Behind My Smiles
~After The Game~
It was already 5, and Adam now needs to go home. He smiled and waved goodbye, as the door closed.
Everyone decided to have dinner, but were all lazy.
Rebecca: Ugh I'm hungry...
Tony: Same... I could eat a truck of cookies right now
James: Alright, let's go find a place where we could eat. I dont want Tony to eat all of our cookies in our counter again
Speechie: Wait... Can we eat in Phoenix?
Tim: Sorry Speechie, but why cant currently...
Speechie: Why not?
Tim: Well... Workers from Phoenix knows James and Jaiden, and we cant expose our existence here! They have kids too, and they have a youtube channel!
Speechie: So? I dont see a problem there
Tim: They vlog and could expose us to the kidnappers!
Alex: More like adultnappers?
Rebecca: We dont have time for jokes Alex...
Alex: Awh...
Tim: They are actually when they show up and vlog us... You know that?
Speechie: Then where the freak can we eat?!!??!
Jaiden: We could have a dinner at my parents' house
Cypher: You're kidding right?
Jaiden: Nope
Rebecca: Then what are we waiting for?!?!?! Lets go!!!
Jaiden: You guys go in the van, I'll just inform my mom
Everyone went inside the van. As James was about to leave the house, he glanced one more time at Jaiden, and saw that her smile had faded.
James: Are you alright?
Jaiden: Y-yeah...
James: I know you're lying...
Jaiden: No I'm not! W-why would I ever lie to you???
James: So I wont get hurt and add more problems to me? That's what you always say
Jaiden: Fine, you got me... I'm not okay...
James: Is it the baby thing again?
Jaiden: Yeah... It's all my fault okay? If I stayed strong and stayed away from those pills, the baby wouldnt get killed! I hate my fricking self! I'm like an ametuer... Making dumb decisions... It's my fault that now you're full of regrets... You're like a sponge and I'm the water, you're absorbing my regrets, even if I should be the one who should be regretting...
James: It's okay Jaid... We both made a huge mistake
Jaiden: A humongous mistake, that is...
James: I know that it would leave us a scar that lasts eternally, until death... But now we know what we shouldnt do, right?
Jaiden: Yeah... I guess...
James: We may have a scar that lasts forever, but we have to stay strong. We still have a lot of missions left if we left this world early. Think about the fans! They wont be happy, neither do our parents and friends
Jaiden: T-thanks James...
They hugged each other. Then Jaiden's phone alarmed, telling her someone texted her. It was her mom, it said it was fine. So the couple hopped in the van with their friends.
Tony: What took you so long guys?
James: Some stuffs came up, but it's settled! (for now maybe...)
Cypher: Hmm... Kissing session?
Jaiden: Frick wha?!
Cypher: What? You're a thing and all that, so there's a possibility you guys are kissing
James & Jaiden: .....
Tim: Guilty?
James: N-no!!!
TIm: Alright then
Jaiden's POV
Wow... How could James do that? He easily forgot the issue? How could he easily do a smile after the death of our child? While me? It's too hard for me... I cant even smile properly...
T-that's amazing!... I wish I could be like James. Who could move on and smile for everyone. Who also tells his problems truthfully, whenever he is asked.
Me? I do it in the hard way, and I dont know why... I always say that, it's nothing. And when revealed, I always answer, to not add up more problems to you. I've been in that situation before...
But I never change my strategies... To be honest, the voices in me are still alive. Waiting for me to come back to them. I could see myself giving up myself to them again. They return when I'm sad, whether if it's just a short term or long term sadness (which is depression) they'll be in control for me.
They never really left me... Why cant I be a fighter like James? I always seem to give up, like a sprout in a storm. Always bends down when the hardest point of life is happening, and withers away if too much comes in the way, and noone revives him...
I'm like that sprout. I accept defeat, when I shouldnt. I would always think that suicide is the answer, when there is really another solution. My friends are here for me, yet, I dont allow them to heal me. I'm a lucky sprout that I have a healer, but I deny the offer...
Why am I like this? I sometimes hate myself... Telling that I'm useless and no one cares for me. But in reality... Everyone cared for me. Showing me the light, while I'm lost in the vast darkness of my own cave (mind/thoughts)
As much as I wanted to tell them my problems... There's like an invisible tape on my mouth. It's like those voices putted it there, keeping me from spilling the truth... I wish I could remove the invisible tape. But I couldnt...
