The Yin and The Yang
*stares at my title* ...... the symbolism is big with that one....
-Sky's POV-
"DAMMIT!" I slammed my fist against the door, shaking slightly. How could I let this happen AGAIN? Kaori and Chaos both felt similar sympathy for me, I could tell, but Chaos couldn't bare to look at me for some reason. Rue tried to lighten the mood. "Hey, It should still be OKAY with only seven, right?" "Yeah!" Engel encouraged. "Seven candles still produces more wax than probably needed." Everyone carried this on, trying to keep me encouraged. Although that wasn't exactly working with me. "L-Lets just move on..." I said. I walked back through the path, knowing the flamethrowers turned off, but part of me wondered if it would matter if they were still on.
-Esmeralda's POV-
I have been friends with Sky for a long time, and she has never, NEVER been this depressed. Usually when there is an issue, she forgets about it within minutes, since there is only so much some if us can live off of. Then again, there is betrayal at hand. And looking at Chaos, he isn't doing too well either. His eyes were fixed on the charm that both of us wear as a necklace, and he seemed to be evaluating some things in his mind. No way would he listen to me, though. I thought. At least not right now.
-Rue's POV-
"So, up next is the 'Graceful Sunlight', right?" I asked my sister. "Yeah!" She replied. "And right after, we have the 'Restful Darkness'." I grinned at Engel happily. "I mean, something with 'sunlight' at the end of it can only be so bad, right?" "I think the last time you thought that, we were running from paranás." When the door to the hallway opened, I was almost blinded by the flash of light. In front of us was a large looking maze, and the room was particularly bright. "Is it just me, or did this place suddenly get hotter than it was before?" Kaori asked. "Maybe it's just you~" A certain monk replied. "Connor, no. Aren't you supposed to be super religious?" I couldn't help but pitch in. "And besides, we both know who you REALLY meant to say that to." I was looking directly at Chrysantha, who was busy looking over something in her pocketbook. Probably some poem. "Anyways, lets get going." Engel said, taking the lead. I smiled, and followed her closely.
After a while, walking through the maze got SUPER tedious. I was trying really hard to keep up, since we were single file, and I was afraid I would get lost if I fell to the back. "So.... tired.... cant..... keep..... up......." I couldn't stop myself from falling over. "Nope." Engel said, quickly catching me. "If you can't walk, I am carrying you. We are sticking together through this." Before I could even think of objecting, she put me on her back and continued walking. Her back was dripping with sweat, but honestly, I didn't care. I'm just wondering how she can both keep her pace and carry me. I couldn't help but smile at my own thoughts. I guess that's just the magic of older sisters.
-Engel's POV-
I have to keep going. Help Sky find the Graceful Sunlight. Must continue. I could hear my sister cheering me on from behind me. I used that to keep up. Sure, Rue can be clumsy. And obnoxious. But she is a really great supportive sister. Thats what i love about her! I reached the end, let Rue off me, and willed the door to open. The Glistening Sunlight awaited, shining a bright yellow. Mitsuketa. (AN: Mitsuketa = I found it)
-Sky's POV-
It's so hot..... But before anything could be said, the walls lowered themselves, and some sprinklers initiated from the roof. While some people were super thankful to have water, I knew that it meant something. Something bad. Someone else found the third blessing. When I look over, who do I see but Engel, grinning with greed, and Rue's eyes wide in horror. "Sorry, but it looks like all of you are too late..." She said, almost with mock pity. "Engel.... ENGEL PLEASE! DONT DO THIS!" Rue screamed. Tears were now falling from her eyes. Although yet another blessing was being lost, she still loved her sister dearly. "Rue. This is the end of the line. You know we will not be seeing eachother again after this. Oh, I wonder if I really care." The door shut between the two of them, with those as her final words.
Everyone was in complete shock over what happened. Engel, the kindest person I have ever met, just gave up family for a precious treasure. You could feel Rue's shock and sadness grow into anger and rage. Within a few seconds, she flipped around from the closed doors, shoved a trying-to-comfort Chrysantha out of the way, and ran out of the hall. "Rue. Rue. Get back here!" I screamed, chasing her. By the hardened look on her face, it was obvious what she was going for. Running up the long flight of stairs, and to the door leading to the hall of the Restful Darkness. "OPEN UP!!!" She screamed.
Although I never touched it, it opened.
The hallway Rue entered was submerged in complete darkness, and it was impossible to see anything, even the blessing itself. I ran in to try and find Rue, but quickly slammed into a wall. Previously, we just went through a maze in overwhelming heat. But this was the exact opposite. I could tell Rue was feeling her way through the walls, getting closer and closer to the desired goal. And since I could barely keep up with her on the stairs, there was nothing I could do. Again. Why is there always nothing I can do?
As the maze walls lowered, the darkness did not leave right away. An eerie purple light filled the room, and Rue was a silhouette amongst it. The words I heard would not leave my mind for quite awhile. "I see... so this is how it feels... to be alone."
YES, I just did that.
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