Worst Trip
Jaiden's POV
~2:30 AM~
My alarm beeped. It was signallinf me it's 2:30 im the morning. I know James told me that I should be waking up at 3 but, I havent packed my stuffs yet. I am also used to getting up early.
So I went to grab my long purple bag with my name on it Jaiden Animations, with my character and Ari on the side.
I putted my clothes there, especially my favorite clothes, the watermelon shorts and shirt.
Then, I went downstairs to prepare my squad breakfast. I dont want them to have extra work. Besides, all my tasks are done and could be setted aside.
James, Speechie, Tim and Cypher Den were already awake. They went downstairs with their bags on the hands. It seems their stuffs are packed.
While they walked like a zombie to the kitchen, I placed their breakfast on the counter already. I putted a glass of milk beside it too.
Everyone's awake! So, BlackSen's just warming the van up, and we'll be ready to go!
James: You excited Jaiden?
Jaiden: Excited?! I'm thrilled! Cypher also told me there's a jacuzzi in it!
James: I know! That van's pretty amazing
BlackSen: Okay guys! You come hop in now
Rebecca: Finally!
~6 :10 AM~
The sun have rosen, and I'm in a jacuzzi! It's so warm and relaxing, and while doing this, you get to see beautiful sceneries! Woah!
I was in the Jacuzzi with the girls. Then, Tim was driving the van, while the bots were playing xbox. They were playing Mario Games.
End of POV
~With the boys~
Tony: Hey James, what do you think Jaiden's wearing?
James: I dont know, maybe her swim suit?
Tony: But what kind? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
James: What the frick Tony?!
Alex: Ooo! James is blushing!
James: I am not!
BlackSen: Then why you screaming bro?
Tony: Yeah James, why? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
James: It's because you asked me an inappropriate question! You perverts!
Alex: Guilty?
James: Am not guilty! Guys, I told you, I dont have a crush on anyone!
Then Jaiden just got out of the jacuzzi, they boys stared at her then back to James with a smirk. But Jaiden was wearing a one piece.
James: There! She's wearing a one piece, there! Problem solved!
BlackSen: But you were expecting to see her wear a two piece, right?
James: Heck no! She told me she would never wear one in her life. As in ever! E. V. E. R. Ever!
Tony: But how did you know?
James: S-she told me!
BlackSen: Because you asked her!
James: You guys...
Everyone's downstairs, partying. Jaiden was too shy to even talk to them, so she was just sitting outside, gazing upon the bright stars.
Crickets were playing a peaceful tune, the owls hoots calmly. It was a quiet night outside, no honking horns, no cars passes by.
Suddenly, James opened the door and sat next to her.
James: Hey
Jaiden didnt answer. She was still shy
James: Hi, I'm James. What's your name?
Jaiden: J-jaiden...
James: That's a cool name! So why arent you partying with us?
Jaiden: I-it's just that... I'm shy. I'm awkward and cant even start a conversation
James: Well you are now!
Jaiden: No, you started this conversation...
James: It doesnt matter who started it. What matters is you're okay! Look at you, talking to someone you just known for a few minutes, now you're talking to him!
Jaiden: -giggles- I guess you have a point
James: So, have you ever been in to a water park?
Jaiden: I actually have!
James: Really, cool! So what do you wear while swimming? The 2 piece, one piece, or rush guard?
Jaiden: Hmm... I would actually wear anything as long as it's not 2 piece. I hate it!
James: Same I dont know why some girls want their backs to be shown, I mean, it's very unsignificant to do it! You'te just going to swim!
Jaiden: I agree! So, what do you wear?
James: While swimming? Well shirt and shorts. Sometimes rush guard.
Jaiden: Well, I'm glad you wear that. Guys who wear shirtless are just... Disturning to me
James: To be honest, me too! Why does guys have to attract girls with their hot bod?! Attract them with your own personality!
Jaiden: Kill them with kindess!
James: Yeah! Instead of killing them with hot bod (cause they kept fainting), kill 'em with kindness!
The two laughed, and laughed the night away.
{End Of Flashback}
James gave out a small and short laugh.
James: Heh... If you only knew guys, you wouldnt be teasing me right now
Tony: Ofcourse we wont, if you tell us
James: Fine... Here goes!
James told them every detail that they should know. He tries to avoid some subject like him asking what she would wear. Instead he changed the statement to: we were talking about style and said she would never wear a two piece bikini. Like that...
With that, he wasnt teased so often while ecplaining it. But after it, the boys were still teasing him.
~With the girls~
Rebecca: What in the world are they talking about?
