Chapter 5
Blinded by love: ch. 5
I woke from the sound of the door opening.
"Paige, honey you awake?"
"yes, what time is it?" I asked while sitting up.
"Ten" I felt the bed dip beneath her weight. "I was wondering if you were hungry. Can you join your father and I for breakfast? We barley see you anymore" she asked.
"Alright I'll be down in a bit"
"Okay, oh and we have a guest joining us, he'll be her for the summer." She said brushing the hair from my face which was probably a mess right now.
"What guest?"
"He's on of your fathers friends son. Were taking him in to do work around the house."
"oh, okay I'll be down in a few" I told her.
"Alright" I heard the soft shuffle of her feet as she left my room with a click from the door. I fell back on my pillow letting out a long sigh. Staying there for a while before getting out of bed. I walked over to my curtains feeling around for the opening. Once I did I threw them open inviting the warmth from the sun I knew was beyond the permanent darkness I was forced to live in. My hand felt around for the latch till I located it and opened the window. The crisp smell of the morning, fresh cut grass and roses filled my nostrils. Losing one sense causes you to appreciate all the others all the more.
The sound of panting caused me to turn from the window and walk back to my bed.
"Up Axe" I called patting the bed. Soon I felt a wet tounge licking my face. "Good boy" ruffled his hair then began to get ready for.
When I made it down stairs with axe I welcome the delicious smells of breakfast. Bacon, toast, and cream of wheat surrounded me. I love breakfast!
"Paige!" My fathers booming joyfull voice filled my ears; then I was swept into a huge air lifting hug. His usual sent of cigars and his familar after shave waffered off him. I could always tell when ever he was in the room it was like his personal fingerprint.
"Hows my little girl this morning?" He asked putting me back on my feet and placing a kiss on my temple. Lifting my hand up to his face and smiled.
"Fine dad, whats for breakfast?" I asked even though I knew already. For a second I felt him tense underneath my hand but it was gone just as fast as I noticed. He took my hand from his face and lead me to a seat.
"Your favorite, bacon, toast with butter and cinnamon, and cream of wheat." His voice was traveling from across the room.
"Mmmmm, your right that is my favorite." I felt around for my spoon and dug in. usially I never have time to eat with my parents because there so business. Daddys the CEO at Redmann's oil corp. And mothers always doing charity fundraisers and things like that. Where I'm stuck at the house with my trusty sidekick ace by my side, but I kind of like it that way. I still have my dance lessons and music lessons to keep me entertained. Yes, even though I can't see I still can dance my ass off. Been doing it since I could walk. But back then I had my sight.
"So honey, what do you plan on doing later?" This time it was moms melodious voice gracing my ear drums. I swalloed my last bite before throwing my last peice of bacon in the air. When I heard the snapping of teath I knew axe had caught it.
"take axe for a walk and sit in the gazebo and read I guess. What about you?"
"I was going to go shopping with carrine would you like to come? I'm sure she'd would love for you'd to come." I shook my head.
"What would I wear mother?" I joked. "So where's this mistery boy you told me about?" I asked them.
"thats a good question" my father said. "I'll have william get him for you if you want to meet him?"
I shook my head, "no I'm sure I'll meet his sooner or later" Clearing my plates I got up to take them to the kitchen.
"Paige you don't have to do that, hun. Christion's more than capable." My mom said.
"so am I" I told him before heading in the direction of the kitchen.
After beakfast and saying good bye to my parents. I took axe on his usual walk through the garden. Oh, how I loved it. The beautifull and earth smell of the grass and flower. Not to mention the peacefull silence it brung besided the natural call of birds and the howl of the wind, soothing to me. All I needed was a good book and my dog and I was set all day. As I followed the steps and turns I memorized I found my way to the gazebo. Taking a seat on the cusion and opening my book I began to relax. This was my norm, my habitat. It was nice.
