I felt physically sick as we walked back into the courtroom. This judge had the power to disrupt our lives. He had the power to take my daughter away from me. I felt like I was in a trance as we walked back up to the tables and shakily sat down. Joey wouldn't let go of my hand.
My lawyer said a few words to me, but I couldn't tell you what they were. The judge walked in and we were instructed to rise. Once he was seated we gratefully sat down again. I wasn't sure my legs could hold me.
"Thank you for your patience and your time today," the judge told us. "I have reviewed all the information carefully and have come to a difficult decision. It is my decision to grant to petition of Clarita Hernandez..."
The judge went on but I didn't hear any of it. I heard Joey let out a scream and I just collapsed, putting my head in my hands. I heard the gavel slam and Joey sobbing next to me. Pippa had since walked around and was holding Joey as she cried. My lawyer said something to me about appealing and he patted my back.
I didn't think I could move, but one of the bailiffs told us we needed to exit so the next case could start. Pippa took my arm and we slowly walked out. I caught glance of Clarita and she was smiling, thanking her lawyer. I couldn't believe she'd done this to us. She looked over at me and I'm sure the scowl on my face showed my pure hatred for her at that moment. She was taking my daughter away from me.
How could the judge do this? She was a teenager and she'd strongly stated that she wanted to stay. She'd lived here since she was born. Pippa led us out to the street as Joey continued to bawl. She hailed us a cab so we could go home.
Joey sat next to me in the cab and I just held her, her head buried against my chest.
"Daddy, do I have to go?" she asked through her tears.
"I'm afraid so, sweetheart," I gently stroked at her hair.
"I hate her," she spat out. I didn't argue with her. I kind of hated her right now too.
When we got home it was mid-afternoon and my parents still had the little kids. Elliott was still at school, so we had some time together to process what had happened. I sat on couch and Joey laid with her head in my lap, numb. Pippa made us both some tea and let us be. We barely moved the whole afternoon.
Joey must have texted Elliott because when he got home he was in a rage. He couldn't believe this was happening to them. Truthfully, he irked me a bit with how upset he was. I was her father. He'd been in Joey's life for a few months. He couldn't be feeling the same loss as I was.
I let them have their moments, though, standing up to rinse out my mug. They disappeared to Joey's room, leaving the door open as we asked. Pippa joined me in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around my middle. We just held each other for a couple minutes.
"I'm so sorry," she told me quietly. I didn't have any words to respond.
When my parents brought the kids back later there were more hugs and I'm sorrys but nothing was going to help. I'd never been away from Joey more than a couple days. I honestly didn't know how I was going to handle it.
The little kids seemed to sense something was wrong so they were somewhat quiet and subdued. They went to bed without a hitch. Pippa and I were relaxing on the couch, cuddling, when there was a knock at the door. We met eyes, sensing who it probably was. Reluctantly, I walked to the door and opened it. Clarita.
"I have nothing to say to you and neither does Joey," I told her, crossing my arms.
"What you've done is unforgivable," I told her tersely. Pippa came up beside me, rubbing her hand around my upper back.
"She's never with me, Lin," she tried to explain. "I had to do something."
"Maybe you need to take a look at yourself and figure out why she does want to be with you," I told her. She sighed, looking offended by my suggestion.
"Can I see her?" she asked me.
"I'll see if she wants to," I told her, stepping away. I walked down the hallway, leaving Pippa and Clarita awkwardly at the door. I knocked on my daughter's door, where she was quietly doing homework. I stepped inside, sighing.
"Your mom's here," I told her. "She wants to talk to you."
"I don't want to see her," she said immediately, turning the page in her textbook.
"Maybe you should hear what she has to say," I said, then heard footsteps in the hallway. I could hear Pippa arguing, telling her to stop, but Clarita kept right on coming. Unbelievable.
Moments later, they were both at Joey's door.
"Get out of my room!" Joey growled, glaring at her mother.
"Josephine-" Clarita tried to interrupt.
"No!" she stood up, her stance aggressive. "I will never forgive you for this, Mom! You're tearing me away from my friends, my father, my boyfriend, my school. There's no good reason for you to do it other than you wanting to win. Well, congratulations. You won at worst mother in the world."
"Joey, I'm sorry," Clarita told her. "But I think this will be good for us. I had to do it."
"Will you please leave?" she asked, crossing her arms. Clarita looked at her for a few moments, not sure whether to give in or keep talking. Wisely, she chose to leave.
"I love you," Clarita told her before turning to leave. Pippa stayed with Joey, who was starting to cry again, and I followed Clarita to the front door.
