Quirk Assessments part 1
Izumo introduce Fuyumi to her children and the classroom building with the kitchen for their own lunches making her to see cooks books and the kitchen was full of food and can food making it to be easier on Fuyumi as she gets to work and Izumo went to school as she needs to be on time as she uses the cloud portal to make it to school and sensed Bakugou Katsuki in the same classroom as her.
'Guess he managed to handle his new powered-up Quirk.' Izumo thinks as she sits behind him and waits for the teacher to show up as she's ten minutes early and she's talking to some of her classmates.
"Um... Sir? Are you O.K? You look tired." A classmate said as everyone freaks out once they saw him laying on the floor in a sleeping bag that's yellow in color as that freaked them out as that can't be there teacher and can't be their homeroom teacher making Izumo to just rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the whole class.
'This is getting ridiculous and they're all training to be Heroes. They shouldn't be reacting like this.' She thinks as they should know about about this already.
"My name's Shota Aizawa and I'm you homeroom teacher. We will be doing Quirk Assessment and before you ask, the assembly's for pussies and every single teacher has every right to teach differently in the school. Now outside in ten minutes. Here's you gym uniforms to change into." Aizawa then left to go outside making Izumo to sigh.
She just take her clothing off to place the gym uniform on making many to be shocked at her very boldness and her body plus the mark on her lower back plus what's on her arms and legs before she left the very classroom as many didn't see the scars on her body as she gained them from escaping the laboratory a lot.
Izumo fully knows where she's going thanks to her floating eyeballs as the others did the same thing as her and was rushing to keep up with her walks as her long legs are making it harder to keep up with her. They saw they're outside and Izumo rolls her eyes as this is stupid to do while they could be listening to the principal's speech.
It's making her to hate this teacher very much so as she plans to see if they can't make him go crazy by her grandparents which they might enjoy doing to him as she sensed that Aizawa was pleased with their timing making her to again roll her eyes at him and thanks to being blind, he can't see it which is a win-win in her mind actually.
"Five minutes to get here. Good'."
"To be honest, sir... She changed in front of us and then just left. We followed her example and then left, but her legs are too long to keep up with her." Aizawa's shocked as that's not normal making her to shake her head at them as if they never had been fully naked in front of a family member since you were small and kept trying to skip bath time.
"Fist task's is 50-Mete Dash. You guys must run fifty meters straight while using you Quirk to fully improve you mobility. You completion times are going to be recoded." Aizawa's marking down the results.
Competitor/Quirk Time
Engine: 3.04 seconds
Explosion: 4.13 seconds
Frog: 5.58 seconds
Zero Gravity: 7.15 seconds
Tail: 5.49 seconds
Navel Laser: 5.51 seconds
Acid: Unknown (Faster than Yuga Aoyama)
Izumo got first place by using her natural speed since that's how fast she is without her two quirks as her time's 2.96 seconds max shocking them as she's fast which has Aizawa shocked as if she's truly that fast, then she's the most fastest person on the planet and can knock out Villains with a single punch to the face.
Izumo had Miruko and Ingenium to thank for that as they helped her out and she got better at it as she also has a treadmill to help keep it up as she does a ten km run on it making Ingenium to join her and she managed to out last him by two hours which is good for stamina training, but she does need to take a break from it fully to recover and let her muscles rest.
"The next test's the Grip Strength test as you guys need to gasp a hand-held device that'll read the force your grip exhibit in kilograms." Aizawa wonders about the participants as there's no one someone can break the device which he's about to be eating his words once it's Izumo's turn to do it now as she wonders about Miruko's training as it's making her to hold the device and squeezed it until...
Izumo broken the device with her strength making the Dupli-Arms Quirk User beside her to look shocked as she must of done a lot of training to have that kind of strength and Bakugou's just fully gasping as she can't be that strong as All Might's watching from a safe distance and he can't believe how strong she is and she's not even using One For All at all.
It's making him to wonder if his training made her too strong and powerful without her having One For All making him to worry for the Villains out there once she gets her hands on them. Most liking Miruko's training had her strength to be too strong and she just needs to fine tune it some more to a more manageable level to sue on things or people.
"The next test's the Standing Long Jump test which you guys use you Quirk to clear a sandbox designed for a standing long jump. You distance is also recoded'." Aizawa knows that the results are going to be different as he has his eyes on her as she looks different from others and he fully knows it has nothing to do with her Quirk.
It's making him to have caution about her as this is not going to be making any sense to him right now as he wonders how much is she not going to do without her Quirk for this testing as he needs to know what she can do with it, but it's difficult to know that if she does it all without a Quirk like she is right now actually.
Competitor/Quirk Distance
Gravity: Cleared sandbox
Navel Laser: Cleared sandbox
Explosion: Landed within sandbox
Izumo jumped and she cleared it making Aizawa to nod as the rest of the testing continues as the whole class' wondering how the heck can she handle this kind of thing as she's just one very mysteries girl and it's weird since she has that weird vibe inside of her making them to wonder more about her as she's going to be making them feel like they're near someone godly.
"The next test's the Repeated Side Step test as you guys move between three lines by side stepping from one to the other." Aizawa saw how Minoru Mineta has participated in this test by using his Quirk to bounce himself quickly between the lines, but Izumo just uses her two feet to get to the end of it making them to wonder why.
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