chapter 8 | Toxic
However, I instantly get distracted by this same name, who brings me back to that kiss.
< you really destroyed me in that last game. Took it personally ngl ]
[ good bcs it actually was >
< oh. Great:') makes me feel even better ]
[ you deserved it for breaking my heart >
< I kissed you right after to apologize bcs I didn't mean it. Stop crying about something you made up ]
[ says the one who loves to whine 24h a day. Sure man >
< it's different. I whine bcs it feels good. You cry bcs you feel pain ]
[ even worse then bcs I'm hurt >
< when I asked you if my kisses were enough you said yes. I would have continued to heal that pain if I knew that. That's on you ]
So, I was actually right.
[ I didn't know what I was thinking okay? Be a little kind for once pls >
< ah yeah? And why is that? ]
[ you know it don't you dare act like you don't >
< sorry I don't. Explain to me pls, I need it to be crystal clear bcs I'm too dense to understand what's not explicit ]
[ too bad you won't ever know then >
< does that mean you wanted me to continue tho? ]
[ not what I said but it did work well >
< what worked well?
[ your kisses...istg Angelo I know you're dumb but not brainless >
< should have asked for more if you liked them ]
[ you think you can kiss my neck and expect my brain to not have a break down for a few minutes? >
< oh sorry, I'll do it again next time so that you can get used to it and not malfunction anymore then ]
[ you're a funny man >
< that wasn't a joke tho ]
[ I'll come with a thick scarf to protect my neck next time >
< I'll have to aim other spots then but anyway, I gotta leave you bcs I'm dropping something off at my colleagues house. See you this weekend<3 ]
[ you better tell me what spots you're thinking of once you're back. See you this weekend, maybe >
The smile he managed to leave on my face does not fade, but I leave this chat and lock my phone. I need to study a bit more before going to bed.
— Three days later —
Saturday, May 20th, 2023.
8:10 am.
< hey, do you wanna hang out with the boys today? We're going to a theme park ]
I read Angelo's text right after waking up, my eyes barely opening or seeing clearly.
[ hey, where is it and what time do I have to be there? >
< I'll come pick you up, don't worry about that. We should be there around 10:30 am ]
[ alright I'm gonna get ready then when will you come? >
< in around two hours, is it enough time for you? ]
[ yeah I'll hurry up >
< great, see you<3 ]
[ see you<3 >
I get out of bed without waiting, feeling excited about this day but wondering if Jungkook will be there.
9:50 am.
After noticing Angelo's car, I hop in and look at him. "Hey," he greets me with a warm smile, and I return the same one. "Hey."
"You're doing good? No pain?" he gazes at me putting my seat belt on. "No pain," I shake my head, happy of being able to say those two words together, and he turns the ignition on. "Good, let's go then."
"Do you know who will be there?" I ask, and as if he knew the reason why, the corners of his lips turn up. "Everyone. Felix, Kaden, Leon, Jungkook, and apparently, Kaden's imaginary boyfriend."
His last sentence gets me to chuckle. "You really don't believe he doesn't have one?"
"We all do. He's never shown a picture of him, we never saw them together either, and Felix and him are way too close and flirty. Like, I know guys love to joke about the 'it's just a bro thing', but those two look at each other in a way that friends wouldn't. You know?" he explains what I never really paid more attention to but noticed. "Yeah, I kinda get what you mean."
"It's maybe just sexual, I don't know, but I could bet a lot of money that once we get there, he'll tell us his boyfriend changed his mind," he laughs, anticipating Kaden's action. "Well, if you're wrong, where goes the money?"
He smiles and peeks at me. "I said 'I could', not I do'," he clarifies. "Oh, true."
"Yeah, golddigger," he misunderstands the purpose of my question. "I'm not! I was just curious, and I wanted to make sure your money would go somewhere safe."
"Sure, 'somewhere safe', you say," he nods without showing a single hint of trust. "Yes, Sir."
He grins, meaning he knows I am not serious.
40 minutes later...
"Come here," Angelo draws my attention towards him as I was contemplating a visible side of the inside of the theme park, so I turn around and see him lift his hand up to me. "They're waiting for us over there."
I walk up to him but get confused over his gesture, so I lift my hand up to his to not ignore him, and he holds it. "You get easily distracted, uh?" he scoffs, and I smile but feel weird about holding his hand as if we were a couple. I have already held Enna's hand as friends, but this is different.
