Leader- Blazingstar
A red tom with black patches and amber eyes Black star Red And Pink
Milkflame - chestnut-brown tom with a white underbelly Purple star
Apprentice Patchpaw
Medicine cat
Tigerear - fawn-and-yellow tom with yellow eyes and tufted ears Turqoise star
Medicine cat apprentice
Mumblepaw - smoky gray tom with dark green eyes Tuqoise Star
Loudtail - very small pale tortoiseshell tabby she-cat
Blue star
Softstream- A cream coloured she with
Brown face stripes and a brown
Stripe down her back
Green star
Brightstream- A brown tabby
Blue star
Moonfang - very dark gray tabby tom
Lizardblaze - long-limbed white tom with brown patches
Yellow star
Fuzzythorn - magnificent orange tom
Red star
Shadownettle - tawny tom
Grey star
Hazelbee - sandy tabby she-cat
Orange star
Cloudbee - dark ginger tom with dark amber eyes
White star
Apprentice Eaglepaw
Petalsplash - brown tabby tom with white splashes and white legs
Blue star
Toadbee - very dark brown-and-white tom with a large scar on leg
Dark red Star
Apprentice Swiftpaw
Cloudyfrost - ginger-and-white she-cat with dark golden eyes
White star
Apprentice Frostedpaw
Clawberry - small gray tom
White star
Apprentice Lightingpaw
Yellowbee - golden tom
Yellow star
Oddsong - dark fawn-and-white she-cat with amber eyes and hunting skills
Orange star
Frogfall - massive black tom with green eyes
Blue star
Onebelly - brown tabby she-cat
Red star
Brightleaf - black-and-fawn tom
Brown star Blue and Red
Furzesong - orange tabby tom
Pink star
Birchleg - pale golden-and-white she-cat
Green star
Grayblaze - ginger tabby tom with pale yellow eyes
Dark red star
Riverwater - reddish-and-white tom
Blue star
Eaglepaw- A dark brown spotted
She with a lighter underbelly
White star
Mentor Cloudbee
Frostedpaw- A white tom with bright blue
Eyes Black star White and Red
Mentor Cloudyfrost and Blazingstar
Lightingpaw - grey she with a white underbelly belly darker legs
Brown star White and Grey
Mentor Shadownettle and Clawberry
Swiftpaw- A dirty golden tom with
A short tail and big ears
Dark red star
Mentor Toadbee
Patchpaw- A tortoiseshell tom
Purple star
Mentor Milkflame
Lightshade - bulky, broad-shouldered grey-and-black she-cat with dark green eyes(Expecting
Cloudyfrosts kits)
Orange star
Applehawk - dark gray tabby queen with dark green eyes(Mother of Milkflames kits Beetlekit and
White star
Beetlekit - gray-and-white tom
Brown star White and Purple
Waspkit - large, stocky large white tom
Grey star
Shellnettle - massive black tabby she-cat
Grey star
Minnowtuft - once-pretty, big fawn-and-tawny tom
Dark red star
Pooljaw - very old orange she-cat
Orange star
Rapidhare - old, broad-shouldered reddish she-cat
Yellow star
Dovestar - striped tawny she-cat with a large scar on leg
Black star White and Grey
Softsnow - brown tom
Grey star
Medicine cat
Mistythorn - very dark tortoiseshell she-cat with darker flecks
Turqoise star
Medicine cat apprentice
Beechpaw - white tom
Turqoise Star
Starlingbriar - plump pale brown tom
White star
Blizzardhawk - big, sturdy tawny-and-fawn tom with yellow eyes
Grey star
Jayhawk - small white tom
White star
Mossspirit - dark gray she-cat
Green star
Rockyhare - sandy tabby she-cat
Dark red star
Rustybelly - reddish tom
Red star
Brindleswipe - magnificent smoky gray tom
Blue star
Stormstreak - very dark ginger tom
Red star
Dustclaw - sleek silver tabby she-cat
Green star
Minkheather - large, wiry very dark brown tabby tom
Pink star
Apprnetice Sorrelpaw
Owlsplash - fawn-and-black she-cat
White star
Patchnose - skinny grey, almost black tom
Grey star
Dappledpelt- A white she with calico
Yellow star
Owlfrost- A brown tom with a white neck
A darker tail his two back legs are white
And his front legs are brown.
Dark red star.
