Chapter 6
Blinded by love: ch. 6
So have you ever felt like such a total ass where you couldn't stop? Well I have and let me tell you it sucks! I have never felt this way in my entire life; nor have I thought about someone constantly, especially a girl, Besides my mother but that's a different story. It's been a week and I can't stop thinking about her. I think I've officially lost my player mojo. Number one in my player hand book was to not get attached to a girl after you were done with your game. But the thing is I haven't done a single thing with her or even tried to get at her. Honestly I haven't seen her since the garden incident. So what is wrong with me? This is the question I have been asking myself for a week straight. Fred has been getting on my case about how my work has been half assed and in return I shrug and say whatever is my usual response to all questions I have no desire to answer. How am I supposed to tell someone that I can't get my bosses daughter out of my head. I need a lay.
Heaving my hundredth heavy sigh I walked back to the house after finishing the chores I had for the day a little early. Opening the door I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table while I watched cabel 'the chief' prepare dinner.
"what are you cooking?" I asked him trying to distract myself from thinking of her. Caleb peered behind him at me.
"oh, nothing special just some of steaks and baked potato's for the redmann's their company and a pot of stew for the rest of us." He said turning back to the stove. I let out a 'hmm' while watching his move around the kitchen so fast it would have gave anyone whiplash. Throwing what looked like random spices in the pot of stew. I was thoroughly entertained as I watched him cut vegetables at a dangerous speed I was waiting for him to cut one of his fingers off.
"Wait what company?" I asked as I placed my hand on the table and this caused cabel to turn towards me.
"GET YOU DIRTY HANDS OFF OF MY CLEAN COUNTER!!" He cried. Suprized I looked down at my hands, noticing they were in fact dirty. There was dirt caked under my nails. My hands were smeared with mud that I wiped on my pants while I was planting flowers. Wow I never thought I would ever say a sentence like that. I shivered from just the thought. Caleb rudley brushed my hands off the counter top and quickly wiped the top with a wet cloth. Then turned back to his food "and its their reletives"
"oh, like grandparents?"
"Nooo like uncle. Its Mr. Redmann's brother snd his neice and nephew"
I nodded. "so are they cool?" He turned to me and raised a brow.
"how am I supose to know that? This were I am all day. But they are very respectful to me anyway. When your the one to feed someone their usually very nice to you." He said with a smirk on his face.
"what are their names? How old are they?"
"well their names are Lizzie and Alexander or alex for short." He began stirring the stew.
"what about the uncle?" I asked.
"What about him?"
"Does he have a name or is he nameless?"
He turned to me leaning against the back of the sink peering at me with a flat look.
"of coarse he has a name smart ass. It's Roger" I nodded but had nothing else to say.
"Is there more or are you done with your interigasion?" He asked with an amused expressions. I shook my head so he went back to cooking. After ten minutes he turned back to me.
"don't you have anything better to do than stare at me make dinner, ask twenty one questions and dirty my kitchen?" he asked me. I gazed up at him looking at me with an amused expression. I chuckled.
"No you're my entertainment for the evening" I smirked up at him as he rolled his eyes.
"Why aren't you working or something?"
"I'm done" I could see him looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. Shaking his head.
"well why don't you do me a favor and stop distracting me. It's a big house go explore?" he told me as he bent down to check the steaks in the oven.
"Dang old man if you didn't want me here all you had to do was ask. Gosh!" I joke and dramatically stormed out. I heard his chuckles reach me when I was closer to the stairs. Taking them two at a time I was headed towards my room when something bumped into my leg. Maintaining my balance I looked down to find axe pulling on my pant leg. Confused I knelt down on my knee.
"What happened?" I asked even though I wasn't going to get an answer. But he barked and again pulled on my leg. "Where's Paige?" A little concerned I followed him down a hallway I never seen before. I had to catch up to him as he began running a little faster. It seemed like forever, then he stopped and pawed at a door. Confused I looked from the door then to him. He pawed it again the scratching sound make me cringe but just then I heard her voice.
"Axe?" I could hear the frightened tone in her voice. What the hell is she doing in there?
"Paige what are you doing?" I asked through the door. There was a shuffling on the other side before the rattling of the door knob.
"CHASE!!!" she said in hysterics. This caused my worry to spike so I grabbed the door knob but it was locked. What the hell?
Ok now I'm scarred. I shaking the knob franticly but nothing was working so I only came to one conclusion. Backing up a few paces then I ran and jammed my shoulder against the door. Nothing so I tried again and again. Till my shoulder was beginning to ache but I push it away and continued to break down the door. To my triumph I heard the heavenly sound of a crack. I couldn't stop now. So after a few more painful hits to my shoulder which couldn't take anymore I stopped and kicked the door as hard as I could and broke the lock. The door swung open and I rushed in and noticed paige gathered in the corner of the room. She was in her night gown her hair was a mess. The thing that made me rush to her was the frightened expression on her face. It was pure terror and it caused something in me to break.
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