Speechie: Yeah... All I heard are like laughs, oohs and aahs
Cypher: Someone should go and ask them, cause I cant take another surprise scream of theirs, it's making my ears bleed...
Jaiden: I guess I could...
Cypher: Oh yes Jaiden, please do it for us
Jaiden got out of the jacuzzi then asked the boys what were they talking about.
Jaiden: Hey guys, what are you screaming and laughing all about?
Tony: Oh, we were just talking about how James'-
James: Shut up!!!
Jaiden: About what?
James: Oh! Nothing! Wewerejusttalkingaboutmariocart!
Jaiden: Umm... Okay then, thanks for answering
James: Heh. Anytime!
Jaiden then went back to the jacuzzi with the girls, who were apparently talking about girl stuffs.
Cypher: So? What did they say?
Jaiden: Apprently, the thing they were laughing about was Mario Cart. The game they were playing, I dont know why so...
Speechie: Probably there were many funny moments there that they cant help it in but, laugh it all out
Jaiden: I guess yeah?
Rebecca: Well, let's not let them ruin our girl time!
Cypher: Rebecca's right, we shouldnt let them destroy this best moment
All the girls agreed, and went to continue what they are doing.
~1 Day Later~
BlackSen: Hey guys! Were in Canada now
James: Finally! I've been sitting on my butt for hours! I need to exercise after this
Eveyone got off the van and went to the booth to grab tickets so they could enter the amusement park.
The gang decided to ride other things first before they ride roller coaster.
~Many rides later~
The Animation Squad rode 20 rides, and now they are off to thir 21st ride, the roller coaster. Everyone was so thrilled.
Tim: Okay guys, pick a partner!
Everyone picked their partners, and these were the pairs:
James & Jaiden
Tony & BlackSen
Speechie & Tim
Rebecca & Cypher
Alex himself.
So they got in one of the carts. After everyone carts were taken, the ride slowly started.
It was a 6 minute long ride, and it was full of screaming people.
~6 Minutes Later~
The ride gradually slowed down, and everyone got off the car. Everyone was ofcourse dizzy, but no one felt an urge to puke but Jaiden. She excused herself and ran to the bathroom alone.
The gang followed her so Jaiden wouldnt struggle finding them. So, while Jaiden was vomiting, they rest waited outside.
Jaiden's POV
After vomiting, I wiped my mouth then, my vision blurred a bit. I rubbed my eyes so it would disappear. Apprently, it didnt work.
So I went outside in one of the stalls and washed my face. It also didnt work. I was still dizzy, weird...
I know dizziness only lasts for 3 minutes or below, if you're used on riding roller coaster. I am used to riding roller coasters, in fact! This is my 13th time!
But it lasted for more than 3 minutes now. So I dont know what's wrong with me. Then, I suddenly felt a pain in eye. It hurts so bad, that I screamed.
End of POV
The gang were waiting for Jaiden and was wondering what had happened to her. Then, James heard her scream. He told everyone she screamed.
Everyone busted in the girls' bathroom. Luckily there were no girls in there, only Jaiden. They found Jaiden lying on the bathroom floor, holding her eye and was crying in pain.
Speechie: Someone hold her up!
James and Tony went by her side, picked her up and brought her back to the van. Her eyes were still closed and she was still crying.
Tim went ahead of them to start the van. When everyone reached the car, the van was already on. The two boys putted Jaiden in and made her sit down.
Rebecca: Jaiden! Are you okay?
Jaiden: A little bit...
Then she opened her eyes and everyone saw her eyes were red.
Rebecca: What happened?!
Jaiden: I was just vomiting and when I opened my eyes, my vision suddenly blurred...
Even now, it's still like this...
How she sees:
Tony: We better bring you to the hospital now! Step on it Tim!
Tim immidiately pressed the gas pedal and went straight to the hospital. The trip to the nearest hospital wasnt peaceful at all...
Everyone kept asking Jaiden questions, and Jaiden answers them. She thought that they could help her by telling them the truth.
~At the Hospital~
Dr.Reyes: So... You're telling me your vision is blurred? Like this photo?
Jaiden: Yes sir...
Dr.Reyes: You also said you vomited, got dizzy, and you felt pain in your eyes?
Jaiden: I felt severe pain...
Dr.Reyes: Hmm... Your eyes are red... I'm afraid you have Glaucoma
Alex:W-what's that sir?
Dr.Reyes: Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to your eye's optic nerve and gets worse over time. It's often linked to a buildup of pressure inside your eye. People with this diesease are partially blind. You're lucky you're not totally blind
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