"Real smoothe," I told her, right on her heels. "Please don't show up here again unannounced."
When she reached the door she turned to face me. "We need to talk about when to fly her out," she said. "How about this weekend?"
"That's too soon," I decided. "Let her finish out the quarter at school."
"No. Absolutely not," she said. "I have full custody of her and it's immediate. I could take her right now."
"Clarita, stop!" I snapped. "You've done quite enough. Joey needs some time. You're making her say goodbye to everyone she loves. I hope you can find it in your heart to let your daughter prepare herself. Good night."
She stared at me for a few moments, then turned to open the door. It slammed behind her. I shook my head, putting my hands on my hips as I walked back to Joey's bedroom. Pippa was sitting on the bed with her, arms around her from the side as she cried. Pippa looked up at me with concern etched all over her face.
I slowly walked over, squatting down in front of her. I took one of her hands in both of mine, looking up at her.
"I'm sorry she stormed in like that," I said softly. "Are you doing okay?"
She shook her head no and it broke my heart. I stood up and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then sat on the other side of her. Pippa and I both held her as she cried softly.
Joey was exhausted after an emotional day and was starting to drift off after she'd calmed down. Pippa stood up and began to gather her homework from her bed as I stood her up and pulled her covers back. I guided her to lay down, then sat on her bed.
"I love you so much," I told her, looking down at my sweet daughter.
"I love you too," she croaked, her voice unsteady.
"Want to stay home from school tomorrow?"
She nodded and I leaned down to press a couple kisses to her forehead. "Okay. Sleep tight."
I wandered down the hall to my own bedroom where Pippa was changing into her nightie. I quickly brushed my teeth and stripped down to my boxer briefs and a t-shirt. I climbed into bed and just curled up in the fetal position. I cried myself to sleep as Pippa held me.
The next morning, I woke up to find Joey sleeping on the floor next to the bed, wrapped up in her blankets. I watched her for a few moments, wishing we could both wake up from this nightmare. I carefully stepped over her and made my way to the bathroom. Joey was staying home today and I decided we'd have some father/daughter time. In a while we'd go to brunch at her favorite hole in the wall, then take in some New York sights.
I helped get the little kids going. Alex had preschool today and Pippa agreed to take her there and have Jack most of the day. I brewed some coffee and pulled out my laptop to work while Joey slept a bit more.
Around 10:00, she emerged and took a shower. She walked out a few minutes later with her wet hair pulled up in a towel.
"Morning, sweetheart," I told her, giving a small smile.
"Morning," she mumbled, going for some juice.
"I thought we could go have some brunch then hang out together," I said. "How does that sound?"
She smiled and nodded.
"Great," I said. "I'll finish up some emails and when you're ready we'll go."
She chugged her orange juice then went to her bedroom to finish getting ready. Half an hour later, she was all set so I found my shoes and we walked out together.
I tried to keep the conversation away from our pending separation. She ordered chocolate chip pancakes at the restaurant and I got bacon and eggs with some toast. Josephine was turning into such a cool young person. She was opinionated and passionate. Smart and sassy. I loved her so much.
After paying the bill we decided to walk around a nearby park for a while. As we walked, I reached for her hand, squeezing it.
"Dad, what happens if I just refuse to go?" she asked as we walked.
"Well, we'd start to get into legal trouble," I explained. "Social workers would probably show up and force you to go. I might get fined or arrested."
"It's not fair," she somewhat whined.
"I know," I said, squeezing her hand. "But we'll get through this. My lawyer and I are appealing, but for now you'll have to go."
She sighed as we continued. "When do I have to go?"
"Well we haven't worked that out yet," I said. "I'm trying to convince your mom to let you finish the quarter at school, but I think she wants you to go as soon as possible."
She muttered something under her breath I didn't quite make out.
"How about some ice cream?" I suggested.
"I'm still stuffed," she said, smirking.
I felt an urge to spoil her and give her all kinds of treats, which probably wasn't the best response. I wanted our remaining time together to be special. One of her favorite places to visit was the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so I took her there in the afternoon. She was an art fan and I loved how fascinated she was.
We decided to head home afterwards, stopping for some ice cream on the way. We licked at our cones as we walked, finishing right before we got to our building. After walking in, she went to the couch and plopped down. I tossed my keys and wallet on the counter and joined her. We both just stared ahead for a few moments. It was nice to have this time together, but it was bittersweet.
I pulled her to me and rested against the back of the couch. We didn't say anything as we just sat there together, hugging. My little girl, who was growing into a beautiful young woman, was about to be torn away from my arms.
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