, Sun!"
"Thanks, Rotom. Hey, while you're here, can you tell me Necrozma's moves?" I ask Rotom. It nods and pulls up an analysis of Necrozma. Most of it was question marks.
"Necrozma currently knows Photon Geyser and Power Gem."
"That'll be useful. Necrozma, will you help me become champion?" I ask the prism. It nods and suddenly darts it's gaze to a man walking up to us.
"Hello there, Sun! I see you've caught Necrozma?" he asks.
"Yeah. How do you know my name?" I ask him.
"I'm Colress, and I've heard about you from the Professor!"
He chats a bit more and gives me the N Lunarizer and N Solarizer.
I continue my stride up the mountain and see the League, up a tall hill. I was about to ascend but suddenly Decidueye emerged from his pokeball, and he looked at me with a sharp gaze.
"Decidueye, what is it?" I ask him. Rotom suddenly zips from his bag and shows us countless pictures of when Decidueye was still Rowlet, and my eyes start to water. Decidueye wraps me in his warm wings, as the temperature on Mount Lanakila was freezing.
"I'm so glad I chose you, buddy. I couldn't ask for better Pokémon." I say, releasing all my Pokémon. Hawlucha, Sylveon, Zoroark, Nebby and Necrozma. We all engage in a large group hug, me in the middle of it, and I return them all, and enter the league.
The Elite Four were easily bested by me. They specialized in Steel, Rock, Ghost, and Flying. I recognized Olivia and Acerola, the Rock and Ghost trainers, but not Molayne and Kahili. I ascended to the top of the platform and looked at the throne. I approached the throne but I heard Kukui.
"Wait, cousin! There's one more person you have to face!" he says, and I turn around. He steps aside and Hau comes up the stairs.
"Yep, it's me! I didn't think I'd make it this far, but I have my Pokémon to thank for that! I'm going to become champion and you can't stop me, Sun! Let's battle!" Hau says, throwing out his Alolan Raichu. I easily one shot it with Zoroark, and all of his pokemon are easily beaten, and he throws out his last one. A Crabominable. I threw out Necrozma for this one.
"Necrozma, nows your time to shine! Photon Geyser!" I yell. Necrozma charges a beam of pure energy, then shoots it at Crabominable. After the light clears, Crabominable is on the ground, collapsed. Hau returns his last Pokémon.
"Well, that was fun. Congratulations, Sun." he says, rubbing the back of his neck
I couldn't believe it. I had just beaten Hau and became Champion. Necrozma turned to me and nodded, and I released all my Pokémon. They all rejoiced and Kukui and Hau came up to me.
"Congrats, cousin! This calls for celebration!" he says. We all fly back to Iki Town on Melemele, and there's a huge festival. Everyone congratulated me, and I was just walking around, avoiding all the embarrassing things people were saying. I stood next to the outskirts of town, and Sylveon bursts from her ball. She looks at me with her big, blue eyes, and I sat down to pet her.
"You guys all did great. Thank you for sticking with me to the end." I tell her.
She nodded and wrapped her feelers around my arm. We sat there for a while, watching the sun set and I heard someone walk over to us. Sylveon and I look over our shoulders and I see Lillie. Sylveon jumps up from her place in the sand and trots up to Lillie, rubbing up against her leg.
"Hey, Lillie! Come sit down!" I tell her. She giggled and sits down next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder.
"It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" she asks me.
"It is. I've never realized that the sunset in Alola was so amazing." I say.
We look off into the sunset some more, and we hear fireworks. We get up and walk back to town, holding hands.
The next morning, I was watching TV and every channel had something to do with me becoming Champion. My mother wasn't all over me about it, she just said she was very proud I made it this far. Suddenly the door burst open, and Decidueye jumps from his place next to me on the couch. We turn and see Hau, and he looks like he just ran all the way here.
"Sun, come quick! It's terrible!" he says.
"Let me guess. The Malasada sprouted wings and used Fly?" I ask. Decidueye and my mother stifle laughs.
"What? No, that's stupid. Quick, follow me!" he says. Decidueye and I bolt after him, Decidueye flying above me. We follow Hau to Hau'oli Marina, and I see a ship ready to depart. I see Lillie talking with the Professor. Once she sees us she runs up to us.
"Lillie, where are you going?" I ask her, out of breath. Decidueye flaps down and lands next to us.
"I'm so sorry i didn't tell you, Sun. I'm going to Kanto, to learn all the things about Pokémon that you know." she says. I see tears forming in her eyes. I want to explode in rage and ask why she was leaving, but I knew that would only make her even sadder. Decidueye wraps us in his wings pulls both of us into a big hug. Lillie nearly crushes me with the amount of force she's using, and when she lets go, I feel a tear drop, but it's not mine or Lillie's. Decidueye is crying as well. He's trying to hide it but he's failing. He turned away, refusing to look at us.
"Decidueye, it's alright to cry." Lillie says, walking up to him. She places her hand on the outer part of his green hood, and he looks at her. He turns to me and nods. I take out a crown I made with him. I had flowers kneaded through it, into a flower crown. I place it on Lillie's head, and she looks me in the eyes. She leaps forward and hugs me once more.
"Thank you, Sun. I'll come back someday, I swear." she says, pulling away from me.
"I won't stop waiting." I say back, starting to cry.
The captain announced that the ship was leaving, and she lets of my hand slowly, and runs to the ship, waving to me and crying. As the ship leaves, Kukui and Hau leave, and I swear I was standing there for what felt like minutes, but it was really hours, just staring off into the distance. Nebby comes from his ball and rubs me with his huge mane. He growls softly and scoops me up onto his back.
"Thanks, Nebby, let's go home." I tell him. He flies back to the house, and from that moment in, there was an empty space in my heart
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