I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Suddenly the lights, the loud music, the crowd was suffocating. A few heads turned as I bolted for the door and quickly found a stairwell. I ran down several flights of stairs before finally giving in and collapsing. I put my head in my hands and just sobbed.
I'd seen it with my own eyes. Elliott and Cara making out. At my quinceanera. I'd gotten a bad feeling about her, but I didn't like to be too judgmental. Okay, I was judgmental, but I didn't want to see like a jealous, bitchy girlfriend.
I should've trusted my gut. Should've known she was up to something. I definitely had not invited her to this party, so how the hell had she gotten in? People were supposed to show their custom-made invitations at the door. Suddenly, it dawned on me. Elliott had let her in. It wasn't just Cara seducing him. He was into her.
I rested my cheek against the cold wall as I just sat, feeling sorry for myself. My feet were killing me. I rarely wore heels so I kicked them off, letting them fall to the floor. I just sat there, wallowing in my own pity, hurt beyond measure, and lost track of time.
I didn't even have my cell phone with me. I'd left it at my table. I wondered if anyone even noticed I was gone. Everyone was over the moon that Selena Gomez had shown up. So was I, of course. Everyone was having tons of fun, so people probably didn't realize right away that I had left.
A few minutes later, I heard the door open, then shut loudly.
"Joey?" I heard Pippa calling from several flights up. I didn't answer right away, but sniffled. In the silent stairwell, I suspected she heard me. I heard her footsteps on the stairs, and a few moments later she called out again.
"I'm down here," I called back quietly. She slowly began making her way down the last couple flights of stairs. I heard her behind me, then she sat next to me. She simply put her arm around my shoulders and squeezed.
"Elliott said you got upset and left," she said softly. "Did something happen?"
I wiped at my eyes and she fished around in her purse for some tissues. I took them gratefully. Mascara came off and I'm sure I looked like a mess.
"I caught...I caught Elliott kissing another girl," I told her. Somehow, it didn't feel awkward. I was dating her son, but Pippa felt more like a mother to me than mine ever did. I felt like I could tell her things, even if it involved her son.
"Wow," she said simply. "They were kissing?"
I nodded, messing with the tissue between my fingers. "Behind some of the panels. I saw them."
She let out a disgusted sound and squeezed my shoulder tighter. "Joey, I'm so sorry. That's terrible."
I nodded. "Why would he do that? I thought he liked me."
"He does like you," she told me, and I bet she was searching and scanning for answers just like I was. She didn't want to think her son was a cheater. "I'm not sure why he'd do such a thing, Joey. I'm surprised."
I let my head rest against hers and we just sat there quietly as I cried a bit more. I liked that she didn't keep talking. There was nothing else to say right now. A few minutes later, the door opened again. This time, it was my mother.
"Josephine?" she called frantically. Pippa turned her head, tilting it up.
"We're down here, Clarita!" she called back. "I found her."
I heard my mom's feet moving quickly down the stairs and I sighed. I didn't want to have to explain this to her. I don't know why I didn't, but that's how I felt.
As she reached the last flight, she slowed. I turned a bit to the side.
"What's wrong?" she asked. "Everyone's been looking for you."
"Sorry," I told her, wiping at my eyes with the tissue again. "I just needed a minute."
Mom looked at Pippa, then back at me. She looked kind of...jealous? Pissed? I really didn't need this right now. I didn't need my mom getting jealous over my relationship with Pippa.
"Mom, can you leave us alone for a minute?" I asked her as gently as I could, not wanting to hurt her. "Please? I'll be back soon. Tell Dad I'll be back."
Even though I'd asked as nicely as I could, she still looked hurt. She just nodded, looking at me for a few long moments, before slowly trudging up the stairs. I waited until I heard the door open and shut before turning back to Pippa.
"I want to go home," I told her honestly. Pippa kissed the side of my head.
"I'm sure you do," she acknowledged. "Tell you what. Let's get you to a bathroom and get you cleaned up. You can say a few quick goodbyes and we'll go home. How does that sound?"
I nodded and she stood up, offering her hand to me. I gratefully accepted, glad she wasn't trying to talk me into staying like my mom probably would. She'd tell me my dad had paid a fortune for this and I needed to stay until the bitter end.
I grasped Pippa's hand like it was a lifeline and let her guide me up the stairs. She gave me a reassuring squeeze as we reached the next floor and searched for a bathroom. She had more concealer and powder in her purse. She helped wipe away the mascara that had run and fixed me right up. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes still looked kind of sad, but the rest of me looked perfect.