"Here they are," Kaden mentions us and gets the other boys' attention over us too. "You're a couple now?" he glances down at our hands, and Angelo takes his bigger one away from mine. "Yeah, and where's your boyfriend?" he does not deny it, and I glance at Jungkook, who was already staring.
"He changed his mind," he says the exact same sentence as Angelo predicted. "See, y/n? I told you. This fucking liar," he cannot keep quiet about how right he was, and Kaden glares at me. "I'm not lying."
"Sure, bro," he does not believe him at all, and while they are both bickering, I cannot help but peek at Jungkook again. He does not hide the fact he already has his eyes on me, and he stares into mine.
Out of lack of confidence, I glance away and listen to Felix speaking. "Guys, both shut the fuck up. Let's get inside now," he leads us to the line of people and gets followed from very close by Kaden. "Don't order us around like that," he mumbles to him, but Felix just sneers and looks at his phone.
"Do you all have your tickets on your phone?" Felix raises his eyes up to us, and we all confirm we do, expect for Leon, who is standing next to Jungkook. "I printed out mine."
"It's not the nineties anymore you know," Kaden bothers him like a kid, but he does not respond with anything other than a cold look. "What the fuck did you eat for breakfast to be such a bitch today?" Felix remarks.
"I couldn't eat for lunch, that's why I'm a bitch," he crosses his arms, and since I always pack some snacks when I go out, I propose some to him. "I have some cookies or a banana if you want."
"Don't give it to him, he didn't deserve it," Angelo provokes him, but he moves towards me. "Stop being a red flag. She's being sweet to me," he replies and sets his brown eyes on me. "I'd love the banana if you're sure you don't want it."
"I'm fine with the other snacks," I shake my head and open my purse to get it out. "The banana is the most nourishing and best for you, give him some cookies instead."
"I'm fine, Angelo," I let Kaden have it since I had something for breakfast, and Kaden already pulls the peel down. He takes a bite and looks up at Angelo while going back in front of him to be next to Felix. "You're mad?"
"Yes, she took it because she wanted to eat it, not give it to the ass you are," he never ceases shooting back, both playfully fighting all the time. "She knows better than you do, you're just mad you won't see her eat it," he cannot hold back from being a pervert and protecting it on him. "Yeah, of course. I'm a fifteen year old kid."
"Well, I bet I know your mind more than she does, so quit the fake innocence, big boy," he bites into the fruit one more time, never taking his attention from the tallest man. "And the other guys here do too, but hey, I'm not gonna expose you in front of your girl."
"Stop talking before I say some stuff that will embarrass you, got it?" his body language expresses some nervousness as if there was something to hide. "I don't need anyone to embarrass me, I do it myself, so that's not a threat."
"What do you know about his mind more than I do?" I fail to not be curious and try to not know, and Kaden chuckles at the sight of Angelo's face. "Nothing. He's just being a moron like usual. They know nothing more."
"Lying is wrong," Kaden intones but gets elbowed by Felix. "Drop it."
"What? There's nothing wrong about letting her know how much he likes to be very dominant," he lets out and sneaks a peek at the one he is trying to trigger. "Very very. Very bossy too...He may look like a soft boy with those freckles, y/n, but he's not. He loves degrading too, so—"
"We're at a theme park with kids around, can you not talk about that type of shit?" Jungkook cuts him off to not hear more of it, and Kaden shoves the rest of the banana in his mouth but raises his eyebrows. "Kids nowadays are the worst, that won't traumatize them."
"Not all of them, so shut up," he slides his hands in his pockets, and the one that ate my snack turns towards Felix. "They're mean to me," he acts like an innocent child that has been scolded in front of him, but Felix laughs at his face. "Stop picking up fights all the time then."
I smile but remain quiet. No matter how immature they can be, especially Kaden, this is always fun to hang out with them all.
1 pm.
Lunch time finally giving us a break, Kaden runs to an empty outdoor table near a pond with Felix as if it was worth their life, making sure no one else will get it since all off them are crowded under this pretty shelter that will prevent us from burning under the sun.
"Leon, you go and order the food," Kaden tells him, comfortably sitting down as we just entered the area and walked on the gravel. "Hell no," he sits in front of him, and since I do not want to let Angelo sit next to y/n, I go right next to him right after, leaving only two free spots. One next to Felix, and one next to me.
However, Angelo does not think twice before standing behind Felix, and he drops his hands on his shoulders. "Sit on the other side," he tells him to do, y/n blindly following and doing as he wants. Without complaining, Felix rises from his spot and comes next to me.
