Cant Control
After several spins later, the bottle pointed to James. He chose dare since he chose truth before.
Tim: Okay James, I dare you to go to Jaiden's closet, with Jaiden for 10 minutes
James: What the heck!
Rebecca: It's a dare. Sorry James
James: What the fjeuwbja Fine! Let's go Jaiden
James grabbed her hands and went in to the closet. Everyone continued the game so they will look like they arent planning anything.
~With the two~
Jaiden saw James' face. He looked upset. He was crossing his arms and was looking at the side of the closet.
Jaiden: James?
James: Yeah?
Jaiden: What's wrong?
James: -sighs- Nothing...
Jaiden could tell that he's lying. So she just stayed quiet. But without asking another question, he just told her the reason.
James: I'm sorry I lied to you... Yes there's something wrong, and I'm upset at the squad's attitude... They keep forcing us to be couple and... It's getting annoying to be honest...
Jaiden: Oh... I feel you James. It's okay, ley them have fun. They'll realize that what they are doing is wrong
James: So, what should we do in here for 10 minutes?
Jaiden: I dont know...
Then they rubbed their arm and they were blushing. They couldnt see each other's blush, since the light was very dim to see red spots.
But what could they be thinking that mqde them blush. Then suddenly James kissed Jaiden. They kissed for 2 minutes and when they pulled apart-
James: Jaiden I'm so so sorry! I'm so sorry! I couldnt control it! I dont know what came over me!
Jaiden: I-it's fine James... I know you dont mean it. In the dare, I dont really plan to kiss you, but I have no idea why I did that
James: What's going on with us tonight?
Jaiden: But... For some reason it felt right... Do you know what this thing is?
James: I... Dont know... But you're right... I does feel right. But... It's not like I have a crush on you or something!
Jaiden: Y-yeah! It's not like that!
Speechie: Okay guys! 10 minutes is up! You can get out now, also we'll just leave your room now. We're going to sleep now, thanks for letting us play! Night guys
Then the door slammed shut. That is only when the two got out of the closet.
James: Well, good night Jaiden
Jaiden: Night James
James left and Jaiden went to bed, and she drifted off to sleep.
The rest of the gang we're at Cypher's room, investigating James' and Jaiden's reactions.
Rebecca: So we got-
>Sat next to each other
>Blushed After Kiss
>Many sorries in the closet (?)
So what do they mean by sorry?
BlackSen: It's either what James done in the past or hurted her
Alex: Ugh... Their feelings still doesnt make sense!
Cypher: Hmm... They blushed, so there's a possibility they like that. But maybe we should stop teasing and forcing them guys. James seems... Annoyed at our attitude
Alex: You're right...
Rebecca: Well, whoever they marry is, I'd be happy for them. Even if they didnt become a couple...
James' POV
Why in the world did I kiss Jaiden?! It's not like I like her or anything?! Brain why did you have to do that? I... I dont like her...
I cant solve this on my own. I'll just ask someone so I could solve this sudden actions that I do not really plan to do...
End of POV
James went to bed and drifted to sleep.
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