"But you don't get it Brendon! I tried to scare them away, but they seemed unfazed. Then one of them commented about my heart! Like how is that at all normal?!" "You were probably hearing things mate." "Do you want to see for yourself?! Because they will intimidate you too!" "Doubt it mate, but go ahead and show me where they are. I'll teach them a lesson, yeah?" Brendon teases and I wanted to smack him so bad, but the thought of proving myself right popped into my head and that was my mission as of right now.
So I took my friends hand, and the two of us went on a little search to find the four men that scared the shit out of me yesterday. "They have to be here somewhere..." "Please don't tell me that they were entirely a part of your imagination? Are you okay? Do I nee-" "See! There they are!" I shouted, cutting my friend off. I saw four heads turn my way and I wanted to hide away from their scary eyes, but they didn't look at me for too long.
They were looking at Brendon.
Are they scared of him? Does he actually intimidate them? "Dude, I think you're actually scaring them? What the hell do you have that I don't?" I asked, but Brendon never responded. I looked at him and saw that he too was staring at them. He seemed rather angry and I looked to see the same look on those 4 faces.
Brendon started walking and so did the 4 new kids. I quickly followed Brendon and I was soon standing face-to-face with the four boys that scared me. It was just a stare down between the 6 of us and I didn't know how it was going to go until Brendon asked, "Are these the boys who scared you yesterday Zayn?" "Dude! Don't give them my name!" "Too late for that darling," the tall one said and I looked at him, but he was still not looking at me.
"It wasn't our intention entirely, but even so: what are you going to do if we did?" The one with blue eyes and brown hair said. "Oh, you don't even-" "Care. You're absolutely right, we don't. Because he-," the tall one pointed at me, then jabbed his finger into my friends chest and growled, "Nor you can or will ever scare us." "Careful with that finger of yours boy-" "Or what sweetie? Are you really going to do anything in front of him?" "You know that I wouldn't." "Alright then. If you'll excuse me," the brown haired and brown eyed one said and harshly shoved past Brendon and myself.
I watched them go and once they were out of our sight, I looked at Brendon. "What the heck was that? Did you know them?" "In a way, yes. Look Z, I'm not going to tell you how I know them, but I am going to tell you one thing: Stay away from them. They are dangerous and they are just going to hurt you," he tells me as a warning and I just nodded my head. I kind of got that vibe already, but if he tells me that I need to stay away, then I guess that's what I'm going to do.
Brendon walked me to my first class and I headed to the back. I placed my bag to the side and I waited for the other students to pile in. I was still thinking about the little encounter that I just had with the four new students.
How the hell did Brendon know them? Why were they so mad at each other? Brendon never talked about them before or ever having conflict with anyone...
The bell ringing brought me out of my thoughts and I blinked. I looked to my right and I saw the tall one with brown hair sitting just two seats away from me. He was sitting by the window and he was just looking out of it. Did he even notice me? What if he did, but he just didn't care to say anything. Which I guess would be the good part?
I looked ahead as the teacher was closing the door. She places her bag next to her desk and she then began to write things on her board. She then started to talk about the topic of the day. Throughout the entire lesson, I would glance at him, but I wouldn't make eye contact with him. I couldn't anyways, because he never looked at me. Hell, he never looked at the teacher, so there was a high chance that he wasn't listening to a single word that she was saying. Even when she was passing out the assignment for the day, he didn't even give it a single glance. The teacher noticed and cleared her throat, making him look at her. He let out a low growl and that alone made the teacher freak out.
She put the paper on his table and rushed back to the front. Trust me ma'am... I feel the same way... I thought to myself and looked at the tall male again. This time, he had his head down and the paper was nowhere in sight. I looked around and I unsurprisingly saw the assignment on the floor. These men don't care about schoolwork, I'll tell ya that.
When the bell rang, we were supposed to put the assignment on her front desk on our way out. I placed mine down and she thanked me. I just nodded and walked out of the room. I turned and saw the tall boy walk past the desk without putting anything down. The teacher didn't even say anything. She just watched the boy leave and she was lost in some kind of terrifying trance. It only took a moment till she blinked back to reality and thanked her other students.
I watched the new kid walk further down the hall and I didn't know why, but I wanted to follow the guy. Don't ask why I was so curious about him, but I was. Besides, he is walking in the same direction as my second class.
The tall man was met with the average height one with dyed blonde hair. "Hey baby," Harry says as a greeting and kisses the boy for a quick moment. "How was first class?" "Boring. Yours?" "Dido. Did you actually establish some kind of relationship with that Zayn guy?" "No. Didn't even look at him." "So why is he following you?" "Don't know. Let's ask him." The two of them then turned their bodies to face me and I grew flustered almost immediately. "Oh! Um...hi," I said and the two looked at each other, then back at me.
