The Wave of Grief is Surrounded With Flames of Betrayal
BE PREPAAAAAAAAA- wha? *goes out of Disney mode* ah, hello! So last we left off- well, half of you know.... JUST GET TO THE STORY!
-Sky's POV-
Just as I was about to reach the first blessing, another hand stopped me. One I knew far too well. "F-Freed? Hey, what are you doing?!" What I saw was a cruel smile on his lips. "You shouldn't have all this wonderful power all to yourself, my love..." Kaori was the first to leap to my defense. "Idiot! Just let her have the blessing! Your supposed to be caring for her!" The smile within Freed's face only widened into a grin upon hearing this. "Its mine! The Blossoming Wave of the Sea.... ALL MINE!" The symbol in front of us glowed in his chaotic insanity. "Freed, please! Don-!" Before I could finish, what I thought would be my future husband slammed his arm into me, kicking me out if the room. The last words I heard terrified me the most. "No matter what happens, in the greatest of hope or the deepest of despair, in joy or sorrow, we will face it all, together." And with that, the door that was previously opened, welcoming, even, shut tightly. And we all knew it would not open again.
I was horrified. Some people were looking down at the floor in hatred. Others were questioning our friendship charms, one of the things that would bind us together. Esmeralda tried to lighten the mood. "Its still POSSIBLE to make this work.... right?" One by one, the others pitched in. "Yeah! I mean, only missing ONE shouldn't be a problem." "It should be the same wax, in the end." "Just give it a bit of a push once your up there." "Oh, and Freed? He doesn't deserve someone as fabulous and loyal as you!" "There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend." I looked over. I knew they all meant well, but I saw too much pity in their eyes. "... We should continue. We should be fine with just eight." I said, forcing a smile.
But in truth. I'm scared. I really am.
-Chaos' POV-
Damn it. Why did Freed have to be the first one to go? He always made her so happy, I don't want to see her sad... wait, stop thinking like that. It definitely wont happen now. Esmeralda gave me a light shove. "Hm? What is it?" I looked over to her, but the moment I saw the expression on her face, I knew what she was going to say. "No." "COME ON!!!" She whined. "As much as I hate the death if a friend, now is your chance! Just. Talk. To. Her." I let out a sigh and looked back over to Sky. Her head was hung down, and she seemed to drag her feet slightly. For some reason, I let my voice soften. "She just lost her love. She probably confessed everything to Freed, and he just went and betrayed her. I mean, I know whats happening, but he had to be the first to go, and now Sky is depressed. Would I have the slightest chance." Esmeralda gave me the look of shame. "I swear, brother, if you die without telling her, I will be the one beating you up in the afterlife." I gave her an attempt at a smile, and watched her try to comfort Sky.
Right now, Im pretty sure Im the last thing she needs.
-Sky's POV-
Alright, its action time again. The second blessing, the "Fiery Feast", is on the other side of the door. But this hall, unlike the one prior to this, seemed perfectly normal. "... huh." Esmeralda said, taking a few steps in. In that instant, fire spewed out from the wall. "NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE" the older twin screeched, before rushing back towards her younger sibling. "... Is it safe to say that the death threat escalated by at least one thousand?" Engel asked. "Yep." Rue agreed. "So... we are crossing THAT..." Chrysantha tried to clarify, but we all knew she was right. I couldn't help but remember what Freed did. "I'm going in. And I'm going ALONE." I said aloud. This caused everyone to be thrown into a panic. "What?" "You cant go alone!" "You could die and we need you alive!" (AN: whoever caught the subtle reference is officially my best friend) "If you die, who will rebirth the world?" Diantha stepped up to me. "Will you at least let me accompany you?" I looked up at her. She seemed like she was being honest. "... okay." I agreed. The swordsman nodded confidently.
I took the first few steps forward. The fire shoots from the ground up as well, not just the walls. Diantha let out a sigh. "Just let me lead. Better I die than you die." I wish I could protest, but she is fairly right, considering that I am the messiah. Faintly turning back, almost everyone looked super worried. Diantha seemed so skilled at what she was doing. Whenever she activated a flamethrower, she quickly leaped out of the way and chose another direction, while I was simply following her movements. One foot in front of the other. Leap back. Step left. Jump right. She would make a great fighter in an army, and I would support her all the way.
Once we made it to the end, the Fiery Feast flickered in red light. It really was something astounding to see. Yet again, it was just out of my grasp. Before I could even enter, Diantha rushed ahead of me, and drew her sword. "Sorry, Little Miss Messiah, but your not grabbing THIS flame." My eyes widened in slight shock. No.... first Freed, and now her? "Hey!" Esmeralda snapped. "Just let her have it! She already lost one of them!" For the first time since we met, the brown eyes that evaluate tactics and calculate strategies, seemed to burn in a bloody red. And the blessing right behind her mimicked her eyes, sizzling as if it enjoyed this. "Good luck trying to find the others..." and with that, the door slammed shut, no longer open to me. The only one who could break the truth was Chrysantha.
"That's two stolen blessings..."
Well. Not what some of you were expecting, was it? Anyways, prepare for loads of fun next chapter. *evil cackle* until then~
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