"I can order the food for everyone if you want," y/n speaks, her voice always bringing so much peace and softness. "No, sit down. I'm taking care of it," Angelo holds her by the waist and pulls her in, and she tenderly looks up at him. "Are you sure?"
I do not know if I will make it to the end of this day without losing it.
"Yeah," he takes his phone out to note what everyone wants for lunch, and y/n sits before me, we both make eye contact again, the same way we have been doing it since earlier, and I glance away.
I miss her, I miss us, but I can only be blamed.
As Angelo is typing everything, I put my arms down on the table and lift one hand up to my face to fiddle with my lips, and I lay eyes on y/n again. She speaks to Angelo, and once she is done, I hear him ask what I want to eat. I do not say much but tell him to take the exact same as y/n for me, and he then leaves.
"Finally, this jerk's gone," Kaden mutters without meaning his words, and y/n defends him. "You're mean."
"What? He makes me insecure," he drops his elbow on the table and rests his head on it. "Sounds like a 'you' problem, bro," Leon roasts him, getting his eyes to dart towards him. "Fuck you."
"Why do you talk about as if he was the most attractive guy ever?" I cannot bear to hear it anymore. They keep saying that same bullshit every time, and it pisses me off. "Because he is, bro? Every time he meets a girl, she thirsts over him and will do anything to get in his bed. Are you blind?"
"That's just because he knows he's attractive, and he takes advantage of it with them. He knows how that makes them feel, so he enjoys flirting and playing because he knows he can get it if he wants. That's his behavior more than anything, that's all," I show some undeniable irritation and take this opportunity to let y/n realize what type of guy he is, what he is doing with her.
"Stop talking behind his back like that," Felix defends him as if I was wrong. "I'm just telling the truth."
"No, you're just jealous," Kaden gives me a look full of disdain. "Jealous?" I sneer and control my anger behind it. "Have you checked his Discord? I bet there's a bunch of bitches he flirts with while playing with y/n."
"I don't believe that at all, and I'm so fucking sure of it that I'll ask him to show his dm's to her. I bet all my money he'll show her and prove you wrong. You're just bitter, dude," he furrows his eyebrows, infuriating me with this topic and the denial they are all in. "Fine. Do it. We'll see who the fuck is right," I do not doubt.
"Guys, stop arguing...Can't you enjoy your time?" Felix sighs next to me, disappointed in the mood Kaden and I put everyone. I peek up at y/n, who was already looking, but glance away out of shame.
The door of us remain quiet for a bit, and y/n clears her throat. "Why would you be insecure?" the caring side of the girl I know more than anyone here goes out. "Have you seen him? He's hot as fuck, and he's born like that, meanwhile, I was born like that," he points at his body. "Life is unfair."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with 'that' as you call it, you're attractive too. You just can't see it because it's your body," she compliments his appearance, trying to comfort him, make him feel better about himself.
She has always been kind-hearted, she does not like to see people in pain or unhappy.
"You say that because you feel pity," he does not take her seriously, getting Felix to sigh next to him. "Stop comparing yourself. You're hot too, dumbass."
"Nope, I love being depressed," he turns a deaf ear to not acknowledge anything they are saying. "And I'm jealous of you, you're not my friend anymore," he throws a fake glare at y/n, causing her to instantly display some sadness. "Why? What did I do?"
"Do you know what my number one dream is?" he sticks his index finger up, having a talk with her like I have never seen him do before. "No, what is it?"
"Getting railed by Sukuna and Gojo at the same time," his answers gets them all to chuckle and shake their head as they must have thought he would be serious. "But you, Miss y/n, get to have this big guy, who's the spitting image of what their child would look like. He's got a sun-kissed skin, Gojo's big bright blue eyes, his 6'3 inches, Sukuna's charm, his body, and his damn cockiness and confidence, like...Thanks for the banana you gave me, but I hate you now."
"I don't have anyone, confess to him if you're so in love," she smiles and understands he is not being serious about hating her, and he answer relieves me, for some reason. "Stop trying to convince us. He wants you, and I'm not in love with this little bitch anyway."
Her expression lets some nervousness appear, and she glances down at the table to toy with her purse. "Sukuna and Gojo are not real anyway. You can find some cosplayer that will make your number one dream come true though."
"Sukuna and Gojo are real, okay? Don't ever say that about them again, girly," his back straightens as if he was shocked and offended by the truth. "As much as I love them both, they're fictional, and that's what makes them so attractive."
