You Suffer, I Suffer
While Jaiden lost in her thoughts, and still beside James. The ground opened, it made the drop into a hole, and landed on something fullfy.
Then the door opened and showed them the road.
Cypher: Why did he even kidnap us? I mean... That's whats all he wanted to do? Watch him? I mean, what the heck! He shouldnt do that... That's abusive
Rebecca: You said it! Right Jaiden? Um... Jaiden?
Tony: Jaiden? Jaiden!
Jaiden: Huh?
Tony: Are you alright?
Jaiden: Not really... I' worried about James... Watch this. Hey James? James? James!
James: .....
Jaiden: See? He doesnt answer. His voices have taken over his mind already. The voices are probably instructing him horrible ideas
BlackSen: How so?
Jaiden: I've been in that phase before... I just never told you guys
Speechie: I feel bad for both of you...
Jaiden: I know... And the only way to break him from depression, is when he felt love once again... That is it. Depressed people thinks that people hates them, and they're useless. We have to help James see that everyone loves him and he's not useless
~At The Simple Animation House~
James went to their bedroom and slammed it. It was a loud slam. Jaiden bit her lips, worried sick for him.
She tried to open it, but unfortunately. He locked the door. She letted out a big sigh, and she told James
Jaiden: James... I'm just right here, I'm here if you need help to smile, or anything. I'll be here if you cant find the light, and I'll help yoi to see it once again. Just please, let me in, let me help you. Let me me help you like what you did to me before, I letted you help me, isnt that what partners do? Helo each other?
James: You. Frigging. Hate. Me. Remember?
Jaiden: It's not true! Just think about it! If I have hated and have given up on you, why would I still be here, talking to you?
James: To give me fake pity...
Jaiden: James please!
James: Just... Leave me alone...
Jaiden's POV
His depression is far worse than me. He was very firm and doesnt let people talk his problems out.
This happened to me before, but I only talked this out to those who I reallt trust. And that is James.
James isnt like me. He would talk his problems to the friends he trust. But I think the voices have influenced him that I'm not the person who he should trust. The voices must've persuaded him that only them, are the only ones he could trust.
James... If you only could realize it now... That I'm here for you. Here to comfort you, help you, save you... Anything... I have no idea that his other side was worse than mine...
His good side was extremely positive, and his bad side was extremely negative.
If I could, I'd shut his negative side down. But it's all inside his brain. I cant just operate him and pull everything out. I'm not even a suregeon nor a doctor to do that...
I wish I could enter in his mind and tell him... I love him. I love his smile, warmth, but msot of all, his extraordianary personality. He's perfect just the way he is, and everyone loves him, as much as I love him.
End of POV
Jaiden went downstairs to watch T.V as Alex sat beside her.
Alex: Hey man... I know you're upset about what James' going through now... But James' a strong guy! He can encounter those
Jaiden: You have no idea how worse his depression is right now. It was worse than mine...
Alex: I know... It's fine, let it all out
As Jaiden bursted out crying. Her tears flowed. Not only her cried, but her heart too. Her heart ached so much, and the only thing that released its pain was when she cried.
She wanted to shout and scream all of it out of her system, and luckily she did. She felt better after crying it out. But there's still a bit of it left in her heart.
~Hours Later~
Jaiden just finished watching the movie that BlackSen setted it up for her. It made her calm down for a bit.
But after it, her mind turned to James. So she decided to check him again. So she went upstairs to check him.
She knocked on the door and spoke. But there was no answer. She opened it and he was gone. Then, he heard noises from the bathroom.
She slowly walked through there and found James there. With a blade and was cutting himself.
Jaiden: No no James wait!
Before she could stop James, he had already sliced his arms. But, after slicing it, Jaiden felt the pain.
James did it again, and everytime he makes a slice on his arms, Jaiden could feel it too. She couldnt speak. It was too painful. James was creating deeper cuts than Jaiden did before.
Agh... Jaiden said, then James lifted up his head. He saw Jaiden, holding her right arm, he looked at her right arm, but there were no cuts there.
James' POV
After slicing it deeper, my vision cleared. I didnt see darkness anymore, I could see better, I can finally see my surroundings.
Then, I heard Jaiden breathinf heavily, I saw her holding her right arm, I saw now cut. I glanced at my cut and it was bleeding.
Then, I have realized, if I suffer, she suffers too. If I cut myself, she could feel it. I dropped the blade, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his bleeding arm.
He grabbed Jaiden and rushed her to their room. She carefullt layed her on their bed.
James: Jaiden? Are you okay?
Jaiden: No... It hurted so much James... When you cut, I coild feel like there's an invisible knife slicing my right arm... It hurts so much James...
James: I'm so sorry you have felt that... But I'm okay now... I promise I wont do that ever again... I'm sorry I have harmed you... Physically and emotionally... I'm such a bad boyfriend to you, arent I?
Jaiden: No James... It wasnt your fault at all... It was Dexter's okay? I knew you couldnt control it. I know that those voices are worse than mine... You're not a bad boyfriend James. I know you wanted to help me, and I know you couldnt, I understand you James...
James: R-really? Let me ask you a question...
Jaiden: What is it?
James: Do you really love me
Jaiden: Yes. A galaxy of yes, that is
Then, they've kissed. Moments later, they pulled apart.
Jaiden: Promise me you wont do that again? And if it ever did, promise me you'll open up to me, and never keep it to yourself?
James: Cross my heart
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