Chapter 12
By the time we arrived home, the light of the moon shown through the trees around the pack house, casting soft shadows on the ground.
I loved nights like this, where the moon was so bright you could see everything. The silver glow it gave the world made everything so beautiful and peaceful.
I helped Lucy unload the car and take all the bags in the house.
I couldn't help but notice how eerily quiet it was in the pack house. It wasn't that late. I expected at least a few people to still be roaming about, but as I followed Lucy to her room with some of her shopping bags, I heard not one noise, nor saw one person.
Lucy turned and smiled at me as we reached her door. "Thanks for coming with me today. It was fun." She whispered.
"Yeah, it was. We'll have to go again sometime." I replied.
"Goodnight!" She said quickly, pulling her bags inside and shutting the door.
I raised my eyebrows at the door that had so quickly been shut in my face. Whats going on?
I took my own bags and made my way towards my room. Or, Aiden's room I guess.
I opened the door slowly, quietly sneaking in, afraid he too may be in bed sleeping, like the rest of the pack.
I was shocked to find he was nowhere in the room.
I sniffed the air, but could only catch a scent a few hours old. Quickly, I made the decision to follow it.
I raced out the door, and through the pack house, following the scent as it lead me outside. Did he go outside? Does he ever go outside? What is he doing outside?
My mind raced with questions, and the fear that something may have happened terrified me.
His scent grew stronger as I followed it deep into the forest behind the pack house.
I knew he was close.
I was relieved, yet terrified when I spotted him sitting on a log, near the edge of a cliff.
I approached him slowly, not to startle him.
"Aiden?" I asked softly.
"Alice." I could hear a smile in his voice as he replied.
"Is everything ok?"
"Come sit by me." Was his short reply.
I made my way towards him, and took a seat at his side, on the log.
"What are you doing out here?"
"Shhhh. Look. Isn't it beautiful?"
I looked back out to what lay below the menacing drop off, and noticed the land below. It was gorgeous. You could see the curves of a river, and the land that went on for miles. I hadn't noticed what an amazing view it was until now.
"Wow.." I whispered. "You're right, it is a great view."
"Especially now, with how bright the moon is." He replied.
"Yeah.." I agreed quietly, in awe of the view before me.
"Wait.." My head snapped to him, eyes wide.
"How do you know how the moon looks right now?" I asked quickly.
He turned away from the marvelous view, and for the first time, when I looked into his eyes, they looked back into mine.
"You can.. You can see me." I whispered.
A grin quickly appeared as he stared at me, taking in every detail of my face.
"You're beautiful." He told me with a smile, softly touching my hair.
I smiled back, unable to pull my eyes away from his.
I was used to the eyes that were dull, and sad, and stared straight through me.
But these were so different.
These were full of life, and joy, and right now they were looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world.
I only get one night, every month. One night to see again, to feel normal again. I always come here, he said, motioning in front of the cliff.
He took my hand and stood from the log, walking slowly towards the edge.
"Aiden.." I said nervously, gripping his hand tightly.
"It's ok." He laughed,
"I'll never let you go."
- - - - - -
Short chapter, I know. But I wanted to give you all something. My Wattpad app froze for like two days then deleted itself. -_- So I redone loaded it today, and wrote this on my phone in the bathtub. Lol
Ugh. My baby dog. My precious precious Winnie, my little shihtzu, my little food loving piglet, Winnie, got sooooooo sick the other day. Like I was scared to death she was going to die. And I'm not kidding, she is my baby. Like I don't know what I would do without her. I'm convinced she literally thinks she's a human child. Ugh. I love her so much.
She was having diarrhea, but it was all blood, and she was throwing up so bad. And it started at night, so we couldn't take her to the vet until the next day. We put her in a big cage, because ya know, she was poopin everywhere, and I seriously slept on a cot in the laundry room next to her cage all night.
My poor baby.
We took her to the vet the next day, and it was just because her belly was upset from her food.
Ugh. All that from an upset tummy. So we switched her food, and they gave her some medies, and she's all back to normal now.
The little piglet was barking at me for my food today. -_- But I'm so happy she's back to being my cuddly little baby. <3
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