~6 AM~
James and Jaiden have been sitting for hours, and nothing has happened to them. They are still as ever in the dark room.
They havent sleeped, just in case Dexter comes back and kills both of them while asleep. And that is not how they picture their death.
NewsCaster: Good Morning everyone, we are here at the Animation House. James and Jaiden, from TheOdd1sOut and Jaiden Animations, were recently kidnapped.
It has been reported to the police station of their kidnap. But there's still no trace of them. The only clue they have was a plate number and a direction. But this happened at last night.
The case was only reported this dawn.
So, we'll be talking to one of their friends. So maam, do you happen to know the guy who kidnapped them? And do any of them have any enemies?
Speechie: Well... I have no idea if James and Jaiden have any enemies. But, the only thing I knew is James has one. But it was his high school enemy
Tony: They were also cool. They are nice to us, and I dont get it why they deserved to kidnapped...
NewsCaster: Thank you for your answers. If you have found this plate number, call us immidiately
Jaiden: J-james... I want to go now... Darkness gives me horrible flashbacks, please!
James: Dont worry Jaiden, I'll get us out of here, somehow...
Then, Jaiden sobbed at James' shoulder, making his sleeves wet, but he didnt mind it. But while she cries, he's thinking of how to get out of a very dark room.
But then...
Well well well... Jaiden... This what happens if you dont follow us! Look at what happened to you!! You're now stuck with this guy who has an enemy who kidnapped both of you! If you had ended your life you're not going to be in trouble now! You shouldnt have met James. He's the one who got both of you in trouble. What kind of boyfriend would he be, if he kept secrets from you? An ocean of secrets Jaiden!! Open your fricking eyes! Listen to us... You'll never me harmed again...
Since James and Jaiden's soul are now binded together. He could hear a part of Jaiden. As if the voices have broken free from her own mind. Finally escaping.
James looked down, the voices were right. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he kept secrets from his own girlfriend? I'm such a horrible being, James thought.
But then...
Jaiden: What do you mean James is a horrible person!?!? He's a wonderful guy! He helped me defeat you, twice! But this time, you'll not take over me again! You think suicide is the solution to all problems!? Well I dont think so! I believe there is a solution to every problem, and killing isnt an option!
After Jaiden yelling all those, the voices were quiet. James was shocked at what Jaiden said. He thought she'd cry all those out and let the voices take over her.
James: Woah... Jaiden, h-how did you do that?
Jaiden: Y-you heard?! A-anyways... I did it because of you
James: What?! I barely did anything
Jaiden: Yes you did. You helped me show that killing isnt a solution, you showed me there's something brighter in the near future. You made me the person who I am now. You gave me strength, comfidence and courage. For without you, those voices could have stayed. With you, I feel like I'm the luckiest girl...
James: That's so sweet Jaid... I'm glad you finally fought back! But we have to get out of here!
Then, they heard pecking sound on the door. Then, they heard clashing of metals. Being twisted, and believed they were keys.
They thought it was Dexter, so they clsoed their eyes tightly, but to their surprise, it was Ari!
Jaiden: A-ari!? How did you found us?!
Ari tweeted, but since none of knows how to speak bird language. They just commanded Ari to peck them out of here.
Ari followed them, he/she pecked the rope tied around their limbs and after pecking the last rope, they were free. Ari landed on Jaiden's shoulder as the couple ran out of Dexter's place.
Luckily, they remained unnoticed. The couple asked around where they were. With that, they found their home.
James and Jaiden knocked on the Animation House's door. Alex answered it and was over joyed. He called everyone as everyone bursted into tears.
Cypher: H-how did you guys escaped!?
Jaiden: It's Ari. He/she helped us escape
James: We actually have no idea how Ari tracked us, but let's just be happy we're out y'know?
Alex: Well, Aries (plural of Ari) are intelligent you know
Tim: Yeah, but sadly. We have to move. Our location is too dangerous. So we have to leave our Animation House and find another place, with something smaller than a mansion... Bevause if we dont, expect more sabotages in the future. And you guys have to promise me that you'll never vlog our house. You can, but inside, and also, never tell our location, okay?
Everyone: Got it
Tony: So, where are we moving?
Tim: Well, we are going to move back to Arizona, since Jaiden and James' family are there, both families could help us if we needed help
Jaiden: When are we goinf to be moving exactly?
Tim: Right now! Go pack up your things, were selling this house.
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