End of POV
Everyone have finally reached Jaiden's parents' home. Everyone got down of the van, everyone smiling, excited for the prepared food. Except Jaiden, whose frowning and lost in her thoughts.
Then James wrapped his arms on Jaiden's shoulder, which made her snap out of her thoughts and smile.
As they got in, they were greeted by Jaiden's parents.
Mrs.A: Welcome Jaiden's friends! Long time no see and- Oh my gosh! Rebecca! You've grown into a much more beautiful lady!
Rebecca: Heh! Thanks Mrs.Animations!
Mr.A: Well take a seat everyone, the food will be served in a few more minuutes
Mrs.A: Oh hello Jaiden, sweetie! Also hello to you too James!
Jaiden: Hey mom...
James: Hello Mrs.Animations
Mrs.A: Sweetie? What's wrong?
James: She's upset since our child died
Mrs.A: Wait are you guys married?!??
James: Not yet. We are just dating, but I accidentally got her pregnant
Mrs.A: It's fine, at least I know that my Jaiden is safe with you. Come with me Jaiden. Let's talk this out
Jaiden: O-okay...
Jaiden went with her mom, as James sat with his friends, who were watching the opened T.V. They were watching news, and it told them someone was rushed to the hospital, after a car accident.
Cypher: This gives me flashbacks...
Tony: Yeah... Where our head ached so much, and where James got in an accident
James: Hey... Let's not bring that up anymore, shall we? I mean, the past is in the past
Alex: Frozen reference?
James: Well... Elsa's right anyways. The past is in the past. And how could you move on if you kept coming back with the past? I know, they're very painful memories, but let memories, me memories... Dont turn them into a reality again... Cause, well, the past is in the past
Everyone nodded in agreement. Then Mr.Animations called them for dinner.
~After Dinner~
Everyone loved Jaiden's mom's dish and complimented her, as Mrs.Animations thanked them. Everyone left with a full tummy, and their taste buds were satisfied. Then, they hopped in the van.
As Jaiden and James were about to leave the house, Jaiden's parents called out to them.
Mrs.A: Just... Dont get depressed again okay? Feeling sad is alright, but depressed? It's a big no. And always remember, James is there for you. And if you need anything, were just here, okay sweetie?
Jaiden: -giggles- Thanks mom
Mr.A: And as for you James. Take good care of our one and only daughter. If not, you're so dead to me
James: Yes sir!
The 4 laughed, as the laughter died down. They waved goodbye and went in the van.
~At The Animation House (new)~
Everyone's in their rooms already. Then, Jaiden asked James a question.
Jaiden: James, can I ask you a question?
James: Sure, anything
Jaiden: I was wondering... How could you smile so easily with our scar?I cant even smile properly... How do you do it? Have you moved on?
James: H-honestly... No...
Jaiden: What!?! Really?! It seems you have
James: Nope... Behind my smiles, are sorrow and regrets. But I wear a smile for everyone, so they wont worry a thing about me. I can handle my feelings, and can keep myself from creating voices that would harm me.
Jaiden: But how...
James: I know it's not normal for me. All you know is the cheerful and funny James. But there's another side of me. And that is where I swear, regret things, and many negative things... I know were a couple, and we should be telling the truth, but I'm not ready yet...
Jaiden: James... You dont have to hide your true emotions under that smiling mask of yours
James: I know... But you know boys. We dont want to reveal us that were upset or something. People see it as that, were weak...
Jaiden: Well whoever created that statement are big jerks! They dont have a heart, that is. Just cry it all out James
As James cried everything out. While Jaiden stroked James' hair. Minutes later, a tear dropped on Jaiden's cheek, then it was followed by a cry.
The couple cried because of the flashbacks that kept crossing their minds.
Now you know, what's behind James' cheerful and funny mask, and that is sorrow, regrets, and self hate.
Hey guys! I manged to create a very long chapter! Yay! This usually happens when I'm using my computer (because I composed this on my computer). I dont know why, but it happens. Also, my grammars are much better, since I'm using a keyboard, not the touch screened one, which are very squished together when I speed type (which I usually do). So yeah! I made a long chapter as a replacement for my missed days. So yeah! Hope you enjoyed this very long chapter. Good things my mind has the mode to compose a very long chapter! Thanks brain! Also, I wanted to thank:
BrookeisBroke101 ILive2Fangirl Doggiealien101 @puppie_lover16 for being the main viewers of my book! They all give me motivation too. I love you guys so much!!! :3
I will also be dedicating other chapters to my other viewers! I wonder who the next one is!
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