chapter 6 | Within you
"Wait," Jungkook forces me to focus back on him for the last time, but his body language expresses some serious discomfort. "You probably don't care about it, but...I just, I mean, I broke up with her..." the news he announces slam into my chest, and my heart instantly responds to it. "I don't know why I'm telling you this...but I just wanted you to know..."
I have no idea what to say to this, but what I am certain of is that I should hide the disgusting happiness this brought to me. "I...Why did you? I mean, when did this happen?"
"One week after we stopped talking," he reveals, and as if my body knew exactly what this means before my brain even could, it starts to weaken. "I'm sorry for telling you this out of the blue, but I feel like I won't have another opportunity to talk to you again anytime soon, so I needed to let it out."
"Don't say sorry," I reassure him. "Are you doing okay though?"
"Yes, better now that it's over," he proves me that she has never been a good person to him and that I was right, but I keep quiet about those thoughts I should not let anyone other than Angelo hear. "Why did you feel the need to tell me this now though? You didn't say anything earlier when Kaden talked about you being in a relationship."
"Felix is the only one aware for now, so I didn't want to talk about it in front of them, you're the only one— I mean, you still are to me, but when we were close, you'd be the only one I feel comfortable talking about this type of stuff with, and..." he averts his eyes from me and lays his hand over his car, maybe not knowing how to control what is happening inside of him, and the connection between us strengthens through a lingering exchange of looks. "I just...I miss you a lot."
Some silence follows his sentence as I cannot think quick enough to avoid this, I lick my lips and decide to let it out. "I miss you too. I hope it's not...not too difficult to move on," I do not even make sense, speaking without memorizing what he told me a second ago. "It's not too bad. I knew it was the best thing to do anyway," he relieves me with a comforting answer, and I smile. "Good to hear."
"You can go now, I don't wanna hold you back any longer," he helps me a lot and puts an end to it himself, so I say goodbye for the second time. "It's alright. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here," I think otherwise and change my mind now that I know what he is going through. "See you, and take care."
"Take care too," he grips the handle of his car's door and watches me walk away from him.
I hate myself for taking those news with delight. I am a horrible person.
"Is everything alright?" Angelo shows some worry once I get in his car. "Yeah," I put my seat belt on, and he turns the ignition on to go on the way back to my house.
"Are you sure you're okay driving after the alcohol you drank?" I ask, making sure he is fine enough to have all his focus on the road. "Yes. I wouldn't do anything that could put you in danger. Don't worry."
20 minutes later...
"Happy birthday for the last time," I wish him now that we are in front of my home, and his lips turn up. "Thank you. I'm really happy I got to spend it with you. It made my day."
"Really? Even if I slept a lot at the end?" I find it hard to believe it, wondering what I could bring more than any of his best friends do. "Yeah, even if you did," he laughs, quietly, holding the bottom of the steering wheel. "It felt good to have you cuddled up against me, so I'm not gonna complain, and you can't control your sleepiness, so I'd be an asshole for complaining about it."
I stare at him and listen to his meaningful words. I love to hear that I make someone feel good. I do not know anything better than that. "I'm glad to know I make you feel like that. It means a lot to me."
"I'd love to spend more time with you next weekend if you're free and wanna hang out," he already plans what I will do next Saturday. "Sure. I'd love that too. I love spending time with you as well," I do not even hesitate for a second. "I'm happy. I can't wait to be there then."
"Same. Make sure to sleep tight tonight," I open the door to get out, and he tells me the same words, lovingly, so I leave the vehicle and smile at him, before closing the door and walking up to my house.
I take my phone out to check what time it is, but once I know it is already past midnight, I go a little faster to reach the door. Since I know Angelo is still here, I push the handle down and turn around, and I wave at him. He honks in return and drives away, so I step in and lock the door behind me.
"You're late," my father startles me, my hand flying up to my chest out of fright. I look up at him but do not remark anything, I sigh and take my shoes off. "I told you to come home before eleven, and you didn't even answer my last texts. Are you doing it on purpose?"
"I fell asleep over there, I'm sorry," I head towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of flavored water, but he follows my every move, not leaving me alone. "You fell asleep at a party? With all those boys around? Are you kidding me?"
"Jungkook was there, and Angelo and our friends are good people," I walk past him to move towards the stairs with my drink, but he grabs my arm and carelessly pulls me back. "What did you drink to fall asleep at a damn party?"
"I didn't drink any alcohol. Stop assuming they'd do anything wrong to me, and I wasn't the only girl there," I attempt to free myself from his grip, but he tightens it and keeps me still, scaring me with this behavior I always hate to face. "You think alcohol is the only thing used to intoxicate girls? And when I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want. Understood?"
"I told you, I fell asleep," I wrench my arm away from his strong hand that left a painful mark around it. "I didn't mean to be late," I hurry to walk up the stairs to avoid any more dangerous confrontation. "You better not have behaved like a slut with those boys around you."
I turn a deaf ear to his hurtful words he never think twice before letting out, and I enter my room, lock the door, and end on my bed to focus on my phone.
Angelo sent me a text only two minutes ago.