My fingers trailed over the braille in my book I was lost in it when the sounds of shuffling throughthe grass and a heavy sigh had me on my guard. I could feel axe grow stiff.
"Who's s there?" I asked tensing up. the shuffling became closer causing axe to growled.
"Axe down" I commanded, instantly he stopped.
"Hey their" a deep smooth voice touched my ears. who is that? I never heard that voice before and I would surely recognize a voice that brought tingles up my spine and washed over me like cream.
"who are you? I dont recognnize you."
"I wouldn't think you would recognize me. I just barley came yesterday" he said. Yesterday? Didn't that chase guy come yeterday? So this is his, huh. When barking came from axe i relized he probably go to close.
"Your dog is really on his gaurd" i supressed a smirk. he hasn't noticed yet.
"Well he doesn't know you and niether do I. So if you please don't mind can you leave" I said rudley. For some reason my body was telling me to keep my gaurd up around him. His laughter suorized me.
"Is there something funny?" I asked him.When i didn't get an answer I got a little irritated. I hated it when people didn't answer my questions.
"Well, are you going to answer me?"
"Answer what?"
"what you thought was so funny."
"I did" I heard the confusion in his voice as he answered me. i bite my bottom lip from stopping me from blurting out what he was to naive to see.
"Well I missed it how about you say it in word."
"Are your glasses a litle dark for you?" I could tell he was joking but it still hurt anyways.
"Hilarious, let's give a hand to the comedian of the year.Oh you should get an award for that one." I didn't try to stop the sarcasm from coming out of my mouth as I clapped my hands.
"Did I miss something?"
'a whle lot buddy' i though before grabbing my book and carfully walking down the steps. I didn't want him to to see me trip. Now that would be embarrassing. Once I knew I was safe on the grass I patted my leg for axe to follow.
"your names paige right?" i stopped, how did her know my name? maybe my parents told him but then he would know I was blind.
"Yes, and your name is chase am I correct?" again i was left in the dark with is answer. sighing i beganto leave.
"wait!" he called haulting me in my escape.
"can you help me?" i raised my eyebrow but I knew he couldn't see it.
"And why would i do that?" I asked him. After a slight pause her continued
"I thought since you lived here you coulld help me find a place in here. I'm looking for a fish pond."
"So your lost? And your asking me for help?" I couldn't stopped the laugh that forced it's way out of my mouth.
"Well you live here" he stated. True but no one ever asked me for directions before it was rather funny.
"Fine" I said then continued towards the maze I knew like the back of my hand. I could tell by his long strides he was tall. I wonder why he's here but before I could ask him my foot was sinking in the ground and i was falling forward. On instinct I brought my hands out in front of me and caught myself. Where did that hole come from. Then I felt two strong arms wrap around me and lift me up.
"Are you okay?" he asked. I was held against his chest for a while and what a masculin chest that was. his arms that he had wrapped around me were huge. well not OMG thats gross huge but he works out on occasions doesn't her huge. That wasn't all that kept me in his arms but his sent. I never smelt anything like it on a person, he smelled earthy like the grass but also a natural musk. I didn't know how to explain it but it was intoxicating. I couldn't spot any colonge on him like every other male I have smelt in my life minius my father; he just used after shave. But this boy boy was making me light headed. i needed to get away.So I took a step back and his warmth instantly left me. I sort of regretted it.
"Yeah thank" I responed righting my glasses that had slipped down with my fall. I heard his footsteps retreating, thats when I realized my book was gone.
"Your blind?!" he all but yelled it out. I jumped a little but held out my hand calmly.
"Took you long enough. Can i get my book back?" when he made now move to hand it back i called axe to do it.
"Axe book" i soon felt him nudge to book on to my leg a knelt down and took it from his mouth. "Good boy" I praised. i stood up and turned my head in the direction i knew he was in.
"Oh and the pond is to your left by the way." I turned around and walked back to the house. I needed to be far way from him. I knew being close to him would only end up turning my plan and simple life upside down
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