"Beautiful," she told me, taking my hand again. "Let's go say our goodbyes."
I held her hand again as she led me back to the party. As I walked in, I saw my mom talking to my dad. She was whispering harshly at him, and he looked concerned. Before anyone else reached me, the walked over. Dad opened his arms and I walked in, willing myself not to lose it again.
"Daddy," I croaked out and he shooshed me, cradling my head.
"It's okay," he told me. "I know you're upset. Do you wanna head home?"
I nodded and looked up at him. He cupped my head in his hands and looked at me lovingly. I could tell he wanted to find out what had upset me so much, but that would come later. I wondered if Elliott would live through the night.
A lot of family was here, so I said goodbye to my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I hugged a few of my good friends, and they could tell I was upset. Word had gotten out. Elliott was nowhere in sight now.
The limo we'd rented earlier was waiting out front. Dad, Mom and Pippa got in with me. Pippa handed me another tissue. As the limo pulled away, there was an uncomfortable silence. I didn't want to answer any questions but I was pretty sure they'd be coming anyways.
"Joey, why did you disappear for over half an hour?" my mother asked me, clearly still annoyed.
"Clarita-" my dad stopped her. "Let's not worry about that now. Clearly she's upset."
"Well, I'm concerned," she told him, her voice full of annoyance. "I find her in the stairwell crying, with Pippa, may I add. I just want to find out what's going on."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Pippa asked, and I could sense some major tension.
"Everyone, let's drop it," my dad's voice was firm. "Right now, let's just get Joey home and into bed. We'll figure out the rest later."
The rest of the ride was completely silent as the adults all messed around on their phones to avoid further confrontation. My phone was buzzing uncontrollably with notifications but it stayed in my purse.
When we got home I went straight to my bedroom and my parents all stayed out in the kitchen to talk. I could hear their voices raised slightly, but they were trying to whisper. I found the zipper on the side of my dress and pulled it down. I practically ripped it off and threw it on the floor, along with my bra. Next was my hair. My stupid hair. I pulled out pins frantically, mussing up my stiff hair with my hands.
I opened my top drawer angrily and found my cozy, worn Hamilton shirt and a pair of Soffe shorts. At my vanity, I found my makeup remover wipes and scrubbed at my face harshly. Finally, it seemed like I was rid of everything. I collapsed onto my bed on my stomach, burying my face in my pillow, and let myself cry. I could hear the adults in the kitchen, arguing.
"You need to put this jealousy aside, Clarita," I could hear my dad saying. "You're going to ruin your relationship with Joey if you let this get to you."
"Jealous?" my mom answered. "You think I'm jealous? Please! Lin, I would just like to be kept in the loop about my daughter. Since she's living here full time, it's the least you could do."
"It's a two-way street, Clarita," my dad replied. "Maybe if you didn't work 80 hours work weeks you could check in more."
"A text a few times a week wouldn't hurt," she retorted. I whipped my pillow out from under me and pulled it down over my ears. Sure, I had earbuds, but right now I just wanted to hide. I wanted this night be over. I wanted the fighting to stop. I'm not sure where it came from, but I let out a god-awful scream of frustration.
Moments later, Dad was at my door as I just let myself break down. Pippa and Mom were behind him, but he quickly shooed them away. I sobbed as Dad walked to my bed and began rubbing at my back.
"Sweetheart, take some deep breaths," he told me softly. I choked on my sobs some more, not feeling in control of my breath at all. I coughed and sobbed, becoming stuffed up. My dad managed to get me to sit up and soon he'd pulled my head to his chest. He didn't say anything; just let me cry. I cried for a good ten minutes. I was still hurt beyond belief, but with my dad's arms around me, things felt a little better.
After I'd finally calmed down, I was feeling really sleepy. He gently sat me back up and took my face in his hands, looking at me in concern.
"You don't have to tell me what happened," he began. "But I just need to know that you're not hurt. Did someone hurt you?"
I shook my head and he wiped away a tear.
"Good," he said softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Let's get you tucked in. Things will be better in the morning."
I stood and Dad pulled my covers back so I could climb in. Usually, I was up late – later than him, even – so he didn't really tuck me in much anymore. After such a bad ending to tonight, it felt nice as he pulled up the covers and kissed my forehead again.
"I love you, kiddo," he told me, then walked to the door. He looked at me for a few moments before turning on the lights. The sun had set on my fifteenth birthday.
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