"Oh, wait, so you love them too. Does that mean you agree with me when I tell you I want them both to rail me?" he leans towards her, excited to lure another person in his anime trap and thirst over his favorite characters with her.
A shy grows on her face, and this mere uncontrollable reaction is enough for me to know what she has on her mind. "Maybe, but that's not the po—"
"Alright, I take back what I just said. You're based, I love you," he switches personality now that she admitted to feeling the same way, and I smile. I would never have expected her to say that.
"But once again, you've got an advantage by being you because depending on his form, Sukuna can have four arms, four legs, and two 'bananas', so if we take this into consideration and do not forget we want Gojo with him, and I'd love Nanami to be a part of this too, but let's just make him switch places with Gojo 'cause I don't wanna die, but you know if we want that, we need three ho—"
"Lunch's here," Angelo comes back at the right moment to interrupt Kaden and take him out of his obsession I would not want him to rub off on y/n. He puts the large tray on the table and sits down next to y/n, but she drops her attention over him as he leaned back. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I was in the sun this whole time, so I need a moment," his answer gets her to obviously worry, and she grabs her can of coke, opens it, and hands it to him. "You should have told us..."
"I'm fine, don't worry," he takes the drink and hydrates himself, and as expected from her, she focuses on him and does not even look at her food that Felix gave her.
Noticing she is concerned, he looks into her eyes and smiles. "I'm okay, I promise. Eat lunch," he raises one hand behind her back and touches her for sure.
I know I do not have the right to be mad or to hate him for putting his hands on her, for flirting with her, but I do, regardless.
10 minutes later...
The boys still chatting as most of us almost finished our food and are just drinking, I peek at y/n wiping her mouth to sip on some coke, but Angelo grasps her attention by bringing his last potato corn dog towards her. "You wanna taste this one?" he speaks through Kaden, Felix, and Leon's voice.
"What's inside?" she places her can down, and I swallow but glance at the loud one among us for a moment, feeling like I am unable to focus on anything other than them both, her in particular. "Cheese, but I got some sauce with it, and it tasted good with the other one I ate."
"Oh, then yes," she agrees, still seeming hungry after the small burger she had. He grabs the small portion of some white sauce and spreads it over the food, then, he holds it up to her mouth, and she leans in.
She takes the tip in her mouth and tries to take a bite but fails because of the size and pieces of potato, so she presses on the crispy crust with two fingers, and Angelo's lips expose some amusement, some perverted one for sure. He lifts his other hand up to her face and keeps her hair away from her mouth, and she pulls away, with the cheese not separating, and some white sauce in the corners of her mouth.
This son of a bitch knew what he was doing.
"Ayo, bro," Kaden mentions what could be enough to make me lose my mind, and Angelo scoffs but does not take his eyes off of her. "I'm just feeding her. She's the one making a mess."
"You soaked it with white sauce and shoved it in her mouth, dude. What did you expected?" he emphasizes it as y/n's cheeks are turning red.
I know how uncomfortable she can get when people look at her eating, so her trying to chew on the fried food with everyone's eyes focused on her must be unsettling. "I didn't do that. Stop it."
"She's embarrassed because of you, look at her," he worsens it by making sure no one missed it, so I shut him up. "Just keep talking about your life and leave her alone."
"I'm not bothering her, I'm talking to him," he believes this will make a change. "But it includes her, so shut the fuck up," I move my feet under the table but bump them into hers, getting us both to look at one another, and Angelo makes sure this does not last. He gives her more of the food, and this time she eats without the sauce, and on the sides.
"Y/n, look at the video I just found," Kaden turns his phone towards her, but Angelo checks it as well, and after only a few seconds, he pushes the phone away. "Don't make her watch that shit."
"Why? He's so fucking hot," he never takes a break from thirsting over guys. "Be horny if you want but don't drag her into it."
"She literally told in front of us all that she'd love to be railed by him and Gojo at the same time, so she's just like me," he reveals what she must have wanted to not be talked about again, and she smiles in the most adorable manner but gets Angelo's eyes on her. "Just for some more context, he's the one who asked if she'd want it too," Felix points out.
"Oh, so you hide that type of side, uh?" Angelo teases her like an asshole. "You know Sukuna would kill you on the spot if he met you, right?"
"Let us fantasize," she holds her can with both hands and never raises her eyes up from it, grinning and fidgeting. Angelo lets his flirty laugh out and Kaden pats her head. "That means she'd thank him for it, she's my soulmate in the wrong life."