< didn't even get my birthday kiss ]
[ stop:< you didn't tell me you wanted one and you better not be driving while texting >
< hands free texting is okay. Of course i didn't tell you, I know you'd push me away ]
[ that's not true >
< sure ]
[ you think I'd have been okay with you touching me like you did if I minded giving you a kiss? >
< when did I touch you? I never did ]
[ what were you doing under that blanket then? >
< warming you up ]
[ I hate you liar >
< fine, I was touching you. Don't say you hate me again mean girl ]
[ stop lying then:) >
< alright but stop too then:) ]
[ I dont lie >
< you just did cause sometimes you do ]
[ and when? You got proof? >
< when you call yourself ugly or not good enough. Make me wanna choke you so hard ]
[ lmao you're just in denial >
< I'm gonna make you regret this next weekend, you just wait ]
[ I'm waiting already:3 >
< good you should bcs you're gonna think back on this and regret being a little brat ]
[ I'm not scared at all. Now focus on the road, I gotta sleep bcs you tired me out >
< so fucking mean again but fine, I leave you alone ]
[ I'm joking:( be careful on the road dummy >
< I will, sleep tight<3 ]
[ you do too<3 >
I leave the chat but cannot stop thinking about Jungkook and what he told me. Why did he break up with her a short time after we stopped talking? Why did he point out the fact he misses me so much?
I feel like I should text him and talk a little more about it, but not today. I am not awake enough to have a serious talk.
— Next day —
Sunday, May 14th, 2023.
1:20 pm.
My eyes opening for the third time today, I roll over my bed and keep them open to not fall asleep again this time.
In order to do so, I grab my phone that I left under my other pillow. At first, I squint at the brightness of the screen and lower it right away, and I get greeted by a new text from Enna.
< hey how did it go last night? ]
[ hey, good. It was fun but Jungkook was there so we talked >
She does not answer right away, so I leave the conversation and open the one I have not opened in a long time. The one I used to share with Jungkook.
Is it too early? Should I wait before talking to him again?
I do feel like my feelings have slightly faded now that I have been away from him and have another boy best friend, but still, I can tell that I am not any less affected by every thing he does and says.
Not certain of when or what I should send, I decide to text Angelo instead.
[ hey, mean guy. Do you know who's been spending the most time with Jungkook? >
Unlike Enna, he is already typing.
< hey, brat. I got no idea but I'm pretty sure he's the closest to Felix ]
[ wdym you have no idea? Okay thanks >
< I don't talk to him that much lately ]
[ oh, I didn't know. Is there a reason? >
< not really ]
[ sure? You used to be close tho >
That is pretty odd, but I need to talk to Felix right now, so I send him a text to know if he has been spending time with Jungkook lately, and I go back to Angelo, who is always pretty quick to answer.
< he's just acting like a bitch these days so I'm not trying anymore. I just invited him for my birthday bcs he's a friend but I can't even remember last time we really talked ]
Now that I think about it, they never really talked to each other yesterday, except for that one short talk they had when Jungkook gave him his gift. I did not even notice, probably because I was so nervous by that fact he was there.
[ do you mind talking about it? I mean, you don't have to if you're busy or don't want to, but I know you both, so it hurts me to know your relationship isn't going well >
< well I don't know if that bitch he's dating fucked his brain up, but he loved taking his anger out on me last times we hung out with the boys. I'd rather not go in details, but he kinda proved me that he's way too self-centered like his feelings are the only ones that matter. And what happened between you two also influenced how I feel about him, ngl ]
[ I'm sorry that happened to you. I didn't expect something like that. I hope you'll talk it out and make up tho your friendship was so great, he must be going through a hard time and not knowing how to react >
< hope you're right but idk if that's gonna happen ]
[ be optimistic:3 >
I exit the conversation to check what Felix sent me.
< hey, y/n! Yeah I'm still talking to him as much as before. Why? Is something wrong? ]
[ No, I'm just wondering if you noticed something change. He's doing fine, right? >
< Well, from what I know, he's doing fine. Honestly he just talks and asks a lot about you, more than he does about his girl lmao but nothing really changed ]
[ He does? >
< I'm gonna be honest with you, I know wht happened between you two, so I didn't want to tell you but now that you mentioned it, yeah he does ]
[ Oh. I heard that Angelo and him kinda fought >
< ahhh yeah that fight haha... hmmm its best not to talk about it:) dont worry tho, it's not bad. Best friends have those types of arguments at least once in their life ]
[ I see. Thanks for telling me about him though, I'm glad to know he's doing fine >
< no problem! Hope you're doing fine too after yesterday's party ]
[ I am, hope you are too^^ >
< I am thanks ]
Now that I got some answers, I read Angelo's new text that I could not open.
< I'll try for you lmao ]
[ good:> >
After having the time to talk to those two boys, I finally receive an answer from Enna.
