Chapter 1
Young and Bold, Smart and sweet the young Waspkit sat outside the nursery hunting for his Littermate. The skies were clear which is good the young kits powers were in perfect control. Flying high overhead was Eaglepaw she smiled at the kit and dipped her head saying hello. Waspkit smiled back at her. She sat down wondering were her Littermate could be. She watched Eaglepaw over head doing flips and tricks it made her jealous. That she wasn't an apprentice. His littermate, Beetlekit playfully pounced on the tom. Waspkit squealed jumping. Out from the clouds came a flash of lighting a symbol of Waspkits fear. Eaglepaw yelled as the lightning hit her wing and she started falling to the ground. Mumblepaw came running out of the Medicine den. Out of the ground came a long and thick stalk growing very fast to reach Eaglepaw before she hit the ground that reaches up to catch Eaglepaw. As Eaglepaw lands on the long a stalk that was now in bloom she sat up. "Thanks Mumblepaw." She mewed.
"No problem." Mumblepaw smiled.
"How do I get down if I can't fly?" Eaglepaw mewed as Cloudbee and Clawberry started flying up the catmint. Cloudbee grabbed her scruff whilst Clawberry grabbed her below her scruff carefully but quickly they took her back down to safety. "Come. I'll get that wing healed up." Cloudbee and Clawberry glared at the two kits. Waspkit looked down in shame she felt really bad about it. "I'm so sorry it's all my fault." She sighed.
"None of this is your fault. Nobody expects a kit to have their powers under control. Atleast you did until..." Cloudbee mewed his gaze turned to Beetlekit. Beetlekits smile turned to a frown realising he was in troublehe looked down in shame. "That is why you don't scare a grey star Beetlekit." Cloudbee glared at him.
"I'm sorry I didn't know." Beetlekit mewed sadly.
"It's alright your kits. Today was an accident but if it happens again there'll be conciseness understood? Eaglepaw was lucky. She was lucky it was her wing and Mumblepaw was there." Cloudbee glared at them for a moment before padding away.
In the medicine den Eaglepaw lay in a nest spreading out her injured wing for Mumblepaw to examine. "Please tell me I can still use it." Eaglepaw mewed.
"Nope sorry." Mumblepaw mewed.
"What!? But I still have to perfect my tricks though." Eaglepaw protested rushing to her feet following her as she padded to the herb storage.
"Eaglepaw your a great flyer. I'm sure a little break won't make any difference to your training." Mumblepaw smiled. Eaglepaw sighs sitting back down. As Eaglepaw begins to groom herself Patchpaw leads Frostedpaw Swiftpaw and Lightingpaw into the medicine den. Patchpaw sat down by her and they all begun to make a circle
"Mumblepaw. We have something important to say that we'd rather say alone." Frostedpaw mewed to his littermate. Mumblepaw nodded padding out of the den. "Okay. Patchpaw read Blazingstars mind and he's planning to take over all four clans." Frostedpaw mewed. Eaglepaws gaze filled with fear she glared at them. Were they lying? "What do we do?" Eaglepaw mewed.
"He's planning on doing it at the gathering. Your wing will be better then?" Patchpaw mewed.
"Yes it should be." Eaglepaw replied sitting up.
"Good at least one of us should go to the gathering we'll persuade the other leaders not to join." Patchpaw mews.
"You mean protest against out own leader. Half the clan will be there." She mews anxiously. There was a moment of silence everyone was anxiously waiting for someone to say something encouraging. "There is no other choice we can't stop him any other way." Patchpaw hissed. Eaglepaw nodded at him.
"We need a pink star too. They can keep an eye on Blazingstar. And be careful Blazingstar is a pink star after all." Eaglepaw mews. The apprentice's nod hearing Blazingstar yell from the Treepile. "All those old enough to use their powers gather under the Treepile for a clan meeting." The apprentices padded from the medicine den seeing the catmint was still in the ground. "First of all get rid of the catmint." Blazingstar hissed. Tigerear noddedslowly the carnint turned to sand. "Can that not go any faster?" He hissed
"No I'mused to creating herbs but but destroying them. So it'll take it's time."
"What about Mumblepaw she created it?" Blazingstar hissed.
"No hers will be even slower than me because she'sonly an apprentice" Tigerear reasoned.
"Urgh great fine. Second I have decided who will be going to the gathering. We need strong warriors due to the current war between the clans."
"We've never been told what that war is about!" A warrior yelled from the crowd.
"Because there is no need for you to know. I have decided Eaglepaw, Frostedpaw, Patchpaw, Brightstream, Cloudbee, Clawberry, Moonfang, Oddsong, Petalsplash, Lizardblaze, Me Milkflame and of course the medicine cats Mumblepaw and Tigerear."
"But Eaglepaws wing may not be ready by the gathering." Tigerear protested
"You do as I say she doesn't need her wings to go to the gathering." Blazingstar hissed. Eaglepaw was just realising the control Blazingstar had. Fear flooded her. The new information she had made her see her leader differently. Who could she trust? Who couldn't she trust? She has so many questions. But one thing was for sure. She couldn't trust Blazingstar. But how he's her leader. She has to do as he says. Blazingstar could exile him. Eaglepaw knew she could trust her friends but wasn't sure how they would beat him. But then a tiny ray of hipe came to her as she glanced at the deputy. Milkflame would also know being a purple star but then the same question wondered. Could she trust him? Eaglepaw was sure she could. Milkflame had never liked Blazingstar. Eaglepaw found it ridiculous until she found out the truth. But she could've just been doing it so they didn't suspect her. To defend herself. Milkflame always was a bit selfish after all. But she never thought he'd be that selfish. So many questions spun around her just the though made her dizzy. She didn't know the answers she wish she did. Why would Blazingstar do this? Is it true? But the biggest question of them a was. Can we trust Milkflame?
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