"That dude got two dicks. Are you aware of that?" Angelo turns his body towards them, sitting astride the seat. "Yes, 'even better', she said in her head. We both would let this man do anything he wants to us, stop being so jealous," he pretends to be hearing what she is thinking, and she laughs but finally peeks at Angelo. Having some disgusting thoughts on his mind for sure, he drops his eyes to hers and gives her a flirty look, and he leans in deep to speak in her ear, with his lips against her skin.
I thought he would kiss her, I nearly felt my heart hit the ground.
His words cause her to shyly giggle and push him away, and Kaden frowns at him as I would not even want him to imagine what he said after the topic that was brought. "What the fuck did you tell her?"
"That's none of your business, just focus on your videos," he steals y/n's coke to drink and have her eyes on him, and he smirks right when he places it right back in front of her. "I put my tongue over it. Hope you don't mind."
"I saw it. You—" she glances down at it as if she could see the evidence, and my heart beats harder out of wrath. "This motherfucker always does that. He makes out with literally everything," Kaden attempts to grab the can but gets stopped by Angelo. "I told you to focus on your videos. Leave us alone."
"Say 'Sukuna' if you need help," Kaden loudly whispers to her while glaring at him, and she finds it fun.
I did not see her like that in so long. The last time I saw her, the last months we shared with one another were just dark and bleak. She was in pain, gloomy, and withdrawn into herself, but now, she seems happy again, the same way she was when there was no one but us two.
"Eat the rest," Angelo feeds her the last French fries with the rest of the white sauce, and she takes everything in her mouth.
"By the way, Angelo. I forgot to ask you," Kaden addresses him as this fucker dared to lick what he wiped off y/n's mouth and gave me a furtive provoking look. "What?"
He is aware of the way I feel for her, and he uses the one mistake I made to ruin my life even more because he knows what he does affects her.
She has never been touched by anyone other than me, she has never dated or kissed anyone, and I know she has not done any of that while we were away from one another, so every little sexual thing he does to her will do something to her body and mind whether she wants it or not. I hate him so fucking much for that reason.
"Are you a fuckboy?" he finally brings up what I kept to myself to not disappoint Felix even more, and Angelo chuckles. "No, I'm not. Why the hell do you ask me that?"
"So you wouldn't mind showing your dm's to y/n, right?" he rests his head on his fist and stares at him with confidence, and Angelo gives the last piece of corn dog to her. "What dm's and why?"
"Someone here thinks you're playing with bitches while taking advantage of y/n's naivety," he twists my words and puts some words into my mouth, but I keep quiet since I do not think less of him. "I wonder who," he makes eye contact with me but takes his phone out of his pocket.
"You don't have to do it, Angelo. I don't care..." she trusts him more than she should, and the mood suddenly becomes tense.
If there was something to hate about her, it would be that side and that one only. That naivety she has and which would allow anyone to use or hurt her.
After using it for less than five seconds, he drops his phone before her and sets his eyes on me. "Happy? I let her use my phone when she's at my house. I don't got a thing to hide," he takes pleasure in letting me know they hang out together, and for some reason, my heart clenches. Not out of sadness, but anger and hatred.
"The last person he talked to was y/n, and me because I'm his favorite too I see," Kaden does not hold back from scrolling while she is barely peeking at it. "Just because there's nothing on Discord doesn't mean he's not doing it. There's Instagram, Tinder, Twitter, and many other fucking apps where he could do it," I do not take this as the truth.
"I don't use Insta or Tinder, but go ahead," he snatches his phone away from Kaden's hand to throw it in front of me. "Come on. You're so desperate for it, so check and try as hard as you can to find what you want," he does not care but lets his private life open in front of us all. "You can't stand the fact I'm not like you, so you've gotta find a good reason to hate me, right?"
No word getting out of my mouth, I drift my eyes towards y/n and see her leave the table with teary eyes. "I'm going to the restroom," she lies, and I regret my actions.
She wipes her face while walking away, keeping her head low and making me feel horrible.
Angelo takes his phone back in an abrupt manner and gets up. "You really like hurting her and ruining her fucking life, don't you?" he follows the same direction to go to her, and I cannot even get anything out of my mouth.
He is the one causing this.
"Well..." Kaden not letting the awkwardness remain, he clears his throat and turns around. "I'm gonna feed some bread to the ducks over there," he leaves the table too, but Leon next to me does so. "I'm coming with you."
Both of them go away, leaving Felix and I alone. I cover my face with my hand and calm down, fighting against my emotions to not let them win and engulf me.
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