Chapter 14
Lizzie's POV:
Dear Lizzie,
I hope this letter finds you in good health.
You-Know-Who has told all Death Eaters to search for Harry Potter wherever we can. He has people positioned in London, Scotland, Wales, Romania, and even America. He is desperate to find Potter. It's as if Potter knows a secret about him that could destroy him...
Life outside of Hogwarts isn't much better than what you described. I'm not sure if you know, but Scrimgeour is dead. Pius Thicknesse has replaced him as Minister, which means that You-Know-Who has full control over the Ministry. One of Thicknesse's first orders as Minister was to deem Harry Potter as Undesirable No. 1. Harry Potter is the most wanted criminal in Wizarding Britain right now.
Did you know Potter and his two friends (I can't recall their names at the moment) broke into the Ministry? They used Polyjuice Potion to transform themselves into three Ministry workers and just walked in! No one knows why they broke in, though. However, it is rumored that Potter, in the form of his Ministry worker, walked into a courtroom where Dolores Umbridge (I'm sure you remember her) was interrogating a muggle born witch. There was a commotion and the three friends escaped, but now You-Know-Who knows that Potter is up to something, though I'm not sure even he knows what is going on...
Our father, Yaxley, still has not acknowledged me in any way, which makes me wonder if he even know that I'm his son. I'm debating on whether I should approach him.
Anyway, remember to be careful what you write because all owl mail is being monitored.
I didn't know any of that! I signed up for a subscription to the Daily Prophet earlier this year, but haven't received any additional papers since I started Hogwarts this year.
Scrimgeour is dead?! How did that happen? And Thicknesse is Minister now?! And Harry is Undesirable No. 1?! AND he broke into the Ministry?! They really don't tell us anything here!!
If you hear any more news of Harry, please write me and let me know right away.
Since You-Know-Who is having people look for Harry, are you going to have to leave the area to help? If so, please tell me where you will be so we can keep writing and please stay safe.
I don't suggest approaching father, he is a real prick. He will try to provoke you into fighting him and, trust me, it's hard to resist that urge. Draco had to physically hold me back the first time I met him.
Thank you for the reminder that owl mail is being read. I'd forgotten... That could have ended badly if I would have said the wrong thing.
Draco had an odd conversation with Headmaster Snape the other day that you'll have to remind me to tell you about the next time we see each other. I'd like to pick your brain about it.
Stay safe,
"What are you doing?" I asked Draco, walking into the common room and seeing him sitting on one of the smaller chairs and working on something in his lap. I walked up behind him and started rubbing his shoulders.
"Just doodling," he murmured.
"Mmm," I hummed. "Haven't seen you draw for a while." I placed my chin on his shoulder and watched his hand work the charcoal across the parchment.
"Finished my homework and fancied a way to pass time until you came back," he replied.
"Is that your mum?" I asked, seeing a familiar, smiling face.
"Yeah," he sighed.
"And that's you?" The image version of Narcissa had a little boy propped on her lap, who was grinning widely.
"It is," he answered. "She used to sing me a lullaby before bed where she would set me on her lap and sing about all the stars in the sky and the constellations they made."
"Do you remember how it went?"
"Of course," he responded. "I wouldn't be able to forget it if I died."
"Hmm." I walked around the chair and gently pulled the drawing from his grasp, sitting on his lap. "Will you sing it for me?"
"Oh no," he scoffed. "I can't sing."
"You can, you just choose not to," I corrected. "Come on, it's only me."
"Merlin, no." He scrunched his nose up.
"Fine, then. Just say the words in rhythm." He frowned, but didn't protest.
"If you look up into the sky,
At just the right moment.
When the moon is high,
And the night is slow.
The stars will reveal their secret.
"They dance across the space,
Forming pictures for only you to see.
If you follow their trace,
You might just find them.
"Regulus shines brightest,
In Leo the Lion.
Not conquerable in the slightest,
Yet Hercules bested the beast,
So Zeus placed him in the highest.
"Cygnus the swan,
Glides across the sky.
Near his lyre he is drawn,
Lyra, a gift from Hermes,
Music to make all fawn.
"Gamma Draconis twinkles down,
Above our home,
From Draco's crown.
The great serpent floats,
Where he shall never drown.
"And then it goes on about a few other stars," he said quietly.
"No," I spoke, upset by the end of his chant, "I like it. Keep going."
With a sigh, he continued.
"Sirius, the brightest star up there,
The Dog Star, shines bright in its place,
In Canis Major fare.
The Great Dog guards us,
From threats in the air.
"Behold the magnificent Taurus,
Inside the bull shines Aldebaran.
Heed his legendary auras,
Of power, strength, and love.
"The Female Warrior fights alongside,
The male huntress the goddess favored.
To Orion Bellatrix is tied.
Mind Rigel, who shines brighter,
Among the tide.
"Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Hydra,
Sculptor, Scorpius, Sagitta.
Alpheratz, Schedar, Alphard,
Sculptoris, Antares, Gamma Sge.
"The stars above us,
Tell the stories before our time.
The stars above us,
Show us our life.
"That's the end," he murmured after he finished.
"Merlin," I sighed. "That's beautiful. I just wish you would sing it for me."
"I don't sing," he spoke firmly, placing his hand behind my head at the base of my neck. It was chilly and soft against the warmth of my neck.
"Sure," I smiled, placing my lips against his.
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