< bad news then. What did you talk about? ]
[ we didn't talk much during the party, but we just talked afterwards, and I got to know that he's actually not dating anymore bcs her broke up with her 2 weeks after we stopped talking >
< wtf did I tell you? Holy shit I wish I was wrong, but I'm always right about those guys. Next step, he's gonna be like 'I miss us so much, I wish we could go back in time so that I wouldn't make such a mistake again'. I can already see it happen ]
[ he did talk about the past and the fact he misses me a lot. Do you think it'd be a great idea to text him? >
< I'm sorry? A great idea? Of course not! It's a horrible idea. He's definitely trying something. Don't let him play with you again pls. You're not a fucking option ]
[ I know but I can still talk to him as a friend. One of his best friends told me he's always talking or asking about me and he even mentioned the fact that he does it more than for his girlfriend >
[ his ex* >
[ and we should consider the fact that I'm the one in the wrong bcs I'm the one who fell in love and ruined our friendship. Not him >
< you're so good at putting the blame on yourself whenever its not your fault. It's crazy girl. Honestly do whatever you want, you don't care about what I say anyway ]
[ I do, don't say that >
< no you don't. Its like you enjoy being hurt by this asshole who just treats you like a fucking toy, so go ahead and just do whatever you want. I give up on trying to put some senses into you ]
[ are you seriously acting like that when you're the one always asking me about him and what he said or did? >
< yeah ]
I cannot believe it. I never start a talk about him because this is too difficult for me, but she is now using this against me. She does not even know what it is, so who is she to even judge me for not knowing what is right in this situation?
I leave her on read and drop my phone on my bed. This day is starting so well.
9:25 pm.
My studies making me lose my mind, I drop my book on my desk and heave a sigh, feeling exhausted and lacking motivation.
I decide to listen to my body for once and take a break, and I get hold of my phone after managing to leave it on the side for two hours.
Angelo texted me, so I check what it says.
< are you more of a cat or dog person? ]
[ it's hard to pick but I'd say cat, why? >
< I went to a friends house and look at the cat he has, she's so damn cute ]
I wait in front of my screen, and once I see a video appear in the chat, I play it.
He is standing and filming what seems like a Maine Coon, which is a breed I usually find terrifying, but a soft 'baby' escapes Angelo's mouth and gets the cat's attention.
The fluffy white and grey cat stares at him and meows at the camera, and he laughs but puts his tattooed hand within sight, getting the cat to stand on her back paws and rest her front ones on his leg.
"You want pets, baby?" he touches her head and gives her what she wanted, Angelo's veins jutting out of his hand and grasping most of my attention as he is petting her. I shamefully replay the moment to hear him say the same question again, and I stop to check his other texts.
< she kept asking for cuddles and pets ]
[ that's so sweet and she's so beautiful too. I love the hair on the ears that this breed has so much, it's cute >
< ikr:( kinda makes me want to get one ]
[ same but I think about the fact that they'll die one day and I don't want one anymore >
< Well, that's a sad way to see it lmao but true. Imo the most important is to think about the care and love you'll give them for the rest of their life, so I focus on the good side ]
[ You're right, so get one and I'll come visit you a lot to see them:3 >
< I'm getting one next week then ]
[ Just to see me more often? That's sweet >
< No but you'll clean my house and cook for me in return, right:) ? ]
[ that would make me a maid who works for free, and I'm not sure I'm excited about this idea >
< lmao I'm jk, you'll get to cuddle my cat and I'll take care of you too ]
[ I'm not sure I deserve to be that spoiled, but I won't complain >
< you deserve it ]
The smile upon my face not fading away, a new text pop up on my screen, but this time, to my greatest surprise, this comes from Enna, so I check what she has to say after what happened earlier.
< hey I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't mean what I said at all. I fought with my dad bcs of some stuff and I took it out on you like a bitch and you didn't deserve it. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I know you're going through a hard time bcs of that asshole and I love being here for you and helping you go through it. I hope you still want to talk to me bcs I don't want to lose you over something like that ]
[ hey, it's okay. I understand you and I know you're right about him, it's just hard. It's better if we don't talk about him anymore, but of course I still want to talk to you. I was hurt and scared bcs I thought you got sick of me. I hope you're doing okay >
< I wouldn't get sick of you. You're a sweet person and I'm happy to be your friend. I'm sorry you felt that way. I'm okay now, it was just something dumb but we talked it out ]
[ I'm relieved<3 >
< me too<3 how was your day btw? Did you have a good time with Angelo yesterday? ]
[ I've been studying and doing some homework so it's not crazy, and you? I just had a migraine that kinda ruined everything but I had a good time and Angelo was really sweet >
< can we talk about it on the phone or you're still busy studying? ]
[ no, we can. I'm probably not gonna work anymore bcs I'm tired >
After sending my text, she calls me, and I pick up to have a conversation about last night.
— Three days later —
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023.
3:50 pm.
The heavy rain soaking me to the bone, I hurry to walk back home after missing the bus that drove past me and did not stop because of a two minutes lateness when they usually are never on time.
I run my fingers through my wet hair and fix my jacket to make sure my clothes underneath do not get too damp, now feeling pretty cold, but the sound of someone honking near me catches my attention.
I lay my eyes on the familiar car that seems to be following my pace, but when I see the window go down, I quickly realize who this is.
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