Alter Ego
~1 AM~
Jaiden woke up; she found herself in a poorly litted up room with her friends tied up on to a chair. The cloth was removed.
Rebecca: W-where are we?!
Tim: J-jaiden do you know where are we?!
Jaiden: I think we are at Dexter's place... Wait, where's James?!
Tony: H-he's not near me!
Cypher: Neither near me
Jaiden: Where could he be?!
BlackSen: Shh... Listen.
~The Whispers Heard~
Dexter: Do you see this James?
James: W-what is that?
Dexter: This? This device will make you suffer...
James: W-what?! What does that even mean?!
Dexter: You'll see soon enough...
Everyone heard James and Dexter's conversation, then, they heard gears clash together. As their seats moved to a side.
It moved to a side, and the wall opened, and it turned out to be door.
Cypher: Agh!! What's happening!?
Tony: Were moving! But why?
BlackSen: It's leading us to another room
After leading them to another room, it stopped and the door closed, as if like it was never a door.
The room has a window, with a curtain outside. Everyone had no idea what's behind it. Then, moments later, it revealed James, tied up to a seat, with Dexter by his side, with a device on his hands.
Then, the locks on everyone's seats released them, except for James'.
Dexter: Oh! Look at your friends! They're here to watch you suffer! They'll have fun seeing you in pain
Jaiden: What's going on?!
Dexter: Oh nothing... Just an entertainment... You guys enjoy some people suffer right? Well, heres James for your entertainment
Cypher: Only some! But this has gone way too far! We only laugh at minor pain, but this? This is major pain! What do you think? We're humans with no hearts and minds, and just laugh everything off?!
Dexter: I promise... You'll have FUN...
Jaiden: Stop! Dont you dare do anything to James!
Dexter: Ooo! Kitty's protecting it's mate
Jaiden: Stop calling me kitty, and I'm being serious here! Let. Him. Go!
Dexter: I will let him go, after this!
He pressed the button on his device and it zapped James. James wiggled, since the ray did a huge effect on him.
Jaiden: James!!!
She kept knocking on the glass, wanting to break it and rush near James. But the glass was too strong. Dexter laughed histerically, as everyone felt fear and felt bad for James. Horrified that he was getting electrecuted, wiggling uncontrollably.
Dexter: Hahaha! This is too much fun!
Jaiden: Stop it!! Stop everything!!!
Dexter: Hahahaha!! This is enough fun for one day...
He said, as he left the door. As soon as he left, the glass dropped and the seat has released James, as James dropped to the floor, weak.
Jaiden: James! Are you okay?
James: You hate me...
Jaiden: What? No I love you! Remember?
James: Love me? You enjoyed me suffer... You laughed and smile at my pain and suffering...
Jaiden: No I wasnt!
James: Liar...
Tim: No James, she's telling you the truth!
James' POV
~Back to the zapping scene~
I looked at my friends with a worried face. I saw Jaiden... Looking worried at me, I could feel her tears are about to fall.
It made my heart ache. I cant stand seeing her sad. I want her to smile; it's my dream after all, to see everyone smile.
My heart cried. Wanting to stand up and hug her and say everything's going to be okay. But I cant... I'm stuck, I'm chained to my seat...
I wanted to save my girlfriend in a situation like this, and I dont want to fail her again. But now... I cant be there by her side to comfort her and not see me in pain.
I cant... I'm helpless. I'm stuck.
Then, Dexter zapped me with his device. I got electrecuted and wiggled uncontrollably. The radiation danced around my body. Swirling.
I became weak. My thoughts suddenly changed... I felt like, everyone hated me. Everyone loved to see me suffer. I saw everyone laugh at me, especially Jaiden.
End of POV
Jaiden: J-james!!!! -bursts into tears-
Everyone bowed their heads. They knew that scream... It was a shout of a heart. It was loud, and everyone could feel Jaiden's heart ache. They knew how Jaiden was upset.
Jaiden: James, what happened to you?! You know I love you right? And always will... Dony you remember James?
James: Oh I do remember, but now... I realized you guys mever loved me. You just be-friended me
Jaiden: No James. That's not true! None of those are true! We love you James! We love you okay?! Please... Come back... Smile... This isnt you...
James: This is now me Jaiden. This is now me... Now f**k off
Jaiden gasped in shock. She couldnt believe what she heard from James' mouth.
Jaiden's POV
That's him?!?! No... No... That's not him! He's thinking differently! This is not him!! Why did he change so sudden!?
Then the radio spoke, it was Dexter. He told us that the device made his alter ego take over...
So is this the other side of James? This isnt the cheerful, humurous and goofy James? This is his edgy side? Many questions flowed through my mind.
This isnt what I wanted to happen to James. I dont want him to fall from depression like I did. Because I knew it was painful, experiencing it wasnt a treat at all.
I wish I had stopped him from getting depressed, but now... It's too late. How can I turn him back now? How?! How?! How?!
I wanted to stop all of this. I wish it was just a sick dream or prank. I dont like seeing James like this. Seeing the world in a different way. I dont want it. I want his other side back!
This is no fairytale... I know not a kiss or a drop of tear would turn him back. This isnt Princess and The Frog and Tangled! This. Is reality! I wish it was a fantasy, since magic could happen.
I wish life was a fairytale, but life isnt fair. Some people had to suffer, and some has to win and enjoy the victory...
End of POV
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