You Mean-?
~The next day~
James' POV
I woke up at 6 in the morning. I planned to animate a little before I attend my appointment with Dr. Ricardo at 8 AM.
I planned him to help me figure out what I've been feeling. I dont want to get this worse, I have no idea if it's natural or I'm sick.
So I went to my desk to animate. I was a bit sleepy at that time. So that's why my drawings were sort of messy.
Then 7 AM came, I heard doors open. It means everyone's up and for breakfast. So I went donwstairs to eat. Den was cooking us pancake, while Jaiden cooks us a bacon and egg.
After minutes of waiting, the 2 girls finished and laid the meal on our table. We started eating.
After eating, Tony volunteered to wash the dishes. Since no one's really in the mood to run early in he morning. Well good thing Tony washed the dishes. Cause if I was the one who would, I'd be late for my appointment!
Speaking of appointment, I'm going to be late in 20 minutes! So I rushed back upstairs into my bedroom to grab my clothes, then I hurried to the bathroom.
~9 minutes later~
I finished brushing my hair, so I went downstairs and informed everyone that I'd be going to an appointment, they replied with a yes and I left.
I took the taxi and it only took 7 minutes to reach there. So I have 4 minutes left before 8 AM, and I do not want to arrive there at 8:01.
End of POV
James went to the front desk and asked where Dr. Ricardo's office was. The nurse pointed him to the left and he went there. He walked slowly, trying to find his name on the door.
After dozens of doors, he finally foumd his door. He went in there and was greeted by a friendly doctor.
Dr.R: Oh! Hello, you must be?
James: James Rallison, sir
Dr.R: So, you told me you came here for emotion consultation?
James: Pretty much
Dr.R: Alrighty then. Let's get started. So tell me, what feelings are you feeling right now
James took a deep breath and started to talk.
James: Well... I have this friend name Jaiden
Dr.R: Mhm, go on
James: I usually hang out with her, and our friends ships us
Dr.R: Your friends ships you two? Well what do you guys do anyways that made them ship you?
James: I have no idea. But we usually hang out
Dr.R: So you live with your friends right?
James: Yeah
Dr.R: So how often do you hang out with them?
James: Uhm.... Like 40%
Dr.R: What about this girl, Jaiden?
James: Maybe like 60...
Dr.R: So have you done anything to her? Any romantic things? Or just friendly?
James: Friendly, sir...
Dr.R: Interesting. So what if someone jokes, which person made you laugh hard? Jaide or your other friends?
James: Mostly Jaiden
Dr.R: Hmm.... If you'd excuse me, I'll just summarize this down. I'll be back when I'm done
Dr. Ricardo stood up from his seat and went in to a private room in his office.
James was very nervous about the results. He was worried on what if he's getting crazy. He sweated like he was being fried on a pan.
~Minutes later~
Dr. Ricardo got out of the private room with the results on his hands. James sweated even more. His heart pumped faster as if he was running. He couldnt breath pretty much. But he was breathing enough to not suffocate him.
Dr.R: So do you want to hear your results?
James: Y-yes sir...
Dr.R: So, the results ate you're in love
James: What?!
Dr.R: Let me explain first okay?
James:O-oh.. U-umm okay. S-sorry...
Dr.R: So I've summarized it and did everything, and all the results were you're in love. We if someone's in love, you'll always spend your time with that specific person. That specific person would also make you happier than those others. People started shipping you because, well... You're always together, and there might be happening between you two
James: But can you explain why I kissed her automatically?! I wasnt planning to do it but my body did it!
Dr.R: Well, it seems you do love her. Maybe the thought of you're in love with her hasnt still reached your brain. You're brain disagrees, but your body seems to be okay if you're in love. I know it may seem too unrealistic to believe. But trust me, one day you'll realize it
James: T-thank you...
The doctor handed James the results. He waved at him with a smile, ad James did the same. He looked down at the results and still not believing at it.
While looking down at paper, he suddenly bumoed into someone. It was Jaiden.
James: J-jaiden! What are you doing here?!
Jaiden: J-james! What are you doing here?!
The two laughed then James insisted Jaiden to answer first.
Jaiden: Well, I went here for an emotion test
James: Oh me too!
Jaiden: So what's it about?
James: I-it's something personal. Yours?
Jaiden: It's something personal too...
Silence feel upon them. But Jaiden breaked it.
Jaiden: Hey, what do ya say if we collab again? You're just a fun person to collab with!
James: Aww shucks Jaiden, I'd love to! Let's go!
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