Fernmask - huge reddish she-cat with white paws
Orange star
Snailnose - gray she-cat
Yellow star
Smallcry - slender, well-muscled pale tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Dark red star
Bumblemoon - dark gray tabby she-cat
Yellow star
Tornrapid - ginger tom with dark golden eyes
Red star
Apprentice Longpaw
Ashbranch - swift very pale tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Pink star
Squirrelpad - scarred dark cream tom
White star
Maplewhisker - stocky white she-cat with reddish patches
Dark red star
Apprentice Tansypaw
Tansypaw - pale sandy-and-white tom
Dark red star
Mentor Maplewhisker
Sorrelpaw - creamy brown-and-white tom with amber eyes and a very long tail
Pink star
Mentor Minkheather
Longpaw - pale golden she-cat
Red star
Mentor Tornrapid
Ryepaw - fawn-and-white tom with yellow eyes
Blue star
Mentor Brindleswipw
Finchleg - yellow-and-brown queen
Yellow star
(Mother of Tornrapids kits
Shortkit Onekit and Frostkit)
Lakecloud - grey-and-black queen
Orange star
(Mother of Squirrelpads kits Amberkit and Flamekit)
Flamekit - cream-and-black tom with green eyes
Brown star Red and orange
Amberkit - grey, almost black tabby tom
Red star
Shortkit - very dark ginger tom
Yellow star
Onekit - dark ginger tabby tom
Blue star
Frostkit - yellow-and-golden tom
White kit
Troutgaze - skinny, spotted reddish she-cat
Turqoise star
Lightshine - once-pretty, large
golden-and-yellow tom with dark green eyes
Blue star
Jaggedspring - pale fawn tom
Green star
Fadingtooth - sleek, dappled dark golden tom with a clawed-out eye
White star
Ebonystar - black she-cat
Golden star
Lizardface - small, long-haired yellow-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes and long whiskers
Pink star
Apprentice Petalpaw
Medicine cat
Darkpelt - silver-gray she-cat with amber eyes
Turqoise star
Oceanneyes- A white she with blue eyes
Turqoise star
Medicine cat apprentice
Brightpaw - black-and-golden tom
Turqoise star
Silverflower - massive smoky gray tom
Green star
Quailmask - very pale golden tabby she-cat
Red star
Minnowpoppy - silver tom
White star
Fenneltree - stocky cream-and-ginger she-cat
Blue star
Ryewish - golden tabby she-cat
Dark red star
Archnose - very pale ginger she-cat
Dark red star
Deermist - large, handsome cream tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes and two dark paws
Purple star
Mudberry - silver-and-white tom
Yellow star
Rabbitnut - tawny-and-white tom
Orange star
Brambletalon - brown tabby tom
Green star
Barkswipe - ginger she-cat with pale amber eyes
Grey star
Shrewbelly - big, fluffy tawny-and-white she-cat
Green star
Owlberry - reddish-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
White star
Grasstuft - tawny-and-black she-cat
Turqoise star
Formerly Medicine cat
Boulderstorm - sleek pure white she-cat
Grey star
Minkleaf - yellow-and-cream she-cat
Yellow star
Shredbelly - pale ginger she-cat
Pink star
Lakespark - brown-and-white she-cat with golden eyes
Blue star
Fadingwhisker - sandy tom
Red star
Apprentice Firepaw
Rubblewing - large pale brown tom
White star
Petalpaw - energetic pale golden tabby she-cat
Pink star
Mentor Lizardface
Firepaw - huge, battle-scarred creamy brown tom with dark blue eyes
Red star
Mentor Fadingwhisker
Eaglethroat - young, fluffy huge white queen
Brown star White and Purple
(Mother of Rabbitnuts kits Lionkit Juniperkit Tallkit and Frostkit)
Raccoonspring - dark gray-and-white she-cat
Dark red
(Mother Rubblewings kit Gorsekit)
Lionkit - golden-and-white tom
Purples star
Juniperkit - fawn-and-tawny tom
White star
Gorsekit - black tom
Brown star White and Dark red
Tallkit - small, long-haired yellow-and-fawn tom with white paws
Blue star
Frostkit - dappled ginger tom with dark amber eyes and a white belly
Red star
Seedstreak - reddish tabby tom
Red star
Squirrelswipe - striped, long-haired black-and-tawny tom
Green star
Icestar - fawn-and-grey tom with dark blue eyes and silky fur
Grey star
Skyheart - massive, beautiful white she-cat
Pink star
Medicine cat
Pinefall - sandy she-cat
Turqoise star
Ashfall - black she-cat
Turqoise star
Rustypad - grey, almost black-and-white tom
Red star
Poolstep - very dark ginger tom
Blue star
Longspring - very pale ginger-and-white she-cat
Dark red star
Maggotswipe - graceful very
pale gray tabby she-cat
Green star
Firebright- a orange tabby she with
Amber eyes
Red star
Stonesun - pale tortoiseshell tom
Yellow star
Shrewstreak - large silver-and-white tom
Orange star
Sprucewhisker - long-limbed, swift very pale ginger tom
Blue star
Badgerjaw - golden-and-cream tom
Green star
Ivyleg - muscular pale orange tabby tom with amber eyes and good battle tactics
Pink star
Beechnose - thin silver tom
Orange star
Riverrun - reddish tom with blue eyes
Dark red star
Dewcreek - black tom with dark amber eyes
Black star Blue and Red
Waspmask - white she-cat
White star
Deertalon - very small pure white she-cat with yellow eyes
White star
Hollowpelt - cream-and-brown tom
Blue star
Ottershade - large pale golden tabby she-cat
Yellow star
Heavystreak - dark gray-and-white she-cat
Orange star
Apprentice Quietpaw
Flowershine - black-and-golden tom
Yellow star
Reedstorm - tawny tom, deaf
Purple star
Cricketivy - very small fawn she-cat
Pink star
Quietpaw - pure white she-cat
Orange star
Mentor Heavystreak
Moonpaw - dappled dark ginger tom
Golden star
No Mentor
Sedgeice - tortoiseshell-and-white queen
Grey star
(Mother of Flowershines kits
Eaglekit and Tinykit)
Windthicket - black-and-yellow queen
Purple star
(Mother of Dewcreeks kits
Nettlekit Palekit and Graykit)
Nettlekit - heavy grey, almost black-and-white she-cat, broken hind leg
Turqoise star
Eaglekit - orange tabby tom with pale golden eyes and tan stripes
White star
Tinykit - very pale golden-and-white she-cat with a scar on muzzle
Blue star
Palekit - bulky black tom
Red star
Graykit - blue-gray she-cat with good battle tactics
Pink star
Tangleacorn - battle-scarred cream tom
Purple star
Fawntuft - long-furred golden-and-grey she-cat with a torn ear
Pink star
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