If You Only Knew...
James: U-um... I was drunk! I have no idea what I said! Did it made you uncomfortable?!
Jaiden: Not really...
James: What?
Jaiden: I mean it's okay! I knew you were drunk! (Her thought: That was... Close)
James: Well we better wake up everyone and go home now
Jaiden: Yeah...
The two shook everyone so hard. But none of their friends would wake up. Sure some did, but shooed them and demanded them to let them sleep more.
So they had no choice but to carry them, on-by-one. After bringing Cypher in the van, whose the last person left, James decided to drive the van. While Jaiden sat next to the driver's seat.
Jaiden: Are you sure you remembered nothing?
James: E-er.... Um... Yep!
Jaiden: Okay then...
~At the Animation House~
After carrying their last friend to their respective rooms. Jaiden waved goodbye to James, as she planned to sleep more, and sleep the headache away. James nodded and went to his room.
James made up his mind, he have gathered all the courage to tell Jaiden that he loved her. So he made an animation, and surprisingly, it didnt took him long! Usually it takes me 3 hours to finish an animation. But he did it in an hour only. He posted it, and left.
He ran off to the chocolate store and planned to go to the flower shop afterwards. He planned something special to Jaiden.
~At The Animation House~
Everyone finally woke up, it was 10 in the morning and everyone's head ached, except for Jaiden. Who have slept for quite enough hours already.
Speechie went downstairs to the kitchen groggily. She planned to make everyone a pancake, she was going to grab a milk, but she accidentally grabbed a juice carton.
Jaiden, who just came from upstairs, saw Speechie planning to make pancakes but instead she got a carton of juice.
Jaiden: Wait!
Speechie: What?
Jaiden: Are you going to make a pancake?
Speechie: Yeah. Why?
Jaiden: Well, you got the wring ingredient, see?
Speechie: Did I? -looks at her hand- Oh yeah! I did...
Jaiden: Well let me prepare the breakfast today. I'm afraid that you'll mix the wrong ingredients and give us a tummy ache. You dont want to have 2 aches at the same time, now do you?
Speechie: I guesd you're right... I'll be here in the living room watching t.v. if you need me, I'l be over here
Jaiden: Okay
Jaiden placed the juice back to it's proper place, the fridge. She got the ingredients out amd mixed them to make a pancake batter.
Before turning the batter into a solid pancake, she searched blueberries in the fridge and got them. She planned to add them in the batter.
~20 Pancakes later~
Jaiden called everyone, everyone went downstairs like they were zombies, except Speechie who was a little better.
Tony: What is this? Paper?
Jaiden: Um... No? It's pancake
Alex: Really? It looks like a burned flat potato to me
Jaiden: What ever you think of this food... Just eat it...
Tony: Even if it's paper?
Jaiden: Yes! Yes Tony!
Tony: I didnt know papers are nutritious!
Jaiden faced palm as she tried her best to convince all of her friends to eat the pancakes. She has convinced Tony and Alex already. So looks like she still has to convince 5 of her friends.
~5 Friends Later~
She finally have convinced everyone. In the middle of the meal-
T.V: And the cat was found at a tree and was rescued. Next news, Car Crash. Someone found a guy near a chocolate shop
Jaiden was finished at that time, she went to the couch and listened.
T.V: He was found lying on the ground. He was bleeding, but he was rushed to the hospital immidiately
Jaiden shivered, she was hoping it wasnt James. Since she knows that James is isnt here.
T.V: We found asked the store keeper if they happen to know the guy. And surprisingly, they knew who that guy was.
He was James Rallison, a famous youtuber, apparently. Also known as TheOdd1sOut in the internet.
What did this guy do to deserve to be hitted by a car? Next up, Water falls. The water dripped from the-
Jaiden turned off the T.V, everyone heard the news, they heard that James was injured and everything. So they immidiately went to the hospital.
Jaiden cried during the ride. Not wanting to believe that James was hurt. All of her friends comforted her. They didnt tease her, since this was serious.
~At The Hospital~
Tim: Ma'am, do you happen to know a guy callrd James Rallison?
Nurse: James Rallison? Yes, are you his?
Tim: Friends! So where is his room?!
Nurse: Just take the elevator the the 3rd floor , and find room 908, you'l find him in there
Tim: Thank you!
Eveyone rushed to the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button immidiately.
After reaching their desired floor, the easily found room 908. They went to there, when they entered in, James was asleep and the doctor was standing there.
Dr.: Oh hello, you must be hus friends, right?
Jaiden: Yes we are sir!
Dr.: Sadly, your friend here is in a coma
Cypher: Do you know when he'll wake up?!?!?
Dr.: I cant predict it. But usually comas last for a year or so... But we'll call you when he does wake up
Tony: Thank you sir...
The doctor left and everyone left the room except Jaiden, who was looking at his unconcious best friend.
Jaiden: I cant believe you were the one who's lying down in this hospital bed... I wish I cpuld suffer with you...
You dont deserve this... I do... I'm imperfect... If you only knew, James... That I love you. Even if you reject me, atleats I have told you the truth. Now... I have to wait for a year or so before I tell you this... I'm sorry I havent told you this sooner... But I love you James...
Forever, and always...
Jaiden then kissed his lips and catched up with her friends. When she caught up, she tried to wear a smile for them. But deep inside, she was hurt.
Like someone stabbed her in her heart. Or like her heart is burning under the Arizona sun. But you could describe any pain... But the exact way to describe it, is she's feeling a Satanic pain.
She wished she wasnt a coward girl, who hides many secrets from everyone.
~In the Van~
Jaiden insisted everyone to talk without her, she wanted alone time anyway.
She opened her phone, and got a notification from youtube: New From TheOdd1sOut! For Jaiden.
Jaiden clicked the 5 minute long video. After watching it, she cried.
The Video:
Hey guys! So um... This video is different. As you can tell from the title.
Internet... I will be now confessing, a secret that I've hid for a very long time. Ever since I met this wonderful lady.
It's Jaiden.
She's a sweet, talented, and beautiful woman. She has a cute smile that could light up the night for miles.
She has this extraordinary personality. She's unlike the other girl's. Girly girl, dramatic, likes dolls, you name them.
But Jaiden? She likes pokémon, she's very simple with her clothes. She's never the bossy or sassy lady.
You may say the one that is dazzling and perfect should be chosen. But you know, it doesnt have to be the perfect face, perfect body. It has to be the perfect personality.
And what can I say? Jaiden's what my heart beated for, and I could agree with my heart. She may be simple and all that, atleast she's not like the other girls who bully people or criticize.
Falling inlove with my best friend was the best mistake I've ever done. I know love usually starts with strangers, completer strangers...
And you cant fall in love with your best friend, they say. I thought that before, it was a mistake. But now that I have thought of it, screw the world!
I'm TheOdd1sOut! I can differ from everyone! I can fall inlove with the girl that I love! And that is Jaiden.
And Jaiden, if you're watching this... I love you...
-End of Video-
Jaiden bursted her tears, it was loud enough for everyone to hear that she was crying.
Rebecca patted Jaiden's back, telling that they're here and James is fine.
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