"Hi," the blonde one said, but in no way was it a friendly type of greeting. It was more like an 'I'm already annoyed' type of greeting. "What with the stalking?" The tall one asked and I stumbled over my words for a bit till one of them sighed, making me straighten up quickly. "What are you?" I asked so straightforwardly that it made the two blink a few times, registering what I just asked. "Like...I tried to act all tough yesterday, but you saw right through that shit and commented on my heart. However, Brendon does the same thing and you two just glare at one another as if you're enemies. What are you?" "Nothing you need to worry about darling. At least not yet anyways," the blonde one said and that didn't calm my nerves one bit.
"That didn't answer my question." "Sure it did. It's just an answer that you weren't looking for," the tall one said and I actually frowned. "Can I at least get your names? It's a bit unfair for you to know mine and I don't know yours. I'm literally calling you tall one and you blonde." The two then thought about it for a moment and then they nodded. "I'm Harry," the tall one- Harry said. "I'm Niall." "The blue eyed one with brown hair is Louis and the one with brown eyes is Liam."
"Thank you," I tell the two and just brushed right by them to get into my second class.
It was nighttime and I was just coming home from the grocery store. My mom and sister needed some tampons and I needed some ingredients for some meals that I planned to make. The store was only a few blocks away, so walking wasn't a bad idea really. I didn't really exercise much so a nice walk will do.
I was jamming to music and turning the corner when I saw a fight going down in the middle of the street. I didn't know what to do, so I just got into cover. I lifted my head and watched it all go down. I didn't know why, but I was hearing hissing and growling. Like who does this while they are fighting? Like I know that they grunt and curse, but that's about it.
I watched closely and I soon realized that it was Brendon, some other guys, and the four new kids fighting each other. "Oh my god..." I whispered, but it seemed like they had super hearing, because their heads quickly snapped in my direction. That's when I saw their eyes. "OH MY GOD!" I shouted and scooted back. "Did you mark that one?" One of the strangers asked Brendon and he shook his head. What the hell is a mark?
"So...freebie?" He then asked and I saw Brendon smile slowly and he nodded his head. "Looks like we have another one to join our-" his growl cut his own sentence off and it was because of Harry biting into the guys neck. Before Brendon could react, everything came at me really fast. Correction: the four boys were coming at me really fast. I was picked up bridal-style within a quickness and I hid my face as the wind was hitting at me hard.
When I opened one eye, I saw everything pass by me really fast and it was only a moment till I was home. They stopped and inspected my home, possibly looking for an entrance. "Through the window up there," Louis said and pointed. Harry (who was carrying me) looked up and nodded. Liam jumped and God damn was that jump high...
He caught the edge of my window and pulled himself in. Harry moved me around so that I was on his shoulders. Liam reached for me, but I was petrified to even reach.
"FUCKING hell! It's either you take that hand, or you loose your head!" Niall shouts and my eyes widened. "You-you-" "if we wanted to kill you, then we wouldn't have brought you here! Now hurry up!" Harry demanded and I finally took Liam's hand. He hoisted me inside and we waited till the three other people joined us in the room. I walked to my bed and I stared off, not really looking at anything. I was just traumatized...
The clearing of someone's throat made me slowly look up and I paled at the sight of glowing red eyes. "What?" Louis asked and I began to shake. "Ugh... Dramatic one aren't you? We saved your ass and you want to stare at us like monsters." " have fangs!" "Quiet down will you?" Liam questioned. I stared at them and watched as they stretched a little and had their fangs disappear. "Are...are you...are you going to mark me?" "No. There's a difference between werewolves and us." "What are you?!" "What other things are there? Kind of known to be their sworn enemy. Now quiet the fuck down." Niall exclaimed.
"My best friend wanted to mark me..." "Their cousins are dogs..." Harry spoke, sighing and sitting on the ground. "Go on ahead and ask away. We know how curious you humans are and it's better to get your answers from the actual thing rather than looking shit up." "Yeah. The Internet might tell you that we glow like fucking twilight. Before you ask: we don't. We aren't a fucking rainbow," Louis commented and sat next to me on the bed.
"Umm... I need to sleep on it first. Can I do that? Or will that trigger you?" "Sleeping? What kind of question is that?" "Well... y'all drive off of blood, right? So att-" "Again, saved your ass from possibly being raped or even worse, killed. Kind of the good guys here. Now sleep. We won't promise you that we'll be here in the morning." "So how can I ask you questions?!" "Just call a name. Our hearing works really well."
And with that, they left through my window. I sat there, rethinking whatever just happened.
This is a nightmare...
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